Anyone have experience with Braces?


22 (100%)
Well I knew this time was coming but I still didn't want to believe it. My teeth are horribly crooked and they have now started to hurt and I know I need braces.

So I was just wondering if any other CAGs had experience with them. Do they hurt alot getting them on? How much does this cost? How Long do they have to be on? I am gonna get stuck with the regular kind or can I get the invisible kind? and so on. I just want to see what peoples experiences are.
I had braces many moons ago but that was when they were metal and went on the front of your teeth. It was horrible, embarrasing, annoying, painful, etc. I understand now a days they have invisible ones and the kind that go on the back of the teeth. So I'm guessing things have gotten better.

Also, now about 12 years later, my teeth are moving again and become crooked. So it seems to only be a somewhat temporary fix.
[quote name='Maklershed']I had braces many moons ago but that was when they were metal and went on the front of your teeth. It was horrible, embarrasing, annoying, painful, etc. I understand now a days they have invisible ones and the kind that go on the back of the teeth. So I'm guessing things have gotten better.

Also, now about 12 years later, my teeth are moving again and become crooked. So it seems to only be a somewhat temporary fix.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me.

I had them back in elementary school and now one tooth is starting to shift.
I had braces when I was 12 to 13. Was probably the most awkward year of middle school. I know two people who've had braces twice. My friend just recently had to get braces again, and shes 21. Its not even for the front teeth that are obviously straight either, it was for the back. She wasn't happy to say the least.
Do they hurt alot getting them on?
The rings hurt! The rings that I'm talking about is if you get the metal braces, they put metal rings near the back of your teeth and make sure it's securely fit. They do a fitting beforehand, but it still can be annoying when they jam it down. And taking it out was a bit of a pain as well. Nothing like getting your teeth pulled though.

How much does this cost?
Mine was about 5k back then (er.. 6 years ago?). My brother was about 5k as well at our orthodontist (his was two years ago).

How Long do they have to be on? I am gonna get stuck with the regular kind or can I get the invisible kind?

Mine was about two years and the same for my brother. It depends on your teeth and how crooked they are. Mine wasn't that bad, just a teeth gone wrong and moving the rest of the teeth so it looks nice. My brother's teeth were more obviously crooked.

Don't know your age, but you could get stuck with the metal one. I don't know if the invisible ones are a lot more or less effective than the regular.

Huge advice, never lose your retainers afterwards, at least not long enough where you can't fit them anymore. My cousin had braces, got them off and received her retainers, lost her retainers, for some reason was too lazy to get another one? and it just went reverted back to her old shape.
They're painful and expensive, but definitely worth it in the end.

[quote name='1SwtDeception']Huge advice, never lose your retainers afterwards, at least not long enough where you can't fit them anymore. My cousin had braces, got them off and received her retainers, lost her retainers, for some reason was too lazy to get another one? and it just went reverted back to her old shape.
[/QUOTE]I haven't used my retainers for 5 years, and my teeth are fine.
im currently wearing braces right now, the metal ones that go in the front of your teeth. the first few days, they hurt so bad that i couldnt chew food right. but then they started getting better, up until i had to get them tightened. basically, they hurt for at least 3 days everytime u get them retightened.

i'm seeing some major improvement after 2 months (i had an underbite), so it's worth the money ($2000ish). u should never feel embarrassed. who gives a crap what people think when they see u. it's the inside that matters. besides, ur on ur way to perfect teeth anyway, so just hold off the women for a while.

after u get em, the doctor will run u down on what u shouldnt eat. it's all lies. basically just eat food safely. so like when u bite hard stuff, just make sure they never touch the braces, and ull be fine.

brushing ur teeth is mucho importante. if u dont, there'll be white spots on ur teeth where the braces were. so unless u want white polka dots on ur yellow rotting teeth, practice good hygiene.

so overall, be glad ur getting them sooner. otherwise ull end up like this guy:

Mine cost about $5000, i'll ge tthem off in 2009 so about 2 years. They hurt like hell at first, then after a few days it gets better. The reason is that the braces are forcing your teeth to shift in an un-natural way. Causingthem to align differently than they would on their own. I had a new band put on earlier this month. I expected it to hurt like the first one but it didn't.

