Anyone else seriously underwhelmed with Nintendo's Press Conference?


5 (100%)
There was just nothing about the show that excited me, I have not touched my Wii in ages, and I kept hearing that something big for the hardcore gamer was coming from Nintendo at E3.

Well really there is nothing that I give two shits about. The add-on seems interesting, but really there is no games right now that use it, that really do it for me. Don't really care about Animal Crossing, and really don't care about Wii Resorts if it doesnt have online play.

I guess I expected more from Nintendo. I mean if they showed a brief clip of the new alleged Zelda game that would have been something. Where is the 2D metroid? Where is the new Punchout? Hell where is even Disaster Day of Crisis? Both Sony and MSoft brought out at least one or two big 1st party games, Nintendo gives us a music mini game. I am sure there will be a couple 3rd party games that interest me, but for now until the unforseeable future it will def be a Wii Dead Zone in my gaming.
IMO, it was a joke. Nothing that got me excited and proud to be a Wii owner. Wii Music? I can honestly say I was embarrased for Nintendo when I saw them up there flailing their hands in the air to the Mario theme. Worst E3 conference in a long time. Third party titles? Storage solution? Kid Icarus? Mario? Zelda? Give us something! Sad day for Nintendo fans IMO.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever'] I have not touched my Wii in ages[/quote]

I have the opposite problem, I can't stop touching mine...
I don't give a shit about E3. When a game comes out that I want I buy it. I don't care what a bunch of non gamers say hyping up the next "great" game that will suck.
E3 is dead and this year proved that. Somehow out of the big three terrible conferences Nintendo lost to Sony, Sony is a joke and still did better than Nintendo.

Nintendo has NOTHING! Maybe they will bring back Space World because as of right now they are screwed.
Yes, but Nintendo wasn't the only company at fault. Every single company, publishers included, churned out absolute shite presentations this year. E3 is dead.

I have to say I'm most disappointed in Wii Music. It is literally a game about flailing around the Wii Remote and pretending that you are playing a toy instrument that doesn't even exist. I was hoping for a heavier emphasis a conductor's wand and maybe some more composition aspects ala Band Brothers but no dice. Unless Wii Sports 2 has some amazing feature then there's no way I'm buying it. AC = AC and that's all I have to say about that.

[quote name='bigdaddy']Nintendo has NOTHING! Maybe they will bring back Space World because as of right now they are screwed.[/quote]

I don't think you quite understand how business works, chum.
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I think Wii Music may actually tarnish Miyamoto's reputation. I mean seriously, wtf. I recently got the 360 primarily for RB2 + GTAIV, but also RE5 and sports games in general (Madden/NBA/etc.). Again, areas where Wii is very very weak.

To think that Nintendo believes gamers would take THAT over Rock Band (with physical devices) is beyond arrogance.

It's stupidity.

The only thing that got me semi-pumped was the sword game from Wii Sports Resort...but that's the single thing. Too little too late. Imagine if they had gotten precision, particulary 1:1 (or close to it) at launch. *sigh*

Nintendo. At least PS3 was funny for "massive dmg" or "Ridge Racer!"
Nintendo's sorry presentation wasn't even funny. It was dejectingly sad.
I have the bad feeling that GTA for the DS is supposed to be the game for the "hardcore" gamer. :puke:

This has got to be the worst E3 that I can remember.
To think that Nintendo believes gamers would take THAT over Rock Band (with physical devices) is beyond arrogance.

It's stupidity.

See, but the operative word is "gamers", and 'we're' clearly not who Nintendo cares about least at high-publicity events.

Believe me, Soccer Mom Nation and their impossibly obnoxious (very young) children will love this. It won't, uh, intimidate them. And for the record, intimidation here is defined as anything that requires a learning curve of greater than fifteen seconds.
All big three conferences came up short. Nintendo especially. I really like the possibilities of the m+, but it may be too late for third parties to catch on and create compelling software.
[quote name='mav451']Nintendo. At least PS3 was funny for "massive dmg" or "Ridge Racer!"
Nintendo's sorry presentation wasn't even funny. It was dejectingly sad.[/quote]

Well played, new guy.

