Anyone seen Transporter 2?

ph33r m3

My girl bought the DVD, so we watched it, just wow, what a P.O.S. The previous one wasn't too bad, so I didn't think the sequel would suck that much balls but it did.

BTW, what happened to the Asian Chick from the first movie? They don't mention her at all.

the part with the car going upside down and removing the bomb on the crain almost made me wanna walk out of the movie but overall the movie has a nice pace and relives some good fight scenes.
I mean it's a mix of like Bad Boys 2 with the Miami scene shit, and it's got that Man On Fire because of the hostage kid style and parents arguing.

I mean really...a rolling case of antidote stops 1 inch in front of a Semi...

That chick who shoots up everybody and wears a bra and panties while doing it, is mad ugly. Like theirs ugly...then theres her.
[quote name='ph33r m3']

That chick who shoots up everybody and wears a bra and panties while doing it, is mad ugly. Like theirs ugly...then theres her.[/QUOTE]

But she's wearing a bra and panties thus making her instantly hot.
This week in a whole was bad for me with all of the movies I rented. So I see this thinking okay this should be good action flick what could go wrong hopefully this will end my bad streak of movies. I quit watching it halfway through due to boredom. So I hope that this week my netflix rentals work out a whole lot better.

BTW OP it could of been worse it could of been American pie band camp which I was forced to watch at my cousins. I would of walked home to keep from watching it but he lives 20 miles from my house. I seriously debating walking home though.
[quote name='Deadpool']But she's wearing a bra and panties thus making her instantly hot.[/QUOTE]

So if your Grandma walks in with bra and panties she's instantly hot?
I'm a big fan of the Transporter movie but I was, sorry to say, extrememly disappointed in Transporter 2.

There's a point in a movie in which you can believe in good luck. A point in which you can believe in extreme skill and years of training. And then there's a point when that all borders on absurdity...


The aforementioned flipping car with the bomb, (where he was far enough away from everyone could have just gotten out of the car and removed it or ran away with plenty of time). And the antidote with the semi situation, among many others which I won't go into.

I know there's supposed to be a suspension of disbelief, especially in action movies. But, it just felt like they wanted to be more unbelievable and extreme in this movie to the point of silliness.

There are just so many things that could have been done and so many things that should not have been done to make this movie awesome.
I watched it last night. Some of the fight scenes were good, but I hate it when the character's clothes get torn during a fight, and then 5 minutes later when they leave the building, their suit jacket is in perfect condition.

The scene where Statham was dodging the bullets in the hallway was kinda neat.
[quote name='shieryda']I watched it last night. Some of the fight scenes were good, but I hate it when the character's clothes get torn during a fight, and then 5 minutes later when they leave the building, their suit jacket is in perfect condition..[/QUOTE]

If I remember correctly, he grabs a spare change of clothes out of his car after the fight.
[quote name='Roufuss']If I remember correctly, he grabs a spare change of clothes out of his car after the fight.[/QUOTE]

But not until after his original jacket and shirt both get ripped in the fight with that big Jamaican dude.
If you saw the 1st one.....don't bother watching this one...unless you have time to waste,
& if you do have time to waste go to sleep.. mmmmm sleep.
I knew that Corey Yuen directed the first movie, but I didn't know who directed the sequel. I took a guess (hmm... crappy action movie that tries to add some martial arts and gunplay action) that it would probably be a French director. I was right: Louis Leterrier.

Leterrier did an incredible job with Danny the Dog / Unleashed. Why did he choose to direct this pile of shit? Well, hopefully he'll get to work on a better project next time.

Has martial arts w/ gunplay gotten huge in France? I notice that a lot of French directors and crew seem to make more of these movies. Kiss of the Dragon... Transporter... it's really interesting.
Oh that's right, I forgot about him shielding himself from a shitload of bullets with a wooden door!!! Wow. Yeah, that...that was special.

Dammit, I hate it when movies you really want to be awesome disappoint you, especially when you know that it could have been so much better.
It's a simple everything-gets-destroyed action movie. If you're looking for much more, you're bound to be dissapointed. That being said, I haven't seen Transporter 2 yet.
You saw the first one, right? Most of the stuff in that wasn't exactly... believeable. Why would you go into the second one expecting anything different?
[quote name='ph33r m3']The first one, I thought wasn't too bad because they didn't go overboard with some of the shit.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed both movies greatly. While the 2nd had more unrealistic action than the first, I thought the first had plenty of its own.

I mean, come on. Statham somehow drives over the edge of a bridge and lands perfectly on a truck that drives him away from the cops. He puts two bike pedals on his feet and tap dances through an oil slick. In one of the deleted scenes, he deflects a rocket with a cookie sheet.

Both movies had unbelieveable shit, but hell, that's why I like 'em.
i saw this on jetblue a few weeks back... wasn't too bad for free

there was turbulence and the satelite shit wasnt working so they gave the movies that were supposed to be 5 bucks each available for free
I liked Jason Statham, but I mean some of the situations where thers 8 guys against Statham and he kills them all stretched it out.

The Transporter - 8.5/10
The Transporter 2 - 2/10
[quote name='Trakan']I enjoyed both movies greatly. While the 2nd had more unrealistic action than the first, I thought the first had plenty of its own.

I mean, come on. Statham somehow drives over the edge of a bridge and lands perfectly on a truck that drives him away from the cops. He puts two bike pedals on his feet and tap dances through an oil slick. In one of the deleted scenes, he deflects a rocket with a cookie sheet.

Both movies had unbelieveable shit, but hell, that's why I like 'em.[/QUOTE]

That scene with the cookie sheet almost made me take the dvd out of my player and toss it against the wall.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']I knew that Corey Yuen directed the first movie, but I didn't know who directed the sequel. I took a guess (hmm... crappy action movie that tries to add some martial arts and gunplay action) that it would probably be a French director. I was right: Louis Leterrier.

Leterrier did an incredible job with Danny the Dog / Unleashed. Why did he choose to direct this pile of shit? Well, hopefully he'll get to work on a better project next time.

Has martial arts w/ gunplay gotten huge in France? I notice that a lot of French directors and crew seem to make more of these movies. Kiss of the Dragon... Transporter... it's really interesting.[/QUOTE]

Might, just might have something to do with Luc Besson.

Overall, I liked the movie. I knew it was going to be over the top, but that's the way I wanted it. Just like I really didn't care about the acting in Dukes of Hazzard, I just wanted to see that sweet ass Charger again.
Still though, the whole doctor scene shit was stupid. Place blows up practically and not one person from another office comes by.
[quote name='ph33r m3']Still though, the whole doctor scene shit was stupid. Place blows up practically and not one person from another office comes by.[/QUOTE]

And what day was it again? :D
[quote name='ph33r m3']Still though, the whole doctor scene shit was stupid. Place blows up practically and not one person from another office comes by.[/QUOTE]

Plus, when Statham goes back to retrieve the syringe and it's still on the floor where it was dropped. That detective/cop is a helluva shot, because he destroyed that syringe with one shot from his pistol.
[quote name='Trakan']He puts two bike pedals on his feet and tap dances through an oil slick.[/QUOTE]

That's where I checked out on the first movie. That had to be one of the dumbest scenes in the history of action movies...and that is saying A LOT.
[quote name='lebowsky']That's where I checked out on the first movie. That had to be one of the dumbest scenes in the history of action movies...and that is saying A LOT.[/QUOTE]

That was my favorite fight scene in the movie. :lol:
Especially when he's covered with Oil, jumps out of a windows, uses a body and dodges what I would guess is near enough 100 bullets.
[quote name='ph33r m3']You mean Today? Today's Tuesday.[/QUOTE]

It was Saturday. Do the math.

You people go into action movies with your scientific calculators? It's a movie. Eye candy.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']It was Saturday. Do the math.

You people go into action movies with your scientific calculators? It's a movie. Eye candy.[/QUOTE]

I agree. You go to movies to escape reality and see shit you wouldn't ever see in real-life. If you want reality, stare out the window.
i rarely go to movies to "escape reality" whatever that means. but then again i don't go to a lot of movies and find less and less appealing.

though i did see Capote and that was really really good.
bread's done