The thing that pisses me off the most, is that i didn't even know i needed braces until i switched dentists. My old dentist never told me i needed braces, even thouhg i asked numerous times. I always knew my bite was off, but who was i to question the doctor. I was having a lot of dental problems that probably would have been solved or lessened with braces. Plus they'd be off by now.
weenies, I had mine on for almost 5 years. They aren't fun, bearable at best. My teeth look fine, now if only the rest of me did.
[quote name='Malik112099']Only thing I know about braces is that they rip out pubes....[/quote]


Yeah my braces were about 5K, they're painful, had to wear them for two years. I have a permanent metal retainer on the back of my front bottom teeth and I have to wear my plastic retainer for my top teeth about once a week.

I have noticed that I don't need to wear my top retainer as often anymore. It used to be every night, now once a week, probably less than that as time goes on. I think they said I will be able to remove the bottom permanent retainer sometime in my early 20s. I don't ever notice the bottom permanent retainer, I guess I've gotten that used to it. I never really have to accomadate for it either.

I think it's worth it to have perfect teeth pretty much.
[quote name='mac101010']u should never feel embarrassed. who gives a crap what people think when they see u. it's the inside that matters. besides, ur on ur way to perfect teeth anyway, so just hold off the women for a while.[/QUOTE]

This really stood out to me.

If this were true then what's the point of getting braces in the first place? Who gives a crap is you have funky teeth, it's the inside that matters.
Nice to hear some of these stories. I actually just got braces today and I'm in college (3rd year). I realize I should've gotten this done a lot earlier but issues with the cost made me wait till now.

Pain hasn't been too bad. I actually didn't have too much trouble eating a salad and some pasta for dinner. Maybe I'm just used to this stuff after having my wisdom teeth and some other teeth pulled out last summer (in preparation for the braces).

Only thing that sucks is they feel really awkward in my mouth. I'm spending most of my time thinking about how wierd these braces feel lol. I really hope in a few days I start noticing them less.

Also looking at the food restrictions sucks. Never been into sweets too much (though looks like I can still have ice cream sometimes) but looks like Doritos and chips are out for the next 2 years. Need to find some new snacks for homework/studying.

Right now I'm just wondering how I'll manage keeping these in for 2 years. Oh well, it'll be cool to have straight teeth.
They sometimes hurt, they're annoying, food gets caught in them but overall they're totally worth it. My teeth are so straight now and I couldn't be happier. You'll also appreciate having them off when they come off, food seems to taste about 10 times better.

Oh and the absolute worst for me, was the spacers. Little rubber bands they'd put inbetween your teeth...these were so annoying. I'm not sure if everyone gets them but I had them before I got actual braces on.

[quote name='V878']Also looking at the food restrictions sucks. Never been into sweets too much (though looks like I can still have ice cream sometimes) but looks like Doritos and chips are out for the next 2 years. Need to find some new snacks for homework/studying.[/quote]

I actually never looked at the list of restrictions. I didn't seem to have any major problems. Once in a while one of the brackets would break off but they fix it right quick. You get used to the feeling in few days.
PROTIP: Don't chew gum when your spacers are in, 'cause it'll take 'em right out, which will make the initial application of the braces that much harder.
OK hopefully I can help out here, I'm working at an orthodontics office and I just got my braces off a few weeks ago. I had metal braces btw.

If you only have issues with spacing and gaps, Invisalign is probably the best choice for anyone older than 16. They are clear invisible mouthpieces, you take them out when you brush/eat, leave them in the rest of the day/night and usually within 1-2 years your teeth will be aligned and straight. They seem extremely convenient compared to regular metal braces but you HAVE to wear your aligners or it won't work and you'll waste a few thousand dollars. Invisalign however does not correct bite problems, and when the orthodontist evaluates you they will determine if you are a "good Invisalign candidate".

The braces on the back teeth are called i-braces, and the doctor at my office said they are actually really tough because it gets super dirty back there if people don't brush really well so they aren't recommended for most patients but yeah these ones seem like the best of both worlds (if only they were easy to clean).

Metal braces are the safest bet, and it really depends on the person for the length of time. There are new types of wire ties coming out that are making braces cleaner, but either way they are gonna look pretty funky, especially if you are older. But in all honesty you will get used to it in a few days/a week. As far as pain goes, separators hurt like crazy (creates space for the bands in the back) and the tightening every 6 weeks will keep your teeth sore for two days or so. And as far as the food list goes, like someone said earlier, just be careful and you can eat anything. Make sure you brush well though or you'll get spots when they take the braces off.

