Anybody watch 'Rockstar Supernova'?

[quote name='Xevious']
1. He did not authorize the sex tapes to be leaked into public. Those tapes were stolen from his house.
2. He did not have any pre-emptive motive to beat up Pamela Anderson; It was done in the heat of passion.
3. He was indirectly, NOT directly involved the boy drowning in his pool.


i didn't say anything about beating up pamela anderson, or anybody drowning in his pool. and as to the sex tape, he sure took advantage of the publicity it got him whether he authorized it or not.
The more I watch this, the more I see the final 3 being Dilana, Lukas, and Magni if the performances stay the way they've been. Who'd win of those? Who knows. I'm pulling for Magni.
[quote name='DJ K8E']The more I watch this, the more I see the final 3 being Dilana, Lukas, and Magni if the performances stay the way they've been. Who'd win of those? Who knows. I'm pulling for Magni.[/QUOTE]

I like Magni but he is a tad vanilla for me. I prefer Dilana.
News Article:
'Rock Star' Finalist Slams SUPERNOVA's Debut Single - July 25, 2006 Ousted "Rock Star: Supernova" finalist Jenny Galt has told Tara Merrin of the Edmonton Sun that the "Rock Star" contestants are giving a big thumbs-down to SUPERNOVA's debut single.

"A lot of people in the group are skeptical about what kind of music they're playing," says the 29-year-old Montreal-born pop-rocker now based in Vancouver.

"(SUPERNOVA) say they want to do something fresh and new, but then the first track we got to hear, a lot of people were just like, 'Ew. I'm not sure if I like this.'

"It sounded just like that same old, boys rock 'n' roll kind of glam thing they said they weren't going to be doing. It was a bit surprising."

Galt, eliminated from the CBS-TV reality series last week, says the finalists are also questioning SUPERNOVA's commitment to its own future.

She says many contestants feel its members — Tommy Lee (MÖTLEY CRÜE's drummer), Jason Newsted (former METALLICA bassist) and Gilby Clarke (former GUNS N' ROSES guitarist) — are not exactly hellbent on making the new band a success.

"Because Tommy Lee's got MÖTLEY CRÜE and Jason Newsted's very passionate about (Canadian metal band) VOIVOD, there are a lot of questions as to whether this band is going to really take off. That's up in the air," she says.

"And then, how much commitment do the actual members of SUPERNOVA have?

"There was a lot of chit-chat in the mansion about that."

Wow....she sounds like a sore fucking loser to me.
[quote name='Xevious']News Article:
'Rock Star' Finalist Slams SUPERNOVA's Debut Single - July 25, 2006 Ousted "Rock Star: Supernova" finalist Jenny Galt has told Tara Merrin of the Edmonton Sun that the "Rock Star" contestants are giving a big thumbs-down to SUPERNOVA's debut single.

"A lot of people in the group are skeptical about what kind of music they're playing," says the 29-year-old Montreal-born pop-rocker now based in Vancouver.

"(SUPERNOVA) say they want to do something fresh and new, but then the first track we got to hear, a lot of people were just like, 'Ew. I'm not sure if I like this.'

"It sounded just like that same old, boys rock 'n' roll kind of glam thing they said they weren't going to be doing. It was a bit surprising."

Galt, eliminated from the CBS-TV reality series last week, says the finalists are also questioning SUPERNOVA's commitment to its own future.

She says many contestants feel its members — Tommy Lee (MÖTLEY CRÜE's drummer), Jason Newsted (former METALLICA bassist) and Gilby Clarke (former GUNS N' ROSES guitarist) — are not exactly hellbent on making the new band a success.

"Because Tommy Lee's got MÖTLEY CRÜE and Jason Newsted's very passionate about (Canadian metal band) VOIVOD, there are a lot of questions as to whether this band is going to really take off. That's up in the air," she says.

"And then, how much commitment do the actual members of SUPERNOVA have?

"There was a lot of chit-chat in the mansion about that."

Wow....she sounds like a sore fucking loser to me.[/QUOTE]
Actually, she's not that far off:

A full North American tour will follow the release of the record. But while Supernova will function in the studio and on the road as an actual band, Lee and Newsted are keeping their day jobs. Lee is still an active member of Mötley Crüe, and Newsted plans to enter the studio with Voivod in early 2007 to record the last batch of tunes by their late guitarist, Denis "Piggy" D'Amour (see "Voivod Guitarist Denis 'Piggy' D'Amour Dies Of Cancer At 45"). Actually, one reason Newsted accepted the offer to be in Supernova was to plug his other ventures.

