Any regrets with your VC purchases?


112 (100%)
This is what I've bought so far...

Legend of Zelda
Kid Icarus

Sim City
Super Mario World

Altered Beast

I'm beginning to think that the memory of Altered Beast is better than the game itself. Although I was getting pissed at Kid Icarus for a while until I got the hang of it again. Buying Zelda for the 4th time believe it or not was a great purchase. Well worth the 3.75 I paid for it (GGC).
I purchased the arcade Mario Bros by accident, when I wanted Super Mario Bros. That I regret.

I never liked Altered Beast. The controls in that game are awful, and it only takes about 10 minutes to beat.
I've only bought Kirby. Haven't played it too much, but I don't regret it. I'd buy more but I'm enjoying Red Steel and Wii Sports too much.
I bought R-Type forgetting that the first one was just OK and that the series got really good for R-Type 3. Same for Bonk.

Otherwise I dont regret the price I paid for any of the games.
[quote name='foltzie']I bought R-Type forgetting that the first one was just OK and that the series got really good for R-Type 3. Same for Bonk.

Otherwise I dont regret the price I paid for any of the games.[/QUOTE]

How is Bonk? Looks like it has potential and I never put my hands on a TG16.

I do have 3100 points burning a hole in my Wii...
Absolutely not, but I'm being somewhat judicious about my purchases. For example, I won't get Mario Kart 64 on the basis that I have the DS version around, and I know there's going to be a Wii version down the line.

Still need to pick up Gunstar Heroes, Zelda:OoT, and Contra III, but I find myself waiting for one more week.
Nope. I've got the original Zelda, LTTP, Mario, Super Mario World, and Gunstar Heroes. I play each game via emulator/rom before I buy it on the VC, that way I know if it's any good.

For those interested, I use "ConsoleClassix". Google search it. Free program, it's almost like "renting" a game. You just double click the one you want and it loads, and it doesn't save the game at all. I'm not sure if it's illegal or not because you're just playing the rom, not retaining it. But anyway, I give each game i'm not sure about a run through CC before I buy it on the VC.
I have Altered Beast on some sort of collection/compilation, and when a friend and I sat down to play it we ended up beating it in 15 minutes or so.

Needless to say I didn't purchase it for the VC, but if I had I would have regretted it, big time.
My bf's first VC purchase was Altered Beast. I'm not sure if he regrets getting it, but I sure regret letting him get it.

I got Elevator Action yesterday. It's about as retarded as I remembered it, but I'm not sure if I regret my purchase... yet.
I regret buying Contra III before buying a classic controller. Playing that with the GC controller will turn you emo or something.
I haven't bought anything yet because I'm hoping that Nintendo releases a wireless classic controller (that doesn't need to be attached to anything). No regrets here yet, though I'm looking forward to Super Mario World.....

I would buy X-Men, X-Men 2: Clone Wars for the Genesis in a heart beat if/when they ever get released.
I kind of regret both R-Type and Gunstar Heroes, although my main gripe with R-Type was the controls using the Wiimote - I'm doing much better with the Classic Controller. Gunstar is just not my type of game, but I can't put my finger on why. I really wish I would have used those 800 points for Super Castlevania IV or Super Ghouls and Ghosts.

The other VC games I have purchased are Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country. SMW is still amazing and DKC has been great because my wife and I have been playing it together at night.
I regret Super Castlevania IV. Not that it's not the game everyone knows and loves, just that it's not for me. It just doesn't feel right, and the hit detection can be frustrating. The only thing I genuinely like about the game now is the music--playing the VC release kind of ruined the memories I had of the game. I bought it waiting for SMW, and now I wish I'd just have waited a little longer.
[quote name='dothog']I regret Super Castlevania IV. Not that it's not the game everyone knows and loves, just that it's not for me. It just doesn't feel right, and the hit detection can be frustrating. The only thing I genuinely like about the game now is the music--playing the VC release kind of ruined the memories I had of the game. I bought it waiting for SMW, and now I wish I'd just have waited a little longer.[/QUOTE]

Interesting. This is one of the games I have on my "maybe" list. Along with Contra III.
[quote name='ZForce915']How is Bonk? Looks like it has potential and I never put my hands on a TG16.

