Anyone else like ordering online?


"it's the thrill of the hunt more than the actual prize"

I'm wondering if anyone else like ordering online and like to track there orders and see what there stuff is in proportion to there house. I ordered some things these past two weeks. It's more fun for me to get the slow shipping anticpating your stuff getting here and checking on the websites where it is then actually getting your stuff and using it. if that makes any sense.
I love ordering online, but I never track my packages unless they are late.

I actually buy soo much crap online that I forget about it, so when something shows up to my house Im all like 'Sweet! I wonder what it is?'
I buy almost 100% of my anime online. I often wonder if the mailman hates me... and if my relatives have come to associate '' with beads and panited glasses, as my mom recycles my DVD shipping boxes to mail stuff. :D

Oddly enough, I really don't buy games online... the logic being I tend to buy used to save money, and therefore much prefer to see the game and its condition before I buy.
Im more of an instant gratification sort of guy, so unless something is significantly cheaper online, I'd rather just pay the extra money and buy it in store and have it right away.
[quote name='spmahn']Im more of an instant gratification sort of guy, so unless something is significantly cheaper online, I'd rather just pay the extra money and buy it in store and have it right away.[/quote]

You sure your on the right website? ;)
[quote name='Cambot']New games - Online.

Classic games - The 'wild.'[/quote]
exactly, retail stores almost never match the price offered by someone else online
Shopping online sure beats leaving the house and wasting gas driving to a store many miles away only to find they don't have what you are looking for.
yeah, I'm going strictly online for new games from now on. i'm done with EB.

but I have too many good stores for used games around here (besides EB) to stop buying B+M completely. Checking all these places takes an afternoon and it's pretty much always fruitful (and fun), so the thrill of the hunt is there. I don't get much of a thrill from checking tracking numbers OP :lol:
I buy about 95% of my items online except for the obvious things that aren't practical to buy online. Online shopping completely rocks, the thing that drives me to shop online is the savings on the tax, tax is 8.75% where I live so shopping online on a tax free site like Amazon is well worth it over buying in a B&M store and usually the prices are cheaper than even the B&M ads. Did I mention the larger selection online shopping opens you up to instead of focusing on only whats in the retail stores? I seriously don't know if I would play video games based on the selection that retail stores stock here (they usually only stock the most popular movie based games and kid-friendly games). Online shopping is an absolute must for games!

I will buy stuff in a B&M store when there is a clearance and the price is way cheaper than online, also when buying cheap items the tax doesn't add up so much. Its when your buying expensive things like digital cameras or game systems that the tax hits you.

If a store has a store locator check like gamestop's I check online before wasting gas money to go to a store only to find out they don't have what I want. Its not accurate 100% but at least it helps a little bit.

The nearest best buy and circuit city are like 30-45 min away from me and going there specifically to get an item that they may not have in stock is usually not worth the trouble because 90% of the time the item you want is not in stock. Calling the store is useless because the stores are so poorly organized that employees don't know where anything is. If I want something at BB or CC I have to wait until I am in the area for another reason then pick it up there and hope its still available.
Antsy sales people asking if I need any "help" when I don't and never finding them when I do plays a big role in my online shopping love.

I can find out stock status immediately from several retailers in a few clicks and pick the cheapest at my leisure at whatever time I feel like shopping.

Can't beat the ease for games, electronics, grocery and clothes.

Only problem is during frenzies when a lot of packages show up every day. The UPS guys joke about it and surely the postal person isn't thrilled. But I think of it as helping them keep their jobs.

And I too obsessively track the packages and get a rush on delivery day. LOL.
I do about 50/50 b&m or online purchases. I do like the instant gratification of going into the store and leaving with something in hand
Nah, I'll take the convenience and savings. Nothing worse then going to b&m and walking out empty handed because they never had stock or it sold out.
The only time I'll buy something online is when I know it'll be a hassle trying to find it in stores, if I can get it $20+ cheaper online, or if I can only buy it online and really want it. Pretty much if it's not the "DEAL OF THE CENTURY", I won't buy online.

Since I work in the mall, that is usually where I do all my shopping. Across from the mall there are two shopping centers with a Walmart, Target, BB, CC, TRU, and a Barnes & Noble.

Basically in my case there are no benefits to buying online so I don't if I can avoid it.
Its better to buy clothing in a B&M store, nothing beats being able to try on clothes and see how they look and sending them back is just a hassle. I buy so little clothing and when I am buying clothing I usually buy off season and only off the sale racks. Although I have been scouring ebay for clothing items that I want more of the same of that my retail stores seemed to have stopped stocking.

I don't blame people for shopping online if they want to avoid pushy sales people and stores that try to undercut the competition with prices that get you in the door then try to push a bunch of overpriced accessories on you to make up for the difference. Not to mention constant ad "misprints" that are not honored and not found out about until you have already driven the 30-45 min to get your item. Also the fact that they never have the item you want in stock.

For me its mainly the tax savings and lower prices than B&M. If a B&M had an item I wanted to buy that was lower than the lowest online price I could find after taxes I would be happy to buy it at that store. Like most consumers I go where the lowest prices are.
I find the best of the best deals B&M.

I'll order/buy off somebody online every now and again, espeically with PS3 games (and 360 eventually too)....but generally speaking places like Game Crazy, Circuit City, and TRU are where I find the cheapest ass video game deals definitely.

Don't get me wrong, Amazon's DOTD is great...but where are you people ordering from that is so much less expensive? Google checkout discounts?
[quote name='oakleyswitch']UPS tracking is the best![/QUOTE]
Actually have a package coming from UPS currently. It was shipped from TX and wound up in OH and they pushed the 2 day air delivery back through the weekend. Not sure how it ended up in OH, UPS is so pathetic. They have really poor service but get all the business cause they are slightly less expensive than FedEX.
Ordering online, whether it be ebay or a store, is my first choice. Most of the time its cheaper online. Plus its nice to get packages in the mail, its like christmas opening the items. One time I got like 7 packages at once. The postman must like me. :)
bread's done