Army of Two - Gen. Discussion & Info - Veterans Pack Co-Op Campaign DLC Free - Up Now

Heh, I guess no one really had faith in this game. I got mine at gamecrazy after striking out at about 4 other stores on Weds. They actually sold me a pre-order copy because not everyone came to pick them up. The manager actually told the clerk that if people come in asking for it and no one picks up the pre-orders, to release them every couple hours.
I am surprised to hear that stores aren't having copys. When I went to get a copy at my local GS they had copys and the store manager was actually telling me not to buy the game because according to him " many customers had come back with the game wanting to return it because they said it wasn't good" none the less I got the game for 25 after trade in credit and I like it. Am playing my second play through right now for the "beat the game on professional" achievement
So-far, it seems to be alright. I've only done the first level so-far, and am on the second (my Xbox freezes after 15 - 30 mins of playtime, so in-order to play, I have to keep turning it off and on - which gets rather annoying).

I love the customization so-far, that seems to be a very big, and great part of the game. As-for the gameplay, I honestly don't see this as being anything close to Gears at all. I like the gameplay so-far though, but I haven't experienced anything really "great" yet.

I'm sure it's also because I'm starting on recruit, but it seems as-if I really don't need my partner at all to get through the levels. He's very helpful in some spots, but it's almost as-if I could just beat it all w/o him.

As-far as AI goes, besides one time where my partner was just running around in circles, I haven't had a problem with it yet, and think it's actually rather good A.I., so I don't see why anyone really has a problem with it, the A.I. seems to flow pretty good according to the situation at-hand, not amazingly, but still seems to be very fluid.

I'm on the fence about buying it though, right now I have it as a rental from GameFly, and was going to instant-buy it if I thought it was good, but right now, I'm still not sure whether or not it'll be worth it.. then again, I have yet to play co-op, which I'm sure will 100% change my stance on the game and make it an instant-buy.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']Multi is laggy as balls. I think I had one lag-free match out of ten today... So much for those achievements.[/QUOTE]

You can invite friends to ranked.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']Multi is laggy as balls. I think I had one lag-free match out of ten today... So much for those achievements.[/quote]

Okay so I'm not the only one then... They had better fix that Or I'ma fuckcking put my foot to someones ass!
[quote name='TruVisionary']Okay so I'm not the only one then... They had better fix that Or I'ma fuckcking put my foot to someones ass![/QUOTE]

same here, i had one lag free game and one game that i couldn't do anything because of the lag. so far, this game is better than i expected. still a 7 (could use a cover system more like gears, i probably won't play the SP after beating it on coop), but that's not bad by any means. There are far worse out there...i.e. Kane and Lynch.
After playing co-op campaign with my friend, I change my stance 100% about the game, and am buying it right now.. that's the most fun I've had in ALONG time.
[quote name='bigdsinferno']same here, i had one lag free game and one game that i couldn't do anything because of the lag. so far, this game is better than i expected. still a 7 (could use a cover system more like gears, i probably won't play the SP after beating it on coop), but that's not bad by any means. There are far worse out there...i.e. Kane and Lynch.[/quote]

Yeah what's with the lag? Game's been out for a while and they haven't remedied that yet?
I made good on my promise to "try" this game and surprisingly (well, not really now that I played it) I was able to rent it. My god... This isn't even worth the $8 rental... Nice FAIL once again EA. I mean, wth have you idiots been doing all this time? THIS is all you come up with? wow... Co-Op can't even save this game. BTW, EA how does it feel that games like Soldiers of Fortune Payback, hell even Conflict: Denied OPs looks better than this game. Oh and nice FAIL at trying to copy the Gears of War movements.

lol... Seriously? Seriously... ? wow...
[quote name='VipFREAK']I made good on my promise to "try" this game and surprisingly (well, not really now that I played it) I was able to rent it. My god... This isn't even worth the $8 rental... Nice FAIL once again EA. I mean, wth have you idiots been doing all this time? THIS is all you come up with? wow... Co-Op can't even save this game. BTW, EA how does it feel that games like Soldiers of Fortune Payback, hell even Conflict: Denied OPs looks better than this game. Oh and nice FAIL at trying to copy the Gears of War movements.

