Any tips on how to get rid of that smoking smell?


76 (100%)
Got a uncommon game from a smoker, so it has this really bad smell. Any advice on how to get rid of it or at least make it smell better?
try keeping a fan on it for a few days.

putting scented stuff on it will just make it smell like the scent mixed with cigarettes.
[quote name='Apossum']try keeping a fan on it for a few days.

putting scented stuff on it will just make it smell like the scent mixed with cigarettes.[/QUOTE]

leaving it out somewhere to air it is a good option maybe a garage or storage room if the smell is bothersome.
[quote name='Apossum']try keeping a fan on it for a few days.

putting scented stuff on it will just make it smell like the scent mixed with cigarettes.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this...

Definitely put it in an cool (cool, not COLD) shade area inside the house and have a fan blowing on it. Make sure there's circulation in the room so that it keeps getting fresh air. A large, open area like a living room would be good.

Cigarette smoke is one of the toughest things to get rid of. That's why you see many sellers list 'smoke free home' and the like.
I got a game like that once, I left it by the window for a few days and changed the page it was open to every day to get a thorough air out of it. It still lightly smells of smoke even though it aired out pretty well.

I just wish that all the smokers would just hurry up and die so we can ban it altogether. Its a horrid habit.
You'll defintely want to leave it out for a few days (at least) to air out. You might also spray a good amount of Lemon Furniture Polish on a rag and wipe the pages down once a day.

(Seriously, I cannot stress the many wonderful uses of Lemon furniture polish... it takes off stickers, shines up scuffed cases, and helped pull the smoker smell of my used Guitar hero+guitar set. I even got cat-piss smell out of a magazine with it. Good stuff.)
I just wish that all the smokers would just hurry up and die so we can ban it altogether.

STFU. What an ignorant thing to say. That’s like me saying I wish you would hurry up and die because you play video games. I hate it when non smokers sit on their high fucking horses and scream at those of us that do, like you don’t do something that others find gross/rude/uncivilized/ect. Next time, think before you type something and we will all be a little smarter for it.....
[quote name='DuelLadyS']
(Seriously, I cannot stress the many wonderful uses of Lemon furniture polish... it takes off stickers, shines up scuffed cases, and helped pull the smoker smell of my used Guitar hero+guitar set. I even got cat-piss smell out of a magazine with it. Good stuff.)[/QUOTE]

Does it really shine up scuffs? I have tons of scuffed up cases that I might try it on. But I'm guessing it leaves the case feeling a bit oily, though? It is an oil based solution...

[quote name='MrX']STFU. What an ignorant thing to say. That’s like me saying I wish you would hurry up and die because you play video games. I hate it when non smokers sit on their high fucking horses and scream at those of us that do, like you don’t do something that others find gross/rude/uncivilized/ect. Next time, think before you type something and we will all be a little smarter for it.....

[quote name='MrX']STFU. What an ignorant thing to say. That’s like me saying I wish you would hurry up and die because you play video games. I hate it when non smokers sit on their high fucking horses and scream at those of us that do, like you don’t do something that others find gross/rude/uncivilized/ect. Next time, think before you type something and we will all be a little smarter for it.....

:applause: :applause: :applause:
I hate smoking, I hate the smell, I hate the habit; however, I don't hate the people BECAUSE they smoke.

However, I wish they'd stop.
My father died December of two years ago and I received his leather jacket. He must have chain smoked cigars and cigarettes to get a smell of smoke such as it was, and it took a long time to get it out. Apossum is correct: if you put stuff on it, the cigarette smell stays, mixed in with whatever you put in it, sometimes making it worse. Air it out, and either way, eventually the smell will come out, even if it takes many months.
the mixed smell is very ex was a heavy smoker and when she put on perfume or something, I could just puke.

and taxi cabs are the worst, tree freshners mixed with smoke is just awful. Some people put febreeze on their clothes to cover the smell...that's about as bad as the taxi cab smell.

btw, I'm a smoker (about 1 or 2 a day) and I hate the smell as well :D I air out my apt after every smoke.
[quote name='MrX']STFU. What an ignorant thing to say. That’s like me saying I wish you would hurry up and die because you play video games. I hate it when non smokers sit on their high fucking horses and scream at those of us that do, like you don’t do something that others find gross/rude/uncivilized/ect. Next time, think before you type something and we will all be a little smarter for it.....

