As expected, G4's E3 coverage is terrible

Without a DVR this would have been unbearable. Far too much to tolerate for the few worthy moments. Twelve hours of recording time worked out to perhaps four hours of anything worth my attention.

I can appreciate the need for the sponsors' ads but the sheer volume of time given to plugging G4 shows consumed at least 10% of the remaining time. Another major time suck was pointless talking about nothing in particular and telling the audience what a wonderful thing it was for G4 to be doing this but rarely showing the friggin' PRODUCTS the convention exists to promote.

And who does Olivia Munn sleep with at G4 to get that gig? She plenty attractive but poor host material. In the segments she did with Morgan Webb it was like they were the before and after pictures for a personality removal service. She just doesn't have the 'it' quality of personality that can be annoying in real life but is critical for playing to the camera.

Adam Sessler is good on X-play but has anyone else noticed how tongue tied he gets in live interviews. It seems he's thinking about too much at once to focus on the sentence he's trying to speak. It's a serious deficit for such work.

I get the feeling they had a very short list, maybe fifteen items, created in advance of things they were confident would make for decent content and rather than run the risk of finding little else of interest they cranked out filler. Were they unwilling to commit the resources to gather footage and edit it with voiceover in time for the following day? The press events should have provided more than enough material to fill the first day and give them some time to put together material for the following days.

They could have done so much more. The Atlus booth alone could have provided a solid ten minutes of content. Remember Disgaea? We loved it but many of you never listened. Now here is Disgaea 2, what it looks like and what new features it brings to the franchise. An easy 1 to 2 minutes right there on a single title. Then the next game. One decent crew could have shot that in an hour, delivered the tape to the edit room (presuming they have a portable facility in a van or similar) and been working on another booth within an hour, getting at least 30 cumulative minutes of solid content each day per crew. Just two crews working that way have made this into something I might have bothered to pull off my RePlayTV and burn to DVD for repeated examination.

There really isn't much reason for G4's existence beyond X-play anymore. Perhaps it would be better if they just shopped X-play to another network and got on with their transformation to Spike, Jr. They could have just one show running 16 hours a day consisting of models in bikinis or lingerie driving sports cars and occasionally shooting stuff until it explodes. Why bother with writing or dialogue when they can just cut to the chase?

Boobies! Fast car! Boom! And now a word from our sponsor explaining that their man-perfume is much like a date-rape drug yet legal.

Apparently Brendan and Sarah Moran have elected to travel the world to sample exotic foods and the diseases they bear.
If they got rid of xplay they would no longer have the obligatory video game show, and they wouldn't be able to call themselves spike tv jr.
[quote name='projecteightysix']What ever happend to the blonde on attack of the show? This brunette chick is spacey and has no chemestry with anybody.[/quote]
Screw you! Olivia is nice!

I was on E3live (In the audience). Kevin and Olivia were the only nice ones, Adam came over but he wouldnt talk to anyone. And Morgan just kept running back and forward.

Olivia was so cute, she would just wave and smile to everyone. She was real nice.

As for the coverage. It was really shitty. Last years was AMAZING I loved it. This years... first poster was exactly right, it was them advertising themselves the whole time... It was weird. Every second was really, "Visit our website!" or "New Xplay!" or "Check out the Attack of the Show set!".

Pretty ridicoulus. Gilbert was random as fuck to... and all there floor coverage was so MINIMAL, there was SO much to see there... I cannot believe they didnt show it all. They get 3 hours a day, to show ANYTHING at E3... and they dont take advantage of it to its fullest. Pittiful.

Although I did like Gilbert Godfree's comment:
"I was recently voted the most unsexiest man in America. Being at E3, I am bound to find someone more unsexy then me!"
Although they didnt expand on that, and you didnt get to see him go find an unsexier man...

Ugh this coverage brought way to many promises and fullfilled WAY to little.

Every second of that show felt like it was just starting...
And anyone else notice throughout the whole show, every show they would go, "We got some sexy booth babe coverage for everyone!" but I never saw anything really on booth babes...

But, it was still fun being on it! And seeing everyone! And watching Kevin Interview Reggie was exciting.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Screw you! Olivia is nice!

I was on E3live (In the audience). Kevin and Olivia were the only nice ones, Adam came over but he wouldnt talk to anyone. And Morgan just kept running back and forward.

Olivia was so cute, she would just wave and smile to everyone. She was real nice.

As for the coverage. It was really shitty. Last years was AMAZING I loved it. This years... first poster was exactly right, it was them advertising themselves the whole time... It was weird. Every second was really, "Visit our website!" or "New Xplay!" or "Check out the Attack of the Show set!".

