Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood CE $29.99 @ Gamestop


24 (100%)
The collector's edition of AC:B for 360 and PS3 have been marked down to $29.99 *and marked as used* so you get the extra 10% off and extra points. They now ring up the same as a standard, non-collector's used copy.

I assume (but am not certain so correct me if I'm wrong) that you could take the game out, remove the shrinkwrap, and return it and keep the extras if you were so inclined.

I did a search and didn't see this posted already so forgive me if this is old news.
Interesting, I might have to check a couple of Gamestops tomorrow then. I'm sure I saw a couple of the 360 version at stores near my area. Thanks OP for the heads up!
Figures, I waited forever for this to get moved to used I ended up buying it used from amazon and when best buy had their sale. So I could get the two different jack in the boxes
[quote name='sevenfold']The collector's edition of AC:B for 360 and PS3 have been marked down to $29.99 *and marked as used* so you get the extra 10% off and extra points. They now ring up the same as a standard, non-collector's used copy.

I assume (but am not certain so correct me if I'm wrong) that you could take the game out, remove the shrinkwrap, and return it and keep the extras if you were so inclined.

I did a search and didn't see this posted already so forgive me if this is old news.[/QUOTE]

Dude....Thanks for the info, I'll definitely check it out, but don't talk about stuff like that.
The main problem with the CEs is that many of the stores removed all the contents (read *put in garbage can), and then put just the game on the shelf as 'used'.
Be warned, I stopped into my local store today and they had 3 of them behind the counter. I have a buddy that works there and he said they removed the games and put them on the shelf as used but was taking all the CE content for themselves. May be hard to find a honest store that has them....:roll:
[quote name='dchrisd']Dude....Thanks for the info, I'll definitely check it out, but don't talk about stuff like that.[/QUOTE]

Can I ask why? I don't think there's any sort of exploitation here, Gamestop is intentionally selling these as used copies of the standard game and they have a 7 day return policy on used games. I highly doubt they would even accept the CE extras if you tried to return the whole thing.

If I said something I shouldn't have I'll edit the post, I don't want to break any rules or anything but I'm not sure why that would be off limits.
[quote name='sevenfold']Can I ask why? I don't think there's any sort of exploitation here, Gamestop is intentionally selling these as used copies of the standard game and they have a 7 day return policy on used games. I highly doubt they would even accept the CE extras if you tried to return the whole thing.

If I said something I shouldn't have I'll edit the post, I don't want to break any rules or anything but I'm not sure why that would be off limits.[/QUOTE]

Its the same exploitation of how employees just take the stuff for themselves as opposed to someone who would actually like to buy the game+swag. Yes, Gamestop are corporate tools, but you're screwing other gamers now.
They do this for technically at this point its only the used game for sale. For example if you bought it you could return the game for refund and keep all the extra content. Most stores are instructed to gut these and put the game only in shelf, throwing away or keeping for selves the extras. others don't even know about it or don't care.

Also too why you don't get any extra credit if you try and trade in collectors editions versions. Don't know how many times I have seen a traded in collectors edition I buy and keep the cool stuff for the same price as regular. Most recently an augmented deus ex traded in, perfect shape. I already had it so just returned my regular edition
[quote name='Camre']Its the same exploitation of how employees just take the stuff for themselves as opposed to someone who would actually like to buy the game+swag. Yes, