Any punkers out there?

I am usually a good judge of age judging by attitude and maturity. I was just wondering since your post about wanting to just blend in be forgotten when you die.

You may get a different opinion in about 3-5 years.
My life really started when I was about 19 because before that I was just some snot-nose punk who thought he knew it all.

Defender are you sure your not 19 ? Because you still sound and act like a snot-nose punk know it all . What right do you have to judge other people you have no clue what someone else has been through or if someone else actually is suicidal. I don't know you personal (thank god) but you seem like a very hypocrital closed minded type of person .

I think when I am about 60 (if I make it) I want to become a heroin addict. What do I have to lose?

Please become one now maybe we won't have to hear you stupid Know it all views on life .
[quote name='defender']I am usually a good judge of age judging by attitude and maturity. I was just wondering since your post about wanting to just blend in be forgotten when you die.

You may get a different opinion in about 3-5 years.[/quote]

i was actually being sarcastic so your powers of judgement must have taken a day off. i dont think life should be lived to make an impact or to blend in. i havent really given either much thought. i just wanna be happy and whatever gets me there, gets me there. like you selling me soul calibur II import for gamecube.
[quote name='punktank45']I'm so punk rock it makes my brain hurt.[/quote]

its funny then that you have hamtaro as your avatar. not saying your lying, but still funny.

and mwl, stfu, no one needs your incessant bitching. for somerason you hate defender, but we all dont need to know about it every time defender posts.
and mwl, stfu, no one needs your incessant bitching. for somerason you hate defender, but we all dont need to know about it every time defender posts.

If he can voice his annoying little bitch of an opinion then I can too.

Dude some one seriously needs to slap defender dick out of your mouth because you sound like his little bitch boy .
oh mwl im touched that your afraid i might choke. seriously i dont care waht you think, but keep that shit to yourself. i still remember you getting all bitch when firebrand insulted your "girlfriend" (use that term loosely) and posted pics from your fave site. you either need to lighten up, and stop being such a bitch, of leave.
i still remember you getting all bitch when firebrand insulted your "girlfriend" (use that term loosely) and posted pics from your fave site. you either need to lighten up, and stop being such a bitch, of leave.

I'm glade you do but I don't remember me geting upset at all .
i dont care waht you think, but keep that shit to yourself

Sorry buddy but this is America and I can say what ever the fuck I want when ever the fuck I want to and you can't say shit about it . If you don't like it then you can leave not me .
face it you hate everyone. to get back on the topic of suicide, do the world a favor and just end your futile existence. youd make a lot of peole happier, meaning that you could actually accomplish something in your life. im through talking to you.
Everyone gets their little feathers ruffled if i say anything that disagrees with what defender says or thinks. Tuff luck that's life people are going to say stuff you don't like learn to deal with it .
I think the bigger reason is that your post was the first to have a negative tone when there wasn't much need for one, thus starting yet another flame war. And everyone loves flame wars.
gotta love the flame wars...

I think MGW dislikes me ever since I said the Morgan Webb looked like she got beaten in the face with a hot dog.

Defender are you sure your not 19 ? Because you still sound and act like a snot-nose punk know it all . What right do you have to judge other people you have no clue what someone else has been through or if someone else actually is suicidal. I don't know you personal (thank god) but you seem like a very hypocrital closed minded type of person .

We are all hypocrates. I admit easily that I am one too. And yeah...I am still a snot-nosed punk know it all. I admit that too. That doesnt make me wrong. I dont take my self as seriously as most people would think. CheapyD can vouch for that...

and really out to kill that image for a signature. CheapyD wants to me install a signature controller and I dont want to have to do it tomorrow. :) Its kinda tall dont you think?

Hey..I ain't trying to hate on anyone. Forum flame wars can be fun but generally they just create too much drama...hell even Scrubking Vs Defender is old news. I won btw.


