Any Nyc Dropouts!?


sup guys to today i had a talk with my mom and i talked to her about getting my GED. i was curious if any guys in nyc that had gotted there ged ever went to college after recieveing there ged !?
It depends on what type of college you'd want to go to. I'm fairly sure that you'd be able to get into a decent CUNY (Queens/Brooklyn) with a GED and a solid SAT. If you want to go to a more respected one like Hunter and Baruch, you'd probably have to transfer after a semester or two. From there you could go to a SUNY if you want the "college" experience.

My advice: Get your HS diploma and go to a college. Getting your GED seems like the easy way out now, but stick with it and just get your diploma. If you plan on applying to a good graduate school after, you'd have to work harder with a GED compared to a diploma.
so i still have to take the sat even with a ged. my mom was really upset when i bought up the ged option. ( big suprise there) she told me that when i go to college with a ged the only courses i can take are remedial class. then i wont be able to take more advance classes!?
im turning 18 soon and because to my situation i was hoping to take my ged and go to college. i want to take a few real estate classes maybe business invest and take a few computer classes dealing with pc repair. or just something that i can make a decent living with!
[quote name='xenoman80']im turning 18 soon and because to my situation i was hoping to take my ged and go to college. i want to take a few real estate classes maybe business invest and take a few computer classes dealing with pc repair. or just something that i can make a decent living with![/QUOTE]

What's your situation like that you are seriously considering dropping out of high school?
when i was 15 i got into in incident where i was accused of something i didnt do. because of that incident i was out of school for about 1 1/2- 2 years of school missed i jus recently started going bac to school and i feel outta place with the whole school thing and i figure why not just go get my ged i can still go to college and ill get a good job and travel like i planned to do after !
You might as well just give up now, because if your command of the english language is of any indication, you're going nowhere in life.
There's nothing wrong with geting a GED.My friend ditch several years of high school.He literally got zero credits and applied for GED last year.He graduated then he took the SATS.I think got above 1200.Now,he attends to Baruch College.

The bottomline is if you want to go to college you got to put a full commitment to it or else it's just a waste of money.
[quote name='xenoman80']when i was 15 i got into in incident where i was accused of something i didnt do. because of that incident i was out of school for about 1 1/2- 2 years of school missed i jus recently started going bac to school and i feel outta place with the whole school thing and i figure why not just go get my ged i can still go to college and ill get a good job and travel like i planned to do after ![/QUOTE]

Oh no, you're out of place!

Well, if the way you've written that run on sentence with poor spelling is any indication of anything (and it typically can be), it means that you have a lot of learnin' to do. You might as well just get a HS Diploma. GEDs are crash courses that teach you bare minimums and require you to take a single and very low-level standardized test. That being said, you won't be given the time to actually hone any skills, and if you just went to a Jr College, you'd probably be overwhelmed with many of the classes that you had not built your skills up to meet.

In the end, suck it up and take it like a man.
While I can't comment on the 'feeling out of place' as a super-senior in High School, I'd reccomend you finish it out. People say that it doesn't matter if you get your HS diploma or a GED, but it still has a negative connotation to it.

Despite rumors though, a solid SAT score can get you into most places fairly easily.

I dicked around in High School (had a solid B- average). But with a 1340 on the SATs, I was accepted to NYIT with full scholarships (they're actually paying me to go here).

And just for the record, NYIT sucks.
Leave the GED as a last resort. Go back to your old HS, kick some ass scholastically, and find a university that works for you. Goodluck.
Can't you type normally? I know this isn't an English class, but writing properly will become more natural as you continue to do it.

"Bump. Anyone else have any info/advice?"

Look at that. It's not any more work, and it won't give anyone a headache trying to read it. And you don't need to end every post with an exclamation point or an exclamation point-question mark combo because we're already reading it, and exclamation points won't help us hear you or read any faster.

Having said that, I knew a lot of people like you in New York, and I still do, since one of them is my closest friends. This guy was brilliant - he could've really been a nuclear physicist if he wanted to, no bullshit - but he was incredibly lazy. A few months before graduation, he said he was gonna go for a GED and then go into real estate since he thought it would be easy to rake in the dough. At the same time, a mutual friend of ours who never went to class and was at very high risk of being left back was really working her ass off making up classes and trying to graduate with the rest of the senior class. She did graduate on time, but my first friend didn't. In fact, he got left back two years in a row and is still going to school there. And I dunno about you, but high school chicks wouldn't cut it for me.