As far as retainers go, we recommend wearing them forever also, but thats because some people's teeth move so fast that they have to. Everyone is different but in the end the rule is just to cover everyone. I also wear trutanes, which are clear plastic retainers (kind of like Invisalign aligners). No one notices them and you don't talk funny while wearing them. They are awesome. Overall I'd recommend getting braces without a doubt, it feels great to have them off and now I'm not always thinking about the gaps in my teeth. Let me know if you have any more questions and hopefully I can help out.
I got my braces off two years ago. I had to wear them about two and a half years. My teeth were pretty crooked and I'm amazed at how straight they are now. Even more surprising is that they were evened out in less than six months and the other two years they just had to be held in place.

When you first get them on and every time they tighten them they hurt A LOT. The first few days you'll be drooling and slurring your speech until you get the hang of them. I recommend only VERY soft foods the first days after each tightening. Also, do NOT bite anything with your front teeth. Cut all your food and chew with your back teeth. Naps right after the dentist also helps you sleep through the worst pain.

Mine were $6000 before insurance and about $5000 with it. If you haven't done so already, shop around for a good dental insurance plan. There's many that allow you to get major work done in the first month it's effective. Also, ask about a prepaid discount. I saved $1000 by paying it off at once, although you may not have the money to do so.

The clear braces are not as noticable, but you'll have even more food restrictions with them. Tomato sauce, coffee, and anything with dyes WILL stain clear braces and you'll need to have them removed and replaced. Happened to me once and I learned my lesson. In hindsight, I might have gone with the metal ones.

Oh, you'll also want a GOOD electric toothbrush that can squeeze in between your braces and apply less pressure to your sore teeth.

And don't worry about what other people think. Amazingly, I had a lot more girls talk to me once I got my braces on. They'd use it as a conversation starter, and I even started it as well when I saw another girl with braces, we'd share horror stories.

After I got them off, the dentist said I'd need to wear my retainer for the rest of my LIFE. The first year I had to wear the retainer 23/7, but now I wear it about 12 hours a day and always to bed.

Good luck to you!
Well my experience was pretty mcuh the same as most above posters. I had the metal variety because my teeth were pretty jacked up as a child. My mouth was overcrowded for some reason and I had to get 2 teetch pulled even before they put them on.

The cost I have no idea as I did not pay for them (was like 15 at the time). They were very discounted though because my mother was a hygenist at a dental/orthedonic clinic at the time. I had them for about 2 years, and the only painful part is when you first get them, and after major adjustments.

As far as retainers go, I rarely wore mine :whistle2:# . I wore it for about a week and stopped, and haven't had any problems really. One of my teeth, the third to my left of the front, has turned inwards slightly. I don't really mind though as it is hardly noticeable and gives my smile a bit of character.

Just make sure your teeth ar super clean and as white as possible before you get them if you go the metal route. I have seen people who had yellower/whiter teeth to start with than when they were finished and it looks odd when the braces come off. Nothing a bleaching treatment couldn't cure i suppose, but thats more weeks and money you won't want to spend after getting those fuckers off. Nothing beats the feeling of licking your teeth again after they come off though :D Your mouth feels like silk for weeks.
[quote name='themoor666']
And as far as the food list goes, like someone said earlier, just be careful and you can eat anything. Make sure you brush well though or you'll get spots when they take the braces off.

You can eat anything? I love Starbursts and Doritos but I hear eating those will damage braces and orthodontist said it would increase treatment time. I'm afraid to try it out even if I chew slowly. I know a few people with braces who ate popcorn sometimes (which seems to be on the top of these food restriction lists) but idk what it did to their treatment time.

The invisialign sound awesome even with the few annoyances. I was hoping to get those but all the orthodontists I met with said metal braces are the only way to go for me. :cry:
Braces experiences vary so much, it seems. I got braces when I was in 8th grade, and I wore them for about three years. I briefly wore glasses as well, so I felt a bit nerdy with both, but I soon got contacts and was fine. I've never felt there's a social stigma with braces, unless you're wearing them late in life.

The pain isn't that bad at all. Yes, every time you get them tightened it hurts for a couple of days, but it really isn't a big deal. The food restrictions -- the only thing I really avoided was peanut brittle, apples, and corn on the cob. And gum, I guess.

Brushing is important, yes. There were two little places that were slightly off-colored when I got my braces removed, but brushing removed those discolorations in time.