E3 is basically the closest thing gamers have to Christmas (you know, besides Christmas) and this year every single box was filled with long underwear and cleaning supplies.
It's not what they announced that annoys me but what they could of done to make it good. Where is the storage fix, VC data or announcement, Wiiware announcements? New franchises (Wii music doesn't count because it is in the Wii casual gamer line), etc. Hell I don't give a fuck that they don't show footage, but if they told me we are making a kid icarus or punchout I would be satisfied. All I see now is an Animal Crossing and Wii Sports game both which don't intrest me (unless Wii Sports is really good). I see no other Nintendo published games that I want, which is truely sad.

This conference just made me more madder at Nintendo.
You can Nintendo has fucked up big time, when even the hardcore fanboys are having trouble coming up with ways to defend that press conference.

Also, OT sorry, Sony's showing of their consoles various statistics, via a Little Big Planet level, was the highlight of all three major press conferences.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Well played, new guy.

E3 is basically the closest thing gamers have to Christmas (you know, besides Christmas) and this year every single box was filled with long underwear and cleaning supplies.[/quote]

Yea really...

From Microsoft I got an action figure that came out a year ago.

From Sony I got a brand new toy, but just the box...

From Nintendo I got nail clippers and a bouncy ball.

I think Wii Music may actually tarnish Miyamoto's reputation. I mean seriously, wtf. I recently got the 360 primarily for RB2 + GTAIV, but also RE5 and sports games in general (Madden/NBA/etc.). Again, areas where Wii is very very weak.
I think that Wii Music has to be one of the most embarrassing things to come out of E3. Just because it was coming from Miyamoto and you can just see him thinking in the middle of demonstrating it, "What the fuck was I thinking..." I don't know who it's suppose to attact but 5 year old kids. My GF was sitting there watching with me and got up and left when the Drummer and Miyamoto finished up their duet...

They are all like, "fuck it we are pwning this... we get money no matter what we do. Let's make a music game where all you have to do is press a button (with no timing) in order to play music, and we can get people to hold it up to their heads and make them look like jack asses.... heheh... probably will sell 10 million the first week."
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Very underwhelming. If this is indicative of their plans for the next year with regards to the wii, I'll have a hard time justifying not selling it. There was no bombshell. No good teaser. Just a good deal of (what seemed to be) half-baked ideas. The tv-mounted microphone? I can't imagine using it, what with how close/loud my speakers are. Wii Music? Quite honestly, a couple people in my computer audio class programmed just that in a matter of weeks. No fancy 3-d graphics, but wii-mote controlled and everything.

I'm hoping there wasn't anything big because they weren't really taking E3 seriously, cause I'd hate it if this was their permanent direction for the Wii.
[quote name='Rusty Ghia']I have the bad feeling that GTA for the DS is supposed to be the game for the "hardcore" gamer. :puke:

This has got to be the worst E3 that I can remember.[/quote]

I think you might be right. :cry:

In the essence of time, I'm going to make this story a brief one. Basically, Reggie defended Nintendo's stance on creating games for the hardcore market (as well as for the casual folks) during an interview today on G4.

"How could you [the core gamer] feel left out?," he questioned. "The Animal Crossing that we've been hearing about that people wanted. Fully connected to the Internet, go to other people's towns. Plus as I said, Grand Theft Auto on the DS. How do you feel left out with those types of announcements?"
Nintendo is slowly getting the Sony Syndrome.

They're doing so well that they're starting to not give a fuck, and eventually they'll get knocked on their asses.

Remember how awesome sony was doing a few years after the PSX came out, and how well they did with the Ps2? They got lazy and complacent..Then we got this:


They're only NOW starting to recover, and it's still an uphill battle.

And this is coming from a guy who likes his Wii and fucking LOVES Nintendo games.
Other than Animal Crossing the show was a joke. They had some good trailers to show too at the press conference but I guess Wii Sports 2 was more important than Mad World.
[quote name='Abysthor']Nintendo E3 2008:


Beat me to it!

I like the whole strip too lol

As an E3 presser it was disappointing for Nintendo fans and accomplished gamers. As an investor conference call, it was probably as genuinely enjoyable as the "it prints money" gif.