I do have 3100 points burning a hole in my Wii...[/QUOTE]

Bonk is fine, its just that he moves slowly and it makes the game kind of annoying. I know its not a problem in future games the same way that R-Type is faster and smoother in future games. If a sequel to Bonk is out, consider getting that first, but ulitimately its just an average VC purchase.
I haven't bought a single game yet. I just can't bring myself to do it when I've played most these games before or bought most these games before. I've probably got every screen in the original Zelda completely memorized but I can't bring myself to spend $5 on it when I have it for my NES and on my PSP. It's funny though because if the Wii had an "achievements" system and they updated the VC games a little to incorporate them or maybe fit a 16:9 screen properly then I'd probably be buying them like crazy. The fact that they offer NOTHING new is a big issue for me.
I've bought the following:

Super Mario Bros.
Gunstar Heroes
Super Mario World

The only one I really regreat is Gunstar Heroes because I forgot that I don't like shoot-em-ups very much. I wish I would have spent those points on something else.
how do you guys go about buying VC games? do you buy games that you own or have previously owned? so far my plan is to only buy games that i do not have on their original systems and such...

for example i love zelda LTTP but i own it on gba so i dont plan on buying that game on the VC any time soon
I regret purchasing a 2000 point Wii card so early, as I have yet to download anything. Don't get me wrong, I want to. It's burning a hole in my pocket. But I already have most of the titles released, and the ones I don't I cant justify the cost just yet.

The same thing can be said for my 3200 XBOX Points too.
[quote name='foltzie']I bought R-Type forgetting that the first one was just OK and that the series got really good for R-Type 3. Same for Bonk.

Otherwise I dont regret the price I paid for any of the games.[/QUOTE]

Interesting - I feel exactly the opposite. I am glad I bought the original R-Type, but I think R-Type 3 is the worst of the series. That's one I would return or sell off if I could.

[quote name='munch']The only one I really regreat is Gunstar Heroes because I forgot that I don't like shoot-em-ups very much. I wish I would have spent those points on something else.[/quote]

I'm relieved to read this and other denunciations of Gunstar Heroes -- and of shoot'em ups in general. Gunstar Heroes is one game I bought because of the raves online -- all the others I bought because I had enjoyed playing them in the past. The chaos of Gunstar Heroes doesn't appeal to me one bit. It's like an overcaffeinated child -- with an endless arsenal. No thanks.

I might be the only person who bought Wario's Woods and enjoyed it, but I've logged hours on that game. (My only regret is that Nintendo inexplicably released the NES version and not the SNES one, 'cause it is pretty uggo.) I can't wait for some more good puzzle games to hit the VC or the Wii.
I only picked up VC games the first few weeks after the Wii launched. The only thing I regret is spending 800 points on Sim City and 600 on Bonk. Bonk because after two play sessions the game wore extremly thin and SC because I would have much rather used the 800 on LoZATTP (even though I own it on GBA), CV4, Super Mario World, or DKC. That's not to say SC is a bad game, I like it, played it for hours on end when I was a kid, but there's a huge difference between liked and LOVED.
I bought the following:

Super Mario Bros
The Legend of Zelda
Kid Icarus
Kirby's Adventure

Bonk's Adventure
Bomberman '93

Gunstar Heroes

Super Nintendo
Super Castlevania IV
Donkey Kong Country

Nintendo 64
Super Mario 64

The only two games I regret buying are Bomberman and SM64. I got Bomberman to try and force myself into liking the series, but it backfired ad I was out 600 points, and while I love SM64, I can honestly say that I'm not willing to invest the time into getting all 120 Stars again right now.
WrestleCrap'sRD;2726651]Interesting - I feel exactly the opposite. I am glad I bought the original R-Type said:
Off-Topic, but I love the Avatar RD. Your book was a fun read too. Any future shows?
[quote name='javeryh'] The fact that they offer NOTHING new is a big issue for me.[/QUOTE]


All the Wii VC games are updated to play in 480p, and the N64 games are cleaned up as well.

Playing LttP in 480p on an HDTV sure beats playing it on the SNES through composite on a regular tv.

Sure, it's not achievements, but to say these have no updates at all is ignorant.
Kerby is not near as fun as it was 15 years ago on gameboy.

