Assassin's Creed - 7.5


CAG Veteran

Disappointed to see such a low score for all the hype, as well as my own personal excitement for this game.

This was going to the be my reason to buy a PS3, but now... null.

Has anybody else played this? What do you have to say?

My other reasons WERE Heavenly Sword and Lair, but after my impressions with those games, I had to find something else.

Ratchet and Clank looks really sick, but I guess I could just go over to my friend's and play it on his PS3.

CoD4 would also be a reason for me to get a PS3, but I would rather play it on a new PC along with Crysis.

Hahaha, I guess I'm just going to hold out a little longer.
Well, after reading EGM's negative preview in the last issue, all I can say is that it could have been a lot worse. *cough* Lair *cough*
Seems the reviews range from being absolutely a must play to mediocre.

Gamespot, Game Informer and others rank it highly (90+%), while IGN and 1UP are less enthusiastic about it. (70% range)

I'll still be picking up the game since I've been looking forward to AC for months. Besides... I don't let others judge for me.
I'm probably still going to get it.

I was originally going to get it for PS3, but hearing that last little bit (frame rate problems) in IGN's PS3 review discouraged me.
[quote name='asianxcore']I'm probably still going to get it.

I was originally going to get it for PS3, but hearing that last little bit (frame rate problems) in IGN's PS3 review discouraged me.[/QUOTE]
I think Gamespot says the opposite.

Reviews for this game are so confusing.

GS gave it a 9 BTW OP.
[quote name='redgopher']7.5 is not a low score, douche.[/quote]

Well considering some expected this to be a GOTY contender, 7.5 is a low score to them. I am considering renting it later, but for now I am sticking with Mario Galaxy for this week's game to buy.
haha funny thing earlier this morning that score was a 7.7 on IGN. It dropped .2 points in a few hours..weird..

anyhow I think I'm still gonna pick this one up
And as noted in the 360 thread for assassin's creed, Gamespot give it a 9. I do believe this is the first time I've ever seen Gamespot rate higher than IGN on a game I've been interested in lol.
fuck the reviewers. They should just release a demo on XBL and PSN so we can judge for ourselves. Before anyone tells me I should stop being cheap and just rent it, both Hollywood Video and Blockbuster closed down near me and I don't like the whole monthly fee rental system of Gamefly. I prefer to rent one game every once in a while.
[quote name='Chuplayer']What the fuck?![/quote]

That's what I thought. FIVE MINUTES? That's ridiculous. Definitely a rental.
[quote name='orko60']That's what I thought. FIVE MINUTES? That's ridiculous. Definitely a rental.[/quote]

ign says the same thing for the load times on the x360 version.

they also removed the comment on the PS3 framerate: "The cities, as I stated earlier, are truly remarkable pieces of art. These big open worlds, which are fully interactive, do come at a severe cost on PS3. There is considerable texture pop-in and noticeable framerate issues. Playing back-to-back with the 360 version, it's obvious that Ubisoft did not devote enough resources to the PS3 edition. The framerate is considerably worse, so much so that it begins to affect gameplay in the later levels. "
With scores ranging from 7s up to 9s, I was a little puzzled. I'll keep my pre-order though. Gamespots 9 the other scores kinda odd looking.
IGN Australia gave it an 8.7 (hm...still 360 version though...where are the ps3 reviewers? lol)
One thing I haven't noticed in most reviews is that they don't mention this so called 5 minute loading time. I would think 5 minutes is such a ridiculous amount of time to load that it would be a huge mention.
Game Informer 12/1/2007 9.5 out of 10 95.0%
Gametrailers 11/12/2007 9.1 out of 10 91.0%
1UP 11/12/2007 7 out of 10 70.0%
Still going to rent this game, but I usually trust IGNs review so I will probably agree with them after I play the game.
There's a head 2 head on IGn now but it's for insider's. They were equal on all points except for graphics, mainly due to some slight framerate issues.

Here's a snippet:

[quote name='IGN'] The Graphics category is undoubtedly the section that causes the most controversy. Fresh off of the Call of Duty 4 Head-to-Head in which the 360 and PS3 were evenly matched in this department we have another disappointing case of the PS3 coming up short. I will reiterate once more that this isn't due to some preference on the part of the editor (me) but a failing on the part of the developer to make this version perform as well as it does on 360. Infinity Ward proved that this is entirely possible last week when I witnessed COD4 playing extremely well on Sony's hardware.

There are two main problems with the visuals in Assassin's Creed. The game suffers from drops in the frame rate and visible texture pop-in. Both of these issues appear with more frequency on PS3 than on 360.

The frame rate is not only far more noticeable, but you can see the difference between the two consoles at any point in the game, not just large open environments. Simply rotate the camera around Altair in the first town and the PS3 clearly runs a good 5 to 10 frames a second behind 360. This really becomes apparent when performing a quick move like the leap of faith from a building's ledge. What looks highly stylized on 360 only highlights the poor frame rate of the PS3.[/quote]
[quote name='imascrub']There's a head 2 head on IGn now but it's for insider's. They were equal on all points except for graphics, mainly due to some slight framerate issues.