3:30 AM posting....wooo hooo wooo hooo

MWL if you wonder why I am not participating in a flame war with you its are not of my calibur. Go bait someone who gives a sheet.
Ok..ok, people, I'm sorry I asked. PS was right, "punq sux: thats what you get for looking for compassion on a site full of angry nerds ^^". It's true, I'm an attention whore. I just wanted people to recongnize me. All the other girl gamers on this site are 'respected' members of the community, and obviously this was not the way to go about it (LOL). I just wanted some advice to be assimilated by another group, but I guess that's not the best course to go. I will be crazy, insane self. -_-;
[quote name='sailorchrono']Haha, those aren't 100% painless (however, I am contemplating Cyanid pill. Where can I get those?) The rest aren't fool proof. My mom told me that there was no way that she is paying for my health care, should I fail. So, I have to make sure I do it right. One chance...pretty pathetic aren't I? -_-;[/quote]
Well my old health teacher used to tell us a couple of things. His best qoute

"Drink Gas and Die!"
He also said that you should stick a match down your throat while you do it. Also mentioned, if you are going to shoot yourself, do it down your throat and not a shot to your head. You might survive a shot to the head and just be a vegetable, and you don't want people suffering over you, because you want to kill yourself

Ah yes a man of great inspiration...good old Coach Dodd

Another qoute was him singing his version of the Mickey Mouse Club while we were taking our final

M-I-C See you next year
K-E-Y Why? Cause you're ass is going to fail
I'm curious defender, you said that you can usually judge someone's age by thier attitudes and opinions by how they feel about life?

I'll type back up something I put in this thread before a page of it disappeared into the ether.

Sneaky and chrono were talking about how they wanted to be imporant, to have a legacy.

I answered with this:

Some of the greatest people in history have died in obscurity. I really don't care if I have a legacy or not. All I care is that I leave the world just a little bit better that I found it. If I can make all the people who know me, or all the people I meet's lives just a little bit easier, I'll be happy.

Which age bracket do you think I'd fit into?
[quote name='D4rkewolfe'][quote name='sailorchrono']Haha, those aren't 100% painless (however, I am contemplating Cyanid pill. Where can I get those?) The rest aren't fool proof. My mom told me that there was no way that she is paying for my health care, should I fail. So, I have to make sure I do it right. One chance...pretty pathetic aren't I? -_-;[/quote]
Well my old health teacher used to tell us a couple of things. His best qoute

"Drink Gas and Die!"
He also said that you should stick a match down your throat while you do it. Also mentioned, if you are going to shoot yourself, do it down your throat and not a shot to your head. You might survive a shot to the head and just be a vegetable, and you don't want people suffering over you, because you want to kill yourself

Ah yes a man of great inspiration...good old Coach Dodd

Another qoute was him singing his version of the Mickey Mouse Club while we were taking our final

M-I-C See you next year
K-E-Y Why? Cause you're ass is going to fail

There's always one of those kinds of teachers at a school, isn't there?
Strangely, it always seems like they are the football coach or one of the other coaches. Hmmm.. Strange, isn't it?
lol, it's a conspiracy. There's some sort of training camps for the odd coaches/teachers like these. If I ever become something, I hope it's one of *them*. j/k~
1. everyone's obsession with age. people are dumb at any and every age. when you are young, you're dumb because you think what you like is what defines you. you think that if you like a certain type of music you have to have green spikey hair, sleeve tattoos, big gaping holes in your ears, baggy pants, big gold chains, those silly truck driver hats, or whatever else. if you like rap, you try to model yourself after what others who like rap look like. if you like whatever subgenre of rock you want to name, you try to model yourself in that fashion. when you get older, you grow out of that, but you don't grow out of stupidity. you're never too old to be stupid. it's common to lose the "i'm 16 and i know everything" attitude for the "i'm 30 and i know everything" attitude. good example: i was at the bank the other day, and a guy, roughly 40, at a different teller asks a question. the girl says "let me think" and he replies with "is that why it looks like you're in pain?" my point is that as many people grow older, they become too nice or friendly, to the point where they overstep their boundries of a customer or a stranger. many older people also lose grasp on what is and isn't funny, and assumes that everything that comes out of their mouth is pure comedy, and thinks that anyone who doesn't laugh either doesn't get it or doesn't have a sense of humor. and that, my friends, is just as annoying as some 16 year old swearing really loudly in public because he thinks it makes him cool.

2. asking for the advice of "punkers" is silly. what constitutes punk these days? who knows? i could tell you bands that are punk and aren't punk, and someone would lampoon me for not knowing what i'm talking about. even though i do. nowadays, the term punk is so convoluted that you could argue nearly anything is or isn't it. but, who cars?

