Artist stages 'falls' to recall 9/11 horror


Utterly tasteless. And you don't have to be for or against freedom of speech to realize this.

Artist stages 'falls' to recall 9/11 horror

Thursday, June 16, 2005 Posted: 2:17 PM EDT (1817 GMT)

Performance artist Kerry Skarbakka jumps from the rooftop of a Chicago museum, while collaborating photographers snap away.​
I was so distraught, I needed some way to find an artistic response.

-- Artist Kerry Skarbakka
What kind of a sick individual is he? Tell him to go jump off the Empire State Building and see how it feels.

-- 9/11 relative Rosemarie Giallombardo

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- A performance artist wearing safety harnesses jumped repeatedly from a museum roof to create photographs that recall scenes from the World Trade Center attack, but his spectacle was scorned by some onlookers and victims' relatives.

Collaborating photographers snapped away as Kerry Skarbakka fell more than 30 times from the five-story Museum of Contemporary Art on Tuesday. The photographs will be retouched to erase the pulleys and wires that kept Skarbakka from hitting the pavement.

Skarbakka, 34, said he started thinking about falling after watching on television as workers jumped to their deaths from the twin towers on September 11, 2001.

"I was so distraught, I needed some way to find an artistic response," he told the Chicago Sun-Times. Now, he says he sees falling as a metaphor for life.

"Mentally, physically and emotionally, from day to day, we fall. Even walking is falling: You take a step, fall and catch yourself," he said.

Skarbakka, who lives in New York and was named by ArtReview magazine last fall as an outstanding young photographer, has exhibited similar images of previous jumps.

His antics on Tuesday attracted a crowd of gawkers, who became sidewalk critics.

"It was fabulous," said Darlene Schuff, 56. "I just wanted to be a part of it. It's a happening."

Others in the crowd said Skarbakka's effort was too staged to have meaning.

In New York, Mayor Michael Bloomberg called it "nauseatingly offensive," and some who lost family and friends at the trade center agreed.

"What kind of a sick individual is he? Tell him to go jump off the Empire State Building and see how it feels," Rosemarie Giallombardo, whose son Paul Salvio died in the terrorist attack, told the (New York) Daily News. "He's an artist? Go paint a bowl of fruit or something."
Definitely tasteless. Of course, the only reason that people do things like this is because it attracts media attention and causes people to talk about the 'artist'. Simply put, by posting this here, you've done exactly what he wanted you to do. 99 times out of 100, the most effective way to deal with something offensive is to ignore it.
[quote name='Drocket'] Simply put, by posting this here, you've done exactly what he wanted you to do. 99 times out of 100, the most effective way to deal with something offensive is to ignore it.[/QUOTE]

Silence = acceptance.
The only way the apathetic, forgetful American public is going to "recall" 9/11 is if another 9/11 happens.
[quote name='mykevermin']Yeah, because public outrage just *ruined* Mapplethorpe.


Tell that to the Jews the next time the Nazis march through Skoakie.
[quote name='CTLesq']Tell that to the Jews the next time the Nazis march through Skoakie.[/QUOTE]

Ok, morning now. What the fuck are you talking about? You're comparing a demonstration of people who want all but the Aryans eliminated to fucking performance art? Give me a fucking break, drama queen.

You intentionally made the logical argument that I don't support social movements in any way, shape, or form. That's just bullshit, and you know it every time you read my posts. Without social movements, we'd still have Jim Crow laws (unless, of course, you stretch it back far enough that, without social movements, we don't have a south, or we're still under British control - your pick). It's painfully obvious (now that I'm sober anyway) how you intentionally tried to make the claim that, in my mind, movements don't do anything. From a fucking selfish and socailly indifferent indifferent libertarian, no less!

Oh, the irony. Not to mention the person who has "the homeless exist for my amusement" on his sig telling *anyone* at *any point in time* that something is "Utterly tasteless."

Last, but not least, let me point out that this is performance art. Have you ever seen performance art? You claim to live in NYC, so I can only think that you may have, accidentally or intentionally. It's one asshole doing something so postmodern that it's absurd, while 4 friends comment on the socioculturalmetaphysical boundaries being broken by such a substantially feminist work being done. Change is happening, man, and it's happening here. You want to stop performance art? Cut the bullshit; give them a bottle of Chopin Vodka, an 8-ball of coke and/or heroin (they bring their own rigs, though). That will stop them.

A Kraftwerk LP will help them go down faster.

fucking Skokie. Why not compare it to Auschwitz, ya fuckin' prick?

Originally posted by: Someone who may have enough credits for an associates degree in welding
Ok, morning now. What the fuck are you talking about? You're comparing a demonstration of people who want all but the Aryans eliminated to fucking performance art? Give me a fucking break, drama queen.

You intentionally made the logical argument that I don't support social movements in any way, shape, or form. That's just bullshit, and you know it every time you read my posts. Without social movements, we'd still have Jim Crow laws (unless, of course, you stretch it back far enough that, without social movements, we don't have a south, or we're still under British control - your pick). It's painfully obvious (now that I'm sober anyway) how you intentionally tried to make the claim that, in my mind, movements don't do anything. From a fucking selfish and socailly indifferent indifferent libertarian, no less!

Oh, the irony. Not to mention the person who has "the homeless exist for my amusement" on his sig telling *anyone* at *any point in time* that something is "Utterly tasteless."

