Anyone have this happen?


I went and bought the Muppet Show season 1 last night at my local Target. When I got home later that evening and opened it up there were teh 4 discs and an empty flap where I would assume the little dvd guide should be.

My real question is: Is there supposed to be a little guide with these dvds or did I just get screwed by a factory error?
i have been less and less that dvds come with booklets, I have some box sets without them too. Could always try to return it for a new one if people dont have an answer for ya
Yeah. That was what I was thinking of doing. I find it pretty crazy if they put that stupid flap there and don't include something to put in it.
[quote name='anadune']Yeah. That was what I was thinking of doing. I find it pretty crazy if they put that stupid flap there and don't include something to put in it.[/QUOTE]

The cardboard packaging of House of 1000 corpses had one of those booklet flaps but no booklet. I asked Rob Zombie about it (no joke, it was a DVD signing event) and he had no idea why they did it that way.
Well i noticed DVD's i have bought from target are missing the inserts alot of the time. I was going to post about it but i thought it was a dumb thing to ask. So thaks for asking the dumb question. But yeah my jurassic park collectors from target had only a disc inside as well as The Fog, The Fith element and black hawk down..... Odd..
hey now, muppet show s1 rocks, I have it and it indeed comes with a slip inside the flap, not a book by any means but there should be something in there, it's a little two page pamplet with show listings.

I got it at wally world btw.
I've had some DVD mix ups before. My Sports Night complete series had an extra disc 5. It was just rattling in the case next to the legit one.
That's an affirmative red rider, there is a little pamplet in that slot! I like the muppets, I grew up watching them on sesame street, and when I was older I enjoyed them on the muppet show. I also liked, the dark crystal as well as fraggle rock. If your a completest, then I would take it back and say that, you know someone who has this set and that it's incomplete. But if your not a completest then I say don't worry about it, it's really not all that much, but it's a choice of preferrence really....
[quote name='wolfchild']That's an affirmative red rider, there is a little pamplet in that slot! I like the muppets, I grew up watching them on sesame street, and when I was older I enjoyed them on the muppet show. I also liked, the dark crystal as well as fraggle rock. If your a completest, then I would take it back and say that, you know someone who has this set and that it's incomplete. But if your not a completest then I say don't worry about it, it's really not all that much, but it's a choice of preferrence really....[/QUOTE]

hmmm... This is essentially why I bought this dvd set. I also grew up with Jim Henson productions.

I am a completest, but mostly towards my games. I will have to ponder this until I get off work.

To everyone who posted thanks for the feedback. Oh and I don't mind asking dumb questions!
I'm glad to have been of any assistance to you, just remember there's no such thing as a stupid question, when you really need an answer. Also, there's nothing wrong with wanting a complete package from a store, I mean that's what your paying for right, no matter how insegnificant it may be!
I saw a Superman Collection in Best Buy the other day. The spines of the individually movies face out. It's a long story as to why I was examining it closely, but I noticed the order of movies went:

Superman I
Superman II
Superman II
Superman IV

Note that the Superman II is listed twice. How they mixed that up I'll never know. It at least appeared to be factory sealed :)
While we're on the subject... Did anyone else who bought it get a felt-covered box (only on the front). I read an early review that asked the rhetoric question of how much it cost Disney to cover the box in felt, and was thusly more excited to pick up the set. I got mine at FYE, but I noticed that it seems nowhere else has a felt box.
Seems like quality control is not being kept up with somewhere! A couple of examples right here with the superman collection as well as the muppet show. Other examples I can readily think of would be several video games, ie... (it's an older game, but still) The latest Turok for PS2, I heard there's one level you have to completely skip, because there's no way of finishing it for a bad glitch. My uncle said one time, "why should companies spend money on quality control, people are probably going to buy it anyway". If one or two items that were produced have a defect, it's still cheaper for the company to put it out and have the customer return it. It's really sad to see this happen, but it's happening more and more all the time.

Sorry to go on about this, but this is one area that upsets me about companies. You know the old saying, "well when I was your age, things were made better", when I was a kid I didn't really pay much attention to this saying, but now that I'm getting older and possibly more wiser, I can see it happening!

Don't get me wrong, but some companies actually do care about there products, like NINTENDO. Say what you will about nintendo good or bad, but when was the last time someone complained about a nintendo product, besides the annitial problem with the DS's. Has anyone, received a disk error when playing a cube game, uh-mmm, sony. It seems like psx and ps2 are always having a problems with this as well as other problems. Don't get me wrong, I love my PS2, I'm just making a point. It really reflects bad on the company when the company puts out an inferrior product. I've always looked at NINTENDO as being the Disney World of video games and playstation as being the Unversal studios. Both companies do about the same thing, but Nintendo when it comes to customer satisfaction and quality control does it better! Please don't think I'm a fan boy for nintendo, I'm just expressing my oppinon is all! I love both my PS2 and cube, but in different ways, thanks for reading! If you have any comments good or bad, please feel free to post, I'd love to read what you all think....
[quote name='dafunkk12']While we're on the subject... Did anyone else who bought it get a felt-covered box (only on the front). I read an early review that asked the rhetoric question of how much it cost Disney to cover the box in felt, and was thusly more excited to pick up the set. I got mine at FYE, but I noticed that it seems nowhere else has a felt box.[/QUOTE]

Nope no felt box here, if what you're referring to is the Muppet Show Season 1. I'd say, if I were you, I would buy another copy of the muppet show and put the felt one away for safe keeping. You have a real gem there, further down the road it's going to be worth a lot of money!
yeah mine isn't felt covered. I wanted it though. hmm I think I will take it back, see if I can do an exchange.
[quote name='wolfchild']Nope no felt box here, if what you're referring to is the Muppet Show Season 1. I'd say, if I were you, I would buy another copy of the muppet show and put the felt one away for safe keeping. You have a real gem there, further down the road it's going to be worth a lot of money![/QUOTE]
Heh, I should have made that realization when they still had the release week sale price and rebate on it! Plus, my copy's already open. Oh well, I was poor at the time, and really couldn't have afforded to pick up/"invest" in any more "collector's copies."
[quote name='chosen1s']I saw a Superman Collection in Best Buy the other day. The spines of the individually movies face out. It's a long story as to why I was examining it closely, but I noticed the order of movies went:

Superman I
Superman II
Superman II
Superman IV

Note that the Superman II is listed twice. How they mixed that up I'll never know. It at least appeared to be factory sealed :)[/QUOTE]

I'd rather have 2 copies of Superman II than any copies of SUperman III.
[quote name='anadune']yeah mine isn't felt covered. I wanted it though. hmm I think I will take it back, see if I can do an exchange.[/QUOTE]

It almost sounds like Target may not have a booklet in any of their copies. With DVDs, different manufacturing distributors are starting to have odd differences like that.

Key example: National Treasure Widescreen DVD.

Some places have the really nice shimmery cover, other places only have a dull boring one, and a few places who get multiple shipments from different distributors such as Hollywood Video have BOTH versions. (It's not just LE, I talked to the HV clerk about it)

When you go back to Target for the exchange, keep this in mind so you don't end up with egg on your face . If they open up another copy and it doesn't have the booklet, just smugly say: "hmm...looks like all of your copies are the inferior version w/o the booklet that other retailers are offering". It's better to sound like a completist-geek than a paranoid soccer-mom.

My DVD blunder story: Wonderfalls Complete Series came with Disc 3 and 3, instead of 1,2,&3. (1&2 were supposed to be in 1 slimcase, for all you mathletes pondering the numbers logic, and if you didn't know that: you NEED to buy Wonderfalls!)
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