Generic smokers response #23.

I would try wiping the cart with Febreeze. And then try airing it out. It wont be easy though.
I just wish that all the smokers would just hurry up and die so we can ban it altogether. Its a horrid habit.[/QUOTE]

Well thats just nice...and all we smokers hope you get hit by a bus and tasTe your own blood as you die.....

I smoke, but smoke OUTSIDE my house, (not usual, but a personal choice I came to with the fiance) but hey, If your getting a good deal on an uncommon item....just deal with it.
[quote name='Moses144']My father died December of two years ago and I received his leather jacket. He must have chain smoked cigars and cigarettes to get a smell of smoke such as it was, and it took a long time to get it out. Apossum is correct: if you put stuff on it, the cigarette smell stays, mixed in with whatever you put in it, sometimes making it worse. Air it out, and either way, eventually the smell will come out, even if it takes many months.[/quote]

So you washed the smell of your dead father out of his jacket? lol.

You'll regret that.
[quote name='musha666']Generic smokers response #23.

I would try wiping the cart with Febreeze. And then try airing it out. It wont be easy though.[/QUOTE]

Febreeze will just make it smell worse!
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']I got a game like that once, I left it by the window for a few days and changed the page it was open to every day to get a thorough air out of it. It still lightly smells of smoke even though it aired out pretty well.

I just wish that all the smokers would just hurry up and die so we can ban it altogether. Its a horrid habit.[/quote]

I think we should ban all chocolate, fast food, and just about anything that more fattening than 10 fat grams per pound.

I'm tired of looking at fat people. Smoking I can deal with.
[quote name='MrX']STFU. What an ignorant thing to say. That’s like me saying I wish you would hurry up and die because you play video games. I hate it when non smokers sit on their high fucking horses and scream at those of us that do, like you don’t do something that others find gross/rude/uncivilized/ect. Next time, think before you type something and we will all be a little smarter for it.....

the problem with people like you aka people who enjoy killing themselves isn't that you smoke, its that you are rude about smoke around non-smokers, you sell used items after they have been infected with your smoke and you reek (your clothes, etc) when you come around a non-smoker after smoking)

if you just smoked outside away from everyone and then took a shower immediately afterwards and didn't touch anything that you might sell eventually, then us smart people aka people who like staying alive wouldnt have a problem with you

until you do this...stfu
[quote name='tholly']the problem with people like you aka people who enjoy killing themselves isn't that you smoke, its that you are rude about smoke around non-smokers, you sell used items after they have been infected with your smoke and you reek (your clothes, etc) when you come around a non-smoker after smoking)

^This is more what I was trying to convey.

Ya I guess my coment came off as a bit insensitive. I could care less what you do to yourself in your own private room. It' s when you pollute my air and clothes with smoke and leave your cigarette butts on the ground that I find incredibly rude and selfish.
There are a lot of nasty habits going around in the world, but none so intrusive as smoking. You could be down the block and I would still be blessed with the stench that travels.
I didn't actually mean I wanted you to all drop dead, I was just hoping that the people who love it so much and dont want to give it up would hurry up and dwindle(by either giving it up or passing on in old age ,etc) to a small enough margin that the tobacco industry wouldnt have so much pull and we would be able to ban it outright.
You can't argue that smoking doesnt kill and second hand smoke is horrid to a non smoker. Case in point - this thread.

