Area 51 Contest - Win one of three copies of Midway's Area 51 (PS2/Xbox/PC)


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Special for you, I have 3 copies of Area 51, Midway's soon to be released alien themed FPS, just waiting to be won.

To enter, simply post a little story about any alien encounters/UFO sightings you might have had. Feel free to use your imagination.
Do not create more than one post in this thread.

One entry per person. Winners will be chosen at random.
Contest will close on 4/25 (Area 51's release date)

Official info:

Area 51 Articles:

Area 51 Resource Pages:

Console pre-orders get a free copy of Midway Arcade Treasures 2 and PC pre-orders get a free t-shirt:
[quote name='Blustrk98'] Attention CAGers, I am Jzeear, and I have taken this body to communicate with the one called CheapyD. In the galaxy I come from, there are no cheap games, for any console, not for the Blurnn 74, DongorBox nor the powerfull Lojtar2. We have been monitoring your posts for some time, and I happened upon this host while he was cow-tipping in a field in your midwest. I have come to learn the secrets of your cheapyness... my host is about to awake, for he must go to work in his meager job to earn money for more cheap games... I will try to contact you CheapyD at a later time! Jzeear signing off [/QUOTE]

Woah! So that's why me arse hurts so much!
One day on campus, I was biking past the cow pasture. Suddenly one of them started talking in what sounded like English. Thinking the cow had been tested on by aliens, I biked the hell out of there as fast as possible!
Aliens are cool.

I like to meet new and interesting creatures from distant galaxies, with rich, diverse, unique alien cultures...

and kill them.


Bring on Area 51!

(I'd love to win an Xbox version...)
I once was take to an alien planet on this UFO. I got probed and had monkey sex with their queen. After spending many years as a sex slave, I was knocked out and returned to earth. I finnally woke up surrounded by smoke coming from a plastic bong shaped object.
Four years ago, when my brother, parents, and I were driving home from my cousin's house in New Jersey, I saw a Bright light moving in the sky very quickly. I strained my eyes to see the light in the vast darkness of the sky, and pointed it out to my brother. It disappears out of sight, and my brother and I disregard it as an airplane. A few minutes later, another flashing light appeared. Coming from the direction in which the other one left in. As it came closer, it became bigger. To the point where we could start to make out it's shape. The shape was like that of an one of those indianhead arrows...or whatever they are called (pointy things things that are arrowheads...) Then it just disappeared out of sight.

This was a true story brought to you by rjarmstrong100
IT IS PERHAPS THE MOST SECRET MILITARY installation in American history. And, in addition to Area 51 and Groom Lake, it has, over its 40-year history, acquired a slew of other, less-formal nicknames: Dreamland (for the strange aircraft developed there), the Ranch, the Box (for its restricted airspace) and Watertown Strip, to name just a few. Air Force and Pentagon officials continue to flatly deny its existence. Existent air base or no and despite all United States Government denials that the place exists, last September the Air Force Secretary wrote the Interior Secretary requesting control of nearly 4,000 acres of Bureau of Land Management holdings just outside the base perimeter. The state of Nevada has designated a barren 98-mile stretch of Route 375, which runs near Area 51, as the Extraterrestrial Highway. Such a move is no doubt proof of a government attempt to throw us off the track and think there is not a cover-up when there is one. This is a cover-up of the cover-up, typical of government agencies when dealing with sensitive information regarding UFOs and aliens. You can be shot if you try to trespass on the military base where Area 51 is located, Apparently, our government has a treaty with the aliens that allows them to fly into this area at will, as long as we can experiment on them and try to duplicate their aircraft. You don't really think that any human could have come up with the idea of the Stealth Bomber, do you? Does Area 51 harbor alien grays and UFO's - thereby developing advance technologies? It would seem to. The base was supposedly created in 1954 as a place to test the secret U-2 spy plane that was used to fly reconnaissance missions over the Soviet Union. It was later redesigned to accommodate the SR-71, A-12 and D-21 drone. From 1954 to today how much of a leap has technology taken as compared to the 1,954 years prior? The Truth Is Out There!
Months ago I had the strangest of all humanly experiences. I was at a bus stop awaiting my usual bus ride to college much like all my other days. The weather was hot and sticky with the bright sun burning my skin. I was getting bored, after sitting at the stop for already a half an hour, when I got the feeling someone was looking at me. I turned in the dirrection I felt it was comming from, apparently behind me, and saw nothing. I shrugged it off and zoned out for a little while. I my mind imediatly became interupted again by the feeling of someone else's sight. I turned once more still seeing nothing. I was getting very uncomfortable, much like anyone else who would be experiencing this. I pulled out my CD walkman and turned on my music to block out everything and try to forget what was going on. I switched on my music and put my CD to track 13. Ten seconds into the song the music stopped. I checked to see if my batterys were dead or the headphones were messed up. All seemed fine. I opened my case and the CD was cracked in half. Being pissed off at this, since I just got the CD the other day, I tossed its peices into the street. Now I was even more freaked than before. I felt like my space had been violated in some weird way. I looked down the street and saw the bus was almost at my stop. I got up, pulled out my bus fare change, and waited. The bus slowly came toward me, stopping its door right in front of me. Quickly and very strongly I felt a hand grab my back. I jumped and twisted my torso around to see what it was. Nothing. I was now breathing heavily. I turned back around to see the bus doors were now open ready for me to hop on. The only thing was that the bus driver was not there. Instead there lay a gargantuan pile of severed crow bird heads sitting where the bus driver should have been. Even further, sitting atop the pile was a skinnless pink cat with dark pearly black eyes staring at me into my inner soul. It spoke softly. "Hush..." My mind went black and the world envoloped around me into unconsciouseness. Feeling like seconds, I awoke, at the bus stop. I checked myself for anything unusual, but everything seemed fine, except for what I had just experienced. Soon enough a bus came and opened it's doors. The bus driver yeeled for me to get in. I stared in disbelief at the driver and ran back to my home. I never slept that night. I will never take that bus ever again.
I have seen a few UFOs, but nothing worth mentioning here. Nothing exciting like probes and whatnot, just moving lights in the sky really.

