any word on xbox price drop?

Production on the old Xbox stopped last year, so I wouldn't expect any price drops. You'd be hard pressed to find any new Xbox consoles now days. Maybe one or two in a few stores.
Microsoft has lost a lot of money on the original Xbox; I wouldn't expect them to drop the price anytime soon, if at all. If you really want an Xbox (especially a new one), just get it now while it's still available.
[quote name='gjb-sensei']Microsoft has lost a lot of money on the original Xbox; I wouldn't expect them to drop the price anytime soon, if at all. If you really want an Xbox (especially a new one), just get it now while it's still available.[/QUOTE]

At this point, the Xbox production is a sunk cost for Microsoft. They may not drop it because they think they'll sell at the current price, but the previous costs won't affect the company's decision at all.

Think of it this way: If you've already blown a million bucks manufcaturing consoles that haven't sold, then would you rather drop the price and sell all of them for 500k or sell them slowly so that you have only 300k right now and the potential to make a total of 600k. Costs aren't a reason to think they won't drop the price again or that stores won't try to clear inventory.
1. this should be in another forum. this forum is for specific deals only.

2. I'm sure some stores will start marking down and clearancing these without an official MSRP drop eventually.
I havent seen anyone sell any xbox for many many months now.on the other hand the PS2 outsells the xbox 360 in the States, hehehe funny but true.
if you get one used, i would suggest getting it from gamestop/ebgames and then pay the extra 10 or 15 dollars to get an extended warranty. that would be your best bet imo.
The stores around me seem to no longer carry original XBoxes. Your best bet is to get a used or refurbished one and get an extended warranty, like dracula suggested. It's possible that these used ones may drop in price in time (last time I checked, the were $100), as they made a lot of them, and many people are selling off their old systems in favor of the new ones.
[quote name='richbastard']I havent seen anyone sell any xbox for many many months now.on the other hand the PS2 outsells the xbox 360 in the States, hehehe funny but true.[/quote]

And the DS outsells the PS2. What's your point?
[quote name='richbastard']I havent seen anyone sell any xbox for many many months now.on the other hand the PS2 outsells the xbox 360 in the States, hehehe funny but true.[/quote]

Gee, I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that the ps2 is half the price of the core 360? You think?

I doubt the price will drop. The few stores that still have it in stock might clearance them out eventually, but seeing as how official production has stopped some time ago Microsoft has little incentive to price it competitively.
People who view a thread just so they can say "wrong thread" should be forced to pay retail price for Army Men games. And I, for one, enjoy reposts.
[quote name='BIG5']People who view a thread just so they can say "wrong thread" should be forced to pay retail price for Army Men games. And I, for one, enjoy reposts.[/QUOTE]
did you rush out and buy them?
[quote name='BIG5']People who view a thread just so they can say "wrong thread" should be forced to pay retail price for Army Men games. And I, for one, enjoy reposts.[/QUOTE]

Good thing I said "wrong forum"- in before the lock/move.
[quote name='Riyonuk']Kinda off topic but is black the only color for the xbox? I'm hoping to buy a new xbox but if its only black, forget it than.[/QUOTE]

there was a green xbox halo bundle.
in addition to that, there was a blue xbox in Canada bundle with Halo 2.
both of them are going to be pricey if you want them new.
Kinda off topic but is black the only color for the xbox? I'm hoping to buy a new xbox but if its only black, forget it than.

There are replacement cases that are of very good quality available in white, transluscent blue, transluscent red, etc.
[quote name='Riyonuk']Kinda off topic but is black the only color for the xbox? I'm hoping to buy a new xbox but if its only black, forget it than.[/QUOTE]

There were a couple official colors released in Japan, in addition to the official colors and case mods mentioned previously. Given that you don't know about other colors, I'm guessing that you're not going to be interested in paying the high prices that official alternate colors fetch.

Here's a link to info about some of the Japanese colors anyway:
Thanks for the info, I'm pretty sure its smarter to just buy a new one thats black, and then get me one of those replacement cases. If anyone thinks thats stupid of me, let me know please.

If that doesnt work out, the one from canada and japan, are the xbox's region free?
Thanks for the info, I'm pretty sure its smarter to just buy a new one thats black, and then get me one of those replacement cases. If anyone thinks thats stupid of me, let me know please.

If that doesnt work out, the one from canada and japan, are the xbox's region free?

It's only stupid if you don't know how to take an Xbox apart. If you don't have experience and are scared of opening game consoles, it's not the best idea for you.

I think Canada and the US MIGHT be the same game region. Xbox game consoles are not region free, but a few Xbox 1 games are (e.g. Street Fighter Anniversary Collection). Most are not, though.
Well I dont but I'm no idiot. Just unscrew carefully and replace the case without bending anything or really touching anything.

I'll think I'm gonna go the route of buying a used one and replacing the case, but am a little hesistant. I dont care to buy used consoles that use lasers, due to the fact that there probably old, and I remmber xbox having a hardrive? Are those the 2 main things that I would need to replace?
I'll think I'm gonna go the route of buying a used one and replacing the case, but am a little hesistant. I dont care to buy used consoles that use lasers, due to the fact that there probably old, and I remmber xbox having a hardrive? Are those the 2 main things that I would need to replace?

