Anyone good with AC/DC power? (Need help making a PSOne car adapter)


I didn't know what forum to put this in, sorry if I was wrong....hopefully this isn't as confusing to you as it is to me

I've been looking everywhere for a PSOne car adapter (for my PSOne and screen) but I have had no luck. I'm going on a little trip tomorow, and I wanted to have something, so I took the wall adapter into radioshack, and they told me what to get. I ended up getting a DC power adapter, that has voltages from 3-12 volts (you choose what power to select) I then bought an Adaptaplug for it, (size B, it seemed like none of them were the exact size as the wall adapter, this one seemed a bit small). When I got home I plugged the PSOne into the adapter with the voltage set at 7.5 (which is the same as the wall adapter) The screen flickered on, then went out. the psone remained on. I thought I fried the screen, but thankfully I didn't. My question is, what am I doing wrong? Could it be that the plug was too small? It fit in the hole, but it didn't fit perfectly. I wanted to try and bump up the power one more to 9 or 12 volts, but I'm really scarted to fry the system. Does anyone know what to do? Or what specifications I need to make this work? It's not the end of the world if I don't use my PSOne tomorow, but it would be a nice little bonus. If anyone could help, it'd be appreciated, thanks!
Sounds like the connection is loose. Don't up the voltage you may blow a capacitor or bulb in the screen.
How many amps does the car adapter you have deliver? I can't imagine it would be more than 1 amp. I believe the adapter for the screen is rated for 3 amps.
I dont think you will hurt anything with 12 volts of power, as a matter of fact, I would say that that is how to fix it. I am not positive, I would have to see what you have and you PS1. If you look on the scrren and PS1 there is a black sticker that says how many volts it requires to operate. Also, at Walmart there is a simple cigerette adapter that you plug directly to your cigerette adapter and it gives to a standard outlet that would be easier. I bought one for a trip for $15 over the summer. This may be what you may want to try. Either way 12 Volts of power is not too much power to do any damage, I am 95% positive.
Most likely what happened with your adapter, is that when you turn it one, it came up, and then promptly overloaded the converter. I'm sure good enough converters are out there, but they're not likely worth your time.

Check or to browse through some parts.
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