Well, there IS an alien named Victor living in my basement... but he really doesn't like me to talk much about him.
I hang out with aliens from Pluto.

It's actually a Back to the Future thing, but you know, it's nothing too special, just plutonium, things to conserve water, fuel efficient cars.
The aliens actually know of a way to rid the world of crappy games :eek:
A while back, I lived in a housing development that was just starting. A friend and I went towards the back of this development where there was a lot of land. And there was this big ass rock we were sitting on just shooting the shit. While we were talking, for some reason we looked behind us and saw this kind of tame, yellow light that looked like headlights from a car in the sky. And it seemed like it was coming right at us. We then looked forward again and then at each other wondering what the hell we just saw. We looked back and it was gone. That's about the only UFO experience I've had.
Driving down the ocean parkway my wife, my brother inlaw and I were startled to see a strange light hanging in the sky over the ocean. We pulled over and saw two more lights appear and join the first, they were maybe a half mile away, and they hung in the sky for about 10 minutes. they moved in ways no airplane or helicopter could ; sideways , loops and back and forth , they then hovered in place for few more minutes and then blinked out, and disapeared all at once, it was the strangest thing we ever saw, we often drive down there at night hoping to see the dancing lights in the sky. E.T. i dont know but it is a true story. [email protected]
A few days ago, I was walking on my way back from ebgames after trading in some games for PSP games. Some fat and slobby aliens showed up out of nowhere and offered me their spaceship for my psp and psp games. I quickly declined their pitiful offer and told them to get away and try to trade in their stupid spaceship to eb, maybe eb would offer a few dollars for it.
My Allegory

There was once a man named Jack Nahasapeemapetilon. Mr. Nahasapeemapetilon was never really the sort of man one remembers. He was extraordinary in that he was the most perfectly ordinary man you would ever meet. He held a midlevel job, lived with a wife he loved just enough to make it work, and he enjoyed all sorts of ordinary pastimes, but never in any exceptionally enthusiastic sort of way. None of which is to say that Jack was expendable in any way. He was the glue that held many a persons world together, even if they never realized it. Unfortunately for Jack, he neither did he. Because Jack was a perfectly ordinary man in every way one could imagine, Jack felt, like most of us, that there was something missing in his life, that he was destined for greater things. As any ordinary man would, he carried on despite these misgivings.

There came a day when Jack was given an extraordinary opportunity. The opportunity, like all Great Things, presented danger, sacrifice. It was nothing an ordinary man would ever do, but in the end, no man can be perfect in any way, not even ordinariness. In the end, Jack had enough courage to give up everything he knew for that one chance at greatness. Leaving a note for his family, he told the aliens he would go with them. Jack left the earth, knowing it would be decades before he ever came back.