It's not like Nintendo is doing nothing: they're working hard to keep their new audience amused and in so doing sell more Wiis. E3 is evidence of the fact that the Wii isn't a gimmick or one-off trend. They're clearly aiming to sell as many Wiis going into 2009 as they did in 2007-2008. It's not particularly exciting for Wii owners, but it's good news if you believe that the chance of running into better third party titles slowly increases with the number of Wii owners.
Reality's Fringe;4622497]Nintendo is slowly getting the Sony Syndrome. They're doing so well that they're starting to not give a fuck said:
Yeah except Nintendo has already been through that stage...after the Snes and into the N64 era

I personally have a feeling they have many more things up their sleeve and either its too early to show those games 9development is not far enough), or they want it to trickle out after E3, giving them the hype after the show (over the next few months).

They have too many things that they can bring out to just give a music game for the next year...

In reality what thye showed is all they need to continue to sell out the systems, and just when they start to get them in stock everywhere (ie after the 3rd christmas season) they will start to drop the big game bombs again to cause another sell out.

They added the wii motion plus to show that they can get the 1:1 movement before another company did it.
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You know that the conference is in trouble when the first thing they do is wheel out some random old lady and she rambles for about 15 minutes about some snowboarding trip she once took.
I would argue that Nintendo's performance has more to do with how they see E3 than how they see their fans. They've gotten a ton of press the last few years from the mainstream press at the show and decided to focus on them.

I still think there are games coming but clearly they don't see e3 as the place to show them. Which is dumb. ( because the spoiled brat demographic throws a hissy fit over every perceived slight from e3)
Yea I don't get why Nintendo feels the need to "baby" all the young video game fans. I loved hard games when I was younger--even more than I do now! I remember being 3 and playing my uncle's mario for hours just trying to get past the first or second gomba. That is pure gold to me.

Maybe Nintendo doesn't know this but young kids love to try games, toys, and movies; over and over and they love a challenge. Maybe I am wrong, but I grew up on Mario, Battletoads, Castlevania, and Megaman....not exactly something that was "easy" for a 5 year old, but certainly was a lot more fun then throwing a Edisc to a Edog.
I was appalled by this conference. Mind you I live in Japan so I had to stay up until 2AM on a work night to watch it. *argh*

The snowboarding game looks meh, I'm not that into Animal Crossing (I owned both previous releases but gave up on/gave away both games), I could care less about GTA on ANY console, and WiiMusic looks just plain sad. :cry:

Throughout the entire WiiMusic "performance" I kept saying to myself "This CANNOT be it. They HAVE TO announce something big after this. I did NOT stay up for THIS!!!"

Honestly, wtf is Nintendo's 1st Party line-up for the rest of the year??
Here's what I can think of off the top of my head:

-Wario Land Shake
-Super Mario Sluggers
-Fatal Frame 4 (but when's the US release? All I know is that I'm getting the Japan version in 2 weeks! :D )
-Animal Crossing? (if it's not delayed like almost every other big release)

-Pokemon Ranger 2
-Kirby Super Star Ultra

Some good/great stuff, sure. But is that it? :shock:
If not at E3 when will they announce their new games??
Tokyo Game Show isn't until OCTOBER this year and that's pretty late to announce big holiday games...

C'mon Nintendo, throw us a fucking bone!!
What? You guys are all negative nancies!

This was definitely the best conference of the year--nay, the decade.

Perhaps you all missed the part about SHAUN WHITE (do you even know who this guy is? he's an American hero. A LEGEND.) and his super rad new snowboarding game which makes great use of the balance board in case you didn't know. Sounds like fun and you won't even break a wrist haha.

And Wii Music! Come on!! They had a cowbell. LOL. Needs more cowbell!!! And the Mario theme song too. Whenever I hear that, I can't help but think "what if I could pretend to play that?" but now I can. It's like Nintendo took all the dreams of the kids in the Make-a-Wish foundation, and combined them to make this game. "What? You want your cancer cured, Timmy? Well, here's something that's even better than living past the next month!"

