Anyone playing RIFT?


160 (100%)
well are you?

Looking at jumping in and just seeing if there are any CAGGERS playing BETA or planning on playing release. I've been an experienced MMO player since Ultima and EQ1 and after getting tired of EQ2 about a year ago haven't played any and kinda jonesin for one.
Rift's beta is kinda weird. Instead of it being running 24/7, it's only up for about 3 to 4 days at a time.

The next event is January 25th. I just preordered, looking forward to giving it a shot.
Myself and a few friends have preordered. I've played in a couple of the beta events and I'm liking what I see so far. So I'm willing to give it a shot.

Pretty much depends how fleshed out the end game is. If people are maxing out after 1-2 days and standing around with nothing to do like in DCUO I will be disappoint.
yeah and I am liking it.

They are still running "alpha" where the main testing is being done with "beta" up just to get general feedback.

If you check your newsletter that just came out there is a VIP code good up to 25 invites that gets you into the rest of the betas. Mine is already used or I would post it.
Anyone interested in playing RIFT can use either of these beta keys (VIP) - KF6J-C3FH-PRJM-9H2K-R23J - 2TXL-PNTK-LLK9-KYGF-P3CR - They are good for up to 25 uses EACH. (50 in total) I am playing on Faeblight as Aodan. I plan to play at release but probably not headstart as it will be packed. Please keep these within the CAG community and Enjoy!
I got a beta key for the 25th till the 30th I think. Would like to play more of it but will give it a try. Sucks because I will not play any MMO unless it is free or I can pay around 200 bucks and get a lifetime membership.
Ok, so I tried this out yesterday and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed. I've been playing WoW since vanilla and I really enjoy it but I would love to find an MMO that will pull me away. I'm not saying Rift is it, but from what I've seen so far, it could be the closest to make me want to leave WoW.

I really like the soul system, it gives each class so many options. Ever since Diablo 2, I've loved the necromancer class. To be honest, I wanted to try Rift in the first place because I read they have that class. While I only hit level 4, I like what I see from the class. I chose necromancer as my first soul and warlock as my second. Obviously I did not have access to very many spells, but I liked what I started out with.

The interface is almost exactly like WoW. I know some people will complain and call it a WoW ripoff but I could care less. If anything, I think it's beneficial. I pretty much know how everything works from playing WoW so it's a welcome theme to me.

The graphics are very nice, it's refreshing to play something with a more realistic look. While I love WoW's kind of cartoony look, more realism is a nice change.

The combat is the same as WoW, which again is fine by me. I was having a lot of fun with the few spells at my disposal.

Since Cataclysm is still new and I have a lot I can be doing in it, I won't dive in head first to Rift right away. But I will be watching it very closely. Unfortunately if I do start to play it, I'll most likely stop when Star Wars The Old Republic comes out, I'm looking VERY forward to that game.
Game is meh.

The souls are cool, but you're bombarded with them early on. All three souls in the first 10 levels? Really? Why do I HAVE to put skill points into a tree I'll likely never use? I like having options but there's a point where it's just too much, especially at such an early level.

Targeting is such a crapshoot. Sometimes it works but most of the time it just fails to do what you want it to. I cant count how many times I've tried to target an enemy standing directly in front of me only for it to randomly target someone 90 miles away.

Re-spawns on things are retarded. "Collect 10 shells", okay that sounds easy enough but wait, there's only four of them on this beach and 60 people all trying to get them so on top of that, we'll make them re-spawn once every 10 minutes.

Mana usage is a joke. Healers can literally non-stop spam heals and NEVER run out of mana. This becomes incredibly frustrating in the Warfronts. Meanwhile, I can only shoot my bow like four damn times before I grow tired? Seriously?