One day, years after leaving the Earth, the aliens told Jack they had some bad news for him. They told Jack he could never go home. Naturally, Jack was upset by this news. He accused the aliens that of being liars, backstabbers, he pleaded with them to let him go home. For a time, they just watched him with sad eyes, not wanting to explain to him, lacking the courage to tell him why. Eventually, with their collective voice, they said “The Earth is no more, and we are all responsible”. Their meaning reverberated through Jack’s being, and it was the most horrible thing Jack had ever heard. He knew they included him in the “we”.

In time, they showed Jack the last television signals from his world. It was not a sudden thing, the world had enough time to see the end coming. The last few hours were filled with useless propaganda, governments blaming each other for the end of the world. It was filled with priests, urging people to pray their last prayers with them. It was filled with useless celebrities explaining how they planned to meet their ends. It was filled with documentaries, all proposing their thesis of why the end came. For Jack, those were the hardest. The ones that made sense, the ones that didn’t propose crazy theories, all centered on a sudden disturbance in one community, one that grew outward at an exponential rate, one that would eventually cover the world in chaos. “What caused the disturbance in the community?” they would ask at the end. Their answer always seemed the same, “The disappearance of one man, one Jack Nahasapeemapetilon.” Too many ended with a shot of his wife, saying “Jack, wherever you are, we miss you. Please come home before it’s too late.”
I was watching Fresh Prince with my was the episode where they go back to their old apartment that burned down. So yeah...I could have SWORN that I was just watching it, but my friends insisted otherwise. To prove to them that we were JUST watching it, I like narrated the whole episode. They still say we never saw it. Since this contest is about aliens, I'm definitely...probably...well I GUESS that aliens made me know the whole episode. It was really freaky~
Well nothing exciting but it is true.........

I was in the front yard one evening just after dark. I was looking for constellations when i spotted lights in a strage pattern headed my way. At first I thought it was far away and possibly an airplane. As it came closer I realized it was not a plane. It was triangle shaped least in the light pattern. Planes have a green light on one wing and a red one on the other and they blink. This object had 4 white lights that never blinked. One on each side and 2 close together on the front. As it finally glided over me I heard nothing from it and it was low and moving slowly. About half the speed of a single engine plane. It passed on over without a sound and continued till I could no longer see it. A pretty cool experience at the time.
Once, I went outside and there was a light in the sky................and it turned out to be an airplane. If it was a UFO I would have ran to the basement with all the supplies I have ready for such an event...Speaking of aliens, War of the Worlds = Awesome looking. Yay Aliens!
One time, just this past weekend actually, I rented the movie Signs and...well...that's basically it. That's as close as I've gotten to aliens.
I would just like to tell my story of what visited me one night many years ago. I have never heard of anyone describing the type of creature I saw in my bedroom. The being was translucent, 8 ft. tall, and emitted a green glowing light. It appeared to only have eye sockets. It floated in the air and did not appear to have legs. The top part of the body was smaller than the lower part. It floated back and forth at the foot of my bed only appearing to look at me. I was frightened and did not believe my eyes. I tried to scream but could not emit a sound. I finally got enough courage to get up out of my bed and run to the door and out into the hall where my grandmother slept. After coming back to my room we found nothing and the creature never again returned. Strange but true.
One night, down in Houston, a friend and I were riding our bikes home. We had to cross this footpath-wide bridge through a park or something. It was pitch black--no moon, no street lights, nothing. As we're riding across, we see this silhouette leaning up against the edge of the bridge. As I get closer, we see a lone glowing red light coming from the "head". As we ride past, the light tracks us. As soon as I was past it, i peddled as hard as I could all the rest of the way home.
In my Rocket Man days, overlooking the West Los Angeles from the Westchester Bluffs, as midnight approached, I spotted a flashing object midway between the Santa Monica Mountains and the bluff in which I was perched.

Was this only a Fig Newton of my imagination or a more sinister cookie crumbling the latent synapses of my alcohol enhanced mind?

While I originally recalled the above scenario as the total experience, years of hypnosis reveals that much more had indeed occurred.

The flash indeed had resulted in a mesmerizing state, in which my mind and body were frozen in an erect state. The flashing object released a pod containing a vehicle that looked like a Cushman with wings.

The Cushman contained two exotic aliens sporting Frederick's of Hollywood like clothing and what was latter to be called thongs. Each of these females looked exactly alike and didn't say a word. They were after only one thing, the seed of man.

Sadly, that is all I can reveal at this time because they promised to come back for additional samples every five years, which is, oh my, tonight.