GTA for the DS! Wow!! You know, I used to never care about GTA because it wasn't on a worthy console, but Grand Theft Auto has finally made its way to the best handheld ever invented, ever. Plus, it's more multicultural and more friendly to families being set in Chinatown. Who else could reinvent a game but Nintendo?

ANIMAL CROSSING WII OMG YES. Animal Crossing is perhaps one of the best Nintendo titles. It's like living in a town where there are dogs. And that's awesome. Plus!!! They made a stunning innovation with this amazing device that lets you talk to people who aren't even in the same room as you. And everybody thought that Nintendo was letting down the online gamer. Yeah, Phony and Micro$oft will now have to beg Nintendo to get such functionality. What's up now, losers? All your fanboys will see your failure in HD! LOL.

Oh, yeah. Girls play Nintendo consoles too as shown by the awesome Nintendo graphs. That means if I keep playing mine, I'm going to get a girlfriend soon. Yeah, sucks for you guys. Enjoy your virginity, losers.

I could keep going but I won't because I'm going to marathon like 10 Wii games right now in celebration. I'm on my 200th hour of Wii Sports, and ya know, it never gets old. So shut up you haters and just accept the truth. Nintendo rocks you and their conference was cool.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']What? You guys are all negative nancies!

This was definitely the best conference of the year--nay, the decade.

Perhaps you all missed the part about SHAUN WHITE (do you even know who this guy is? he's an American hero. A LEGEND.) and his super rad new snowboarding game which makes great use of the balance board in case you didn't know. Sounds like fun and you won't even break a wrist haha.

And Wii Music! Come on!! They had a cowbell. LOL. Needs more cowbell!!! And the Mario theme song too. Whenever I hear that, I can't help but think "what if I could pretend to play that?" but now I can. It's like Nintendo took all the dreams of the kids in the Make-a-Wish foundation, and combined them to make this game. "What? You want your cancer cured, Timmy? Well, here's something that's even better than living past the next month!"

GTA for the DS! Wow!! You know, I used to never care about GTA because it wasn't on a worthy console, but Grand Theft Auto has finally made its way to the best handheld ever invented, ever. Plus, it's more multicultural and more friendly to families being set in Chinatown. Who else could reinvent a game but Nintendo?

ANIMAL CROSSING WII OMG YES. Animal Crossing is perhaps one of the best Nintendo titles. It's like living in a town where there are dogs. And that's awesome. Plus!!! They made a stunning innovation with this amazing device that lets you talk to people who aren't even in the same room as you. And everybody thought that Nintendo was letting down the online gamer. Yeah, Phony and Micro$oft will now have to beg Nintendo to get such functionality. What's up now, losers? All your fanboys will see your failure in HD! LOL.

Oh, yeah. Girls play Nintendo consoles too as shown by the awesome Nintendo graphs. That means if I keep playing mine, I'm going to get a girlfriend soon. Yeah, sucks for you guys. Enjoy your virginity, losers.

I could keep going but I won't because I'm going to marathon like 10 Wii games right now in celebration. I'm on my 200th hour of Wii Sports, and ya know, it never gets old. So shut up you haters and just accept the truth. Nintendo rocks you and their conference was cool.[/quote]

That was supposed to be a joke, right?

Besides, some girls may like to play the Wii, but mine likes the PS3....That's right, I play the PS3 and I already have a girl...a girl who is engaged to me ::GASP:: :p

I've lost all interest in Nintendo though since the Wii came out. They are catering to a whole new audience and don't give a flying rip about the older gamers (I'm 21 and consider myself an older gamer...I grew up playing Atari and NES). The gamecube wasn't that great either, but I actually own one due to the fact that there are a few games worth playing. I wish I could say the same for the Wii :( Common Nintendo, give me a reason to buy a Wii, and I actually might!
[quote name='gareman']Yea I don't get why Nintendo feels the need to "baby" all the young video game fans. I loved hard games when I was younger--even more than I do now! I remember being 3 and playing my uncle's mario for hours just trying to get past the first or second gomba. That is pure gold to me.

