Anyone Played Lego Star Wars II DS? Is it THAT bad?


4 (100%)
I've read the various online reviews that complain about glitches which abound....but I was given this recently as a gift. I have no way of returning it, and I hate the idea of selling it to Gamestop for peanuts.

So...any of you actually play the game yourselves? Is it playable despite the glitches? Very curious to here your experiences, and thanks

It sucks. Controls are sloppy, the game is glitchy and virtually unplayable. My brother-in-law felt the same way and complained to Lucas Arts and got a sealed replacement copy in the mail so he could return it to the store. They offered him another Lucas Arts game or the PS2 or cube version of Lego StarWars II but he opted for the sealed copy instead. It took a month of complaining for this to happen.
Hmm. Doubt I can repeat the magic your brother-in-law got, but I do appreciate the response. So basically I'm stuck with $35 down the drain (and no, my parents never hold on to receipts). It may not be my money, but it sucks nonetheless.

Oh well. I guess I'll just open it and enjoy it for what I can. Thanks again!

[quote name='bmulligan']It sucks. Controls are sloppy, the game is glitchy and virtually unplayable. My brother-in-law felt the same way and complained to Lucas Arts and got a sealed replacement copy in the mail so he could return it to the store. They offered him another Lucas Arts game or the PS2 or cube version of Lego StarWars II but he opted for the sealed copy instead. It took a month of complaining for this to happen.[/QUOTE]
It's bad. Don't open it - return it to Wal-Mart and get something else (no receipt required, unless you've already maxed out your no-return receipts for the year).
I'm suprised there wasn't a CAG writeup of this game and it's defficiencies. I bought this game shortly after it was released for my kid to play on the DS because we like the console versions so much. He played it one day for an hour and hasn't picked it back up since.

I looked for some CAG opinions but didn't find any and, unfortunately, got stuck with a copy myself.
Yeah, my 9 year old son saved his money up for this and was extremely disappointed. He was two levels from beating this game and somehow in the hallway to select the level to play he was switched to the snow speeder. Completely stuck, he never finished the game and hadn't played it since.
Heh, I played most of the way through it, but the RotJ levels are a pain - particularly the swinging log one in the trees. I don't think I've made it through there.

PARTS of the game are OK. It certainly had potential. There's a nice 3D engine sitting under that mess somewhere. Problem is, the game was only about half done. I paid full price for it but with GR credit, so it only cost me about half in real money ($16 or so). Still, I wouldn't pay that much for it now. I know some stores just have piles of these things (Kmarts, in particular). It might be worth a $5 pickup some day (odd, actually, that I haven't seen any clearances for it). I'll probably just keep mine just because it IS so bad. I had never thought of contacting Lucas Arts for a replacement.

I've also heard that later versions of the cart fixed some issues, but I'm not positive on that and I'm not sure there's any way of knowing which is a later version. I wouldn't mind bugging them to send me a newer one though. Maybe I'll give that a shot ;).
I had it and finished the game. While the bugs and glitches were there, the main problem it was so easy, there wasn't really a point to the game. Just move your character through the scene.

It's worth about $5.
Thanks to all the people replying. As I said, I had read the reviews, but its nice to hear the opinions of real people in the street, so to speak.

I feel bad trying to return to Wal-Mart since I'm not sure it came from there, so I guess I'll just keep it. I think I might try and buy a newer version and return the old one, though, just in case they did fix a few of the bugs.

Oh well.

Such a shame--I loved the first Lego Star Wars and was looking forward to a classic trilogy portable version....

(although that love creates a new dilemma: do I get the Gamecube or Xbox 360 versions of Lego SW II? You see those are the only consoles I have, and I played 1 on the 360 as a backwards compatible item. Apparently with GC/Xbox/PS2 you can use your unlocked characters from the first game...but since I played through backwards compatibility, I'm out of luck. So, do i go for the cheaper Cube version, or shell out an extra $10 for the 360?)
^^^ CHEAP Ass Gamer. ;)

And like everyuone said you can easily return the game to some random store if it isn't open. You would at least get store credit for it.

Walmart is the best place for that. My mom bought some really really cheap thing from them for $3 onsalle and then return it to a few days later (when the sale ended) without a reciet and got $10 back.
if you if you have an HD tv definetly go for 360 version. no question.

what you else would be cool in "lego" style?
Lord of the Rings?
Indiana Jones would be perfect!
or go the oppisite direction like Evil Dead! LOL
Heh, I remember a few months ago I was in EB and the clerk told a customer that she just got done playing this game and "it was a blast". :roll:
[quote name='IronMan2020']if you if you have an HD tv definetly go for 360 version. no question.

what you else would be cool in "lego" style?
Lord of the Rings?
Indiana Jones would be perfect!
or go the oppisite direction like Evil Dead! LOL[/QUOTE]

Does this game really look better on the 360? I'd think of all games this wouldn't matter much, even on an HDTV. Well, me and my kids have played through the GC version but I picked up the 360 version because it was on clearance at Gamerush and my store was shutting down, so it was kind of a no-brainer purchase ($25 in GR credit = about $10 in real money). So I actually got the 360 version for quite a bit cheaper than my release GC copy. I figured for the achievements alone that is worth it. Note that I don't even have a 360 yet ;).

I know Lego Batman is coming, and I'll probably get it, though I'm not too excited about that. I think the Harry Potter series would be a good choice (just thinking about what has been done as real toy Lego sets - the ones you listed above have never been sold as Lego playsets ;)).

I really should just force myself to finish the DS version of LSW II though. Just for the sake of adding it to my completed games list. To the person who said it was too easy, you must have one of the 'fixed' carts :lol:. Because I can't get through that RoTJ swinging log level at all (of course, I haven't tried in several months).
[quote name='mrchainsaw']Heh, I remember a few months ago I was in EB and the clerk told a customer that she just got done playing this game and "it was a blast". :roll:[/QUOTE]

Maybe she meant on the console versions?
LEGO BATMAN??!?? hell yeah!! thats right up my alley, man. any comic character would be great. i like your harry potter idea that would work great too. lots of different characters to swith to, y'know. who you gonna switch to in batman? lets see...robin, commish gordon, bat girl, cat woman(shes a good guy now).
LEGO AVENGERS would be the dream game for me.
bread's done