Also, no open-world PVP is lame. I want to gank people damnit.
No world pvp? Aren't there pvp servers? I rolled on a pve server so I don't know how pvp works. Since I only played it for an hour or so I didn't really notice respawn problems or targetting problems. I don't mind getting the 3 souls early on since I was only focusing on one of them anyway and throwing a point to another one when I needed to.
Yeah, there are PVP servers, but you have to flag yourself for PVP before you can be attacked by anyone, it's gay. You cant just run around ganking people if you want, which to me is one of the best parts of some MMO's.
The souls are cool, but you're bombarded with them early on. All three souls in the first 10 levels? Really? Why do I HAVE to put skill points into a tree I'll likely never use? I like having options but there's a point where it's just too much, especially at such an early level.
You don't HAVE to put points into all 3 trees. Usually the 3rd soul is just used for whatever utility the defualt powers of the tree give you.

Targeting is such a crapshoot. Sometimes it works but most of the time it just fails to do what you want it to. I cant count how many times I've tried to target an enemy standing directly in front of me only for it to randomly target someone 90 miles away.
I totally agree here. The targeting system needs a lot of work.

Re-spawns on things are retarded. "Collect 10 shells", okay that sounds easy enough but wait, there's only four of them on this beach and 60 people all trying to get them so on top of that, we'll make them re-spawn once every 10 minutes.
Product of being in beta 5 and having the number of beta testers doubled since beta 4. Lots of newbies = over-saturation of starting areas.

Mana usage is a joke. Healers can literally non-stop spam heals and NEVER run out of mana. This becomes incredibly frustrating in the Warfronts. Meanwhile, I can only shoot my bow like four damn times before I grow tired? Seriously?
Not sure where you're getting this. I've mainly played a cleric and was always sucking wind over long fights as far as mana went. If it's pvp where they are lasting forever, they are getting a chance to drink to replenish.

Also, no open-world PVP is lame. I want to gank people damnit.
Did you get to the contested zones? Now it's true that even in a contested zone you have to flag yourself to be eligible for pvp, but unless you flag and fight back, the other side will be there killing all your quest givers and NPCs while you stand there and watch. They are given incentive to do so with loot rewards/etc. You can't avoid the contested zones either. They are apart of the progression of leveling your character.

Unless you're talking about ganking lowbies, then I don't know what to tell you.
[quote name='whoknows']I just tried to play it now for the first time, but it keeps telling me that it failed to connect to the server.[/QUOTE]

The beta 5 event is over. They are only live for 3-4 days. Beta 6 is coming up.
[quote name='TLPRIME']You don't HAVE to put points into all 3 trees. Usually the 3rd soul is just used for whatever utility the defualt powers of the tree give you.[/QUOTE]

There's times when the game will not allow you to put points into a tree because another doesn't have any. It's lame.

[quote name='TLPRIME']Not sure where you're getting this. I've mainly played a cleric and was always sucking wind over long fights as far as mana went. If it's pvp where they are lasting forever, they are getting a chance to drink to replenish.[/QUOTE]

My friend is a cleric so I've seen it first-hand. He is able to sit there and literally non-stop heal me for AT LEAST 10 straight minutes (I'm unsure of his soul selection and how he allocated skill points).

[quote name='TLPRIME']Did you get to the contested zones? Now it's true that even in a contested zone you have to flag yourself to be eligible for pvp, but unless you flag and fight back, the other side will be there killing all your quest givers and NPCs while you stand there and watch. They are given incentive to do so with loot rewards/etc. You can't avoid the contested zones either. They are apart of the progression of leveling your character.

Unless you're talking about ganking lowbies, then I don't know what to tell you.[/QUOTE]

I want open-world PVP (ala Age of Conan, so yeah, ganking lowbies for the most part). My friends and I actually spent two hours the other night traveling around the map (most of the time was spent figuring out how to get around invisible walls and dodge level 30+ epic NPC's) as Defiants to get to the side of the Guardians.

When we finally got there all we were able to do was kill Guardian quest givers unless a human controlled player came over and specifically flagged themselves. We did figure out how to screw with people though. We'd wait for Rifts to start then run in and dance around people trying to kill NPC's. If we were lucky they'd cast an AOE and hit us, thus automatically and inadvertently flagging themselves for PVP.