Pretty ridicoulus. Gilbert was random as fuck to... and all there floor coverage was so MINIMAL, there was SO much to see there... I cannot believe they didnt show it all. They get 3 hours a day, to show ANYTHING at E3... and they dont take advantage of it to its fullest. Pittiful.

Although I did like Gilbert Godfree's comment:
"I was recently voted the most unsexiest man in America. Being at E3, I am bound to find someone more unsexy then me!"
Although they didnt expand on that, and you didnt get to see him go find an unsexier man...

Ugh this coverage brought way to many promises and fullfilled WAY to little.

Every second of that show felt like it was just starting...
And anyone else notice throughout the whole show, every show they would go, "We got some sexy booth babe coverage for everyone!" but I never saw anything really on booth babes...

But, it was still fun being on it! And seeing everyone! And watching Kevin Interview Reggie was exciting.[/QUOTE]

Olivia reads the teleprompter like a fucking robot and anytime Kevin, Morgan, and Adam were talking about video games, she would stand there awkwardly. A computer with her picture as the desktop and some good speaking software could do her job.
I was on E3live (In the audience). Kevin and Olivia were the only nice ones, Adam came over but he wouldnt talk to anyone. And Morgan just kept running back and forward.

Olivia was so cute, she would just wave and smile to everyone. She was real nice.
I'm sure she's a nice person, but a good host she definitely is not. What really creeped me out with her was the constant smiling. It was scary. Someone needs to tell her that you don't have to always have a shit eating grin on your face when you look at the camera. It's not natural at all. She'd read her crap off the teleprompter, and then break into the serial killer smile.

It was also hilarious whent he four of them were together and Adam, Morgan and Kevin started talking about games. She looked like a deer in the headlights. I was so expecting the following conversation to occur:

Adam: "Assassin's Creed looks excellent. Seems Ubisoft has another hit series on their hands"
Kevin: "The graphics are gorgeous, and the gameplay should be amazing."
Morgan: "I've heard rumors of a Xbox 360 port, but we'll have to wait and see."
Olivia: "I touched a controller today!"
Adam, Kevin and Morgan: "....."
like some other people i miss the sarah chick. much better host.the best coverage of e3 is around is on, i mean like they have ever thing. remember last years g4oriah or what ever its called , that was the worst lamest award show ever
. even though some times we deny it ,we all have to admit that G4/techTv is just not as good as it used to be.
like some other people i miss the sarah chick. much better host.the best coverage of e3 is around is on, i mean like they have ever thing. remember last years g4oriah or what ever its called , that was the worst lamest award show ever , you could easily see how the celiebrty guestes had a bad time and the band who sang looked and sang as if they were drunk, i would have rather wach some kids award show than watch g4oriah.even though some times we deny it ,we all have to admit that G4/techTv is just not as good as it used to be.:drool:
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm sure she's a nice person, but a good host she definitely is not. What really creeped me out with her was the constant smiling. It was scary. Someone needs to tell her that you don't have to always have a shit eating grin on your face when you look at the camera. It's not natural at all. She'd read her crap off the teleprompter, and then break into the serial killer smile.

It was also hilarious whent he four of them were together and Adam, Morgan and Kevin started talking about games. She looked like a deer in the headlights. I was so expecting the following conversation to occur:

Adam: "Assassin's Creed looks excellent. Seems Ubisoft has another hit series on their hands"
Kevin: "The graphics are gorgeous, and the gameplay should be amazing."
Morgan: "I've heard rumors of a Xbox 360 port, but we'll have to wait and see."
Olivia: "I touched a controller today!"
Adam, Kevin and Morgan: "....."[/quote]Your right, it's pretty apparent she doesn't know squat about games. Doesn't really matter though since G4 rarely does much with gaming nowadays.
[quote name='GameDude']I'm glad sarah lane is off that show. she is so annoying and nasty.[/QUOTE]

Anyone else see the irony in this statement coming from the guy with the butt licking avatar? And how do you know she's nasty? Do you have first hand knowledge you'd like to share with the rest of us?
IMO, the chick doing "The Feed" spots during the E3 coverage was hot as hell also. I liked the fact that her chest was way too big for the rest of her body.
[quote name='ajh2298']IMO, the chick doing "The Feed" spots during the E3 coverage was hot as hell also. I liked the fact that her chest was way too big for the rest of her body.[/QUOTE]

QFT. She's short, too. I love that.

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm sure she's a nice person, but a good host she definitely is not. What really creeped me out with her was the constant smiling. It was scary. Someone needs to tell her that you don't have to always have a shit eating grin on your face when you look at the camera. It's not natural at all. She'd read her crap off the teleprompter, and then break into the serial killer smile.