Maybe Nintendo doesn't know this but young kids love to try games, toys, and movies; over and over and they love a challenge. Maybe I am wrong, but I grew up on Mario, Battletoads, Castlevania, and Megaman....not exactly something that was "easy" for a 5 year old, but certainly was a lot more fun then throwing a Edisc to a Edog.[/quote]
Short version: Agreed. I experienced many great and challenging games even when I was younger and loved every second most of the time. (unless I was playing games before I could read fluently. Playing my brother's Pokemon Red was difficult. :lol:
LONG version:
Being 13, the games I played when I was much younger (3-5) are different than yours. Mostly shitty movie games until I got a Game Boy Color with Pokemon Blue (If only I knew it was a GB game, my parents wouldn't have to get me an expensive ass GBC that only lasted like 3 years before GBA). That was the first and last time someone other than me bought a console for me. Anyway, the GBC opened doors I didn't see with my Game Boy Pocket. I had Zelda: Link's Awakening for GB, but it was boring and difficult to me. I became interested in real games after completing Pokemon Blue. Then I went back to Zelda and played it much more. Never beat it (that game is still too damn hard for me now!) but still had fun. Over time I got all sorts of good GB/GBC games. So I would agree with you about kids liking non-cakewalk games. Thankfully experienced great games like ALttP, SMB1-3, SMW, Metroid Prime, and many more over the years. Just this year I beat METAL GEAR SOLID and that is now my favorite game ever. I probably wouldn't have been able to understand it a few years ago, but that doesn't mean Sony/Kojima Productions should make crappy games with little story so kids can play them.

And now I close with one of my most often repeated ideas ever.
Dear Nintendo:
If your next console doesn't have Wii 2 stamped on it with a pack-in of Wii Sports: ____ it will fail misreably with your current stragegy of shitting all over hardcore gamers.
Let's put it this way...I'm glad I own a 360.

EDIT: Any of these could have eased the pain a bit:

Metroid Dread
Starfox Wii
Zelda (1:1) I'm sure it will come eventually
Man Icarus

Things that SHOULD have been there:

Wii storage solution
Virtual Console for DS
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Wiimusic is perfect for the main users of the wii... I thought their press conference was fine for what the wii is... mainly a system for kids and families.
I will say I am underwhelmed. At least the coduit, and madworld are coming out!!! The ds though is stealing all of my money. dragonquest, rhapsody, bangai-o, and lot's more to keep me busy. I think the next generation I'm just buying a nintedo handheld.
This confrence back up my further thought(dating back from when it came out), that the Wii, either now or eventually, will just be an over price piece of shit kids toy. Thank you Nintendo and Miyamoto for proving me right.

And for the record, WiiMusic just flat out pissed me off and I dont even own one of these little toys.
[quote name='DestroVega']Wiimusic is perfect for the main users of the wii... I thought their press conference was fine for what the wii is... mainly a system for kids and families.[/quote] not insult the mothers, tweens and whoever else is the "main users of the wii." Wiimusic is perfect for NO ONE. You know, I bought a keyboard once while I was in college and learning piano as an elective. On it was an option to play a loop of a song. My two year old (at the time) niece enjoyed banging on the keys as the "song" played. However, she did not enjoy it as much as banging on the keys and making her own "music." Wii Music is an insult, even to two year olds.
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[quote name='DarkSageRK']What? You guys are all negative nancies!

This was definitely the best conference of the year--nay, the decade.

Perhaps you all missed the part about SHAUN WHITE (do you even know who this guy is? he's an American hero. A LEGEND.) and his super rad new snowboarding game which makes great use of the balance board in case you didn't know. Sounds like fun and you won't even break a wrist haha.

And Wii Music! Come on!! They had a cowbell. LOL. Needs more cowbell!!! And the Mario theme song too. Whenever I hear that, I can't help but think "what if I could pretend to play that?" but now I can. It's like Nintendo took all the dreams of the kids in the Make-a-Wish foundation, and combined them to make this game. "What? You want your cancer cured, Timmy? Well, here's something that's even better than living past the next month!"

GTA for the DS! Wow!! You know, I used to never care about GTA because it wasn't on a worthy console, but Grand Theft Auto has finally made its way to the best handheld ever invented, ever. Plus, it's more multicultural and more friendly to families being set in Chinatown. Who else could reinvent a game but Nintendo?

