Armada (Dreamcast)


12 (100%)
Dreamcast had a lot of space flight sims and all of them looked the same. Armada takes a different aproach to space sim genre because this is not a like the rest of games. This game has a mix of RPG elements with a space shooter. You have five races to choose from which have different story line and are all connected to each other in some way.

The ship is cotrolled in third person view using the analog stick and the d-pad is used to descent to and from planets. Buttons are used for primary weapon(unlimited shots),shields(limited use), and special weapon(limited use).
You start the game on your world which is being attacked by hostile,so you have to defeat them to win the game. You can talk to people(in other ships) on your planet and sometimes they give you hints and next mission info.

Once you leave your planet, you are swarmed by aliens, but are easy to defeat. For each alien you kill, you get credits to buy stuff, power ups, and experience points. Like most RPG games, the more enemies you kill the stronger your character gets. Your ship levels up automatically, and is upgraded on your home planet automatically. There are bunch of space stations where you can buy/sell stuff,like weapons, to upgrade your ship. Also you can trade items with other stations to earn money,but is not worth it. Some missions require to kill large(boss) enemies which are easy when you at higher level. Also there are side missions where you have escort the various ships through space to their destination and defen them against enemies.

My Opinion

-Good Controls
-Nice Space Animation
-RPG Element
-Side missions
-Different Races

-Constant dark space backround gets boring
-Not enough enemy variety
-Side missions get repetetive
-Not enough weapon variety
-Only one ship to choose from

For $10 on ebay, it's not a bad game.
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I played this game with my little brother awhile back and it was pretty fun. It probably would be even more fun if we had two other players for a four player game.

I liked the whole leveling up your ship and buying parts to boost up your stats. I didn't like how the game didn't end after completing all the missions. Maybe, we didnt' complete the last mission since most of the time just ended up flying around with nothing to do or shoot at.

It was great flying into a a cluster of enemies and using a pod/bomb.
The escort missions weren't bad either since the support A.I. ship wasn't too dumb. Wish this game would be brought back or remade!
I played this game with my older brother MANY years ago... i agree the environment does get boring after a while and lack of weapon variety.. a re-make would be nice
bread's done