Here's a snippet:[/quote]

so they just reserved the comment on the insider's?

why mention it then retract it? makes me wonder what the reasoning behind it was...
I too think it's pretty annoying when the don't include this information in reviews (since it's obviously pretty important to those of us who own both consoles) but let's face it, they want your $20 a year.

And as for the "reasoning" behind taking that portion of the review out (and dropping the score from 7.7 to 7.5), I'm betting the fact that it was posted late-night along with a bunch of other reviews may have had something to do with it. When the editor wakes up he says "hey, we charge for that, remember" and down comes that paragraph.

[quote name='crewj']so they just reserved the comment on the insider's?

why mention it then retract it? makes me wonder what the reasoning behind it was...[/quote]
Ugh first The Darkness and now this, another case of a game with lots of potential coming up short. I'll probably pick it up once there's a price drop or something, for now I guess I'll be picking up Uncharted.
the head to head is also done by a different editor, along with video of the two running side by side, but the another site's video will probably pop up sooner or later lol
5 minutes loads times are a sign of a lazy dev. That is inexcusable. Top Tier developers get around this by streaming to the HDD during cutscenes, then after cutscene loading from disc. Not to mention there other practices to reduce load times, which may be somewhat time consuming to the dev, but that are mostly industry standard now.

The fact that Ubi did not care enough to fix this on any platform, makes it a no brainer that they wouldnt want to spend any time optimizing framerate for the PS3.

Look out EA, you got company.

[quote name='imascrub']There's a head 2 head on IGn now but it's for insider's. They were equal on all points except for graphics, mainly due to some slight framerate issues.

Here's a snippet:Originally Posted by IGN
The Graphics category is undoubtedly the section that causes the most controversy. Fresh off of the Call of Duty 4 Head-to-Head in which the 360 and PS3 were evenly matched in this department we have another disappointing case of the PS3 coming up short. I will reiterate once more that this isn't due to some preference on the part of the editor (me) but a failing on the part of the developer to make this version perform as well as it does on 360. Infinity Ward proved that this is entirely possible last week when I witnessed COD4 playing extremely well on Sony's hardware.

There are two main problems with the visuals in Assassin's Creed. The game suffers from drops in the frame rate and visible texture pop-in. Both of these issues appear with more frequency on PS3 than on 360.

The frame rate is not only far more noticeable, but you can see the difference between the two consoles at any point in the game, not just large open environments. Simply rotate the camera around Altair in the first town and the PS3 clearly runs a good 5 to 10 frames a second behind 360. This really becomes apparent when performing a quick move like the leap of faith from a building's ledge. What looks highly stylized on 360 only highlights the poor frame rate of the PS3.


What a down fall. Nevertheless still getting this by Friday, one of my most anticipated titles this year, i doubt it will be as bad as it sounds.
[quote name='snowsquirrel']5 minutes loads times are a sign of a lazy dev. That is inexcusable. Top Tier developers get around this by streaming to the HDD during cutscenes, then after cutscene loading from disc. Not to mention there other practices to reduce load times, which may be somewhat time consuming to the dev, but that are mostly industry standard now.

The fact that Ubi did not care enough to fix this on any platform, makes it a no brainer that they wouldnt want to spend any time optimizing framerate for the PS3.

Look out EA, you got company.[/quote]

Funny, anybody who has played the game has posted that they have no idea wht IGN is talking about. Have you played it?
No, I haven't played it. I am curious about reading some user reviews. The whole auto-jump thing turned me off of making it a launch buy. I will play it at some point.

My previous comments were bases on shock/disbelief that any new-gen title would ship with 5 minute loading times, regardless of platform. Whether or not IGN is lying/exaggerating about load times, will likely come out in the next couple days in the user reviews.

It is a shame that there is really now volume review site that can be totally trusted right now. There are some review sites that I generally agree with, and that actually play through a game (on the console they are reviewing it for), but being smaller they tend not to get games until after release, and often miss many titles entirely. I know most people think IGN is too easy but I generally agree with them. I find GS tries to be tough, just so people talk about them. 1 up is usually fairly good, but I find they tend to be harsh, results all over the map. Atleast IGN does a breakdown, so you can decide which elements of the game are important to you.