So without further adieu, I gotta go!
I once had a dream/encounter with aliens. We were driving to New Jersey for some reason and about fifty flying saucers flew right over the car. We then decided to lay low in a pizza place built and operated by Wade Boggs. Right when we ordered our meal, however, the aliens broke through the door (even though it was unlocked) and demanded we gave them all of the David Copperfields we had in our possesion. Then Wade Boggs called Jesus and Moses to help chase away the aliens. They came and, like planned, successfully chased the aliens back to their spaceships. Unfortunatley, before they left, the aliens took all of Earth's TV remote controls. However, with all the new exercise brought into everyone's routine, America started to lose weight and we all rejoiced.

True Dream.
(Wow my dreams suck)
this one time when i had a barbeque at like two in the morning i saw a something in the sky and it looked like it landed nearby...

i was drunk though so that might've had something to do with it.
His name was Elvis. I used to run into him all the time. I got the impression he didn't speak english very well. Because every time I would ask him something he'd just give me this blank, yet curious look. Almost like a child trying to comprehend. I haven't seen him in ages though. I'm not sure, but I think officers from ICE finally caught up with him...
A bunch of us were up at my friend's cabin back in high school. It was located in Grand Lake, Colorado which is a bustling summer tourist town, but this was the dead of winter and the town is pretty much deserted. Anyway, we just got back from a day of skiing and were kicking back with some beers. At about midnight, a few of us were out on the balcony looking out at the frozen over lake and stars. Suddenly, this spotlight appeared on the ice and started moving around. We looked up and around, but saw nothing. Where the hell was this light coming from? It lasted for about another couple of minutes and then disappeared. Just then my friend pointed up and said "Check that out!"

Then I saw it.....A tiny light moving slowly, no bigger than a star, way the heck up in the sky. To this day I have no idea what that was, but it was one weird event.

Andrew McCormack

Well then! Back during the war, which we called the Big One, we used to use quarters to pay for corn. So that's why the coins were called "corns." So I'd say to the man behind the counter at the drugstore, "I got 4 corns and I'd like 2!" And then he'd wrap them up in rubberized gloves, which was the style at the time, and boy did we used to have such fun hitting each other with them. There were times when corns were called kernals, since times of drought left us without any full ears to make stew with. But that warn't no matter, as we had plenty of bees. Bees? Well that was when bees was popular to raise, so we had three mounds of 'em until the great flood of '32. Yep. Right before the great dought of '33. Then we had SNOW!

Well see this one time Jimmy said he saws him a saucer in the sky, and I told him, "Jimmy!" I tolds him, "Jimmy! I tolds you there's no such thing as sawcers," but then he told me that he was plum sure he saws it. Which is how all my bees died. See, sawzers steal the wings off the bees for...experimentationals, and I'm pretty sure thats why they all flew away. Course I aint never seen no bees flying no mores, but that's ok. We was in war back then, so it warn't no matter about the dadgum bees no how, yes sir, no how!

So Jimmy said them aliens blew the roof off'n his house, but I knew that wasn't right, so and decided Jimmy warn't my friend no more anyhow, as I was with Oswald huntin turtles in the crick. Turtles as you know tend to live under rocks, or behind trees, or inside burra's, so we'd hunt all night. Then we'd play cops 'n robbers. Well I tell you that Oswald once got his thumb stuck in the fence, and I had to paint the fence later that week, cuz Aunt Susey was hollerin' 'bouts it, but that twern't no matter either.
[quote name='greenbags125']One night, I woke up around 1 AM to go to the bathroom. My bathroom has a huge window overlooking a valley. Suddenly, for a second or so, the night sky suddenly lit up like a flashbang grenade exploded. For that second, the visibility was reduced to nothing and I couldn't even see my wall. I went to bed thinking the flash was a figment of my imagination but the next day, my friend said he saw the same flash, but at 3:30 AM. Maybe he was just pulling my leg but it might be real. Who knows?[/QUOTE]

That is somewhat what happened to me.

We were outside when iw as younger maybe 12-13. About 5 of us racing our RC Cars in the road. We lived on a hill and the sky started to get bright. We all drove our cars off the raod and waited thinking a car wa approaching from over the hill. About 2-4 seconds later we realized that it was not a car. We looked up and saw what looked like a long (almost rocket shaped) ship shoot straight up in the air (it was extremely far away). The sky went back to dark and we were all freaked out.

