anyone else hate platformers?


16 (100%)
or most games with a conventional 3rd perspective view? like tomb raider or syphon filter, etc. ever since Mario 64 came out i've tried to like platform-type games but i just can't.

i picked up jak II, beyond good and evil, and metal arms when i got the ps2 and promptly got rid of all three. i picked them up cuz of good reviews and it seemed people really liked the games. i don't understand HOW metal arms got straight 8.0 at egm and they called it the "sleeper hit" of the year. :bomb:

and to cap it i tried psychonauts today, another platform game i heard was great, and thought it was horrible. i've played a little of ratchet + clank and kameo for 360, banjo kazooie and its ilk for N64, tomb raider-type 3rd-p shooter games for PC and PS1, and many similar games throughout the years.

types of games i like are: FPS (prefer PC), RPG, "action/adventure"(ala DMC, RE, MGS), sports, fighting, racing (only specific titles)

i did like dark cloud 2 and am 2 hours into kingdom hearts and it's pretty fun.

anyone with me?! :bomb:
The 3D platformer is pretty hit-or-miss. Mario 64 was quite possibly the best. It all centers around character and camera control, and many, many games just don't get it right.

I'll take a 2D platformer in the Mario or Sonic vein long before 99% of the more "modern" 3D platformers. I really like that the DS (and GBA) are home to new 2D platformers (NSMB and Sonic Rush top my list), but I'd really like to see a 2D platformer made with the power of a home console behind it. A new 2D Mario on the Wii (Super Paper Mario not withstanding)? A 2D Sonic running on the 360 or PS3? These would be tremendous in my book.

Like you, 3D Platformers have never really done it for me. Yet, interestingly enough, the line between the games you dislike in the 3D platformers and like in the Action/Adventure genre is remarkably thin and gray.
Psychonauts isn't too great up until you need to find the Milkman. That's when you realize that this is a gem.
Tomb Raider and Syphon Filter are not platformers, they're just action games. Other than that, it just seems like you're a defective gamer. ;)
I don't hate them, I just suck ass at them. I stick with RPGs and survival horror. Usually no crappy jumps or anything that proves nigh-impossible for me.
Hmm... I hate rayman mario type games. I want to play Zelda on the Wii and have palyed Zeldas on the GC and thought they were great. I love games taht are FPS in disguise of a TPS (Socom, GOW, GRAW) and Free Roam (GTA, Saints Row).
Platfromers = adventure games. Most adventure games allow you to jump.

Tomp Raider is an adventure game and Syphron Filter is also.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']Platfromers = adventure games. Most adventure games allow you to jump.

Tomp Raider is an adventure game and Syphron Filter is also.[/QUOTE]

This is all also relative to when you started playing games. Adventure means Sierra "graphic Adventure" to me not syphon filter.
I'm a fan of platformers. Psychonauts is probably one of the best I have played in a while. I just wish they had more crazy levels like the Milkman.

Regal: Just becasue they allow you to jump does not make it a platformer. I mean there are a few RPGs that allow you to jump around and you wouldn't consider them a platformer. If anything I would say they are games with some platfomer mechanics.
I'm not with you at all, but I think it's funny how many people try to convert you. If you don't like them, you don't like them. Me personally, they are some of my favorite games.
Honestly, I prefer third person perspective. I feel like I'm partially blind in first person shooters. RPG is my genre of choice, platformers a fairly close second, FPS third.
If you want a good platformer, play Ratchet & Clank 1-3 and Jak 1-3. Beyond Good & Evil isn't a platformer at all, it is a stealth actiony game.
[quote name='MidnightRain']Honestly, I prefer third person perspective. I feel like I'm partially blind in first person shooters.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty much the same way...I thought 1st person shooters were cool when they first appeared....wolfenstein and doom stuff like that. I just can't get into them anymore. I will never understand the fun of being shot in the back before I even know anyone is there. Oh wait let me turn around, oh look that guy is shooting me, let me shoot back, arghhhhh!!! dead. LONG LIVE 3rd person!
I love platformers but I am tired of fetch quests. They were great back when 3d console games were developing like Mario 64 and Banjo but even by the end of that era games like DK64 and Banjo Tooie really pissed me off. Ratchet is a nice twist on the genre since there is less collecting and more asskicking involved. FPS games are OK to me - some I love like Goldeneye but they are few and far between. One of my favorite games of all time though is Metroid Prime which kind of combines platforming, FPS and adventuring all into one so go figure...
[quote name='javeryh']I love platformers but I am tired of fetch quests. They were great back when 3d console games were developing like Mario 64 and Banjo but even by the end of that era games like DK64 and Banjo Tooie really pissed me off. [/QUOTE]
Amen, brother. Rare basically killed platformers for me, with their "make worlds as big as possible, and make player backtrack for days" philosophy. I had to do a strategy guide on Banjo-Tooie when I was at Game Informer, and that game pretty much pulled out my heart and ate it in front of me. I have played the occasional acclaimed platformer since (Ratchet 2, Psychonauts), but I lost my taste for the genre as a whole.