Mario Kart 64 is so so, not worth 10 bucks.

I want my $15 back.
I bought Alien Crush (TG-16) just to have something when I got my Wii...that was kind of stupid.

Since then I have bought Kid Icarus (NES) and that was a good purchase...but I am so bad at platformers! It pwns me every time. :cry:
the only game i regret getting is Bonk. it was a game i always wanted to play as a kid. i picked it up and its just not fun at all, its very slow and tedious. playing super mario world really highlights how poor bonk really is.
I've gotten DKC, Ristar, Kid Icarus, and Soldier Blade (I think that's the one...)

The only one I kinda regret is kid icarus. I want to get LttP, OoT, and SMW (yay for initials!), but I keep waiting to see if something else comes out and I doubt I'll spend the time to beat OoT or Lttp, but might pick them up for after work during the summer and what-not.
Kirby's Adventure
Kid Icarus

Soldier Blade
Gunstar Heroes
Streets of Rage

Super Nintendo
Sim City
Contra III The Alien Wars
Super Castlevania IV

I like all the games I bought. Streets of Rage is probably the worst of the bunch, but I like them all.
I semi-regret both of mine.

Gunstar Heroes was fun to play through a couple of times and that was it and the orignal SMB just doesn't hold up well.

Would have been better off checking out some games I never played like Ristar or getting some more substantive favorites like Link to the Past or Super Mario World.

But I'm really not itching to buy any more as I have plenty of new stuff and the VC games cost about twice what I'm really willing to pay for stuff I can emulate for free.

I mainly bought a couple just to test out the VC and dust off the Wii after finishing Zelda.
I have

bomber man
super star solider
toe jam & earl
streets of rage
contra III
Zelda 64
Mario Kart 64
Super Mario 64

none of which I regret buying
I've bought

Mario 64
Sim City
Super Mario Bros
Legend of Zelda
Solomon's Key

Only one I regret is Solomon's key, it just isn't fun. i was hard up right after release for a vc purchase and chose horribly wrong.

[quote name='LunaticPuma']I would buy X-Men, X-Men 2: Clone Wars for the Genesis in a heart beat if/when they ever get released.[/quote]

You have no idea how much i agree with you on this. Aside from Blast Corps its one of my most wanted.
Solomon's Key, but only because it isn't as good as the GB version. I downloaded thinking it was at least the same or superior to the GB version.
I have:

Super Castlevania IV
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario World
Super Mario 64
Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
Mario Kart 64
Contra III
Gunstar Heroes

The only purchase I regret is Gunstar Heroes without a doubt. I couldn't get into that game, too chaotic as others have mentioned, that's what I get for buying games I had never heard of before.
I have Bomberman, A link to the past, Gunstar Heroes, and Ocarina of Time.

I really do regret buying Gunstar Heroes, it's too hard.
Well my BF bought Golden Axe (LOL) so I don't mind that being on my channels and I didn't pay for it..but from what I paid for (OR used points from a free card from gaming lagoon, or a card from a gift) I'd say I'm regretting:
Toejam & Earl
Dungeon Explorer

..I think that's it. I have quite a bit of games for the VC, but after a few "meh" purchases and some regrets I'm being more of a CAG about the VC compared to the XBLA. At least the XBLA has the option to DL that prevents some regrets.

I got 2700 points in my Wii account with 2000 more on the way (Thank you Gaming Lagoon!)

So, I'm not trying to waste any points.. because with $47 (all free! THANK YOU GAMING LAGOON!!) eventuaylly sitting in my account..I'm gonna try and make it last as long as possible..trying to save for whenever one of them REALLY must have games.

Did i mention THANK YOU GAMING LAGOON ?! lol
[quote name='foltzie']Off-Topic, but I love the Avatar RD. Your book was a fun read too. Any future shows?[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I've actually written two books, with a third on the way this fall. As for shows, I no longer do any shows as "talent" (not that I ever had any to begin with!), but we do a weekly podcast called WrestleCrap Radio you might be interested in...:cool:

Oh yeah, I regret Golden Axe the most because it wasn't as great as I thought. Either that or (more likely) the one I like was its sequels. Oh well, friend paid for half of it so it wasn't that bad.
bread's done