3. that morgan webb chick has a very masculine jaw.

if you can only get one thing out of this, let it be this:
[quote name='thatstoobad']you're never too old to be stupid.[/quote]

by no means am I a "respected member of the CAG community" though people do certainly know me around here.
And I'm younger then you, I'm only 14 years old, though I am pretty mature for my age (believe me or not! I don't care what some of your opinions are because it's true!) once you actually get to know me in real life. Suicidal thoughts occur in every teenager's mind. The source is insecurity, low self-confidence and self-esteem, or that you're being emotionally put down, or physically abused. If those are the case, it may be better to run away, or to live with someone who won't upset you, so you can live a happy life instead of ending life. It's so precious, and there must be so many things that you want to do whether you believe it or not. Maybe you have bad family problems. You need to tough it out, because right now I am going through unbelievably difficult family problems and I've decided I want to live with my dad, but my mother would rather put me through HELL then be magnanimous and say, OK, You can live with your father if you want to. She has a few problems which I'd rather not get into, but if you can relate, then that's good. Really, you're determined and judged by how strong and tough you are by the hardest thing you've ever done in your life. If you ran 8 miles, that's a lot more impressive then running 2. If you played a difficult song on an instrument (piano for me) which took you months and months to learn and master, that's more impressive then saying that you play piano. You have to toughen up, because teenagers are at the hardest stages in their life, and if you can make it through this, you can make it through anything. It will only get better, you just need to find a way to get through it so you don't go ending up killing yourself. Suicide is not the answer, though if you really think it is, I suggest you get help at some kind of clinic, and trust me, someone there will definitely care and put your life back on track so that you can be happy.

And just because I'm hyper sometimes and I tend to use "smileys" on the boards doesn't mean you have to talk to me condescendingly like I'm an immature 10 year old girl, because I'm not.
[quote name='MorganWebbLover']
Dude some one seriously needs to slap defender dick out of your mouth because you sound like his little bitch boy .[/quote]

You post thinks like this and then want any of us to really consider you a legitimate intellect. Instead of taking the high road and pointing out the falacies in Defender's argument, you decide to throw out obcenities to get your point across. Obsenity is the hallmark of a weak mind. A person resorting to obsenity to prove a point just conceeded that they don't really know what to answer back, so instead of just conceeding the argument gracefully, they continue, and try to get the other person to quit by bombarding them with obscenity just to try to get them to drop the thread.
Then the spewer of obscenity claims his worthless little hollow victory, blather on about how he "0wn'd" the other person.

Your diatribe was doubly grevious, because you even had to stoop down the incredibily immature level of trying to use homosexuality as an insult.
If your initial obsenity didn't cast huge doubts on your validity, this just made it abuntantly clear that you weren't up to the argument.
Haha, thank you so much for your words of advice. It is too true. *:shrugs:* Are you saying you're one of the enlightened ones who is above all this?
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']sailorchrono...

by no means am I a "respected member of the CAG community" though people do certainly know me around here.
And I'm younger then you, I'm only 14 years old, though I am pretty mature for my age (believe me or not! I don't care what some of your opinions are because it's true!) once you actually get to know me in real life. Suicidal thoughts occur in every teenager's mind. The source is insecurity, low self-confidence and self-esteem, or that you're being emotionally put down, or physically abused. If those are the case, it may be better to run away, or to live with someone who won't upset you, so you can live a happy life instead of ending life. It's so precious, and there must be so many things that you want to do whether you believe it or not. Maybe you have bad family problems. You need to tough it out, because right now I am going through unbelievably difficult family problems and I've decided I want to live with my dad, but my mother would rather put me through HELL then be magnanimous and say, OK, You can live with your father if you want to. She has a few problems which I'd rather not get into, but if you can relate, then that's good. Really, you're determined and judged by how strong and tough you are by the hardest thing you've ever done in your life. If you ran 8 miles, that's a lot more impressive then running 2. If you played a difficult song on an instrument (piano for me) which took you months and months to learn and master, that's more impressive then saying that you play piano. You have to toughen up, because teenagers are at the hardest stages in their life, and if you can make it through this, you can make it through anything. It will only get better, you just need to find a way to get through it so you don't go ending up killing yourself. Suicide is not the answer, though if you really think it is, I suggest you get help at some kind of clinic, and trust me, someone there will definitely care and put your life back on track so that you can be happy.

