Are there any good games that are like WoW but free?


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I have recently wanted to give into the hype and play WoW but can't see myself paying like $200 a year to play it. I was addicted to and loved Diablo2 LoD and wanna play a game like these with a great online community. Are there any games that have free online besides Guild Wars which I already tried and didn't like it too well...Is Titan Quest any good? Thanks for the help
Well I have never tried Titan Quest but lots of people say it was great.

I would say try Guild Wars, It is free to play and alot of fun especilly if you know other people who play it and you can have your own guild.
Titan Quest is a good game but it doesn't deviate from Diablo at all. You're better off playing that, particularly if you're not a fan of Greek mythology. Titan Quest is also more resource-intensive than I would've liked, and IIRC, it does allow you to take your single-player characters online, so cheating may be rampant.

A good game I'd recommend is Dungeon Runners. It's in beta right now, but it's more than playable. Unfortunately, no more invites are being given at this time, so I'm not sure how you can play it.
I might try Guild Wars again...The thing is when I tried it I had no idea what to do at all and the all the people were douchebags and wouldn't help you do anything...Is there like a CAG guild? I might play if I could get some Cags to help me learn the ropes and stuff...
There was a CAG guild but it fell apart since most of the people stopped playing. I still play and I know there are at least a few others that do as well. If you need any help you can pm me if I'm on. My in game name is Christopher Denison.
Theres a buttload of free mmorpgs out there. Some of the better ones I have played are 9dragons, trickster, flyff, and scions of fate.
Scions is in closed beta but you can still get keys i think. Supposedly its got like 50 million players and more players then wow in china.

Just remember that they are free games so you get all the jerks that are too cheap to play wow. Seaching for nice players is twice as hard.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']The thing is when I tried it I had no idea what to do at all and the all the people were douchebags and wouldn't help you do anything...[/QUOTE]

WoW is slightly more solo-friendly than GW, but unless you play with friends or some good CAGs out there, most online game worlds will be like this.
Anarchy Online is great. Probably the best free mmorpg out there and the community is strong. With all the xpacks that have come out for it, you'll never run out of stuff to do.
It looks dated, but the gameplay is solid.
I'm downloading Anarchy online right now. I found a disk for a WOW trial in one of my PC gamer magazines, but I can't find the code. It says it's in the magazine, but I can't find that magazine but found another one with a different WOW trial but there's no code as far as I can see...I think I might give in depending on how I like Anarchy.

Edit: Anyone play Anarchy and have time to play?
[quote name='AshesofWake']Silkroad seems kewl[/QUOTE]
second. It plays as good as many of the monthly fee games
You can play WoW for free if you play on a private server. Search google, I'm sure there are plenty of guides that show you how to get up and running with a popular private server.
RappelZ is supposed to be good according to a couple of friends that play it.

I'm too busy to sink time into another MMORPG so I can't personally vouch for it.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']What dimension should I play Anarchy on, does it matter?[/QUOTE]

i play on rk2, just cause that was the default server when i started.

and if you got any questions, join the aofroobs chat channel. it a site and chat channel dedicated to helping froobs. (people who play for free)
just type "/tell aofoobs !join" in the chat window, people there will help yuou with any questions you got.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']What dimension should I play Anarchy on, does it matter?[/QUOTE]

First server everything is more expensive.
Second server is same as the first but a the economy is a bit better. It wont cost as much for player sold stuff as it would on server 1.

German server is great if you speak german or you find server 1 and 2 too crowded. Its nice and quiet and everything is still in english, but a lot of people speak german on it ;P They also seem a bit more friendly imo.

You dont have to worry about dungeons being crowded though since everything is instanced( they invented the instanced moprg dungeon) with a player# limit. Like you will see other people in the dungeon with you, but not more then a set number depending on how big it is. If someone is camping the boss, you ust leave and come back in and you're in a different version of it and you can pretty much have any boss to yourself.

Theres really no difference though, they both have about the same player base, so You will find large orgs on each one if your into that.

The great thing about ao is that its totally solloable. You dont need a group to do missions. It's the most solo friendly morpg I have found so far.

If you do get into it, I suggest googling a program called "clicksaver" It is a little addon( totaly legit,legal,encouraged) that allows you to pick your missions based on the rewards. That way you can mission for your complete sets of armor,weapons, etc. much easier then scrolling through them all by hand.

The official forums have a great thread on how to make money at low levels. Very helpful!! You can be rich in a matter of hours if you know what to look for.

Also it's not a very user freindly game at first until you learn the ins and outs, but its VERY rewarding once you get the feel for it.
Try to stay away from teh classes that say advanced on them. I have found the Martial artist, soldier, medic, adventurer,engineer to be the easiest. Engie is heaven if you like to solo. What is cooler then turning into a giant mech to kill things when you get high enough level? Adventurers can tun into animals at later levels and have good all around skills. They are good at double swords or double guns.

Race doesnt make much difference since you can balance everything out with implants. Go with what looks coolest to you. The only difference you will see is that one race might get a spell one or two levels before another, based on stats only.

Oh and FOR GOD'S SAKES DON'T GO CLAN!!!!!! They are just a bunch of smelly trailer trash torrorists with guns. Omnitek is where its at!!!! We also have the cleanest and nicest cities!!!!
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']

Oh and FOR GOD'S SAKES DON'T GO CLAN!!!!!! They are just a bunch of smelly trailer trash torrorists with guns. Omnitek is where its at!!!! We also have the cleanest and nicest cities!!!![/QUOTE]

but if you have a soul, you're not allowed to join omni....
SilkRoad and Flyff were fun, but very laggy because there are so many users and they get extremely repetitive so they're better to play only in short bursts and not for long sessions like Diablo or WoW. By the way, just WoW or City of Heroes. Very addicting games. the former has a huge community while the second has a solid strong community, but it has diminished in recent months.
Knight Online is free. You can pay if you choose to for premium bonuses.

Vendetta Online is cheap. The game is a free download, the trial is eight hours of play. Rates start at $9.99/month, with bulk discounts down to $6.67/mo for larger blocks of time.

Someone else mentioned Trickster. I liked that one for a few months.

Personally I'm playing Everquest 2. I played the "Play the Fae" two week trial and was very impressed.

Anarchy Online... I played a Omni Nanotechnician to level 203 and then sold my account. My advice: don't play a nanotechnician. Read the AO Profession forums for why.
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