That's really the only fun I've had with the game at this point (and I'm sure that will get fixed). Guess the game's just not for my friends and I. Also, call me an asshole if you want, but griefing is the best part of MMO's.
[quote name='whoknows']Oh, makes sense :lol:

For some reason I thought the betas were live over the weekend?[/QUOTE]

They usually are. Beta 5 was tues-sat morning.

[quote name='SEH']There's times when the game will not allow you to put points into a tree because another doesn't have any. It's lame.

My friend is a cleric so I've seen it first-hand. He is able to sit there and literally non-stop heal me for AT LEAST 10 straight minutes (I'm unsure of his soul selection and how he allocated skill points).

I want open-world PVP (ala Age of Conan, so yeah, ganking lowbies for the most part). My friends and I actually spent two hours the other night traveling around the map (most of the time was spent figuring out how to get around invisible walls and dodge level 30+ epic NPC's) as Defiants to get to the side of the Guardians.

When we finally got there all we were able to do was kill Guardian quest givers unless a human controlled player came over and specifically flagged themselves. We did figure out how to screw with people though. We'd wait for Rifts to start then run in and dance around people trying to kill NPC's. If we were lucky they'd cast an AOE and hit us, thus automatically and inadvertently flagging themselves for PVP.

That's really the only fun I've had with the game at this point (and I'm sure that will get fixed). Guess the game's just not for my friends and I. Also, call me an asshole if you want, but griefing is the best part of MMO's.[/QUOTE]

Yeah you have to branch into a 2nd tree at the very least, but it makes sense to level cap the talents in that way given how it's designed.

If you're friend can heal you for 10 minutes straight is it during your griefing of low level players during rifts? They wont' hit you as often or as hard as normal with the level difference. I could see it happening in that case.

Griefing is the best part for some people, but I can understand an upstart game/dev trying to alleviate it somewhat so their game doesn't fail due to lack of player base.
[quote name='Shimrra']Rift is not that bad its just not great.[/QUOTE]

It does nothing new. I'm so tired of the WOW clones. Yes, WOW is the most popular MMO on the market, but simply copying it isn't going to make people want to play your game. Developers HAVE to do something new and cool to get subscribers, and until they actually do that they're just going to wallow in mediocrity and a low user-base.
[quote name='SEH']It does nothing new. I'm so tired of the WOW clones. Yes, WOW is the most popular MMO on the market, but simply copying it isn't going to make people want to play your game. Developers HAVE to do something new and cool to get subscribers, and until they actually do that they're just going to wallow in mediocrity and a low user-base.[/QUOTE]

I think that is with any Fantasy MMO they will all be considered WoW clones. Hopefully Guild Wars 2 will be different enough to give the proper attention.
I'm not entirely sure about this one. The selling points seem to be continual elemental invasions and a highly customizable class system, on top of a WoW clone. I'll give beta a go, and maybe a few more months if it's decent.
Got invited to the beta last night at around 11:30 pm and now I just read beta 6 has ended this morning at 10am :(
I'm now up in the air about this. I don't want to pay every month but would pay 200 or so for a lifetime membership. However I have liked what I have played so I'm not sure if I want to get it or not.
I could never see paying for a lifetime sub to an MMO that hasn't been out for over three months, let alone for one that's not even released yet. Way to many MMO's crash and burn really quick.
Well apparently Trion is setting themselves up to be a F2P game in 6-12 months. They just announced they are removing 10-man raid content from the game despite advertising it in trailers and such. Lots of people are pissed. I'm not too happy about it myself and me and my 7-8 friends are going to be canceling our pre-orders.