My teeth were badish when I got them, such that my canines seemed to want to rise up into my skull. I do not regret braces in the least. About 3k was the cost for mine, but this was a good ten years ago.
ugh, this brought up bad memories. yeah, it felt weird having them first on, and it killed when they were tightened for the first few times especially. brushing gets more tedious (and i used to think flossing was bad) when you have to clean between the brackets...

it also hurt coz i was doing some contact sports in high school, so i had to get a special mouthpiece so i wouldn't end up ripping my cheeks. i don't remember the food lists, but i say don't go against your dentist (as they know best) coz the sooner the braces come off, the better. g'luck op...
[quote name='V878']You can eat anything? I love Starbursts and Doritos but I hear eating those will damage braces and orthodontist said it would increase treatment time. I'm afraid to try it out even if I chew slowly. I know a few people with braces who ate popcorn sometimes (which seems to be on the top of these food restriction lists) but idk what it did to their treatment time.

You know what, I'd guess starbursts isn't a good idea just because its SO chewy and sticky. I ate all sorts of chips (including doritos), popcorn, chewed gum sometimes, and drank soda and I was OK but it really depends on the person. If you are gonna eat anything that you aren't sure about you should really be careful. But yeah starbursts probably have a good chance of breaking a bracket...
Thanks for all the responses. I am 15 and very teeth are very crooked. My left front tooth is being pushed out alot and my right canine is being pushed inwards.

I heard some people mention about drinking soda, is this bad with braces? I am a Soda addict, I usually drink around 2 cans a day. Would this cause problems with my braces? Also someone seemed to say the samething about Coffee.
[quote name='jlseal']weenies, I had mine on for almost 5 years. They aren't fun, bearable at best. My teeth look fine, now if only the rest of me did.[/QUOTE]

Jesus loves you!
Im 17 and just got mine a few weeks ago. Really its not that bad. Teeth are already moving. Since i got the seperater in back in Oct ive lost like 30 pounds. But i still eat bad and drink pop. Less than before but i can do better and i will continue to ease off. Hardest thing for me is flossing. Anyone have any tips?
[quote name='Liquid 2']

I haven't used my retainers for 5 years, and my teeth are fine.[/QUOTE]

Lucky. I almost had that reverting problem, but I just went and got a new retainer.

OP, I think with soda, it's just more clean time for your teeth.
I'm so glad I never had to get braces. When I was younger, I was told I made need them, but my teeth ended up becoming straight. I've made many horror stories which make me feel lucky.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']I'm getting Invisalign in the next week or two. My teeth aren't too bad, so I'm hoping it's going to go smoothly.

Wish me luck![/QUOTE]
I got Invisalign two weeks ago. I'm an "express" case, so I should be done in about 6 months. I'm 33 and at this point in life I wouldn't have bothered with braces, but I have an issue where my bottom teeth are hitting my top teeth wrong and causing them to chip.

I absolutely love being able to take the Invisalign trays out to eat. You can literally eat or drink anything. But when they are in, you can't eat at all and can only drink water. And you should have them in for about 22 hours per day.

The first two days you have them, you'll probably want to rip them out of your mouth. They didn't really cause me much pain, but there was a lot of discomfort. You'll get used to them pretty quickly though. Get used to carrying floss, toothbrush, and toothpaste with you. I floss and brush 3 times a day now after eating. You really don't want food getting caught in your teeth or under the trays, supposedly decay is accelerated if that happens since your saliva is sort of trapped in those areas.
[quote name='Maklershed']I had braces many moons ago but that was when they were metal and went on the front of your teeth. It was horrible, embarrasing, annoying, painful, etc. I understand now a days they have invisible ones and the kind that go on the back of the teeth. So I'm guessing things have gotten better.

Also, now about 12 years later, my teeth are moving again and become crooked. So it seems to only be a somewhat temporary fix.[/QUOTE]

Agree with the first part. Get this - I had braces (the obvious metal ones) for my first THREE YEARS of high school and then had to wear a retainer all day my senior year. Yeah, that helped me a lot with the chicks :roll:.

Anyway, the good news is that my teeth have stayed straight ever since - but maybe it was the length of time I had them on plus the retainer that did that.

Also, OP, it does not hurt to get them on but remember they are there to MOVE your teeth around, so all of your teeth will be sore for a while when they first go on and any time they do an adjustment. But then again, this was over 20 years ago so I have no idea how it goes these days.

At least my eyes are perfect (never needed glasses/contacts despite having parents with horrible vision).
Had braces for almost 2 weeks now and they definitely don't feel as awkward as before. I'm eating most of the stuff I was eating before and have no problems with pasta, pizza (no crust), soft tacos, ice cream, soda, and stuff like that. Haven't really tried any chips yet; still afraid Doritos will break a bracket.