And just because I'm hyper sometimes and I tend to use "smileys" on the boards doesn't mean you have to talk to me condescendingly like I'm an immature 10 year old girl, because I'm not.[/quote]

Good show, deadzone. It looks like you actually are more mature than people on the board have been giving you credit for. That's quite a level headed and healthy view on the subject, and actually shows that you are drawing on wisdom from beyond your years from somewhere.
I'm not saying I'm over or above my mother's obvious refusal to let me live with the better person (based on mine and my father's judgement, and anyone's as plainly as they can see), but I'm getting through it. I'm not about to go kill myself. I know that I'll live with him in the end, and everything will be alright again, and hopefully I will live a much happier life without my mother. You need to try to deal with whatever is happening in your life, slowly and gradually to take it all in. Or, you need to at least try to do that if you want to live happily because Suicide isn't the answer. Don't throw your life away because you're not happy how your life is going right now.
Take care,
Thanks, Jsweeney. I'm glad that someone has recognized my maturity on the boards around here, and I appreciate it, whether it shows or not.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']Thanks, Jsweeney. I'm glad that someone has recognized my maturity on the boards around here, and I appreciate it, whether it shows or not.[/quote]

I think your "coke fueled" (coke as in the drink...) hyper diatribes laced with smileys doesn't help establish that very often. Of course, I guess a serious thread gives you a more suitable place to display acts of maturity.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='D4rkewolfe'][quote name='sailorchrono']Haha, those aren't 100% painless (however, I am contemplating Cyanid pill. Where can I get those?) The rest aren't fool proof. My mom told me that there was no way that she is paying for my health care, should I fail. So, I have to make sure I do it right. One chance...pretty pathetic aren't I? -_-;[/quote]
Well my old health teacher used to tell us a couple of things. His best qoute

"Drink Gas and Die!"
He also said that you should stick a match down your throat while you do it. Also mentioned, if you are going to shoot yourself, do it down your throat and not a shot to your head. You might survive a shot to the head and just be a vegetable, and you don't want people suffering over you, because you want to kill yourself

Ah yes a man of great inspiration...good old Coach Dodd

Another qoute was him singing his version of the Mickey Mouse Club while we were taking our final

M-I-C See you next year
K-E-Y Why? Cause you're ass is going to fail

There's always one of those kinds of teachers at a school, isn't there?
Strangely, it always seems like they are the football coach or one of the other coaches. Hmmm.. Strange, isn't it?[/quote]To be honest he was a former Marine. Everytime a helicopter would fly past us he would just have to sit down and look all dazed. It was kind of freaky. He actually liked me, he would send me on missions:

Coach Dodd:"I need a new stapler, this one is crap. You have to go recon a stapler"

Me:"Yes, sir"

*goes around the school w/o a hall pass. Walks in the office*

Me: "I need a stapler"

Person behind counter: "Ok"


Also he would make us write a 250 words essay to go to the bathroom. You could go first, but you'd owe it to him. It could be on anything. The test didn't matter, the points didn't. No one ever got higher than a C. Except me, my mission was succesful enough to get a B. :lol:
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']Thanks, Jsweeney. I'm glad that someone has recognized my maturity on the boards around here, and I appreciate it, whether it shows or not.[/quote]

I think your "coke fueled" (coke as in the drink...) hyper diatribes laced with smileys doesn't help establish that very often. Of course, I guess a serious thread gives you a more suitable place to display acts of maturity.[/quote]

Lol, you're absolutely right. My dad has completely determined that my incessant Coke drinking, especially at night, has disturbed me in such a way that I'm unable to control my emotions and become agitated, argumentative, and irritated when I drink too much of the sugary stuff. Though surprisingly last night I could completely control myself and was calm, and an hour later I crashed on my bed, not to be disturbed during the entire night, to prove my argument that I've told him countless, endless times that Coke does not affect me or how I sleep entirely. The first thing he does it blame it all on the Coca-Cola, which is partially why he stopped buying it. He was impressed with the amount of "restraint" I had shown last night though, so he allowed me to get a 2-Liter bottle of it (there was no restraining of myself at all, I was simply tired, though he doesn't believe me).
I'm telling you, they must have put crack back in the Coke - I'm addicted.
I go through mood swings or "phases" - I can be completely silly and hyper at one point, and be very mature and serious at another point, it's just normal for me.
Most of the time, my personality is based on the environment I'm in.
[quote name='D4rkewolfe'][quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='D4rkewolfe'][quote name='sailorchrono']Haha, those aren't 100% painless (however, I am contemplating Cyanid pill. Where can I get those?) The rest aren't fool proof. My mom told me that there was no way that she is paying for my health care, should I fail. So, I have to make sure I do it right. One chance...pretty pathetic aren't I? -_-;[/quote]
Well my old health teacher used to tell us a couple of things. His best qoute