We ended up calling radio stations etc and asking if anyone else had reported it. They all laughed at us and to this day am not sure what it was.
Have I met any alien? Well, every stranger I met is an alien. My friend who came from China is an alien in the US. When I go visit China, I'm an alien in China. So the fact is, everyone on this planet will be an alien at least once in their life time. Aren't we all aliens, almighty one?
We live in a farmhouse out in basically the middle of nowhere. It's pretty scary sometimes, but particually around the harvest time. Once a friend and I went outside to walk through the cornfeilds, and we came upon a clearing. Circular. I never belived the stories, but this totally freaked us out. We ran inside. The freaky thing is that we checked in the morning and it wasn't there... but we swear that it really was like that the night before.
On a winding and remote road along the green and foggy mountains of Venezuela, my parents took my brothers and I for a picnic trip. We stopped minutes earlier to gather fresh corn on the cob, yucca, sliced potatoes and pieces of BBQd chicken and steak. Most people would choose a sunny, bright location for a picnic but we liked going up the mountains where the fog gets thick enough to see about 100 or so feet ahead. It added silence, peace and enough isolation for us to actually enjoy being around each other while we ate and played games.

My dad found a good spot and pulled the car over. We then walked a few yards away toward the foggy covered forest in order to find a good spot with upturned trees or large boulders to sit. We did not bring the traditional checkered table cloth, but rather always choose to keep it simple and sit around in whatever we could find.

The food was amazing as always and then my brothers and I began to play some games. We played hide and seek and war games with sticks as machine guns. We were just playing around and we started to spread out around the forest. The trees were good cover for a potential ambush and the fog just added that much mystery and excitement to our simple game.

During the game I was being chased by my brothers and I could tell they were close. I decide to climb further up the mountain while avoiding the winding road. I did not want to go too far because I did not want to get lost so I kept going in one direction slowly. My brother caught up to me since I was so slow but since we were all together we decided to venture into the forest a bit further before we had to go.

I am not sure how far we climbed. It was steep at times and the fog was getting thicker and the trees more condensed. We decided to climb one last hill before we headed back and once we reached the top, we did not know of what to make out of what we saw.

The top of the hill suddenly became a plateau. The trees opened up to a clearing which was circular in shape. The diameter would have been roughly 200 yrs or so but right in the center of this clearing was something we thought did not belong here. The fog was not as think as in the thicker part of the forest since the clearing was a good size so we could make out here and there the object before us.

The thing was circular as well. Placed right in the center of the whole clearing but only extending to about 50 yrs in diameter. The entire structure had a solid metal floor that was circular and in the center had some sort of machinery or machines that were not functioning and seemed independent of each other.

My brothers and I ventured a bit further closer to this structure but we stopped when we got to be about 10 feet away from the circular solid metal floor. We asked ourselves what could this thing be in the middle of the forest, up on mountains, in the fog? We tried to be realistic and think that maybe it was an oil drilling site but there was no “oil horse” machine you see in movies, or workers around, a label of some sort for some company, a wired fence, or an access road.

What it looked to us was more alien out here in nature that we started to speculate if this could be some sort of UFO or a space ship or something like that. We did not want to step on the metal floor that looked clean and sterile with no hint of leaves or dirt on it at all on any place around it . We thought that if we got closer we would either raise an alarm or be completely disintegrated by some sort of force field or hidden laser guns. We were children and we got scared easily from finding unknown structures in places they do not seem to belong.
We backed away slowly and looked around us for any site of eyes looking at us from beyond the clearing. Hidden creatures who sensed our presence long before we got up this final hill.

I heard nothing. No birds, no wind. We began to run back through the forest and thick fog. We tried hard not to trip on the way down the steep hill. The forest welcomed us back but the fog suddenly seemed suffocating. We found our parents but failed to tell them of what we found thinking they would laugh at us. We cleaned up and got in the car and drove back towards the city and down the mountain.

Were there aliens up on the mountain? Was it a space ship we found? Maybe not but in the end, it sure makes me want to revisit and possibly venture further to see how much braver I am now. But I know that finding out will ruin the mystery. A childhood picnic memory that lives within my mind still to this day.
eggs...........eggs as far as the eye could see...........