ANIMAL CROSSING WII OMG YES. Animal Crossing is perhaps one of the best Nintendo titles. It's like living in a town where there are dogs. And that's awesome. Plus!!! They made a stunning innovation with this amazing device that lets you talk to people who aren't even in the same room as you. And everybody thought that Nintendo was letting down the online gamer. Yeah, Phony and Micro$oft will now have to beg Nintendo to get such functionality. What's up now, losers? All your fanboys will see your failure in HD! LOL.

Oh, yeah. Girls play Nintendo consoles too as shown by the awesome Nintendo graphs. That means if I keep playing mine, I'm going to get a girlfriend soon. Yeah, sucks for you guys. Enjoy your virginity, losers.

I could keep going but I won't because I'm going to marathon like 10 Wii games right now in celebration. I'm on my 200th hour of Wii Sports, and ya know, it never gets old. So shut up you haters and just accept the truth. Nintendo rocks you and their conference was cool.[/quote]
If thats not a joke, you need to leave/die 5 minutes ago.
[quote name='m3talst0rm'] not insult the mothers, tweens and whoever else is the "main users of the wii." Wiimusic is perfect for NO ONE. You know, I bought a keyboard once while I was in college and learning piano as an elective. On it was an option to play a loop of a song. My two year old (at the time) niece enjoyed banging on the keys as the "song" played. However, she did not enjoy it as much as banging on the keys and making her own "music." Wii Music is an insult, even to two year olds.

I love nintendo, and it is obvious that you've been trolling every non-ms e3 thread to bask in the glory of N and Sony's "Failure," however, you have a slight point here. Nintendo looks at their system as a toy. This toy is versatile and allows for fun and smiles. I think that Nintendo has missed the point of the evolution of gaming into a form of entertainment. Yes, gaming has their "Meet the Spartans" or "Wiggles: The Movie," but, thanks to developers working hard, often times for a ms or sony platform, to give us experiences beyond the greatest films, records, or novels. I'm not saying that it is not possible for the Wii not to have these experiences, but it seems obvious that Nintendo does not care if we do or not.[/quote]

Actually, your statement is false. Sony's conference actually impressed me more than MSFT's, I loved all the new games they're talking about and think PSN is catching up to Live fairly quick. If MAG ever comes out and gets halfway decent reviews I will buy a PS3.

It's just Nintendo I hate.

EDIT:And my reson behind hating them goes like this. Sure make money, whatever, but they are taking gaming down a direction that scares the shit out of me. More and more Sony and MS are trying to be more like the Wii in order to attract the wannabe soccor mom gamers. Thats already been proven by the likes of Sony's Home and MS's avatars(which I can't stand). If that happens you can say goodbye to the AAA titles that cost millions to make and hello to more games like the shit Nintendo is rolling out. Why would developers spend so much money to make an AAA title that may fall flat when they could spend a fraction of that to make a title for the wannabe gamer that they will eat up.
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[quote name='seanr1221']Wii Music was a big middle finger to all the Nintendo fans out there.[/quote]
Not really. If games that you dont care about or arent for you or just bad, were offensive, you would really never get a break from it.
Yep, Animal Crossing is really the only thing on my radar, and even then there's not a whole lot of evidence that they've tried to make it any different from the Gamecube or DS incarnations. The WiiSpeak peripheral looks like a dumb idea, although I guess we at least have [crippled] voice chat on the Wii now.

I guess I still have Nintendo Power's big secret reveal to look forward to next month. *crosses fingers for Kingdom Hearts 3*
Will there be a new model of remote that has motion-plus built-in? Will they sell a new model of Wii with motion-plus remote and Wii Sports Resort? I'll be in the market for a Wii this Xmas and would like to buy that.
[quote name='crunchewy']Will there be a new model of remote that has motion-plus built-in? Will they sell a new model of Wii with motion-plus remote and Wii Sports Resort? I'll be in the market for a Wii this Xmas and would like to buy that.[/quote]Wii sports resort and the Wii Motion Plus is due out next spring.
bread's done