Anyone use this kind of controller


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i got it from BB for about $3.00.. it's pretty ok actually, i use it for mk:dd and it wasnt all that bad.. just had to get use to it because to move left and right you gotta steer in or out sorta bad.. and the Z button and start button.. not in a good place.. sometimes turning i end up pressing start and ruining my own play

but yea just want to know your thoughts on this controller
lol it's actually alright.. fits me alright ^_^ after getting use to it for the first ten min T_T... but yea three dollars im like oh cheap and ill probabaly like it if not three dollar not too big of a waste.. so yea ^___^ i got this a long time ago tho.. a few months back in april? anyone you guys tried it out ever?
I got it not too long ago, tried MK:DD with it for a few minutes, and haven't touched it since. It's very difficult to use, and as a normal controller, the button misplacement ruins it. I'll hang onto it just in case I ever feel the urge to try playing my racing games differently.
[quote name='1SwtDeception']i dunno whether to consider that as a compliment or insult o_O depends if your a girl as well ...[/quote]

Be assured, any implied resemblence to Trollboy is a dire insult.
[quote name='epobirs'][quote name='1SwtDeception']i dunno whether to consider that as a compliment or insult o_O depends if your a girl as well ...[/quote]

Be assured, any implied resemblence to Trollboy is a dire insult.[/quote]

haha ty for that info..

and no i didnt get it at the BB in lakewood.. i got at BB in MN hehe i wouldnt think they be out at BB anymore.. thats just my thought.. never checked though
mmm yea bb=best buys in this case.. i never known blockbuster to sell unique looking controllers there.. err i shoulda stated more cleary than.. my fault
its ok....the BB thing is confusing cuz it can mean both blockbuster and best buy....we should change it to bbv and bb....bbv being blockbuster video (that is its full name anyway, right?)

i assumed it was blockbuster because best buy doesnt seem like the place to sell something like this for $3....oh well, ill be going to best buy today to buy never die alone, so i might as well check this out while im there
[quote name='trustcompany1013']its ok....the BB thing is confusing cuz it can mean both blockbuster and best buy....we should change it to bbv and bb....bbv being blockbuster video (that is its full name anyway, right?)

i assumed it was blockbuster because best buy doesnt seem like the place to sell something like this for $3....oh well, ill be going to best buy today to buy never die alone, so i might as well check this out while im there[/quote]

good point.. bbv=better/less confusing .. should tell cheapy that or someone... and yea.. at Best Buy a controller for 3$ is somewhat hard to believe..but it's possible maybe it was umm "my lucky day"
you knew how to use it right? cant be all that junky.. at least you get it at a cheap pricing hopefully.. and minicon i always wonder who would buy one of those.. wth they made them for? midgets ima guess
bread's done