[quote name='Theduck']Another Sad day for the PStres :([/QUOTE]

Not really because there's a bright spot on the horizon in the form of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune which is coming out at the end of the week.
I picked up the game but havent played it since I'm at work. The reviews were sorta all over the place for it. but they were high enough. I honestly really need something to play for ps3 theres not much out there. Anyway I picked up the regular edition but now feel like i should have just shelled out the extra 10 for the limited. Did anyone buy the limited edition? If so it it worth it and can you please post some pics? Thanks ^_^
I will give my opinion on it later tonight after i play it. :)
Bah, the reviews are all over the place. I'm going to take a leap of faith and just pick it up this afternoon....with 15-20 hours of story I think I'll live past some of the shortfalls everyone touts. Should keep me busy for a month or so.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Not really because there's a bright spot on the horizon in the form of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune which is coming out at the end of the week.[/QUOTE]

Uncharted=:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

Still, AC will be good, probably not as good as Uncharted though :p
[quote name='whoknows']Indeed.

Uncharted=:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

Still, AC will be good, probably not as good as Uncharted though :p[/QUOTE]

I just want a decently long game. AC was suppose to be 15-20 hours with no side quests which is decent IMO. Uncharted was said to have 8-10 hours with no side quests or collecting.

It's nice to have the discretionary income to buy both, but I was hoping for more hours on Uncharted and better reviews on AC.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of fun.
[quote name='blackjaw']I just want a decently long game. AC was suppose to be 15-20 hours with no side quests which is decent IMO. Uncharted was said to have 8-10 hours with no side quests or collecting.

It's nice to have the discretionary income to buy both, but I was hoping for more hours on Uncharted and better reviews on AC.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of fun.[/quote]

Fun? In video games? There's none of that, this is serious business. ;)

I am sure you will have fun in both too, and Uncharted can take a long time if you play it more htan once looking for all the medals and what not.
[quote name='blackjaw']I just want a decently long game. AC was suppose to be 15-20 hours with no side quests which is decent IMO. Uncharted was said to have 8-10 hours with no side quests or collecting.

It's nice to have the discretionary income to buy both, but I was hoping for more hours on Uncharted and better reviews on AC.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of fun.[/QUOTE]
Uncharted has collecting and seems to have pretty decent replay value.

IGN says:
There are four difficulties to master, 60 hidden treasures to find and 47 medals to unlock for things such as headshots, treasures found and more. These medals yield points, which can be used to unlock additional costumes, unlimited ammo and more in-game goodies.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Fun? In video games? There's none of that, this is serious business. ;)

I am sure you will have fun in both too, and Uncharted can take a long time if you play it more htan once looking for all the medals and what not.[/QUOTE]

God forbid we have fun these days...haha.

Some people get so serious about these games...its almost like they forgot what the purpose of them entertain.

[quote name='whoknows']Uncharted has collecting and seems to have pretty decent replay value.

IGN says:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm still all for it. I usually don't do well with the collecting quests as most are menial tasks that dont reward, but extra treasures to find sounds good to me...especially if its in "hidden" parts of the game.
[quote name='whoknows']You aren't allowed to have fun unless the game gets near perfect reviews.[/QUOTE]


Hell, Morrowind was one of my favorite games of last gen and it was the biggest, most broke, buggy, pile of garbage on the Xbox. I had so much fun with that game regardless of the lag, clipping, etc.

I'm loving R&C right now and yet GameSpot gave it a 7.5. OH NOES!

Some people are just unhappy I think.

[quote name='blackjaw']God forbid we have fun these days...haha.

Some people get so serious about these games...its almost like they forgot what the purpose of them entertain.

Yeah, I'm still all for it. I usually don't do well with the collecting quests as most are menial tasks that dont reward, but extra treasures to find sounds good to me...especially if its in "hidden" parts of the game.[/quote]

Hence when I wrote my Ratchet And Clank review my headline was "This game was fun"
Picked up the last PS3 copy today at GameStop. Wasn't expecting it, but I guess preorders receive an 'Art of Assassin's Creed' book too, kinda neat little hardbound booklet. Hope to dive into this soon, but with Zack & Wiki and Mario Galaxy in my hands and Uncharted on the horizon, I'm short on time...
Bought it and just popped it in for about two hours. Great gameplay, great graphics, really fun....thats my short and to the point review.

Any specific questions?
This game runs in 1080p! I had 720p and 1080i unchecked because Call of Duty 4 and NBA 2K8 will only do 1080p if they are unchecked. I forgot to recheck them before I put in Assassin's Creed and it actually does have 1080p!!!!
I guess the one good thing about having a dead PS3 is that I don't have to decide on buying this game or not today.

I'm really on the fence with this one, especially with COD4 blowing everbody's minds. I tend to be really critical with games sometime, that's what mainly has me worried (most notably the lame A.I.)

I think that must be one of my character flaws :lol:
[quote name='pcktlnt']What are the load times like? Just from reading some of the previous posts.[/QUOTE]

The intial load time is like 5 minutes (loading onto HDD). In the city there are no load times while running around, killing, etc.....I havent traveled to the other cities yet (just got my horse) so I dont know if there is a load time before each city or not but will update tonight as soon as I stop screwing around and actually travel.
bread's done