Anyone ever have a plantar wart?


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i got one from wrestling. and i am going to the doctor to get it removed, how does it feel, i hope it isnt painful

if it means anything, the wart is pretty small
I had a wart, don't know what kind. Got one of those freeze away kits. Besides working well on the wart, a lot of fun can be had with those things...:lol:
[quote name='JolietJake']I had a wart, don't know what kind. Got one of those freeze away kits. Besides working well on the wart, a lot of fun can be had with those things...:lol:[/quote]

plantar warts are distinct, the have dead elevated skin with blob clots inside, the bulb grows inside your foot as opposed to outward
It could be a small one, they only look like that when they get big.
I had one that the doc gave me some acid stuff to burn it off with but it didn't do shit. After a while I just took it out w/ an xacto and it really wasnt all that bad.
I had to have one cut out about 3 years ago. Was on my right foot, just about in the middle but to the right a little bit.

Really didn't feel it. They gave me a local anesthetic, and then just cut a little dome shaped hole and it was gone. Couldn't wear enclosed shoes for about a week, and was kinda hard to walk when the painkillers wore off, but overall not too bad.
yeah, I had one on my foot once. The dry ice stuff they use really didn't do anything. After about 4 years, it just went away though

anything with Salicylic acid will help, if its small enough of the stuff should wash away...
Yeah...I got them from the gym last year...pain in the butt. If you don't take care of it, it'll spread and then 1 plantar wart will become 6...and mine became painful...but I also trained and ran a marathon before getting them removed...

I had success burning them out at the doctor's office--the acid stuff they sell in stores did nothing for me.
I heard covering it with duct tape for a week removes them. I had a wart once on my hand when I was a kid. My doctor tried to remove it with liquid nitrogen. That didn't work, so I took an x-acto knife and cut it out.
i had a wart on my elbow once, i cut it off with a knife then pulled a bunch of little black seed looking things out of it and then it never came back.
Silver Nitrate worked wonders for me when I was a kid. Had a couple on my foot, the nitrate cleared them up quickly (don't remember how long exactly... almost 20 years ago).
I'm with everyone else. The cheap acid doesn't work too well but when used in conjunction with a knife it's the best cure. Just make sure you get it good and deep otherwise you'll prolong your failure.
[quote name='doctorfaustus']Here's a picture of one I had on my foot...

It took three radishes to defeat this beast.

I never realized how many people, including myself, will just dig and cut things right off of them.

I got one from swim team around 8th grade. One day in the shower after practice I noticed it was pretty numb and i was picking pieces of it off my finger with no problems so i pulled the whole head off. I then proceeded to pull out all the little black seeds inside of there. Eventually the whole closed up, and it never came back.

I've told other people how I took care of it myself and they thought it was gross and weird, I guess it is pretty common.
I had a couple on my feet when I was younger.
I used these wart removing pads from the grocery that looked like band-aids.
I left it on for a week or so and the wart started to sort of blister and I just cut it out.
They never came back
I had one on the heel of my foot when I was younger (7th grade, I think). Hurt like a bitch to remove (went to the dermatologist, and he had to give me a local and dig it out). I had about a 1/2-inch deep hole my heel after that.
its a little smaller than a button on the 360 controller. i thought it was from my wrestling shoe causing somewhat of a calus and then sweat from my socks. but i realized it couldve been from the showers which are very clean.

i should have done the duct tape trick which i here works perfect but takes a bit of time.
I have dug them out in the past, but I had one big one last year which turned into three or four. Had to you the acid and get them frozed four times at the DR. Wanted to dig it out, but the wife kept getting mad when I pulled out the good kitchen knives.
[quote name='Dokstarr']I never realized how many people, including myself, will just dig and cut things right off of them.[/quote]

Same here. I always get a weird look from friends and family if the topic ever comes up. For as long as I can remember I've never been hesitant to grab an exacto and operate on myself.

On the other hand I can barely cut my 2-year olds nails without being afraid I'm going to mutilate his tiny little fingers or toes. :whistle2:(
I had one on my finger when I was a kid. One day I got pissed that those wart removers didn't work and literally bit it off. Yeah, I'm hardcore. Good thing it wasn't on the tip of my dick.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I had one on my finger when I was a kid. One day I got pissed that those wart removers didn't work and literally bit it off. Yeah, I'm hardcore. Good thing it was on the tip of my dick.[/quote]


I had one on my hand when I was younger. Dug it out, never came back.
I had a couple plantar warts a few years ago. I soaked the warts with tea tree oil a couple times a day and they eventually fell out within 2-3 weeks.
Had one of those in high school. It didn't hurt when it was taken out, but it hurt like a mofo for a few days afterwards if I walked on it.
I had one on the ball of my right foot. I got it by stepping on a nail and it got infected. Hurt like a Mofo. Then one day I was walking on my tile floor and I tripped on the edge of a tile and sheared it right off. It bled like you wouldn't believe. It' even pulled the root out. When it healed the wart was gone.

Best accident ever!
I have 5 small warts on my hands, completely insignificant but still annoying to me and I have been trying to get rid of them. I tried the freeze stuff, definitely didn't work, so now im trying the duct tape thing with vinegar because I heard that works. Been doing it for two days now and it looks like all the black things are trying to surface or something. My fingers smell terrible though.
I had one on my palm between my index finger and palm when I was in first grade. I'd cut it off with a nail clipper but it kept growing back. My parents got me some compound w to get rid of it but it didn't work until i started putting a band aid on it after application.
Those freeze away kits worked for me, but it does take a while afterward for the wart to actually go away. The cold kills the virus and the skin, later the skin underneath it heals and the wart essentially peels away.It did leave a little scar though, not very noticeable.
Here's a link to the duct tape paper:

For patients randomized to the duct tape arm, a supply of standard duct tape was provided. The first piece of duct tape, cut as close to the size of the wart as possible, was applied to the wart in the clinic by nursing personnel. Patients or their parents were told to leave the tape in place for 6 days. If the tape fell off, parents were instructed to reapply a new piece of tape. At the end of the 6 days, they were told to remove the tape, soak the area in water, and then gently debride the wart with an emery board or pumice stone. The tape was left off overnight and was reapplied the following morning. The treatment was continued for a maximum of 2 months or until resolution of the wart, whichever came first. Patients in the duct tape arm were requested to return to the clinic every 4 weeks, if the wart was still present, for nursing personnel to remeasure the wart and record results on the data sheet.

Normally, derms or family docs just freeze these off. But the tape trick seems to be equally effective according to this article.
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