So braces haven't been too bad so far. Still got a long way to go and can't wait to get them off, but it'll certainly be manageable for 2 years or so.
I had braces for three years in high school too. My friend who is a fourth year in college also got them fairly recently. I truly believe it's worth all the soreness and embarrassment and getting food stuck all over your mouth.

And seriously though, all the hot girls I knew in high school and afterwards had braces at one point or another so it's not really that hard for them to relate.
I had braces about 4 years ago. Got them on my Junior year in High School. I was anxious to get them at first because I wanted my teeth fixed badly. The only time I thought that they were painful was whenever they adjusted them each month. So eating food was a bit annoying and unpleasant as my teeth hurt. That was about it for me. Then almost 2 years later I just started getting REALLY annoyed by them and to the point where I wanted to just pull them right off. I just couldn't stand them soooo I had them removed early. I just wanted those damn things off. I never wore the retainer either. Thankfully they were already in good shape and nothing has gone wrong since then. I still think I should have kept them the whole way, but whatever.
I am in so much pain right now. I have a filling between my two front teeth(white kind so it isn't noticeable), the filling was done a few years before i my braces. When it was done there wasn't much space between my teeth so they did the best they could would smoothing it out and all. Now that my teeth are moving though, the filling is becoming exposed and it has a rough edge to it. The tip of my tongue keeps rubbing against it and is sore as hell. I can barely eat right now. Hopefully i can get to the dentist Monday so they can smooth the edge of the filling down.
I had braces for about a 2 years ending like 4 years ago. I lost my retainer and never got a new one. One of my teeth is going backwards and I can barely bite down right.
[quote name='mac101010']
who gives a crap what people think when they see u. it's the inside that matters. besides, ur on ur way to perfect teeth anyway, so just hold off the women for a while.
[quote name='darthbudge']Well I knew this time was coming but I still didn't want to believe it. My teeth are horribly crooked and they have now started to hurt and I know I need braces.

So I was just wondering if any other CAGs had experience with them. Do they hurt alot getting them on? How much does this cost? How Long do they have to be on? I am gonna get stuck with the regular kind or can I get the invisible kind? and so on. I just want to see what peoples experiences are.[/quote]

i work for an orthodontist.

if you're getting ring braces, also known as bands, on your back teeth, it may pinch your gums a little because they need to be snug and may go slightly below your gums, but most kids don't complain about it too much other than saying it pinches.

for the braces themselves, they don't hurt getting them on, it goes like this:

your teeth are polished (like at the dentist) then your mouth is dried out.

a mouth prop/cheek retractor/nola is put in your mouth to stretch your cheeks out and help keep your mouth dry. it doesn't hurt, it just stretches your cheeks taught.

"etching gel", a bitter tasting gel is put on your teeth to slightly roughen the surface and give the glue better adhesion. that's rinsed off and your mouth is dried again.

a primer or sealer is painted on your teeth to help prevent cavities and help the glue adhere better.

the braces are placed on your teeth with a 2-part polymer glue.

once the glue is dry (about 5 minutes) a wire, usually a 14-gauge or smaller round wire is put in to start to level your teeth. you may be a bit sore for a couple of days while your teeth get used to the wire, but tylenol/motrin/advil is usually sufficient to relieve the soreness.

we normally recommend eating soft foods for the first couple of days to help with the soreness. there's also a list of foods you can not eat because they commonly cause braces to break off. while the glue is relatively strong, a slight torque in the wrong direction will pop them off very easily.

as to clear or metal, it depends on your orthodontist. technology has come a LONG way in the past 5 years. there are now computer programs that use a white light to scan your teeth and virtually move your teeth before the doctor ever touches them so that it can be done the most efficiently. ask if your orthodontist has SureSmile, that's the name of that technology, and find a doctor that does - it's centered in Texas so you should be able to find one. clear braces tend to not work as well as metal braces and the ones on the back of your teeth don't work well either. there are different types of metal braces with InoVations being the most recent widely used type. Ask if the doctor uses an orthodontic consulting firm. Peniche/WhiteRose is the best.

As for the doctor gettting in there and twisting your wires or tightening things, good orthodontist's don't do that anymore, atleast not until you're 90% done. they use newer technology that is more comfortable and more effective.