*48 hours earlier*
i was working on an assignment for my earth sciences course when i had a hankering for funions and sprite....there not being any in my fridge i took a ride down to the commisary to get some. The sky was a glowing red, like a withered rose. *is it a tornado?* i thought? *no wait, a green sky means tornado*.....*no wait this is LA, LA doesnt get tornados*. Little did i know that any minute a tornado would indeed come, one so destrcutive to anything human yet evasive of non-organic was GI-NORMOUSE (to coin a phrase) sooner was i sucked from the roof of my jeep was a thrown into a white room by what seemed like a blur of odd 4 fingered hands (still no funions). I was there for what seemed like days (only a day and a half to be exact......not having my snack made me pissy). Near the end i started to lose it, wondering what would happen if i didnt get my geology assignment in on time (YOU AND/OR the world is asbout to get reamed, no one cares man!). It was about this time that i was coincidentally gassed. I was on an operating table next to another man. Based on the tools on the table it looked like we were in store for the same procedure. What exactly, i was not sure. I could only see shadows of tall 4 fingered beings......they didnt seem to have much a of a sensse of humor but i made some jokes anyway to break the ice. "Gee, some weather we got up hear", "probed any human anus lately? cause i'm all tapped out" and "got any funions? cause i havent eaten in days".

The man next to me looked to be first to step to the plate, i did not envy was horrible, it was as if he was "receiving" birth, not giving it...... i tried not to look, apparently neither did he but i'm sure that was harder for him. He was in so much pain he spasmed and kicked on the figures against the wall.....must have been one well aimed kick because it seemed like ol' four fingered larry (my nickname for the creatures) hit some sort of electrical cell and shorted out my restraints.....frenzied from my lack of food and upset over my capture i went into an uncontained rage beserking through the corridors of the complex....apprently these guys can dish it out but they cant take it, as some found out the very hard way.

I got a hold of plasma rifle, "Aliens dont bleed, they SMOKE!" this point i had circumnavigated away from the area and found an outer door, the ship was slightly elevated but i think i could make the jump......until i saw what was waiting for me on the surface...."eggs".....a limitless sea of eggs..........either what i was looking at was earth or we werent on earth anymore.

As i slowly turned the rifle on myself i could only think one thing............ "god am i hungry".
I don't know if you could call it an alien story or not, but... One night after watching Stephen King's It, me and a friend were driving home on some back roads. All of a sudden a strange darkness decended on my truck. It wasn't a huge darkness but more of a misty form that was the darkest black I had ever seen. It moved quickly and was hard to follow, but it was undeniably there. It hovered in front of my windshield while I was driving a good 80 mph down a bumpy road with no problems. After a minute or so it just shot of towards the horizon, and even as it ascended into the sky you could still make it out. A dark glob darker than the night!
It was a cold, dreary night. I had just stepped out into my backyard to bring in my dog for the night. As I glared up to a full moon, I noticed a bright light overhead. At first I assumed it was a helicopter, but I soon realized there was not a sound to be heard. The light held up for a few minutes and I stood frozen to my position the whole time. As soon as I was about to head back inside and play it off as nothing, a huge cylinder of light shone down to the ground from the position of the original light. I strained to focus on the light, and what I seen really started my heart pumping. So what did I see? An object, which could have been an animal or human, float up through the light and disappear into the darkness. As soon as I realized what I was seeing, the cylinder of light quickly went away. The bright light lingered for a second more, when at last it finally moved. The light took off into space, faster than anything I have ever seen. Still to this day I cannot forget the memory of this. Every night I still look to that position in the sky. Never again have I witnessed the light, but I still look. Did I witness another life, coming down to earth? Or was it merely something from earth I could not identify?

No one will ever know...
True story, as recounted by my folks a few times over the years....

One night -- back around the time I was born in the mid '70s -- a neighbor of ours here in Rhode Island swore he saw something out of his back door. We're in a rural area, it's not too developed but it ain't the sticks either.

The guy was a local hardware store owner, really respected in the community as well. He was on the town council, had a family, went to church -- all of the usual day-to-day stuff so many of us go through.

Apparently, one night about 6pm (dusk or therabouts) during late autumn, he looked out and literally saw a ship. It was huge and relatively low to the ground. What really spooked him was that he could see windows and figures looking out of it. Obviously he wasn't close enough to make out specific details of the figures/beings/what have you, but it scared the daylights out of him. The ship then quickly zoomed off as soon as he really began realizing what he was seeing.

He really didn't want to talk about it, but said enough to some friends of his that the local community paper took to writing a story about his experience. Unfortunately, this was back before Close Encounters of the Third Kind (back before UFO's were a really hot topic again), and the guy was assailed by the paper for his much that he had to resign from the town council because of all the grief he took for claiming what he saw.

Some time later his family and he moved away. The last thing my parents knew of him, the incident shook him up real bad, and the media coverage (small town as it was) ruined his later time in the community.