[quote name='Snake2715']This is all also relative to when you started playing games. Adventure means Sierra "graphic Adventure" to me not syphon filter.[/QUOTE]
I agree. Adventure games are more based around a story; they usually have puzzles and next to nil in terms of combat. Tomb Raider comes close (as is old-school Resident Evil), but Syphon Filter isn't even in the same ballpark. The Da Vinci Code is adventure, but it's lame sauce.
I still love platformers...although lately I like the more linear, fluid, constant jumping and then like swinging on stuff, thats when it really shines. Also it sometimes feels pretty good to get a Power Orb in Jak...kinda rewarding. Ratchets cool cause you follow a path, get a cool new item, then use that in the next map. My favorite genres still remain as Platformers, RPGs, Adventure/Action(w/e), and unrealistic fighting/racing games, such as Diddy kong racing and smash bros. Oh strategy is also good, but only if done extremely well.
bah PP:TTT is the reason why I HATE platformers.. I totally gave up on the training level because of this, no fucking way I am going to jump around walls to get to the other side.
i hate the crappy ones and the ones loaded with mindless item collecting. the one platformer that had me hate platformers for years was donkey kong 64. talk about a game full of pointless shit all those damn diff color bananas and what not and at that point i was one of those gamers who had to get 100 percent on every game i played but i hated the collecting on that game so much i quit playing it near the end and never looked back. graphically it was an awesome game for its time but yeah i hated them for those damn bananas.

the best platformers hands down are banjo kazooie , banjo tooie, the ratchet and clank series, sly cooper 1, and mario 64. theres no way you can hate those platformers theyre the best of the best and if you do then platformers just aret for you.
[quote name='daroga']

Like you, 3D Platformers have never really done it for me. Yet, interestingly enough, the line between the games you dislike in the 3D platformers and like in the Action/Adventure genre is remarkably thin and gray.[/quote]

yeah i was thinking of that too. i realized what i hate is jumping puzzles, "collecting" items, and the lame combat systems of most platform-type games, e.g. punch/kick/shoot little cute whatevers.

if the game has rpg elements it usually makes it more tolerable. dark cloud 2 did annoy the hell out of me with its collecting and dungeon battles but it held its appeal for some reason.

kingdom hearts is annoying me with its jumping and stupid space shooting part, but i actually like the combat now.
[quote name='tehweezner']kingdom hearts is annoying me with its jumping and stupid space shooting part, but i actually like the combat now.[/QUOTE]
The camera in Kingdom Hearts killed it for me -- specifically on the Wonderland boss. That's yet another thing against most 3D platformers: The camera often sucks.
Aside from Mario 64, I pretty much can't stand playing them. Too much fletch quests and backtracking, both I can't stand. Although I must say I did enjoy Conker to an extent on the XB, until I almost made it to the end but realized I didn't collect enough bundles of money to proceed. Let's see...spend potential hours searching around for the final bundle, or give up. I gave up. ;)

Edit: Just forgot about Kingdom Hearts...loved both games.
Kingdom Heart's jumping was horrible, as bad as GTA's.

Maximo is the best PS2 platformer! The ratchet games are great technically but lack personality.
Yep Ratchet is very good technically...Jak is more of a collector and still lacks personality in my opinion...I found Ratchet had more. Actually I'm really liking ratchet right now. Anyway I'm in the mood for both at times, still need to play Jak II though which is apparently way better than Jak TPL.
[quote name='jngx80']Kingdom Heart's jumping was horrible, as bad as GTA's.

Maximo is the best PS2 platformer! The ratchet games are great technically but lack personality.[/quote]
Maximo's good for a first start to a series, but it was very raw and needed more work. Klonoa 2, the Jak, Ratchet, and Sly series were better on the PS2.

Kingdom Hearts is not a platformer by any stretch of the imagination and neither is Dark Cloud, they're both RPG's.
I prefer platformers with minimal item collecting and tons of great action, adventuring and PLATFORMING.

Too many games resort to countless item collecting and it's terrible.

I don't want to collect 50 cans to make a toilet holder and use 4 toilet holders to make a worm detector that lets me find the 400 worms in each level that can be unlocked with old lady keys which are hidden and cost 50 coins each to purchase once found.

Collecting is the worst cliche of the genre, it's there because companies don't want to design more levels, they want you to take forever in each one.

Ratchet and Clank keeps the item collecting to a minimum, which is why it's a favorite series of mine. You go through the levels, explore and find ammo to USE, and fight enemies.
I liked Banjo Kazooie but I hated Banjo-Tooie........the last good platformer I played was umm.............Super Princess Peach(which is good) but 3d uh....does SoTC count because I think that's it.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Kingdom Hearts is not a platformer by any stretch of the imagination[/quote]By a very slight stretch of my imagination, I'd call it an action RPG with some simple platforming elements.
I've ALWAYS HATED platformers , since I had a nes W/ mario bros. I think it was becasue I sucked at it , and everyone else wanted to play mario, I just wanted to play contra!

Well fast forward about 20 years... I have a 5 yr old son , he LOVES playing platformers , mario , sonic , etc.. Well, when I started helping him with Klonoa 2 for ps2, I started to really enjoy playing it!

Sometimes he would have to remind me to give the controller back to him! So after finishing klonoa. I found a SNES at a yard sale , and got mario all-stars.

And FINALLY started to see why people loved they games to begin with. They are pretty damn fun , and addicting, and a nice alternative compared to the usual games I play.

So after all these years , I am now a fan of platform games, I just need to get caught up of the good ones I missed.
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