If that wasn't enough for you, lemme tell you this: people who graduate at the top of their classes are having a hard time finding good jobs these days. It's hard to believe, but it's true. And what kinda excuse is "I feel out of place"? I don't think there's anyone in the world who can tell you they didn't feel out of place in high school at least once. You give up now, and you're gonna give up in the future when a lot of other worse shit goes down.

And try not to worry your mom, huh? You think old, crazy cat ladies were born like that?
[quote name='xenoman80']sup guys to today i had a talk with my mom and i talked to her about getting my GED. i was curious if any guys in nyc [highlight]that had gotted there ged[/highlight] ever went to college after recieveing there ged !?[/QUOTE]
With english skills like that, I think a few more years of HS would be helpful.
Just read the whole feeling out of place deal. It's really not that big of a deal. I just turned 17 and I go to college with 19-25 year olds. They kinda look down at you at first but after they get to know you they disregard it...unless your a douche. Also to answer your question about remedial classes, most universities dont do that crap. If you go to a CC you might get stuck in em. ALL colleges have entrance exams as far as I know, even if it's just to help place you in classes. Stick to HS, take the SAT's, apply to where ever.
You're supposed to feel out of place in high school. Very few people actually seem to enjoy going to school. School isn't fun, but it is something that you need in order to grow as a person and be successful in life.

Just tough it out and finish high school.
Seriously, just finish high school. You'll feel much more out of place 5-10 years from now when you have to explain why you couldn't hack high school.
Finish HS, take SATs, keep all options open, then when the time comes, you can decide what is best for you. By not finishing and not taking SATs you would have closed that door.

[quote name='Rich']You might as well just give up now, because if your command of the english language is of any indication, you're going nowhere in life.[/QUOTE]
Dude... By the time you're a senior you'll be able to buy beer. You'll be the most popular guy in school!

Of course... they'll all be jail bait, but then its only illegal if you get caught. 8-[
My friend's son was a very good student but got bored with HS by the end of his jr. year and dropped out of LaGuardia. He could have finished in 6 months if he wanted to but no- couldn't, wouldn't do it. He got his GED right away and promised his mom who was very upset that he would eventually go back to school after taking some time off. To tell you the truth, at the time, I thought he was making a big mistake and that he would never go back but I'm happy to say I was wrong. After several years of knocking about he did continue his education and is now in I think the 3rd year of a 5 year program to get a BS in architecture at Pratt. So having a GED needn't lead to a dead end. That being said, if you can suck it up and finish HS I still think it would be worth the effort. There are things to be learned (I know it might not seem like it), even if they are only how to study, do research, express yourself and write a decent paper, things that will be helpful to you in college and throughout life.

Whatever you decide, best of luck to you!
Man, the people on this board are rough.... But to answer your question, I think it would be much better for you to just finish HS. If you start this "what if..." business to take the easy way out, you're not going anywhere in life. Trust me I see it all the time. Grab life by the horns... or some shit like that. Good luck to you and I hope you make the right decision.
Dude...highschool is a joke. I didn't even really try in highschool and i graduated with a 4.9 gpa and 33 college credits. Im a sophmore at University of Florida now..but I wish I could go back to highschool for another year just to have fun and goof around. You should do something fun, talk to some hot girls, join the football team, whatever you want and make the best of it.
i dont know about NYC but i live in california, i dropped out of high school. i hated high school, a lot. anyway, we have a Certificate of Proficiency out here which you can get instead of a GED. anyway, 5 years later I've graduated college before a lot of people i know that graduated high school. i wouldnt do it unless you plan on following through with college, and finishing.
thats all i do now its just the work and the whole showing up thing and the switching schools

[quote name='afedock']Dude...highschool is a joke. I didn't even really try in highschool and i graduated with a 4.9 gpa and 33 college credits. Im a sophmore at University of Florida now..but I wish I could go back to highschool for another year just to have fun and goof around. You should do something fun, talk to some hot girls, join the football team, whatever you want and make the best of it.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='xenoman80']when i was 15 i got into in incident where i was accused of something i didnt do. because of that incident i was out of school for about 1 1/2- 2 years of school missed i jus recently started going bac to school and i feel outta place with the whole school thing and i figure why not just go get my ged i can still go to college and ill get a good job and travel like i planned to do after ![/QUOTE]

Just try to finish school. I dropped out of high school for a year and never felt comfortable in my new high school after that but you can still make it and get into a good college.
bread's done