Replacing the optical drive is easy, but can be expensive. There are about four main drives used in the production of an Xbox, the worst being the Thomson (which tends to die an early death compared to the rest) and the best being the Samsung. A replacement Thomson can be as cheap as $20, while a replacement Samsung can be as expensive as $80-$120. All Xbox's will take any model Xbox DVD drive.

Xbox hard drives do fail, but not as frequently as the Xbox DVD drives. Replacing the hard drive is much more difficult as they are "locked" specifically to an individual Xbox's motherboard. Simply putting in a new hard drive will not work because the retail BIOS will identify it as being foreign.

If the hard drive is already dead, the Xbox will not even boot up fully (as its dashboard is on the hard drive and not the BIOS like the X360) and can only be replaced if you have a modchip. If the hard drive is teetering on failure, you can replace the hard drive without a modchip but it requires either TSOP flashing (which is basically replacing the Xbox's BIOS with a modded one) or hot swapping (which I do not recommend). There's a lot more reading you'll have to do in order to understand your options.
[quote name='mtxbass1']And the DS outsells the PS2. What's your point?[/quote]
The DC outsells the PS2? Where did you get these statistics from? :whistle2:s

I doubt very many used DCs are sold anymore.
[quote name='Rozz']The DC outsells the PS2? Where did you get these statistics from? :whistle2:s

I doubt very many used DCs are sold anymore.[/QUOTE]

I think you should reread mtxbass1's post.
"DS outsells the PS2"

[quote name='wbc1228']I think you should reread mtxbass1's post.
"DS outsells the PS2"


Blame it on those damn energy drinks...
Actually, all you have to do is softmod your xbox, get a few files, burn a CD with those and some programs, boot from that CD, and format/lock a new drive.

A 250 GB HD could be found for about $75, BTW.
But why do we even need the hardrive in the first place? Arent there memory cards for xbox? Also, $75 is about the price of a used xbox you know.
the xbox come with a small HDD thats like several GB. You can find much better deal on HDD if you look around.

There is no real need to replace the HDD. As for the DVD drive, if you can find one with a Samsung drive, that is likely better than a new Thompson.
Actually, all you have to do is softmod your xbox, get a few files, burn a CD with those and some programs, boot from that CD, and format/lock a new drive.

A 250 GB HD could be found for about $75, BTW.
I read up on softmodding due to your post, and you're right, upgrading a softmodded Xbox's hard drive no longer requires hotswapping. However, softmodding itself still requires one of the Action Replay kits or a memory card, with an older game, which totals around $30 or so. The costs are similar to getting a cheaper modchip but with none of the benefits or additions that a modchip has (e.g. being able to boot up without a hard drive, being able to boot up without a dvd drive, no need to lock a hard drive). If you have a friend though, that has a modded Xbox and a memory card that he'll lend you, then all you really need is the older game to run the exploit. However, if the hard drive is already dead, then I am pretty certain there is no way to retrieve the EEPROM in which case you have to get a modchip.

But why do we even need the hardrive in the first place? Arent there memory cards for xbox? Also, $75 is about the price of a used xbox you know.

You obviously want to use the Xbox solely for legit games so you don't need a 250GB HD. Just get the cheapest one you can find. However, as I have said, hard disk failure in an Xbox is much more rare than DVD drive failure. If you really want to replace it though, you can often get 40GB HDs for less than $30.

The memory cards are 8MB or so in size. The stock hard drive is 8GB. You'll never run out of space for saving games. I only know one Xbox owner that even has a memory card.

Even if you wanted to use memory cards, the Xbox was designed to use hard drive caching. This is why Xbox games tend to load faster, often with more assets or larger levels than PS2 or GameCube versions of the same game.

One of the biggest criticisms from developers about the Xbox 360 was that games were required to run without a hard drive for the Core versions of the X360.
[quote name='Riyonuk']Thanks for the info, decided to go for the used xbox. I bidded on this Xbox.[/quote]

Since no one else will say it, WTF is up with that KOTOR cover in that pic? Never seen a PH version w/ a regular Xbox logo across the top.
[quote name='espy605']However, softmodding itself still requires one of the Action Replay kits or a memory card, with an older game, which totals around $30 or so.[/QUOTE]

Not entirely true. I've used the Action Replay software (free from Datel's site) along with a Sandisk USB memory stick that I transfered the save onto and then plugged into the PSO adapter in my Xbox controller. Softmod installed without a hitch. So if you don't want to buy an AR, either find someone with one or get the $5 PSO USB adapter (or wire your own adapter I suppose).

[quote name='tangytangerine']Since no one else will say it, WTF is up with that KOTOR cover in that pic? Never seen a PH version w/ a regular Xbox logo across the top.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I have a good idea. I bet the seller has a spare clear cover that went over the CE of Halo 2 also on this game. This would explain the regular logo at the top as well as the M rating since KOTOR is actually T rated. You can also kind of see the Microsoft Game Studios logo over the Lucasarts logo.
Not entirely true. I've used the Action Replay software (free from Datel's site) along with a Sandisk USB memory stick that I transfered the save onto and then plugged into the PSO adapter in my Xbox controller. Softmod installed without a hitch. So if you don't want to buy an AR, either find someone with one or get the $5 PSO USB adapter (or wire your own adapter I suppose).

I forgot that USB drives were usable on an Xbox through use of a USB adaptor since most people don't use this method. I even have a USB adaptor for my Xbox but I use it to hook up my keyboard or mouse.
bread's done