A shame, too, because he was a great guy, respected by many, and not a drinker/crazy man etc. The kind of person you'd TRUST if he said he saw something....which he apparently did that night back nearly 30 years ago.
This was back in the early to mid-nineties. One time I was taking out the garbage and I saw some light swirl around in the sky. At first I thought it was a shooting star but it couldn't have been. The thing was zipping around all over the place.
Well my mom, uncle, and aunts have claimed to have seen a UFO. This is
when they were around 7-10 years old and lived in Mexico. I guess
basically they were playing outside around 7:00-9:00 PM when they saw
an object crossing the night sky. Now out of all 7 of them 5 say it
was real and the other 2 say it could of been a plane. They all agree
however that it was bright as hell, fast and unlike anything they've
ever seen. My mother swears that it was a UFO and see is not the type
to believe in this type of stuff. I've never experienced any UFO
incounters, but I do believe there are other beings in the universe.
I awoke with a noise and a strange light blaring on my face... not being a morning person I immediately grumbled "mom just 5 more minutes!" (even though I was well over school age and living on my own) Still refusing to be awakened from my sleep with my oh so warm and soft bed I immediately pulled the covers over my face.... I barely remember hearing the soft laughter...

Next thing I know the cover is pulled slowly but firmly away from me and I finally decide to let whoever had the nerve to wake me have it.... I sit up and began "WHAT THE H..... the curse I was about to utter died midway on my lips as I saw him...
He was the most gorgous man I'd ever seen and why was he in my bedroom?! I'm not the type to bring anyone home with me, having long ago given up on the possibility of any kind of relationship with anyone.
I start to speak and humiliating enough all I can manage is incoherent babble... (I'm also not the stuttering type)
The "man" must have known what a site he made because he had apparently mastered that cocky grin so many men with an abundance of confidence have...

That was it I was fed up with men and what did this guy think he was doin anyway? no matter how goodlooking he was he had no reason to be in my house much less my bedroom! .... I finally find my tongue and begin the verbal tyrade I had not finished earlier...
I also throw in some police threats and warnings to certain anatomy parts which may be injured if he didn't leave right that instant...

Suddenly it was as if a light bulb turned on in his brain and he realized why I would be upset to find a perfect stranger in my house, immediately contrite he began to humbly apoligize and explain himself...
He had not meant to startle me, but he was so entranced.... he had watched me from afar for many moons and had not expected me to awaken.. He claimed to be astounded by the acts of kindness which was second nature to me and had immediately fell in love...

However this is when the story spins into a whole new dimension... he began to tell me of himself.. that he was a Xorvian prince who was so lost in despair that he despirately landed on our planet in an attempted to clear his mind of the sadness which had overtaken him.
He spoke of the tragec death of his parents, and the plague which was haunting his planet... feeling foolish at first and only listening to keep him talking until the police arrived I soon became wrapped up in his story and grieved with him.... it seemed his planet was falling apart without leadership and in his dispair he was in no condition to take the throne..

Without thinking I began to comfort this gorgous albeit weird stranger, he hugged me and tells me his burden has already lightened a bit... then vanishes into light particles... (if my this time I didn't believe him, the particle trick sure served as proof). when the police arrived I hastily explained the alarm went off by error and apoligized vehemiently, once I was given a stotic and stern lecture they finally departed to leave me with my thoughts..

I spent the rest of the night and well into the morning trying to convince myself I was hallucinating, yet looking at the floor by my window where the strangest and my beautiful flower I had ever saw lay it was impossible..

This began what was soon regular visits from my "prince" sometimes we would talk all into the night compairing the diffrences in our worlds and others we were content to simply enjoy companionable silence while we each pondered our own thoughts...
as the months rolled by my prince (who I renamed Skylar when I couldn't pronounce his native name) became restless. I pretended not to notice at first. The visits were growing shorter and more silences occured that the talks we used to have... Finally one night I asked him what was wrong... he explained to me his people needed him, he could not put it off any longer or else chaos would insue. Unknown to me tears were glistening on my cheeks at the thought of being seperated from my friend who had so quickly became such an important structure in my life.

That was when he suprised both of us.... he kissed away a tear and asked me to join him on his journey home... after all what good was a lonely king without a queen to share his life with? Stunned I couldn't find words to reply. Thinking this was a rejection he began to do the so familliar but still amazing particle dissappearance. In the last moment I finally found my tongue! Wait I cried with every ounce of longing in me and reaching to grasp the particles of his hand before they completely dissipated!
He began to take structure once again and I found I was not the only one with tears glistening in the moonlight!
We embraced in a hug that was more like a caress as I began to feel lighter than air..
I assumed this was my own mind playing tricks on me (after all I had fallen in love with an alien, albeit a gorgous one!) until i looked down and saw not only him whirling into particles but myself as well! At this I paniced and began to pull away but his whispers stopped me... the sound of his voice asking me to trust him was all I needed and soon the weightless feeling was accompanied by a glorious light which seemed to cradle us..

