Anyone else find it very difficult to play through the same game multiple times?

Unless both the storyline and game play is sorely lacking it's rare for me to have absolutely no interest what so ever in replaying a game. I like to get exactly if not more than what I originally paid for out of the things I buy and usually (unless the game is really bad) I can only form a proper opinion after I've experienced at least 50% - 80% of what the game has to offer.

Thankfully these days I'm regressing back to my tween habits of burning through RPGs so I rarely run into that sort of problem.
[quote name='saut']I've been replaying the Half Life series once every year since HL2 came out. I can't do that with any other game. Recently tried replaying both ME2 and DAO, got about 10 hours in with each and lost interest.[/QUOTE]

I have replayed that one a few times but typically stop at the xen levels.
I get what you're saying which is why I tend to stick to multiplayer games but with some RPGs and arcade-style games (shmups etc.) it's not an issue. However, I will admit that achievement hunting can ease the burden of certain titles under boredom as it at least gives you an excuse to give it a shot again but the keyword is boredom...
So what do you once and done guys think about DLC?

I love DLC but cant bring myself to wait 2 or 3 months after I beat a game for it to come out. Normally this isnt a problem because I wait 6-12 months before I can even get around to playing a new game and all the DLC is out already.

Mass Effect 2 is releasing some DLC I would love to play but it would have sat in the corner losing value while I waited for DLC.
For the DLC question, if it's something I bought at launch, I have to really love the game so that I don't mind holding on to it and losing value while waiting on DLC.

ME2 I was fine with waiting on as it's one of my all time favorite games, and maybe I'll want to do a third playthrough before ME3 etc.

Otherwise I don't bother--but like you I tend to get most games 6-12 months or more after launch on Goozex. Saves points and the DLC is out if I want it. Of course a lot of games are hard to get before 4-6 months after launch anyway.
I don't know.
Right now i don't have a lot of money to spare for games. So it takes me a while to get something new. Thats when i start to replay some of the games.
Mostly for achievements, like there is this one i can get or something else.
ME or DA were games i could not replay as a new character. I love my character and would not like to change it just to replay it. Thats why i hate bioware for not having the option to have also gay love. :)
But seriously. I became so in love with my chick that kicks ass on spaceports that i want to leave it at that.
Right now i play Dead Space for the 4th time and its only for missed achievements. But i actually love the game a lot. Good presentation.
Zelda - A link to the past was also one of my favorites i replayed at least twice.

Not sure if i want to sell my played games. mm...
The last game that I replayed was Portal (4th time). But I generally don't replay the games I've finished. When I played through Fallout 3 + DLC earlier this year, I absolutely loved it. However, I can't imagine going back through it again. That feeling even extends to the yet to be released, Fallout: New Vegas...

Now that my money is tighter than it used to be, I think I'll stick to playing out my backlog and possibly replaying a few of my favorites again.
bread's done