lol... Seriously? Seriously... ? wow...[/quote]

and I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here, but I'll bet you only played the single player...
[quote name='VipFREAK']I made good on my promise to "try" this game and surprisingly (well, not really now that I played it) I was able to rent it. My god... This isn't even worth the $8 rental... Nice FAIL once again EA. I mean, wth have you idiots been doing all this time? THIS is all you come up with? wow... Co-Op can't even save this game. BTW, EA how does it feel that games like Soldiers of Fortune Payback, hell even Conflict: Denied OPs looks better than this game. Oh and nice FAIL at trying to copy the Gears of War movements.

lol... Seriously? Seriously... ? wow...[/quote]


I think this post is a joke, but I'm not sure.
[quote name='TruVisionary']and I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here, but I'll bet you only played the single player...[/quote]

Ya know... your right, I didn't. I was always stuck at the Loading screen and then when I did get into a game I didn't have any control... I think that's called, oh yeah. Lag...? And it sounded like you were saying online was going to be totally different than single player yet it still had the same jaggie crap images and atari mono gun sounds and that gay crosshairs. lol
[quote name='VipFREAK']Ya know... your right, I didn't. I was always stuck at the Loading screen and then when I did get into a game I didn't have any control... I think that's called, oh yeah. Lag...? And it sounded like you were saying online was going to be totally different than single player yet it still had the same jaggie crap images and atari mono gun sounds and that gay crosshairs. lol[/quote]

I usually don't like to come out and say things about people, but your posts are so incredibly annoying and the fact that you seem so serious is forcing me to.

Are you a 10 year old or just as stupid as one?

If I heard someone like you talking out in public I would feel compelled to kick you in the face.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Ya know... your right, I didn't. I was always stuck at the Loading screen and then when I did get into a game I didn't have any control... I think that's called, oh yeah. Lag...? And it sounded like you were saying online was going to be totally different than single player yet it still had the same jaggie crap images and atari mono gun sounds and that gay crosshairs. lol[/quote]

Craig H Christ! If you had read ANY previous posts you would realize we pointed that out already! and besides, Mr. T. Roll, I meant the Co-op, online or split-screen, which doesn't lag... artard
Viper, you have got to be kidding. I refuse to believe anyone is as stupid as you are portraying yourself. Is this really how you get your jollies? By acting like a dumbass on the internet? If so, that's just a little sad.

By the way, I am not an EA fanboy, and could care less who put the game out - that is never a factor when it comes to whether or not I will enjoy it.
I have a free weapon code back from the launch that Scorch gave me. Never got the game so I have no use for it. I really shouldn't have asked him for one. :( Anyways, first one to PM me gets the code. My only rule: you must have the game.
[quote name='anomynous']I love the conversation Salem and Raimos have about the Wu Tang Clan[/quote]


See its those stupid in-game conversations that didn't make any sense. Is that question supposed to make Salem and Rios hip?

[quote name='VipFREAK']Ya know... your right, I didn't. I was always stuck at the Loading screen and then when I did get into a game I didn't have any control... I think that's called, oh yeah. Lag...? And it sounded like you were saying online was going to be totally different than single player yet it still had the same jaggie crap images and atari mono gun sounds and that gay crosshairs. lol[/quote]

I hate to say it but he's right about the loading screens and crosshairs. There is no reason for all the loading and the crosshairs/entire HUD is hideous.
After playing quite a bit of versus online yesterday, this joins Saints Row in the short list of MP games that extremely fun despite themselves. If you try and play seriously even small amounts of lag are extremely frustrating because there is so much going on. But if you are playing with a friend and just let loose it can be a blast. If never gets old throwing a grenade or shooting a rocket launcher at an enemy when you partner is standing right by them. The dollars go much faster than I expected too. There were a few 20 minute games where we got $4M+ each.
I couldn't remember his name. But Wu Tang References = win.

I also like how Salem and Rios open huge doors with ease, move 5 ton nuclear missles like its nothing, and shoot missles inside of aircraft carriers and not blow it up

But its a good game
[quote name='VipFREAK']Damn it... forgot to add my flame suit to protect against the EA fanboys...[/quote]

which shows how mcuh you know, I'm anything but an EA fanboy, I just know what parts of a game are good, YOU, on the other hand are nothing but a forum troll, and should fall in a well and die.
Got the game. Beat it with a friend over the weekend. It's pretty fun playing online coop but the ending was very disappointing.