It was also hilarious whent he four of them were together and Adam, Morgan and Kevin started talking about games. She looked like a deer in the headlights. I was so expecting the following conversation to occur:

Adam: "Assassin's Creed looks excellent. Seems Ubisoft has another hit series on their hands"
Kevin: "The graphics are gorgeous, and the gameplay should be amazing."
Morgan: "I've heard rumors of a Xbox 360 port, but we'll have to wait and see."
Olivia: "I touched a controller today!"
Adam, Kevin and Morgan: "....."[/QUOTE]

My point exactly.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm sure she's a nice person, but a good host she definitely is not. What really creeped me out with her was the constant smiling. It was scary. Someone needs to tell her that you don't have to always have a shit eating grin on your face when you look at the camera. It's not natural at all. She'd read her crap off the teleprompter, and then break into the serial killer smile.

It was also hilarious whent he four of them were together and Adam, Morgan and Kevin started talking about games. She looked like a deer in the headlights. I was so expecting the following conversation to occur:

Adam: "Assassin's Creed looks excellent. Seems Ubisoft has another hit series on their hands"
Kevin: "The graphics are gorgeous, and the gameplay should be amazing."
Morgan: "I've heard rumors of a Xbox 360 port, but we'll have to wait and see."
Olivia: "I touched a controller today!"
Adam, Kevin and Morgan: "....."[/QUOTE]

My point exactly.
I DVR'd most of it but ended up fast forwarding through day one and some of day two and deleted the rest.

My real complaints:

1. Constant self promotion: we know what shows there are on G4, we don't care for most of them, and you don't need to advertise them 10x an hour, if you really want to pimp your shows, do it on OTHER channels. More than anything, it makes the line up even more detestable. "Cheat" I can understand, but "Cheaters"? What's next?! Reruns of Maury? Ten year old episodes of Divorce Court? They need to be showing more anime, producing more Cinematech, and doing serious UNBIASED review shows.

2. Movement from host to host, without really saying anything, this annoyed me to no end. One girl would tell you when they came back they'd show you [insert game here] then they cut to someone on the floor telling you how great everything is, then cutting you to another host, telling you to stick around and not change the channel, then cutting to a segment [Morgan Minute, THE FEED] and then cutting back to the hosts playing with each other or saying how much they love the viewers

3. The show was too entirely focused on western gaming. Frankly, the only real Japanese trailers shown were FF XIII [which was absolutely beautiful] and the abridged MGS4 trailer. I read there was a Phantasy Star Universe trailer..though I frankly don't believe it. They passed by Namco's booth, Square-Enix's booth, and Capcom's booth, quite honestly you could spend an hour in each one. They passed by rows of DS games and didn't talk about one of them.

4. Orgasming over things with the heat index, it annoyed me to no end. Pretty much five hosts saying "OH GOD THE WII IS SO GREAT!!" and "OH WHAT A GREAT FPS!!!!!" and when one host said he liked FFXII and everyone laughed at him I was just so angry. There's such a bias on G4 it's not even funny...everytime a PS3 gaming looks AMAZING they just start "OH, IT MIGHT NOT LOOK LIKE THAT, IT'S CERTAINLY PRE-RENDERED TRAILERS!!"

But Cinematech is great, I didn't know about DJMAX Pro and now I so have a reason to buy a PSP. A CINEMATECH E3 version would rock.
[quote name='ajh2298']IMO, the chick doing "The Feed" spots during the E3 coverage was hot as hell also. I liked the fact that her chest was way too big for the rest of her body.[/QUOTE]

Her clothes really flattered her breasts..

Anyone thinks she looks like Carmen SANDIEGO?
[quote name='ajh2298']IMO, the chick doing "The Feed" spots during the E3 coverage was hot as hell also. I liked the fact that her chest was way too big for the rest of her body.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, she did have some nice jugs. Though 50 Cent was like making out with her at one point, and that image kind of ruined it for me whenever I look at her.
I am thoroughly jealous of sarah lane's trip around the world. guess G4 pays well.
[quote name='crazytalkx'][quote name='Rei no Otaku']Yeah, she did have some nice jugs./QUOTE]

I DEMAND PICTURES!!!![/QUOTE] kayleigh&spell=1&tab=wi

In the red dress you could see full nips. Dress was way to small.

I DVR'D it, and it was okay for the simple fact that I could fast forward past things.
I liked the fact that they kept jumping from person to person. I hate when shows go ok lets take it over to Cindy *Cindy talks for 30 seconds* then she goes okay take it Bob.
G4 gets worse and worse.

It wouldn't have been that hard to add in a half hour segment of weird shit in that one hall where they stick all the startup developers and strange technology, would it?

It wouldn't be that hard to have a fucking personality and be able to talk in front of the camera, or actually feel like they were at E3 and not just on their own stage. I think basically the people they hire or can afford are dumb as shit and have no passion for gaming. Morgan Webb and Sessler seem to know what they're doing more than anyone there.