Sad, we had high hopes for the game, but after running a 25 man raiding guild in wow for 3 years we didn't want to do that anymore, and wanted to keep it small in a new game. Trion just made that impossible.
if u think 10 man raid are gone just, theres bound to be more on the way (if they cant balance 2 versions of it whos to say they ran out of time to get 2 raid zones done)
They totally screwed an awesome Warlord Ability called Assault Command! Now it's a 32 point root ability, essentially meaning I can't use it until level 32 and/or dump 32 points into my Warlord soul tree. Kinda annoying.

Another thing I'm noticing is that there are TONS and TONS of "Go here and kill X of Y and get the loot off them and come back to me" quests. It's getting old really fast at level 15, I hope it gets better.
Facebook Giveaway: 1000 Rift free weekend pass codes

You may have heard of Rift. It’s a new MMO set in a world that’s under constant inter-dimensional attack. When you’re not teaming up with other warriors to defeat demons and close holes in the universe, you’re levelling up your character with Rift’s innovative soul system, which lets you swap your skills around at will, and offers a vast number of builds with which to experiment.

Recently, Rift launched its first major world event with patch 1.1. Alsbeth, the Queen of the Dead, has started raising hell in every zone, and it’s up to Rift’s players to push back and defend Telara. This weekend, we’re offering you a chance to join the fight. To enter, simply click on the link below and enter your details. The first 1,000 entrants will receive a key that will let you play the game for free this weekend.

The free weekend will last from 6pm GMT tomorrow until 6pm GMT on Monday. All you have to do to enter is like us on Facebook, once that’s done, click through the link below and enter your details to win.

I want to play Rift!

For more on the game, check out the latest Rift trailer and our interview with Rift’s designer Hal Hanlin on the world war that started with the 1.1 update.

More Info Here -
Crap! Forgot about patch 1.1. Been busy playing other games for awhile. Need to DL it when I get home and get destroyed.
I'm having a blast with this game. The class system is pretty sweet kinda swg/gw-ish. Going broke ingame due to trying multiple soul (spec) combinations. Pvp is ok so far, though they need to implement better rewards for world pvp, mainly talking pvp servers. Got a couple of friends hooked already heh

Gotta admit has had the best launch of any Mmo I've played. Been playing mmorpgs since swg pre-cu and nge. Heck I'm having so much fun haven't played any other game at home. Ps3 hardly used since Rift came out.
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I have been playing this since head start and have been having a pretty good time with it. I was somewhat of a WoW junkie for awhile, so this is a bit refreshing. No, it's not entirely new and different and I still feel like I'm in Azeroth.

The fanboys on the rift forums make my stomach bleed and my brain feel cancerous. I mean, I'm all for this game and I know Trion is doing what they can.. but they have also made some major F ups. That world event last week was the LULZ. Their customer support is pretty foul.

IN game, though.. it's decent. I'm more of a PvE'er than a PvP'er so I'm not one to complain about BUFFZ!! NERFZ!!! I am liking that the next patch (1.2) there's going to be less HP on the mobs in expert dungeons. THANK GOD. I don't mind difficult boss fights. I don't mind difficult, hard hitting trash pulls either.. but it feels like we spend sooo much time just pulling and AoE'ing shit down. No challenge. Just time consuming.

Overall I am enjoying this game and I do hope it gets better and doesn't get WoW'ish. Sadly the community is kinda there already =(
You made an account just to post that?

I just bought this Sunday and I'm having a lot of fun with it. The rifts opening up and starting those zone wide quests is a ton of fun and adds something so dynamic to an mmo.
I'm an old EQ pvp veteran. I did play WoW but don't want to play that. I've seriously been thinking about Rift especially with the sales. What do any of you think?
[quote name='mike.m']I'm an old EQ pvp veteran. I did play WoW but don't want to play that. I've seriously been thinking about Rift especially with the sales. What do any of you think?[/QUOTE]

A lot of people I know who played EQ and liked it better than WoW, LOVE this game.
If you are interested, I could send you a free trial for 7 days :)
[quote name='lilboo']A lot of people I know who played EQ and liked it better than WoW, LOVE this game.
If you are interested, I could send you a free trial for 7 days :)
bread's done