"It's a good chance to really pimp some serious Voivod and also my studio, Chophouse," he said. "The first show airs July 5, and Voivod's new album, Katorz, comes out July 25. So I'll certainly be wearing some Voivod clothing during the weeks leading up to the release of the record and following its release, and I'll be mentioning the band in various appearances."

Things could always change, but at this point Newsted doesn't seem to be thinking that much about the long-term potential for Supernova — he's more interested in how the TV show can promote Voivod.

"Really, you can't buy this kind of publicity," he concluded. "Somewhere between 20 and 40 million people around the globe will watch this show every week. If I got together with the guys in Metallica and we put all our money together to advertise, it still wouldn't come close to what they're spending to plug this show, which is backed by Verizon, Microsoft and Honda.

"We got invited to play a private party for Bill Gates a couple days ago: That's how crazy this world is," he laughed. "And that's a chance for me to wear a Voivod shirt in front of these mother----ers. So, I'm liking this. I'm liking this a lot."
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Actually, she's not that far off:[/quote]
Well in the case of Voivod, there is one major thing that that MTV news article forgot the mention: The guitarist (and major architect for that band)that died last year of cancer is the main reason for the exsitence for that band. So this will in fact be the last Voivod album. I really dont see how the band will continue after that. Thats some shoddy journalism....

And as for Motley Crue, Tommy Lee is always in and out of that band so he is generally unstable as it is.

I still think she's a sore loser and a big pussy
You know, it's pretty bad...I looked at the Supernova set list before it came on said, "I think I can already figure out who's going to be bottom 3 before it's even shown - Zayra, Phil, and Josh. I give a free pass to Dilana because she's done no wrong so far."

Sure enough.

Surprise of the night? Dana, for sure.
I don't know his name, but i watched this last week, and the guy who sang heart shaped box annoyed the piss out of me. OPEN UP YOUR FREAKING MOUTH. His teeth were clinched the entire time.

Little things like that bother me.
Yeah Dana kicked ass!!

Oh and Project80-six, Your sig kicks ass. I can't stop laughing at that dog!
And Zayra skates yet AGAIN! Un-fuck-ing believable! She absolutely *massacred* Not An Addict. Makes me sick.

Oh, but we're sorry Phil, you had your best performace yet, we're just not sure you wanted to do that.

But Storm...oh my Storm...fantastic. Such a great song for her.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']And Zayra skates yet AGAIN! Un-fuck-ing believable! She absolutely *massacred* Not An Addict. Makes me sick.

Oh, but we're sorry Phil, you had your best performace yet, we're just not sure you wanted to do that.

But Storm...oh my Storm...fantastic. Such a great song for her.[/quote]

Phil fucked up the Wallflowers "One Headlight". How on Earth do you fuck that up? It is the simplest song ever to sing, should have peeled it back to acoustic guitars and kept it low-key. He deserves to go for that piece-o-crap du jour. At least it's fun to watch Zayra fail horribly, as long as she's not murdering classics to me. More than I can say for some of the others...

Which leads me to wonder who does everyone think screwed up the original song, the most? Guy Smiley covering Heart-Shaped Box? Dilana mutilating Johnny Cash? What do you think?
[quote name='DJ K8E'] Dilana mutilating Johnny Cash? What do you think?[/QUOTE]

I thought she did a great job with that song. I prefer the original version but her version was excellent too.

I still can't believe that Puerto Rican chick is still on the show. I am in shock just like WhipSmartBanky.....

She is waaaaay to fucking arrogant! I can't stand her.
[quote name='Xevious']I still can't believe that Puerto Rican chick is still on the show. I am in shock just like WhipSmartBanky.....

