Any one playing the LOTR Online have a referral?

Yeah I got a referral...this must be a message from the heavens or something. Me and my friend bought this game and one month in he says nah I dont want to play anymore and I am like what the hell dude.

So yeah we should play together or something.


I will send you a PM with the details.
I'm playing on the Windolfa server and have founder's pricing if anyone wants to play. I do not have a problem with referring others. However I will NOT refer a zero-day poster.
Please let me know what I need to do. I am a long time Wow player and looking for something new.

Thanks in advance for any help :applause:
I'm on Windfola too, but I'm only like level 10. Im digging the Loremaster though. If anyone has a guild opening, let me know.
I'm also interested in checking this game out. Does anybody mind sending me a referral as well?

Just PM me and I'll give you whatever info is needed (eg. bank account and pin#, location of Bin Laden, the meaning of life) :p
I would like to try this game but don't want to buy it and not like it...what way of downloading the client is there? I can't find it on torrent sites.
[quote name='cdietschrun']I would like to try this game but don't want to buy it and not like it...what way of downloading the client is there? I can't find it on torrent sites.[/QUOTE]
Once you get a referral e-mail there is a link to a web page to download the client. PM me your e-mail address if you want to try the game out.
I'd love a referral if anyone wants to give me one, I just want a founders referral cuz im getting the game but i want the discount.
[quote name='Aeen']I'd love a referral if anyone wants to give me one, I just want a founders referral cuz im getting the game but i want the discount.[/QUOTE]
FYI to other CAG members I declined a referral to him because he is a zero-day poster. If he had been here for a long time span and actually made a worth-while contribution I would have gladdly given him a referral. So founder's beware *if* he is a gold farmer you could have your account banned. I am *not* saying that he is but it is not something that I myself am willing to risk my founder's status of. I am only referring those that I know not someone that PMs me that I do not know, so referrer beware!
I have to wonder would you guys still play the game if you didn't get the founders discount? I do have it, but it is definitely worth $15/month! Best money I ever spent!
I've been looking all over for a referral Dijital, I'm not a gold farmer, I'm 13 years old, wanting to get a new MMORPG and want to try this game out, chances are, if I like it, I'll get it. I'm not a gold farmer, I'm a kid who wants to try a game. I've been talking to all my friends and they don't know anyone who plays, so I've gone to looking on forums. I used to read the topics here because they were interesting so I decided to come here. I recently just quit City of Heroes because it got boring, and I've been reading about LOTRO and was wondering what it was like. Hell, I don't even know how to gold farm in the game, never played it. It looks fun though.



I'm not one of those annoying as fuck kids that runs around not knowing what the fuck to do and asking all the time "HOW DO I DO THIS???!?" I've played EQ, EQ2, WoW, CoH, CoV, Planetside, and I think a few more, I'm just looking for the MMORPG that I like the most.
Incase someone wants to
Email : [email protected]
Link :
[quote name='Aeen']I've been looking all over for a referral Dijital, I'm not a gold farmer, I'm 13 years old, wanting to get a new MMORPG and want to try this game out, chances are, if I like it, I'll get it. I'm not a gold farmer, I'm a kid who wants to try a game. I've been talking to all my friends and they don't know anyone who plays, so I've gone to looking on forums. I used to read the topics here because they were interesting so I decided to come here. I recently just quit City of Heroes because it got boring, and I've been reading about LOTRO and was wondering what it was like. Hell, I don't even know how to gold farm in the game, never played it. It looks fun though.



I'm not one of those annoying as fuck kids that runs around not knowing what the fuck to do and asking all the time "HOW DO I DO THIS???!?" I've played EQ, EQ2, WoW, CoH, CoV, Planetside, and I think a few more, I'm just looking for the MMORPG that I like the most.
Incase someone wants to
Email : [email protected]
Link :[/QUOTE]

LOL cause your 13 and just joined you should get a referral dude you suck. You googled for LOTR Referrals this came up. If someone gives this dude one over I swear to god, I will be ok.
Wow... if you could read, you would realize that's not what I said. I was replying to Dijital when he was talking
Originally Posted by Aeen
I'd love a referral if anyone wants to give me one, I just want a founders referral cuz im getting the game but i want the discount.

FYI to other CAG members I declined a referral to him because he is a zero-day poster. If he had been here for a long time span and actually made a worth-while contribution I would have gladdly given him a referral. So founder's beware *if* he is a gold farmer you could have your account banned. I am *not* saying that he is but it is not something that I myself am willing to risk my founder's status of. I am only referring those that I know not someone that PMs me that I do not know, so referrer beware! 08-17-2007 05:01 PM

I'm not saying " Z0/\/\G, I n33d a |23f3rr4l guy5! 0h! 4|\|D I'm 13 50 yu0 5h0uld gi\/3 m3 0ne!"

And no, I didn't just google this, a couple of months ago I would read the posts on the website.

Logg, for your reading problem, this might help for you,

[SIZE=-1] [/SIZE]
[quote name='Logg']Level 6 Hunter

Unearth on Redline's server[/QUOTE]
Elendilmir ;) I've got a lvl 33 hunter, in case anyone wants to group up for some quests. Name is Torfiir.
i dont think anyone is going to give me one i had another account but forgot how to get into it i will just purchase it on ebay for $6
[quote name='Logg']I love this damn game, I want to buy it. I said I would never play another MMO[/QUOTE]
It is a great game, welcome to middle earth. What server do you play on?
If anyone has a buddy key, it would be greatly appreciated. I just got my new video card and I am really wanting to test this game out. I can only offer A WoW trial key (which isn't much, I know).
After trying many games, I have decided to subscribe to LOTRO. I want to make use of the founder's pricing so if anyone has a referral that they would be willing to send me, it would be greatly appreciated. My email is [email protected]. Thank you in advance.
Founders Pricing codes going out to: assassinX, SuperStar, Aeen, Sailsa.

I have 3 more Founders I can hand out. PM me or email me.
This has been on clearance at some Targets near me and I'd love to try it out with a founder's pricing referral. If anyone has one available, let me know.

(Also sent a PM.)
[quote name='Dijital']Don't forget bestbuy has it in-store for 9.99 until tomorrow 11/24.[/QUOTE]

Yep at a very affordable price (of course amazon also has the WoW bundle pack for 19.99 if you are interested in that).

I have picked up a copy and pmed Logain8955 with my situation.

BTW thanks guys.
Founder's Code sent to Seventh.

I have one more to hand out.

Xmunitalp, they changed the Founder's Pricing stuff. Now if you cancel you can reopen and get it back. I know they did that for the Lifetime, and I'm pretty sure you can do it for the monthlys.
So, I have been holding out on playing an MMO but now that I have built a new rig and love LOTR, I went out and purchased the game today. I would really appreciate a code as well if anyone out there still has one.
BTW...I have a Half Life 2 game on steam to gift to someone (maybe we can trade LOTR Code for HL2).
I am also looking for a founder's referral if anyone has one left to give. Please PM me if you can help.

bread's done