Anyone get worried we will get bored of the "Wii-style" a year from now?


I'm a huge fan of Nintendo, hardcore even. But is anyone worried that the new style of gaming might not take off? The "classis" style of playing with two hands on a controller might be something we've been doing for 20 years, and Nintendo pretty much invented/popularized that style, but maybe they got it right the first time?

Take the wheel. It's the perfect shape to reduce friction when driving which is why its been on cars and bikes for hundreds of years. They just got it right the first time which is why there is no "update" to the wheel.

I'm sure Nintendo has already thought of this before committing to the idea of the Wii, but still, it does worry me a little. After seeing Assassins Creed trailer for the 360, that game got me almost more hooked than Zelda TP. I think that innovation can come through software and not through changing the user interface.
The thing is, what the Wii is doing IS NOT new. There have been motion sensing controllers out for a while. Shoot, you could go to Wal Mart and buy a couple Jakks Pacific TV games that replicate what you'll be getting in Wii Sports.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']The thing is, what the Wii is doing IS NOT new. There have been motion sensing controllers out for a while. Shoot, you could go to Wal Mart and buy a couple Jakks Pacific TV games that replicate what you'll be getting in Wii Sports.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but Nintendo states it's nothign to this magnitude. Hell the PS3 controller has motion sensing in it but from what Nintendo says there is far superior then Sony's. I'm takign there word for it as of now though.

OP, I don't see the Wii Style being boring after a certain time. There most likely will be a constant stream of ideas and innovations they could use when the implement the Wiimote into games. I see it as getting better and better.
i'll get bored if, and only if there would be crappy titles for the Wii.
other than that, i don't think i'll get bored. until there's like 100 titles for the Wii, i'll just wait. no need for me to rush, i'll just take it slow.

damn, i still have a backlog of GC titles that will keep me busy. by that, i wouldn't even notice that i got a Wii or a new console. :lol:
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']The thing is, what the Wii is doing IS NOT new. There have been motion sensing controllers out for a while. Shoot, you could go to Wal Mart and buy a couple Jakks Pacific TV games that replicate what you'll be getting in Wii Sports.[/quote]

Yeah, but it'll be nowhere as good an Wii sports is just one game.
I don't see how you'd get bored of it. What I think, is that we'll become use to the style of remote, and it won't seem so special anymore. It'll just end up being another way to interact with the game, but not as "new" or "refreshing" as time goes on. It'll just be another remote.

Did we get bored of the current remotes yet? Did we get bored of keyboard and mice? Think about it. All we did was get use to things and it became normal. (note: not saying everything will be like wiimote, just eventually we'll get use to it and thats that)

edit* Like rumble features: before it was WOW my remote rumbles. Now its like "eh".
You'll get used to the wiimote and not all games will force you to extensively use it so it'll be more like a regular wireless controller.
I don't know about bored, but I think it'll become just like the stuff we see now, you'll get used to it. Well thats for games like Zelda, Metroid and Mario...once you play a game like Wii Sports or some game that requires you to actually make noticeable movements rather than flicking a wrist, it'll probably be more fun. So...I expect from this system equally fun Zelda/Mario, but more fun Party type games and the like.
[quote name='icecubedx5']
I'm sure Nintendo has already thought of this before committing to the idea of the Wii, but still, it does worry me a little. After seeing Assassins Creed trailer for the 360, that game got me almost more hooked than Zelda TP. I think that innovation can come through software and not through changing the user interface.[/QUOTE]
Of course innovation can come through software, but I think it is time someone tried to encourage innovation through the user interface.
I'm going to be as bored with the Wii as I am with my DS. I play my DS nearly every day and love it, btw, so I am not worried in the least so long as quality games are produced with multiplayer functionality.
[quote name='6669']Too early to tell. I've never played Wii before, so I have no idea.[/QUOTE]

Then have I got an opportunity for you....
Comparing a human input device (controller) with a geometric figure (circle, wheel) isn't exactly valid. The perfect controller would be one that did exactly what you wanted to without having to think about it. On current controllers, we train ourselves that B blocks and Y jumps. Because it feels natural after 20 years of training certainly does not make it the best.
I think it's going to be similar to gamecube, where there will be MUST PLAY titles here and there but over all most games will be better played on PS3/XB360.
Obviously you don't have a Wii. Even after playing with three it, sometimes four, times a day I have yet to get bored with my Wii.

Anywho, besides penis jokes, no, you won't get bored with the Wii. Ignoring the DS argument (which is incredibly violent) people still play DDR to death when it's been essentially the same game since 1998.
My opinion is that the Wii is worth it for the multiplayer possibilities alone. Because of those possibilites, I think the Wiimote will hold up to a year's worth of games without becoming tiresome: the impression I'm getting from news, etc is that developers are excited about trying the new control out, and it feels like the Wii library could take off as the DS library did (initial hesitation and then an outpouring of cool, fun games). I think the Wiimote could make for a lot of fun gaming, especially in fun little 3rd party stuff. Though it's not a party game, Cooking Mama for the Wii will be a big hit with my people, as will the new Wario Ware.