Arriving on his planet was strange yet somehow familliar.... there was plantlife very reminiscent of our own only diffrent... and as we drew closer to the most astounding and strange castle I could have imagined I began to see the people... This was when the though finally occured to me.... I asked what of the little green men with big eyes so many people thought were aliens? there was no one like that here actually they looked more like a race of elfs with such an abundance of beautiful people I wondered why he would ever choose a rather plain and slightly chubby woman like me to bring home.

At this he laughed, a true unchecked belly laugh! The stunned look on my face must have registered because he broke into another fit of laughter. Once he had caught his breath he began to explain.
The same particle transfusion his people used for travel can also be used to alter ones appearance... he explained how all the "abductions" of my planet were due to rebelious children daring each other into mischeif. The illusion was as much to make a more dramatic shock on the people of earth as it was to protect themselves from being identified and caught by their irate parents and adults!

this friendly banter lasted all the way to the castle until suddenly relality began to return.. I was nervous! I was in a strange land and about to become part ruler! Skylar must have sensed this again he wrapped his arm around me and mummured "trust me" in my ear.. I did.

Many years later I was written into history along with my alien prince as being the greatest rulers of Xorvian in remembrabce! Not only that but my life was full and happy, Skylar was a true loving husband that I would give anything for and I had 4 beautiful children who were our hearts.


This is not a story about me, but rather a story of my great grandmother, as wonderful as Xorvian was 2 of her children were more human than Xorvian and made the trek home sometime in their 20th years. But the story is passed from mother to child through each generation after all it's only appropriate to be proud of ones heritage!


Disclaimer- Ok so none of it's true but it makes for entertaining reading anyway ;)
Where am I right now? .....

I'm in a spaceship right now! Crap. They're small, skinny and have big heads like the coneheads.

What do they plan on doing to me?

I rode the Men in Black ride at Universal Studios about a month ago, thats the closest to anything alien I believe I've come up against.
I just recently took a trip out to Death Valley, Mojave Desert, and Joshua Tree to do some hiking and wildflower viewing (quite spectacular, actually). We were camping in a field of Joshua Trees, cacti, and the occaisional pricker bush.
Anyway, one night me and the rest of my group were stargazing late at night at Joshua Tree National Park. Besides the planes, we occasionally saw streaks of like cross the sky and then disappear rapidly. We were quite curious and excited. After lengthy discussions, we concluded that aliens were trying to bombard earth with chemical warfare to eradicate humans, but leave the rest of earth's resources at their disposal. Unfortunately, one of their engineers made a calculation error, resulting in the rapid destruction of the chemical-containing pods by the earth's atmosphere. The resulting flames from the destruction of these pods left the quickly disappearing light streaks that we had seen.
And we occasionally saw light points slowly cross the night sky (slower than planes, but faster than the stars). We concluded that these were either their spaceships or "satellite" ships that were launching the chemical warfare at the earth. Odd indeed.
One night, when we were younger, my parents left my sister and I without a babysitter. We were playing some board game in the living by the front door. There was this enormous spinning sound, followed by really bright lights. The front door flew open, it was too bright to see. Next thing I knew my sister was gone. I spent 9 seasons looking for her.......
I was quite young and I had some relatives over. It was dark and I had decided to walk toward the front door for whatever reason. I turned on the light and took a peek out at the front carport before it was enclosed into a garage. Right in front was a big purple blob them looked just almost like Grimace. It looked at me and started taking a few steps forward.

Needless to say I turned off the lights and fled.
Once, I was woken up from a deep sleep. They were telling me aliens were aboard the ship and such. But, being the badass that I am, I fought these evil alien creatures. Then I was sent to this strange planet to find out what the aliens were up to. I found out that the planet wasn't really a planet after all, but it was a weapon. Then I destroyed the planet and was the only survivor (supposedly!). And that is my alien story.

Oh, wait... Oops that's Halo 1.
I was 13 years old when I saw my 1st alien. I was camping with my friends in the woods when we saw lights in the sky. Then a beem of light came down on me. I don't know what happened but my XXX hurt the next day.
bread's done