She is waaaaay to fucking arrogant! I can't stand her.[/quote]

They all are pretty well. Lukas is just sitting there like :cool: "I rock." and Guy Smiley back there going :D "I got soul." and so on. But yeah Zayra should have been out first, they could have kept Mr. Duran Duran for a little while longer. I mean jeez.
Set list for tonight:
Patrice – Higher Ground (Stevie Wonder) – with T Lee on drums
Josh – Santeria (Sublime)
Dilana – Can’t Get Enough (Bad Company)
Toby – Pennyroyal Tea (Nirvana)
Zayra – 867-5309 (Tommy Tutone)
Magni – Clocks (Coldplay)
Jill – Don’t You (Forget About Me) (Simple Minds)
Ryan – Losing My Religion (R.E.M.) - Ryan on grand piano, with Paul on keyboards
Lukas – Celebrity Skin (Hole)
Storm – Changes (David Bowie)
Dana – Baba O’Riley (The Who)
- ganked from Reality TV World SOMETHING about Zayra already!
My guess for Bottom 3 tomorrow... Zayra (for the last time I'd bet), Jill, and I dunno maybe Josh or Toby. Personally I think Lukas ought to be down there for so spectacularly blundering his song. That and I just do not like him.

Encore:: Ryan, the dude earned that one. :applause:
Pretty mediocre show. I don't know about Zayra being done yet, the guys love her if nothing else for her weirdness and overt sexuality. That, and she annoys the bloody hell out of me, so that ensures another week of performances.

Lukas needs to get his shit scared straight with a bottom three showing. His performance was akin to a really bad Weird Al parody. Did he get more than a third of the words right? I couldn't hear much of it through gritted teeth and the Zayra-esque marblemouth.

As much as I hate Josh "Assface" Logan, his rendition of Santeria was spot on.

Jill, definitely bottom three. Dilana was rather boring this week. Patrice, Dana, and Toby? Eh, what'd you guys sing again? Whatever. I don't think Magni was as good as the guys gave him credit for. Passable at best. Definitely Ryan for the encore, that was brilliant. Everyone else was phoning it in. I love the candid reactions during the peformances by the band and the other contestants.

And my Storm, oh my Storm, how I love you more and more each week.
Yeah Storm had the best preformance that night. I actually liked most of the preformances that night.

Zayra, I hate to admit it, was interesting this week. I hate her guts but I honestly will have to say that her preformance was not the worst. She look like something out of Barbarella.

Jill is suffering from a lack of imagination. I think a telling sign happened last week when she said that "everything in rock and roll has already been done"

Edit: I'm not a fan of Lucas' singing. In fact, his style of singing seems to be in vogue with some of the rock I hear on the radio now. Its one of the reasons why I don't listen to the radio anymore..
ryan kicked ass...lukas sucked...magni performed well...jill,crazy ass chick, and storm gotta go...not a big fan of storm. her crazy eye, her voice/performances make me sick.
Has all of America fallen on their collective head? Zayra & Lukas doesn't even get in the bottom 3. Not that Supernova would have gotten rid of them, because now they seem intent on getting rid of the good ones.

Goodbye Dana, you shall be missed, you sexy beast.
[quote name='DJ K8E'][/QUOTE]

Huh....I'm on the west coast and the show wont start for another 2 and a half hours.

Use spoiler tags next time. The shows ruined for me ..
[quote name='DJ K8E']Has all of America fallen on their collective head? Zayra & Lukas doesn't even get in the bottom 3. Not that Supernova would have gotten rid of them, because now they seem intent on getting rid of the good ones.

Goodbye Dana, you shall be missed, you sexy beast
. ;)[/quote]

it isn't just America that votes. Last year almost all of the participants were from another country, and this year a fair amount of them are from other looks like Puerto Rico is voting a lot for zayra, with the host evening mentioning got all the votes in etc...and then mentioned Puerto Rico
[quote name='Xevious']Huh....I'm on the west coast and the show wont start for another 2 and a half hours.

Use spoiler tags next time. The shows ruined for me ..[/quote]

I didn't know they did that, my bad. :whistle2:#
I actually haven't watched it yet, I flipped through it the other day, but it didn't really seem that good so I didn't bother watching it.
Wow...didn't see that coming, and only picked one out of the bottom three. I figured:
Jill, Lukas and Zayra would be up there. After seeing the performances tonight I was sure Jill would go, just based on the fact that she was bottom three AND gave her best performance on the rebound, which is usually what it takes to get booted if the last few weeks mean anything. I wouldn't have even been sad if Patrice went, but Dana? Naw...
[quote name='DJ K8E']I didn't know they did that, my bad. :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

Thats fine. everyone makes mistakes. The only shows that are not pre-empted are Sport events and you don't have to use spoiler tags for those.