Back on topic, I was just thinking about smells and wondering if charcoal or baking soda ( like the kind you put in your fridge) would help at all. Maybe put it in a small closed environ wth one of thos baking soda things and leave it for a few days. Its not like the smell could get worse.
[quote name='tholly']the problem with people like you aka people who enjoy killing themselves isn't that you smoke, its that you are rude about smoke around non-smokers, you sell used items after they have been infected with your smoke and you reek (your clothes, etc) when you come around a non-smoker after smoking)

if you just smoked outside away from everyone and then took a shower immediately afterwards and didn't touch anything that you might sell eventually, then us smart people aka people who like staying alive wouldnt have a problem with you

until you do this...stfu[/quote]

Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about it. Unlike clothes (which can be washed, dried, and rewashed to your liking), you can't really get the smell out of paper without ruining the paper. Your best bet is to air it out for a long time wherever there's a constant breeze (in front of a fan, by a breezy window, etc.). I bought a rare strategy guide that has the smoke smell in it and I aired it out for months. While the smell is much more faint, it is STILL there and bugs me everytime I open the guide.

As for the smoking controversy, sure I'd like to see it banned, but I'm not going to tell everyone that does it to hurry up and die. Yeah I don't like it and I'll be blunt about it (my step daughter isn't allowed to even smoke in our back yard... she has to go out PAST the driveway in order to smoke or I take her pack of cigarette's and drown em in water before tossing them out in front of her). Nonetheless, everyone has their own bad habits and some are worse than others. In the end everyone makes choices and they have to live with those choices.
The biggest thing that bugs me about smoking in general though, is the fact that smokers will contract Lung Cancer or Emphysema or some such problem and then expect care and pity from the rest of the world because now their life is horrible. I say... tough shit. You make a decision, you live with the consequences. Personally... I eat shitloads of sugar and soda, don't floss and don't brush my teeth twice a day (mornings only), so now I get cavities up the wazoo (getting my first crown next week). But I'll be damned if I'm gonna bitch about it. I know I do it to myself and it's a price I'm willing to pay.
ok, this thread is become a smoker vs non-smoker flame war. I'm sure all the smokers out there know the facts about lung cancer and second had smoke and the what not already. So lets just leave it out of the discussion. In fact CAG smokers probably have the best expertise on getting the odor out of these items.
Everyone just relax before the mods soup-nazi this possibly useful thread. I've been fortunate not to have received anything smoke-related. Glad to read some of the useful posts though.
[quote name='MrX']DO YOU KNOW ME??? NO! DO I SMOKE AROUND NONSMOKERS?? NO DO I SMOKE IN MY HOUSE or CAR? NO. SO again think before you type[/QUOTE]

but, if you smoke out in the middle of nowhere, and then walk past me in a tight space, i still have to smell your stench....
I dont know if anyone has suggested this, but clean that shit up with goo-gone, and then on the manual just slightly rub a napkin with some goo-gone on it.. it actually smells good and it'll get that smell out. even though it's '''goo'' gone.
I would think the best thing is the open air + fan suggestions above. Masking it with another smell probably won't help, unless you want the game/manual smelling of flowers or whatever scent is used.
Just to chime in, before this thread ends up closed. I am not a smoker, but I have absolutely no problem iwht those who do, please, smoke more, those thigns are so heavily taxed that it just means that I'm going to have to pay less in the long run. Yeah, smoking is unhealthy, and yes, many people find it disgusting, but it's a free country, and you can do whatever you want. Who are we, the non-smokers of this country, to dictate to others what they can and can not do? You don't like it, move to Russia.
[quote name='Vinny']Does it really shine up scuffs? I have tons of scuffed up cases that I might try it on. But I'm guessing it leaves the case feeling a bit oily, though? It is an oil based solution... [/QUOTE]

Results vary depending on how messed up the case is... but I can't say it leaves the cases oily. They're slick right after they get polished, but it dries pretty quick.

Just make sure it's actually lemon- orange furniture polish doesn't work, oddly enough. And if you can find something that foams up a bit, even better. (I just get the cheap stuff at the Dollar Store.)
[quote name='spmahn']Just to chime in, before this thread ends up closed. I am not a smoker, but I have absolutely no problem iwht those who do, please, smoke more, those thigns are so heavily taxed that it just means that I'm going to have to pay less in the long run. Yeah, smoking is unhealthy, and yes, many people find it disgusting, but it's a free country, and you can do whatever you want. Who are we, the non-smokers of this country, to dictate to others what they can and can not do? You don't like it, move to Russia.[/QUOTE]

Dude cigarrettes are cheap in Russia. I could get a carton of their smokes for a pack of mine. I've also never seen a Russian in a movie or what not that didn't smoke. Nonsmokers should just move to mars. No oxygen = no fire = no smoke.

