Anybody picking up Mercenaries?

Yep yep....I've been playing on & off. Does anyone know where the 10 Clubs is located? I have that and the ACE left, and I don't want to do the ace since it closes out the suit.

I don't have any other missions to do, the only place is the AN, but that would start the ACE mission

NEVERMIND, figured it out :)

Still lots of fun
Just got done capturing the first set. Anyone know if there's a place that respawns the crates and health at? And are there only two types of choppers in the game? Really enjoying it thus far.
I know there is a truck that has a buttload of Health crates on it on the main strip

The game is GREAT....almost through my second set of cards
Well I normally don't post much in the forum, I usually just browse for the video game deals. But im posting now because Mercenaries is one of the best games I've ever played in my life(seriously). I know when I found out that there was no xbox live or 2 players, I was probably never going to get it. But that would of been a big mistake if I did that. If your a military freak like me then this is the game for you. Its kinda like GTA SA but a WHOLE lot better. One of the best aspects of this game is the ability to call in an airstrikes anytime anywhere(There is 16 types of airstrkes). Lets just say everything is destructible except probrably the trees but that really doesn't make the game any less fun than it is. You can also get vehicles airlifted to you via helicopter(29 vehicles). Plus you can order supplies of weapons(18 types).Also if your wondering what version is better, its the xbox. The graphics are a bit smoother and load times are faster than the ps2. If you want to see some video feed of this game just visit this site.

Oh yeah did I mention you can unlock Han Solo and Indiana Jones!! :D (PS2 and Xbox version)
Mercenaries rocks! It's so much more gratifying to steal a vehicle by tossing in a grenade first to take care of the crew than tossing an old lady out of her suburban. Plus air strikes own.
bread's done