My only disappointment about the Wii control-wise has nothing to do with the controller: I'm still a little pissed that I can't plug a GC controller with the Wii version of Zelda TP. I know I chose the Wii version for a reason, and I'm excited about trying out Zelda with the Wiimote, but it's gonna be really hard to leave behind the play control that went from fantastic in OoT to perfect in WW. I think that in a year I'll still miss the GC controls, but maybe by that time I can pick up a cheap used copy of TP and settle in with those wonderful controls.
I think it will take a while, at least for me. First ill probably spend a couple hours on mii whats included. Then a few weeks with wiisports. Probably 1 months with zelda, red steel, madden, exite truck, and whatever im forgetting that I look interested in each. (plus 1 for ever release, plus alot if I get into mp) Awhile with virtual consle, then I never played GC games, so ill pick up all the games I was interested in but never played, and a controller.

Overall, I dont see me getting bored with it for a while.
I'm not worried about the control scheme but I am very worried about game design. When I first heard that Nintendo was going through with 3d motion control a lot of ideas flew into my head and not a damn one of them has come close to fruition from what I can see. We're just going to have a barrage of sword/gun/flying games for the first year or two before we get something really hot. Still getting one on launch day though.
Just like any system, its gonna take em a good year to get good games out. For me it will depend on whether games like FPS work as good (or nearly) as on mouse/keyboard input. If the controller is not percise, I will probably get frustrated. I've got my hopes up tho.
[quote name='horrido']Just like any system, its gonna take em a good year to get good games out. For me it will depend on whether games like FPS work as good (or nearly) as on mouse/keyboard input. If the controller is not percise, I will probably get frustrated. I've got my hopes up tho.[/QUOTE]

That's what kinda scares me, In some of the reviews they mentioned that the controller lost where it was momentarily every once in a while.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']That's what kinda scares me, In some of the reviews they mentioned that the controller lost where it was momentarily every once in a while.[/quote]

From what I've read and seen, it seems that a lot of that (the controller losing position) was based a lot on the user itself and his position; with this apparently being the big reason everyone has all along said that the console works best when you're a few feet away, rather than super close to the screen / sensor bar like people are at the Fusion tour, for instance. Like when you're super close, the controller can obviously easily lose total sight of the sensor bar if you lift it up to a certain degree...versus if you're farther away, you can lift up/down farther without losing sight of the bar.

So assuming all of that is accurate (I haven't played, so I can't say for sure), I assume that we'll all figure out the best position for our seating / standing in the first two weeks or so that we have Wii. We'll deal with all of the problems of getting used to it in that period, we'll adjust as necessary, and we'll all get used to it. I mean, look at when it's happened to people at the Fusion tour - it's apparently been a relatively minor thing, even for them and how close they were to the screens, so once we have the option to do what we want with our position, our posioning of the bar, etc, I think it'll all work out.

As for the original poster's concerns, I don't share 'em at this point. There are just too many methods by which the Wii's controls inject new levels of experience into gaming; it's more than one gimmick. There's the FPS aspect, the depth aspect, there's the pointer, the motion detection, etc. I think developers will continue finding ways to make it work, and I see NO reason to assume I'd grow tired of playing that way. I've been experiencing virtually the same method of playing with a gamepad for 20 years now, and I still love that, so I doubt I'd grow tired of this after a year or two.
This was a concern of mine, I am on the fence about it. I think it will a question of true support from 3rd parties, if I have 2 consoles and say Prince of Persia 5 in a couple years comes out and Wii version is of course alittle less graphical (This I can handle) but if you feel like they slapped in Wii motion control just to do it and sell it on the Wii then people we make the "other" console version the choice version. We hear the Wii version of Madden is ground up for the Wii, will econmics end up being that future maddens are ported and not ground up version, how long can/will EA have a seperate version.

I guess it boils down to PC/Xbox360/PS3 is nothing more than graphics setting adjustment, controller button remapping and recompile (I realize this is oversimplifiing it), Wii is probally alot more graphics adjustment and different controller, remember the company who stopped GameCube ports because of controller didn't have enough buttons.
[quote name='cochesecochese']I'm not worried about the control scheme but I am very worried about game design. When I first heard that Nintendo was going through with 3d motion control a lot of ideas flew into my head and not a damn one of them has come close to fruition from what I can see. We're just going to have a barrage of sword/gun/flying games for the first year or two before we get something really hot. Still getting one on launch day though.[/QUOTE]

Who's to say getting "Bushido Blade" for the Wii would be bad. I for one would LOVE it, just make sure it's properly responsive to blocking and such and it HAS to have online. I just HAVE to have it to kick some ass and I love the idea of using the Wiimote to slit someone's throat like in "Sadness".
Ming brings up a good point but that would be NO ONE'S fault but the developers. Unfortunately because of it though Nintendo would get the brunt of it.
bread's done