I suppose I could look on the bright side though: Its far less shocking to read it on the internet than to see it on TV.
phyllis, i think that was her name...sucked both nights...I don't get why they are saying she rocked it with tommy, she sounded like shit and tommy carried the performance.....while dana has a good voice, it was just ugly watching her trying to become a bad girl. Hopefully she will go start singing shit that she and her voice are better suited for.
Not trying to be sexist, but all those females need the boot. holy crap, that chicks "redo" of house of the rising sun... horrible. so pitchy and wrong. All of them force this jaw fake voice out (same with most of the guys), they're not using their natural voices, its really annoying me. The chick who gets all the praise, I really don't shes good either, so gross and raspy/throaty/forced vibrato (again, the forced vibrato is same for everyone.).

That friggin house band is awesome. the harmonies those guys can make, that guy could hit it on the Heart song they played (i hate heart, but its cool when guys can hit notes that high and sound strong vocally). the drummer is stinkin' good as well.
was it me or was the music/sound off tonight. I thought the opening song with dilena sucked ass, her worst performance imo. And gilby trying to sing was horrible. Jill peformed better, but sounded poor. Josh sounded great, but perfomed horribly with tommy on the drums. He really needed to drop the guitar. Toby did ok, nothing great, but a nice change to the song. I can't stand storm, but she did good. She song the song spot on. I thought magni gave the best performance of the night, untill lucas. He kicked that songs ass. Ryan had a great performance, but imo paint it black should get some excitement going, and I felt none listening to him. Not a big fan of phyllis either, but she did ok. For the first time, I don't think zayra deserves bottom 3.
I'm watching the show right now...(West Coast here-Comes on later than everyone else)....and I dont understand Zayra is saying. That accent is thick.

Yeah...its time for her to go. I had enough of her.
I thought it was a great show, and at least Zayra consistently proves she doesn't belong. She's thrown it in everyone's face time and time again that she doesn't give a shit about their music, the show, or anything but her wild self, and they eat it up. If she can make it to the top 5, I'll vote for her to win just out of spite. Jill and Patrice seem to be going backwards. Magni was fantastic tonight. I didn't really like Lukas' performance, but I see what he was going for and it worked for him. Still can't stand Josh "Assface" Logan. Toby was great until he got the megaphone - I instantly had flashbacks of JD last year, and I knew the band wouldn't let him slide on that. Ryan wasn't nearly as good as last week, but he gave the band what they wanted, so whatever. Dilana and Storm...I dunno, I really like both of them, probably my favorites to win, but I prefer when they're doing their own thing with their own arrangements, rather than these "safer" acts the last few weeks. Storm's got the voice and the power though.

At this stage, I'd have to vote for Storm as my top female to win, and Magni as the top male to take it.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']

At this stage, I'd have to vote for Storm as my top female to win, and Magni as the top male to take it.[/QUOTE]

For the most part I agree with you although I see a 3 way horse race between Magni, Storm and Dilana (Spelling?). The dark horse is the Australian dude.
[quote name='Xevious']For the most part I agree with you although I see a 3 way horse race between Magni, Storm and Dilana (Spelling?). The dark horse is the Australian dude.[/quote]

No one thinks Lukas will be in it? After all he spectacularly blundered a song all to hell and didn't even get anywhere near the bottom 3. He has the goth kid crowd voting like all hell for him. Why? 'Cause he looks good? Sorry, but singers do not have to look good, they have to be able to, what is it again...? Sing!

He sounds like William Hung, and looks like trailer trash that blew through an entire cosmetic department, flung out into the atmosphere, and landed in the middle of Hot Topic headquarters. If I was the judge I'd have kicked him off the first night, had I the power. If I had the power, Magni would take it, the dude rocks. Those are just my opinions though... ha.

That ruled. I'd gladly send Jill off if it means taking Josh "Assface" Logan too. Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, goodbye!

I'm beginning to think Zayra is the new Willie Hung, and America's gonna vote to keep her in now every week.

Magni deserved the encore...but Lukas? No, his version of creep was not THAT impressive.
Wow....Lots of anti-Lucas sentiment on this thread. Well I'm no fan of him but he did a reasonable job with last night's song. I actually hate that song too. I'm not a fan of his style of grunt singing that seems popular with the emo-bands that are on the radio.