If you are truely bothered by the smell of smoke then its probably your own fault. You either have ultra sensitive smelling or you are one of those people that thinks its perfectly appropriate to stand within 6 inches of someone. If you really wanna complain about smells complain about the women who douse perfume and complain about people who think there car should smell like a coconut/vanilla farm. Smoke smell is noticeable but its far less annoying then way too much perfume, but yet we don't sell single douse sizes of perfume for stupid women.

Now as far as the OP goes I'd suggest just giving it time near an open aired space. Set in front of an open window or fan if you can and just give it time.
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']I got a game like that once, I left it by the window for a few days and changed the page it was open to every day to get a thorough air out of it. It still lightly smells of smoke even though it aired out pretty well.

I just wish that all the smokers would just hurry up and die so we can ban it altogether. Its a horrid habit.[/QUOTE]

hmmmm... i could go so many places with that, but you do have freedom of speech, whether it's constitutional or no, but i'll just say i agree with it's a horrid habit.
[quote name='spmahn']Just to chime in, before this thread ends up closed. I am not a smoker, but I have absolutely no problem iwht those who do, please, smoke more, those thigns are so heavily taxed that it just means that I'm going to have to pay less in the long run. Yeah, smoking is unhealthy, and yes, many people find it disgusting, but it's a free country, and you can do whatever you want. Who are we, the non-smokers of this country, to dictate to others what they can and can not do? You don't like it, move to Russia.[/quote]

Wow, for some reason this comment reminds me of the 80's... Oh and I think lots of Russian's smoke by the way, so moving there will probably do no good for anyone trying to avoid smoking.
[quote name='spmahn']Just to chime in, before this thread ends up closed. I am not a smoker, but I have absolutely no problem iwht those who do, please, smoke more, those thigns are so heavily taxed that it just means that I'm going to have to pay less in the long run. Yeah, smoking is unhealthy, and yes, many people find it disgusting, but it's a free country, and you can do whatever you want. Who are we, the non-smokers of this country, to dictate to others what they can and can not do? You don't like it, move to Russia.[/quote]

Oh but you are paying. You are paying in higher healthcare costs that smokers generate.
alright thanks for all the helpful advice. Going to try to use the window as soon as it stop raining around here. As for the case I just clear it a bit with water, but it was cracked so I might just replace it in the future.
[quote name='gimmepilotwings']Oh but you are paying. You are paying in higher healthcare costs that smokers generate.[/quote]

Last time I checked Healthcare was still privitized and Medicare only covers basic needs.
To get back on topic - if the person was a heavy smoker you'll never get the smell out of paper. The paper absorbs it and the smoke has a half life of about 100 years. Scrubbing bubbles and lysol may help the cartridge, my parents used that stuff to clean the walls of their house when they stopped smoking in it and you can't tell a smoker ever lived there.
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']
I just wish that all the smokers would just hurry up and die so we can ban it altogether. Its a horrid habit.[/QUOTE]

Yay to no more rights!

Easiest way to get rid of any smell is to spritz a lemon/lime/orange and put a few small pieces in the case (remove the disc if you fear stains) and you have your very own citrus game guide!
[quote name='spmahn']Last time I checked Healthcare was still privitized and Medicare only covers basic needs.[/quote]

Let's see, do you think BREATHING is a basic need? It is pretty well known that the elderly are the ones that are suffering the most from smoking related illnesses. Putting them on breathing machines, lung cancer studies and medication, etc.

Someone has to pay for that stuff, and it is you. You just don't know it yet.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']So you washed the smell of your dead father out of his jacket? lol.

You'll regret that.[/quote]

If I want to get the smell back into my nose, I'll find a heavy smoker and sniff their clothing. Bang, insta-remembering.
I meant to say a "twist" and not a "spritz". My apologies to anylone that did spritz, but seriously, you couldn't possibly think that's what I meant...
bread's done