"Drink Gas and Die!"
He also said that you should stick a match down your throat while you do it. Also mentioned, if you are going to shoot yourself, do it down your throat and not a shot to your head. You might survive a shot to the head and just be a vegetable, and you don't want people suffering over you, because you want to kill yourself

Ah yes a man of great inspiration...good old Coach Dodd

Another qoute was him singing his version of the Mickey Mouse Club while we were taking our final

M-I-C See you next year
K-E-Y Why? Cause you're ass is going to fail

There's always one of those kinds of teachers at a school, isn't there?
Strangely, it always seems like they are the football coach or one of the other coaches. Hmmm.. Strange, isn't it?[/quote]To be honest he was a former Marine. Everytime a helicopter would fly past us he would just have to sit down and look all dazed. It was kind of freaky. He actually liked me, he would send me on missions:

Coach Dodd:"I need a new stapler, this one is crap. You have to go recon a stapler"

Me:"Yes, sir"

*goes around the school w/o a hall pass. Walks in the office*

Me: "I need a stapler"

Person behind counter: "Ok"


Also he would make us write a 250 words essay to go to the bathroom. You could go first, but you'd owe it to him. It could be on anything. The test didn't matter, the points didn't. No one ever got higher than a C. Except me, my mission was succesful enough to get a B. :lol:[/quote]

You know, I've actually pissed off one teacher by going over thier heads when they did things like that. I'd keep all my papers and tally the grade and even leave around a 7% error for "teacher tampering". I added up my grade, and ended up with a low A based on points, yet the teacher had marked me at a C. I took all of this first to my guidance counsellor, who then told me to take it to the principal. Needless to say, my grade was amended. I'm sorry, but no "football coach" as teacher who gives obvious perks to the football players was going to cost me my full-ride scholarship to the University the next year.

Needless to say, none of my other brothers and sisters had that teacher ever again.
I swear. I must have has some of the worst teachers every while growing up. My kindergarden teacher had told me and my parents that I would never accomplish anything in life and was destined for failure because I couldn't finish my milk fast enough during snack.
[quote name='JSweeney']I swear. I must have has some of the worst teachers every while growing up. My kindergarden teacher had told me and my parents that I would never accomplish anything in life and was destined for failure because I couldn't finish my milk fast enough during snack.[/quote]

One time my black first or second grade teacher called me an SOB, among other things. When my parents talked to her about it she said I was a lier.

The same teacher also smacked the crap out of this black kid who always misbehaved in class.
[quote name='sailorchrono']Ok..ok, people, I'm sorry I asked. PS was right, "punq sux: thats what you get for looking for compassion on a site full of angry nerds ^^". It's true, I'm an attention whore. I just wanted people to recongnize me. All the other girl gamers on this site are 'respected' members of the community, and obviously this was not the way to go about it (LOL). I just wanted some advice to be assimilated by another group, but I guess that's not the best course to go. I will be crazy, insane self. -_-;[/quote]
Don't be sorry. You have every right to ask for advice. Just be prepared for receive some negative comments. But there will be people that want to help, as you saw here. It looks as though you've benefited from this thread, which is the way it should be.

[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'](piano for me)[/quote]
Try some Final Fantasy piano music. They're the most fun I've ever had with piano. Feel free to PM me for sheet music. That goes for anyone else out there that plays piano too. I'm currently playing the main theme of Final Fantasy 7.
if you think soda is crack wait till you try COFFEE!!!

Gonna get some now as a matter of fact..extra strong too...

at night try to drink non-caffeine soda...and for the love of god drink diet soda... regular soda is LOADED with sugars

Jsweeney: I have always liked your attitude in these forums but now I really gotta give you some props. My guess at your age is 26. Its just a guess though. I cant tell very well at this point. If you dont want to publicly state your age then just PM me.

As for x0thedeadzone0x...nice showing of maturity as well. Keep it up.