Magni is getting more and more impressive every week. I still like Storm and Dialana too.

NOW....they must get rid of that crazy chick, Zayra! She is like herpes, you can't get rid of her.
[quote name='Xevious']Wow....Lots of anti-Lucas sentiment on this thread. Well I'm no fan of him but he did a reasonable job with last night's song. I actually hate that song too. I'm not a fan of his style of grunt singing that seems popular with the emo-bands that are on the radio.

Magni is getting more and more impressive every week. I still like Storm and Dialana too.

NOW....they must get rid of that crazy chick, Zayra! She is like herpes, you can't get rid of her.[/QUOTE]
I'm not necessarily anti-Lukas, but I'm liking him less and less...the first few shows with the first few songs, he was great, but it's like each week takes more and more of a toll on him and he just cracks. I think he's not going to recover after botching that Hole track.
I can't believe all the pro storm shit on this board. I wouldn't pay to see her sing anywhere. To bad about Josh, but the band wasn't his style of music. He reminded me a lot vocally and style.
SUPERNOVA Files Injunction Against TOMMY LEE's 'Rock Star: Supernova' - Aug. 11, 2006

Chris Harris of reports that the members of Orange County, California, punk trio SUPERNOVA filed for a preliminary injunction Friday (August 11) in San Diego's U.S. District Court against CBS Broadcasting, Mark Burnett Productions and Tommy Lee, Jason Newsted and Gilby Clarke — the three future members of the band searching for a lead singer on the show "Rock Star: Supernova" — which seeks to halt the act from performing or recording under the name "SUPERNOVA" if they fail to change or add any words to the moniker.

The filing follows a suit the original SUPERNOVA — bassist Art Mitchell, drummer Dave Collins and guitarist Jodey Lawrence — filed against the show's producers in late June, which alleged trademark infringement. That suit seeks a jury trial, as well as the destruction of all "labels, signs, prints, packages, wrappers, containers, advertisements, electronic media and other materials bearing the SUPERNOVA mark."

[quote name='Xevious']SUPERNOVA Files Injunction Against TOMMY LEE's 'Rock Star: Supernova' - Aug. 11, 2006

Chris Harris of reports that the members of Orange County, California, punk trio SUPERNOVA filed for a preliminary injunction Friday (August 11) in San Diego's U.S. District Court against CBS Broadcasting, Mark Burnett Productions and Tommy Lee, Jason Newsted and Gilby Clarke — the three future members of the band searching for a lead singer on the show "Rock Star: Supernova" — which seeks to halt the act from performing or recording under the name "SUPERNOVA" if they fail to change or add any words to the moniker.

The filing follows a suit the original SUPERNOVA — bassist Art Mitchell, drummer Dave Collins and guitarist Jodey Lawrence — filed against the show's producers in late June, which alleged trademark infringement. That suit seeks a jury trial, as well as the destruction of all "labels, signs, prints, packages, wrappers, containers, advertisements, electronic media and other materials bearing the SUPERNOVA mark."

Read more at[/QUOTE]
Geesh. It's actually gone this far? You would think that CBS/MBP/whoever would've thrown those guys a few bones and been done with this a long time ago.
Zayra: See, she WORKS in Spanish. She's obviously a very talented performer with the right music. Supernova is NOT the right music. Anything in English is NOT the right music.

Patrice: I changed the channel to see what else was on. 'Nuff said.

Magni: Star...he's quickly closing in on winning this one.

Lukas: I never thought he could make a song that boring.

Storm: How I love thee, no matter what. I'll give them the fact she could've arranged the song differently, but vocally I didn't think there was a thing wrong with Storm's performance.

Toby: Peter Gabriel is one of my all time favorites singers/songwriters. Toby, he's a great performer, but did he even look at the lyric sheet? If they thought that was good they're still drunk from Vegas. What a massacre.

Ryan: That was chilling. Great arrangement. Loved how he just stood his ground and nailed it.

Dilana: It was good, but...just good. I know it's hard to say this, but I expect more from Dilana at this point. I'm surprised she did such a straight up arrangement. Old song, yeah, she brought it up to a more "rock" level, I just thought she'd have something truly shocking and different.
Its time for Zayra to go! I'm sick to death of her.

I didnt think Storm did a bad job. I dont know why she got soo much flack..

