Anyone getting Darkwatch?


Anyone else getting this game on Wed? Ive been following the game for a while and I think its going to be very good. A nice themed FPS, which is something , at least in my mind, that has been lacking lately. A truly story driven FPS. I played the demo on XBL and really liked the multiplayer aspect also. So, if anyone else is psyched like I am for Darkwatch, post here with your gamertag for XBL and we will hook up and throw down on some vampire killin!!!!
I plan on getting it, but I have to go to a wedding this weekend, so I probably won't be able to get it right away. I've played the demos on OXM & have liked it quite a bit.
Why do you think it will drop so fast? Its different enough from everything else online out there to keep it going.
Rent? at BB prices, its almost cheaper to buy and then trade in than rent games anymore. At least thats true here in my area.
I've had this on pre-order at GameRush since sometime in February, so I'll be picking it up this week. It'll probably go in my stack of games that I've gotten ridiculously cheap at GR and haven't had time to play yet. I thought the demo was pretty sweet though.
[quote name='ukhoops']Rent? at BB prices, its almost cheaper to buy and then trade in than rent games anymore. At least thats true here in my area.[/QUOTE]

oh yeah..I forgot about that 7.99 crap. well, I do have a dollar off coupon
... will probably pick it up when a good price drop comes around. I love non military themed FPS, so I am interested in this. Not to mention the controls seem pretty well done.
Figure, 49.99 to buy it. If you feel the need to trade it in quickly, you should get 25-30 trade in somewhere(maybe even 35 at BB). 15-25 to play the single player game is worth it to me. Plus with the multiplayer, you never know you might end up keeping it for a while. I know Ive done that with several games in the past.

$7.99 is just too much for a rental in my opinion.
Gamespot's review is now up and they gave Darkwatch a 7.9. Thats actually very good coming from Gamespot. Overall they seemed to like it a lot. Definitley something for us FPS fans to enjoy for a while!!!
[quote name='swetooth9']Brak (Brax0r) will get it...

i might[/QUOTE]

Yes, sir. I'll attempt picking it up today.

I hope it's good. I don't want to waste money on another Conker Live & Reloaded.
It's tempting, because the demo was pretty cool (although I was drunk when I played it).

I'll be waiting for a nice price drop...
GameCrazy didn't have it yesterday (16th, the release date). Oh, well. I got it today. I plan on playing it before I head out to work.

Anyone tried it out yet?
So far, its as awesome as I thought it would be from the demos. The single player game is very well done in the story and the controls are absolutley spot on. Only tried 1 mulitplayer game and there weren't many people on. Ill post back on that later. So far, id say this is one of the better games Ive played in the last 6-9 months.
Yeah. The single-player is incredible.

I played a bit of the multi-player, as well. I'm surprised by how fun it is. I mean, it draws similarities to Halo 2, but it's nowhere near as flawlessly done. I say that the multi-player is "OK", compared the single player being amazing.
The multi-player control wise is very much like halo. I have mine configured just like I play halo, so I feel right at home. I agree, the single player game has been great so far. High Moon and Capcom did a very good job with this one.
[quote name='ukhoops']What did you not like about it? Why only worth $30?[/QUOTE]

It's too repeditive. There are only around 6 guns (super pistol, dual pistols, sniper rifle, shotgun, carbine, rail rocket launcher), the old pistol and that mace don't count. There aren't enough different enemies either. I guess I was expecting too much.
How do you not count an old pistol and a mace as weapons? Isn't that what they are? I was expecting a lot from this game, but I also think it has delivered on many of those expectations.
[quote name='ukhoops']How do you not count an old pistol and a mace as weapons? Isn't that what they are? I was expecting a lot from this game, but I also think it has delivered on many of those expectations.[/QUOTE]

You use them for 5 minutes and then dont really ever see them again.
very fun, im enjoying it alot. some parts are absolute mayhem on the higher difficulty levels. havent tried out multiplayer yet.
Agreed, single player on higher difficulty gets crazy sometimes. Multiplayer is really fun the more people you get. I have enjoyed the few games i've played with full or almost full games. Those seem to be the best.
Anyone who has picked this up who has played a lot of multiplayer...what are your impressions? Only played a game or 2 here, but have enjoyed them.
Only played some of the campaign so far and its a blast. I'll jump into some multiplayer this weekend.
So far I like the game, but the soft auto aim feature is bugging the shit out of me. I know some people find it helpful to have the reticule kinda stay locked on target until you really move the thumbstick, but I can't stand it. Is there anyway to turn it off? Maybe on a higher difficulty setting than the default?
[quote name='Professor Oreo']So far I like the game, but the soft auto aim feature is bugging the shit out of me. I know some people find it helpful to have the reticule kinda stay locked on target until you really move the thumbstick, but I can't stand it. Is there anyway to turn it off? Maybe on a higher difficulty setting than the default?[/QUOTE]

wow, you use auto aim??
why dont you just have the game shoot for you....player control is overrated.
[quote name='The VGM']It's too repeditive. There are only around 6 guns (super pistol, dual pistols, sniper rifle, shotgun, carbine, rail rocket launcher), the old pistol and that mace don't count. There aren't enough different enemies either. I guess I was expecting too much.[/QUOTE]

I agree. A friend and I tried it out co-op and played for at least an hour & a half or so. During that time, we really only saw 3 different enemies. And all the areas looked the same. It's not a bad game, but it's not as good as I was expecting. I returned mine as well, I'll pick it back up once it's
[quote name='thisiswack']I think Professor Oreo wants auto aim turned off and doesn't know how to do it.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Thanks for understanding that, although I didn't think I had worded it so poorly as to make it so incredibly confusing to understand (up yours Nickmad). Yes auto aim chaps my ass and I would love to turn it off. However, I don't see a way to do it in the options menu. Anyone have an idea if you actually can shut it off?
[quote name='argyle']I agree. A friend and I tried it out co-op and played for at least an hour & a half or so. During that time, we really only saw 3 different enemies. And all the areas looked the same. It's not a bad game, but it's not as good as I was expecting. I returned mine as well, I'll pick it back up once it's
[quote name='Professor Oreo']Yes. Thanks for understanding that, although I didn't think I had worded it so poorly as to make it so incredibly confusing to understand (up yours Nickmad). Yes auto aim chaps my ass and I would love to turn it off. However, I don't see a way to do it in the options menu. Anyone have an idea if you actually can shut it off?[/QUOTE]

maybe you should turn auto aim back on in order to put it up my ass.
I'll be picking this up...after it goes down a bit though. Definitely enjoyed the demos that have been out...
bread's done