As for thatstoobad: Yeah..I know I am a grumpy old man. But I aint rude. As a matter of fact I usually point out other peoples rudeness. In NYC thats a full time job.
[quote name='"Battousai1002"'][quote name='sailorchrono']Ok..ok, people, I'm sorry I asked. PS was right, "punq sux: thats what you get for looking for compassion on a site full of angry nerds ^^". It's true, I'm an attention whore. I just wanted people to recongnize me. All the other girl gamers on this site are 'respected' members of the community, and obviously this was not the way to go about it (LOL). I just wanted some advice to be assimilated by another group, but I guess that's not the best course to go. I will be crazy, insane self. -_-;[/quote]
Don't be sorry. You have every right to ask for advice. Just be prepared for receive some negative comments. But there will be people that want to help, as you saw here. It looks as though you've benefited from this thread, which is the way it should be.

Heh, Battousai, you're truly one of the compassionate ones. You're right, the negtative heavily outweighs the positive though. I just thought that because this was a 'cheap ass life style & off topic thread", I could find out more about other people. Guess I'm wrong though, and everyone seems to be a bitter...well ________Fill blank in here. I swear, I have no idea what twisted everyone so, but I sure as hell hope that when I get to everyone's age, I will not be a twisted and bitter as them...
if you think soda is crack wait till you try COFFEE!!!
I've toned down, but I used to drink Amp chased by a Jolt which was chased by a diet Moutain Dew. Then, as a pick me up after lecture, I'd get a double espresso.

Jsweeney: I have always liked your attitude in these forums but now I really gotta give you some props. My guess at your age is 26. Its just a guess though. I cant tell very well at this point. If you dont want to publicly state your age then just PM me.

It's actually quite a good only overshot by about a year.

As for x0thedeadzone0x...nice showing of maturity as well. Keep it up.
No kidding. I doubt she'd get any hassle at all if most of her posts were like that.

As for thatstoobad: Yeah..I know I am a grumpy old man. But I aint rude. As a matter of fact I usually point out other peoples rudeness. In NYC thats a full time job.


I had to say it.
[quote name='"sailorchrono"'][quote name='Battousai1002'][quote name='sailorchrono']Ok..ok, people, I'm sorry I asked. PS was right, "punq sux: thats what you get for looking for compassion on a site full of angry nerds ^^". It's true, I'm an attention whore. I just wanted people to recongnize me. All the other girl gamers on this site are 'respected' members of the community, and obviously this was not the way to go about it (LOL). I just wanted some advice to be assimilated by another group, but I guess that's not the best course to go. I will be crazy, insane self. -_-;[/quote]
Don't be sorry. You have every right to ask for advice. Just be prepared for receive some negative comments. But there will be people that want to help, as you saw here. It looks as though you've benefited from this thread, which is the way it should be.

Heh, Battousai, you're truly one of the compassionate ones. You're right, the negtative heavily outweighs the positive though. I just thought that because this was a 'cheap ass life style & off topic thread", I could find out more about other people. Guess I'm wrong though, and everyone seems to be a bitter...well ________Fill blank in here. I swear, I have no idea what twisted everyone so, but I sure as hell hope that when I get to everyone's age, I will not be a twisted and bitter as them...[/quote]

You casually mention suicide and joke about it, and you think everyone is
just going to say "Oh, thats just a kid acting out". One of my best friends in high school had thier father commit suicide because he thought he was a failure. Do you have any idea what that does to the kids and the guy's wife? Kids like to dabble with thier romanitic little notions of killing themselves. I've seen what suicide does to your loved ones. Am I bitter when some starry eyed little kid gets moody and starts throwing around the idea like a toy? Yes. I've had my heart ripped out by just the empathy I feel for my friend... I can't even begin to imagine how it must impact her. I mean think of the implications that leaves on his family.

If you're serious about it, go get help. If your just being a stupid little attention whore and using it to get attention for yourself, do it elsewhere. Yes, some of us are bitter, but there are usually reasons for that.
[quote name='defender']As for thatstoobad: Yeah..I know I am a grumpy old man. But I aint rude. As a matter of fact I usually point out other peoples rudeness. In NYC thats a full time job.[/quote]

what i said was far more generalized, not a specific response to anything you said. the only reason i focused on older people being annoying (and we're talking 40s and 50s, older than that they seem ok) is because i figured younger people being annoying went without saying. young and old, black or white, male or female, you can all be annoying.

how's that for equality.
defender - I don't think you're a very grumpy old man. And trust you me, i've had coffee. In fact, I've been drinking it ever since I was 9. I'm addicted to Caffeine. it's like CRACK, really. That's all I can say.
Jsweeney- If all my posts were serious, how much fun would that be? I would just be some serious, mature person. I'd be boring and grumpy.
bread's done