The both of us had no real urge to replay it afterwards.

Rent it.
I found the game very rental worthy. It was fun co-op I think that is really what it is first, the online was fun also. Though was short still worth a rental with a friend, being you can beat it in one day. I loved the graphics though on the main characters, the detail was amazing on them.
Just got 35 more of the BST-V1 submachine gun preorder bonus codes. This is a last call, I will NOT be getting more in. If you want it, PM me.
I'm looking to play though this game co-op but nobody on my friends list has the US version of the game. Anyone else looking for a fresh start through the game? I really don't want to play through it alone.

If you're interested send me a friend request on live and we can play.
Saw the commercial last night, first time I ever even saw anything about this game, and I think it looks pretty sweet. I may have to check this one out.
Tried the game from GF last night...what a blast. This game is fun!

Anyone have any tips on getitng the achievement for going aggro for 1min? I tried faking my death for a min to see if it would work and nothing happened.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Tried the game from GF last night...what a blast. This game is fun!

Anyone have any tips on getitng the achievement for going aggro for 1min? I tried faking my death for a min to see if it would work and nothing happened.[/QUOTE]
Your teammate gets all the agro if you feign death -- that ain't gonna work.

Order your partner to hold fire and just fire on a turret for a minute.
[quote name='Brak']Your teammate gets all the agro if you feign death -- that ain't gonna work.

Order your partner to hold fire and just fire on a turret for a minute.[/quote]

Well I was faking death to see if my partner will get the achievement...I'll try the turret thing...thanks.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Tried the game from GF last night...what a blast. This game is fun!

Anyone have any tips on getitng the achievement for going aggro for 1min? I tried faking my death for a min to see if it would work and nothing happened.[/quote]

M134 'nuff said.
Demo coming April 1st, DLC coming soon:

The Demo will contain the training tutorial and the game's first level, and the DLC will have several components, a single multiplayer map, two new campaign maps, and a new mercs obstacle course called SSC Challenge. No price or release date was given for the DLC at this time, though with the coming-soon status of the EA Montreal dev blog, we can expect more news relatively quickly.
Reading the comments on that blog, it seems a lot of people really, really hate this game...

I for one liked it a lot and I'm pumped for the DLC. Two campaign levels sounds good to me assuming they are as long as the packed-in campaign levels and don't reuse geometry, etc. It'd be nice if they let you use the tank in the campaign too.
Rented this game for the sole purpose of playing it the way it was intended to be played using split-screen co-op. I'm pretty far into the game and have really enjoyed it so far. I can see where it took some inspiration from Gears of War co-op. Upon recently hearing that Mercenaries 2 will also have full campaign split-screen I think a lot is owed to GoW for pushing co-op as a feature worth developing.

Anyways, the game does have some frustrating quirks with some of the co-op controls such as the boost jumping and weapon swapping, but the core co-op gameplay is a lot of fun. The aggro system is a pretty innovative idea that is very useful in gameplay. Me and my battle buddy flank the shit out of enemies with it for some quality head-butt attacks. The melee moves are hilarious. I'm a PC FPS guy at heart and I'm always critical of console shooter controls, but they feel pretty solid in this game. I have the sensitivity cranked up to max and I can still fine tune my shots which is good.

There are some rough edges here but overall anyone who loves co-op should play this.
just played the demo split screen with my brother and i gotta say, this game is fun! Aside from some wonky camera work when your doing some things together, its fun. I may buy this game used or when it hits around 30. Seems like good co-op fun.
PLayed the demo and it wasn't bad. A little annoying with the text centered on the split screen right over my crosshairs. Still it appeared to be fun. Not something I'd buy for $60, but I may pick it up at $30-20.
[quote name='evilpenguin9000']PLayed the demo and it wasn't bad. A little annoying with the text centered on the split screen right over my crosshairs. Still it appeared to be fun. Not something I'd buy for $60, but I may pick it up at $30-20.[/quote]
Is the demo up on the Marketplace now? Or are you talking abotu some OXM demo? I would love to try it out.
bread's done