Last, but not least, let me point out that this is performance art. Have you ever seen performance art? You claim to live in NYC, so I can only think that you may have, accidentally or intentionally. It's one asshole doing something so postmodern that it's absurd, while 4 friends comment on the socioculturalmetaphysical boundaries being broken by such a substantially feminist work being done. Change is happening, man, and it's happening here. You want to stop performance art? Cut the bullshit; give them a bottle of Chopin Vodka, an 8-ball of coke and/or heroin (they bring their own rigs, though). That will stop them.

A Kraftwerk LP will help them go down faster.

fucking Skokie. Why not compare it to Auschwitz, ya fuckin' prick?


Not exactly my point. The issue I was addressing to both Drocket and to you was the same. What is the approriate response to this stupidity,

Drocket suggested that silence was the best response.

I stated silence = acceptance.

You responded that complaints did nothing to Maplethorpe.

I responded "Tell that to the Jews the next time the Nazis march through Sko[a]kie."

Why? Because the Jews rightfully protested the Nazis marching through their town. Similarly I protested this idiots performance "art" by posting and commenting on it in this forum.

Now get back to work on your degree. Night classes might make it go faster.


PS: The homeless do exist for my amusement. The signature also exists for my amusement as it annoys the shit out of you people. Amusingly this morning while walking my dog I saw some homeless person's grocerry cart [which he stole] filled with soda and beer cans tip over in the wind.

I was delighted.

Just another demonstraition of how uptight America is. Why aren't people mature enough to ignore what they find distasteful. Distasteful is not illegal. I'm not saying to turn away when someone kills someone, so don't twist my works like an extremist ass.

Someone makes a joke about blondes, don't go suing because you're 'emotionally scared' He's throwing himself off a building... how is this really going to hurt anyone? Barring his cables snap and he lands on someone. Honestly, grow up and stop pissing and moaning about trivial shit. You spend so much time and energy getting all riled up about how offended you are when you could just walk away.

Why don't I stop complaining about how annoying you are? Why don't I ignore you? I plan on doing it. I just wanted you to know how fucking obnoxious you people are getting.
[quote name='Kayden']

Why don't I stop complaining about how annoying you are? Why don't I ignore you? I plan on doing it. I just wanted you to know how fucking obnoxious you people are getting.[/QUOTE]

Promises. Promises. Promises.
[quote name='CTLesq']Originally posted by: Someone who may have enough credits for an associates degree in welding

Not exactly my point. The issue I was addressing to both Drocket and to you was the same. What is the approriate response to this stupidity,

Drocket suggested that silence was the best response.

I stated silence = acceptance.

You responded that complaints did nothing to Maplethorpe.

I responded "Tell that to the Jews the next time the Nazis march through Sko[a]kie."

Why? Because the Jews rightfully protested the Nazis marching through their town. Similarly I protested this idiots performance "art" by posting and commenting on it in this forum.

You're comparing something distasteful to fascists; that's why I think the comparison is absurd.

Mapplethorpe was "made" by the controversy stirred up over him; before that, he was a well-known photographer (who regrettably died just before the controversy, if I recall).

My point is this: how much shitty performance art goes on around you every day, every moment, and how much of it are you aware of? You can't stop shitty art; but as the adage goes, "there's no such thing as bad press" (although it appears to only apply to someone marketing something, and an artist falls into that category). You are, in fact, contributing to the notoriety of this.

Silence = acceptance? Running your mouth = free publicity for this guy.

I assume that people have fucked with you before in life; stealing your gym bag, writing shit all over your face when you pass out at a party, things of that nature. What is it that makes them want to do it again? Why, it's your bitchy reaction! What makes them stop? Ignoring it; it's much less fun if people don't react to your attempts at goading. Of *all* people here, you know that for a goddamned fact.

No, it's an issue of the response. Nothing more, nothing less.

You want to make it a comparison of facism to street art. Great.

That's not my point.

[quote name='CTLesq']No, it's an issue of the response. Nothing more, nothing less.

You want to make it a comparison of facism to street art. Great.

That's not my point.


Alright, so how about your point that "Silence=acceptance"?

What about the cases where that is clearly not the case, or where opening your mouth causes more harm than keeping it shut?

[quote name='Kayden']Silence = concept foreign to CTL[/QUOTE]

Weren't you placing me on your ignore list?

Oh that's right one more person who threatens and fails to actually follow through.
[quote name='CTLesq']Weren't you placing me on your ignore list?

Oh that's right one more person who threatens and fails to actually follow through.[/QUOTE]

Obtuse much? Everyone of your posts has been quoted.

Even if I did ignore you, I could still see your ham-fisted, keyboard-poundings quoted in the replies of others.

I don't need to use a forum function to ignore you. I can be an adult and just not pay attention to what ever garbage you spew out. I genereally only read your posts if you're quoted by someone with half a brain. However, given the company you keep, it's a rare occurance.
[quote name='Kayden']I don't need to use a forum function to ignore you. I can be an adult and just not pay attention to what ever garbage you spew out. I genereally only read your posts if you're quoted by someone with half a brain. However, given the company you keep, it's a rare occurance.[/QUOTE]

Irony anyone?
I don't pay attention to his politically centered babblings. If something is 3-4 lines I'll read it. However, most of CTL's posts are long-winded and verbose solely for the sake of being sesquipedalian.
[quote name='MrBadExample']Kayden - bringing Quackzilla and CTLesq together :D[/QUOTE]

" I'd say let's hug it out, but I don't want you sprouting wood. "
bread's done