Invisalign is very popular with adult patients, but it can only do some types of orthodontic problems. for example,if any tooth has a rotation of 90-degrees or more, invisalign will not work as well as traditional braces.

most orthodontic treatment costs between $5-8k. once your braces come off, the orthodontist will make a retainer for you. for at least 3 months you must year them 24/7 or your teeth WILL shift back. after that, your doctor will determine when you can go to nights only. you need to wear your retainers at nightEVERY NIGHT for AT LEAST a year to prevent your teeth from moving.

as for soda, you can drink it but make sure you brush your teeth 3x/day. if you drink a lot of cola, coffee, eat a lot of curry or tomato sauce you shouldn't go for clear braces because they can stain and discolor. i had a patient the other day who was chinese and his braces were yellow-orange from curry. they say it doesn't happen much, but it does. coffee and cola can stain the clear braces a lightish brown color. for most people who don't do any of those things in extreme excess, they stay relatively clear/white. overall, the metal braces are most effective and break the least just because metal is stronger than plastic or ceramic.

someone said that eating foods on the "do not eat list" is fine. personally, when i had braces 10 years ago i ate everything and had no problem but i was *very* careful. my mother worked for a dentist and watched me like a hawk, making sure i brushed atleast 3 times a day and took TINY bites of food so that i wouldn't break a bracket off, the only time in 4 years that did break a brace i was eating fritos (a big no-no!). on a daily basis though, i see 3-5 patients who broke their braces by eating things they shouldn't have.
[quote name='JolietJake']They gave me the "sore for a couple of days" bit too. Was closer to a couple of weeks.:lol:[/quote]

everyone experiences pain differently. some of my patients say it hurts until the end of the day but by the next day they're fine. some say it hurts all the time. if you go for an adjustment every 3-4 weeks, you will be constantly sore. with newer technology, most people go every 6-8 weeks for an adjustment and the adjustments are much slighter and more efficient. now, if your orthodontist is adjusting your braces every 3-4 weeks, his technology is out of date.
I think it's hilarious that people are saying that having braces is embarrassing. I had the metal-style braces back when I was in eighth grade, and I was way more popular then than I am now, eight years later.

Braces are expensive, annoying, and they can occasionally hurt, but they're still worth it -- nobody wants to think so, but having really messed-up teeth can actually ruin your credibility in the eyes of some.

Just make sure you always wear your retainer -- having braces is not that big of a deal, but I wouldn't want to do it twice. In fact, typing that sentence just made me remember that I have a metal retainer glued to the back of my lower front teeth. It's been there so long that I don't even notice it anymore.
[quote name='siderealshift']I think it's hilarious that people are saying that having braces is embarrassing. I had the metal-style braces back when I was in eighth grade, and I was way more popular then than I am now, eight years later.

Braces are expensive, annoying, and they can occasionally hurt, but they're still worth it -- nobody wants to think so, but having really messed-up teeth can actually ruin your credibility in the eyes of some.

Just make sure you always wear your retainer -- having braces is not that big of a deal, but I wouldn't want to do it twice. In fact, typing that sentence just made me remember that I have a metal retainer glued to the back of my lower front teeth. It's been there so long that I don't even notice it anymore.[/quote]How do the British have any credibility then?:lol:;)
[quote name='siderealshift']I think it's hilarious that people are saying that having braces is embarrassing. I had the metal-style braces back when I was in eighth grade, and I was way more popular then than I am now, eight years later.

Braces are expensive, annoying, and they can occasionally hurt, but they're still worth it -- nobody wants to think so, but having really messed-up teeth can actually ruin your credibility in the eyes of some.

Just make sure you always wear your retainer -- having braces is not that big of a deal, but I wouldn't want to do it twice. In fact, typing that sentence just made me remember that I have a metal retainer glued to the back of my lower front teeth. It's been there so long that I don't even notice it anymore.[/quote]

those work really well for most adults or if you're good about brushing/oral hygiene. we don't do it for most of our patients because kids these days don't seem to understand that they need to brush their fucking teeth and if they don't brush regularly/well, it will lead to lots of cavities.
[quote name='JolietJake']How do the British have any credibility then?:lol:;)[/quote]

they're brits. people expect their teeth to be bad :lol::lol:
I remember an episode of Frasier i saw once. Daphne was pissed about some dentist she'd gone to, saying she'd never go back. Frasier remarked, "Losing a set of British teeth, he's gonna feel that in the wallet.":lol:
bread's done