I have a feeling a lot of the choices about what to focus on or what to air has to do with people in the advertising department, trying to keep advertisers buying for their network. EA, Ubisoft, and Sony do a lot of TV advertising, and thats why you never stop hearing about their shit.

A game network shouldn't be that hard to do, people. Especially during the biggest week of the year for gaming!

Shit, they even have Soap Opera, Cooking, and GOLF channels. Unless there's golfers, cooks, and old ladies bitching about those channels right now somewhere, a channel dedicated to one hobby/activity shouldn't be THAT hard.
that olivia chick sucked she handled the teleprompter about as smoothly as I handled a condom the night I lost my virginity. She stumbled over her words so many damn times.
[quote name='jlarlee']that olivia chick sucked she handled the teleprompter about as smoothly as I handled a condom the night I lost my virginity. She stumbled over her words so many damn times.[/QUOTE]

X mother-fucking D
[quote name='jlarlee']that olivia chick sucked she handled the teleprompter about as smoothly as I handled a condom the night I lost my virginity. She stumbled over her words so many damn times.[/QUOTE]

The one thing that pissed me off about her was that after the MGS4 trailer one of the other hosts asked her what she thought and she was like I don't know. Now I'm thinking that ok you shouldn't have to be a gamer to work at G4. But I figured that you would have to be a gamer of some sorts to be a fucking host.

This women just watched a great teaser trailer ever and all she had to say is I don't know. Lets say for a minute that she knows nothing about gaming, if you saw the main character in the game stick a gun in their mouth you could at least fake some, fear, hate, anger, worry. Something act for the camera like you give a fuck.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Yeah, she did have some nice jugs. Though 50 Cent was like making out with her at one point, and that image kind of ruined it for me whenever I look at her.[/quote]

HaHa, He fuck 'ed her.

That new girl olivia, has got to go. She looks so dumbfounded when they talk about gaming, no wonder they advoid her on the subject. I wish they never let sarah lane go.
Morgan Webb sucked badly when she first went over to X-Play (very awkward/stiff on camera) but she's really come into her own. Olivia is much better than Webb was in the beginning IMO. (Not much of a compliment, granted.)

I wish they had just done 1 hour packed with content per day rather than 3 stretched out hours of crap. Might be part of the reason I couldn't stand the coverage is that a lot of the shows they were promo-ing made me sad. Like the new version of Filter with some blonde bimbo hosting, kind of wraps up what's wrong with the channel's direction.

[quote name='Apossum']I am thoroughly jealous of sarah lane's trip around the world. guess G4 pays well.[/QUOTE]

Just took a look myself and damn! And what she has up now is just the first half. A lot of the cost of a massive trip like that is you miss out on a full year's salary, plus you have to work something out as far as health insurance, etc. I'd imagine. Maybe they are secretly trying to get a network to create a show around their trip and fund it?
[quote name='wubb']Morgan Webb sucked badly when she first went over to X-Play (very awkward/stiff on camera) but she's really come into her own. Olivia is much better than Webb was in the beginning IMO. (Not much of a compliment, granted.)

I wish they had just done 1 hour packed with content per day rather than 3 stretched out hours of crap. Might be part of the reason I couldn't stand the coverage is that a lot of the shows they were promo-ing made me sad. Like the new version of Filter with some blonde bimbo hosting, kind of wraps up what's wrong with the channel's direction.[/QUOTE]

That blonde bimbo you are referring to is actually Howard Stern's Girlfriend so that tells you a little bit about her to start.
While I don't really like the G4 network I thought the E3 coverage was ok. It was a bit long since they did spend about 30 minutes of coverage on unnecessary subjects, and about another 30 on show plugs. If they trimmed the episodes down to an hour for each episode it wouldn't have felt so akward.

I did like the interviews though, they were pretty well, and the game footage they did show was kinda nice, I've seen some of it in most places, but it was stick pretty cool.

Olivia Munn, I used to hate her but she's begining to grow on me. She doesn't read too well off of the telepromptor but she does try. I think it's because she's trying to be like Sarah Lane and she fails at it. She'll probably be better in a few months.

Most people say there were only 6-8 good minutes in there but I think
there was at least 30 minutes in there that was good. I like some things but those crappy segments (the booth babes segments were god awful, and those little skits weren't needed) .

All in all I'd say it was ok, a 3/5 nothing special but it was better than nothing, for those who didn't go. Some people really hate G4, I don't like it but I still find it ok when I spend an hour watching it.
[quote name='ViolentLee']I don't mean to plug my own smack, but anyone have opinions on the coverage at[/quote]
How about some linkage to your stuff?
bread's done