Dilana is great. I like Toby's preformance as well as Magni. Everyone else was just eh.....
I don't think Lukas was as bad as people are saying. Maybe it's because I don't like that song in the first place, but while I think he reverted back to the grunt a bit he still 'sang' more than the first few weeks - so progress. The thing he has going for him is that he has his own thing going on, whereas someone like Patrice is pretty standard/generic.

I can't believe Toby didn't get called on the lyrics. I'm a pretty big PG fan and he messed up quite a bit of the words, not very impressive.

I thought Magni was very polished and seemed like a pro, not like he was trying out for a band.

I don't even know what to think about Zarya. I'd be calling for her to get cut if I weren't so sick of Patrice.
zayra perfomed well, but as whipsmart said, not for the band supernova

Patrice was horrible

Magni performed well

I thought lukas did very well...while i am not a fan of the song, i would pay to see him perform

storm was god awful...she fucking killed that song, imo she was worse then patrice

Besides not know the lyrics, toby didn't have any energy in singing that song

ryan was solid

dilena was solid as well
Dilana totally deserves the first performance with Supernova, but I'm really disappointed in the music itself. The boys have been touting that they're going to do something new and fresh and different in rock and roll and it sounds EXACTLY like EVERYTHING else that HAS been done in the last 30 years. I'm not impressed.

Ryan for the encore, fanastic!

Zayra's a big ol' bag of whathafuck! I don't understand how week after week she can just spaz and flake and...meh, not worth it.

Patrice, doll, you do NOT have the chops to tackle a Hole track, and especially NOT on elimination night.

Magni...dude, you had ALL the chicks crying...including Dilana and Storm. If you didn't already have a woman you'd SO be getting laid tonight. I love how diverse the talent is, that Magni and Lukas can do the same song over the history of the show, and they're two drastically different performances. I really can't say which I liked better, but obviously the ladies know.

Halleluja happy day happy day the bitch is gone! BYE BYE ZAYRA!
storm and patrice were some lucky ladies...storm deserved bottom 3, and with the amount of people left and the lack of show time left, they should have done the double cut. I like dilena as a singer/performer, but her crying when zayra got the boot, and then saying that is bull made me change my mind. How the fuck do you plan on winning the spot, if they don't get rid of other people. I was in shock when they panned to dileana and storm, and dilana appears to mouth the words "that is bull"

And I agree the orignal song sucked.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']
Dilana totally deserves the first performance with Supernova, but I'm really disappointed in the music itself. The boys have been touting that they're going to do something new and fresh and different in rock and roll and it sounds EXACTLY like EVERYTHING else that HAS been done in the last 30 years. I'm not impressed.

Ryan for the encore, fanastic!

Zayra's a big ol' bag of whathafuck! I don't understand how week after week she can just spaz and flake and...meh, not worth it.

Patrice, doll, you do NOT have the chops to tackle a Hole track, and especially NOT on elimination night.

Magni...dude, you had ALL the chicks crying...including Dilana and Storm. If you didn't already have a woman you'd SO be getting laid tonight. I love how diverse the talent is, that Magni and Lukas can do the same song over the history of the show, and they're two drastically different performances. I really can't say which I liked better, but obviously the ladies know.

Halleluja happy day happy day the bitch is gone! BYE BYE ZAYRA!

I agree with everything WhipSmart said except I wasn't exactly enthralled with Ryan. The Supernova song was mediocre at best.....
Song selections for this week snagged from Reality TV World plus some commentary from me...

Patrice - Beautiful Thing - Original song
Magni - Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Ryan - Back of your Car - Original song
Storm - Cryin' - Aerosmith
Dilana - Every Breath You Take - the Police
Toby - Layla - Eric Clapton
Lukas - All These Things That I've Done - The Killers

Patrice getting an original song selection is a waste. She's gone this week anyway, in my opinion. Then the real fight is on.

Magni singing Teen Spirit? Maybe NOW I'll find out what the words actually are, besides the Weird Al version... ;)

Unless Dilana grunges up Every Breath like Juliana Hatfield did...I'm not interested.

Storm on an Aerosmith song? Damn, I heart her, but this might get her a bottom three...not even she can possibly make that song cool.

I'm thinking just from the selections that Toby, Storm, and Patrice will be bottom three, with Patrice leaving.
bread's done