Anything from Amazon's video game store

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13 (100%)
Sorry if something like this has been created, if so, direct me to it, merge it, do whatever has to be done.

Anyways, I participated in Amazon's trade in program and have 3 $30 promo codes that I don't want to be limited to spend on video games.

How this works is you respond to this thread (no PMs please) telling me what you'd like that's available from the game store and I will get it for you for 20% off, i.e. you want a $10 arcade game, I will use the promo code and charge you $8 for the code.

I will be accepting PayPal only, and since I think the promo codes are one time use only, I must wait until I have a full order of $30 (if I am at $25 and you want a $10 item, I'd be willing to just cover the $5 extra with my bank account since I'd just be getting it back anyways). If the promo codes can be used more than once, someone please correct me.

Thanks everyone, hopefully this works out! I just really want to get rid of these promo codes and maybe help some people out in the process if I can.

Order 1 ($15/$30):
Hydro2Oxide - Shadow Complex ($15)

Order 2 DONE:
Moses144 - Buying coupon ($30)

Order 3 DONE:
Moses144 - Buying coupon ($30)

NOTE: Do not send payment even if I add your name to the order (since you don't have my payment info anyways), I will send PMs once the order has reached $30 or whatever level I decide to make the purchase at.

Also note that this does not have to stay at a small purchase. This is first come first serve, if the first response wants $90 worth of items, I will give it to them.

Thanks again!
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[quote name='backseatdog']so if i wanted Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box for $30. You take 10% off ($3), and i pay you $27?

anyway free bump for you[/QUOTE]

Yes, that would be how it works. Thanks for the bump and the interest!

I know it's not a big savings or anything, and if I don't get enough attention I'll make the savings even better, but either way it's still a win-win scenario.

Thanks again! Let me know if you want to do that.

EDIT: That's now false, since I updated it to 20% off. Just read the first post.
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Bump. I forgot to mention I am also sitting on about $50 worth of Amazon gift cards that can be used for anything, so you don't have to keep your purchases under $30. Basically, I'm going to try any way I can to get you what you want at a discount and get as close to the $30 for the promo code as I can.
Kind of confused so I want to clarify. So, if I wanted a $50 game.. I just pay you $40 and you will purchase the game yourself and just ship the game to me? Correct?
Why can't we just buy the codes off you? Are they linked to your account?

I would definitely Paypal you $75 for the $90 credit, but would not do this if you have to buy it yourself and then ship it to me, or for me to buy something off you that I'll get a few months from now because it doesn't come out for a while.
mis0 - yes. That's correct, however, if you wanted to use $50 of the credit, you should hurry and let me know since there is only $75 left.

Moses144 - yes, that would work if Hydro didn't already reserve some. Also, you could just buy the codes, however, in Hydro's case, he is only using $15 of the credit and I don't want to give away a one-time use $30 credit for $15 bucks. You know? You could always buy 2 of the codes off me for $48.

So yeah, Since Hydro already reserved $15, there's $75 worth of credit left.

I know it seems a little confusing, guys, and I'm sorry. Just to clear something else up:

I can have it ship to as many different addresses as I want. It won't ship to my house THEN I ship to you. It will just go straight to you.

Off to class now, see you all in a few hours!
[quote name='Mr Dude65']I would do this if it was a little more of a savings, but 20% isn't that much.[/QUOTE]

I know it's not the best savings in the world, but I was just hoping to catch people that were planning on buying something anyways that would like to save 20% in the process.
I'll let this go until tonight, and then since Hydro has been waiting for his Shadow Complex code, I'll just use the rest of the $15 on something for myself.

So hurry up guys, only $15 left! Grab yourself a $15 arcade game at $12! First come first serve.
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