Are these Rock Band issues really that wide spread?


CAG Veteran
Or is it just a vocal majority on the forums? Because almost every time I read a thread on Rock Band, it's a complaint about the drums breaking/guitars not working, etc. I want to buy RB tomorrow, but now I'm afraid of things breaking. Do I have anything to worry about or is every single copy of Rock Band out there defective? :(
The only person I know that I actually bought one had his strum bar on the guitar stop working. When we looked to see if this was happening to other people, it appeared that there were tons of people with the same problem.

Good news though was that they replaced the guitar through the mail right away and it was virtually hassle free.
I think it's safe to say it's not exactly an isolated issue, but obviously pissed off customers are going to talk a lot more than happy ones. My drums needed to be exchanged. However, from what I've experienced EA has been really good about exchanging stuff so far, and it's very easy to get the replacement sent to don't even have to talk to anyone, it's all automated through the website.
Not too long ago i got my Strat in the mail after asking for an exchange through EA. Though honestly, playing it, I see no difference from the last one I returned (which suffered from the strum bar being unable to work). I think I'm gonna have to return this one as well soon enough, simply because the strum bar is really just a piece of crap on an otherwise great looking plastic guitar.

Either that or I hope to find a tutorial online to replace that said strum bar with a GH one that feels more responsive in general.
i think the flaws, at least with initial shipment are true. i got my guitar replace and i've noticed that it doesn't accidently double strum or not register at all anymore.
I returned my guitar because the mic jack didn't work and the overdrive wouldn't kick in when I would raise the neck. The replacement guitar mic jack works like a champ but the overdrive is still wonky.
yeah, my set was one of the initial ones, and the guitar strum bar broke (wouldn't register) after about 2 days of light playing.
Just got mine for Christmas and no issues here. Ive played for about 6 hrs with 4 people.
they do give you a couple of notices on the package that say if there's a defective periferal for the game to contact so and so for replacement.
I got my daughter hers for Christmas so far and we've played about 4+ hours so far and no problems here! It's crazy fun and I think i'm enjoying it more then her mainly due to the song selection, which i'm a huge fan of the older stuff.

On my original guitar the overdrive would not work, and on my replacement the whammy bar is broken. Im going to call them up tomorrow for a third guitar.
the people with problems with overdrive, are you guys sitting while playing? i've notice that if you're sitting and have it tilted towards you, it takes more of an effort to tilt it and activate overdrive. however when i stand and play, tilting and overdrive is an ease.
geez i didn't know it was that big a deal, haven't used the guitar in it yet, gonna have to go home and check it out. got the explorer as back up just in case.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']ASweet, spend $300 to play 2 games![/quote]there's a joke about the ps3 in there, somewhere.
I'm not sure if my RB guitar is broken or if the Strat just isn't a very good guitar controller in general. I like the effects switch, and the solo buttons, but always do way better when I use a Les Paul or X-Plorer.
[quote name='Zurezo']Just got mine for Christmas and no issues here. Ive played for about 6 hrs with 4 people.[/quote]

ditto but it's my cousin's... no issues other than most everyone not liking doing vocals
Out of the half dozen or so friends I've got who have it, only one has had the guitar issue (though he got it double - broken strum bar and wonky overdrive activation) - he also managed to snap the kick pedal on his drums and his snare doesn't respond when hit rapidly - so maybe all his stuff came from an early batch or something).

We've all had problems with headsets, especially using them with the guitar. It goes away after a bit though, so there may be some sort of burn in or something that fixes it. Also, if you have a headset that doesn't have a puck, so you don't have to use the dongle, that seems to help.
bread's done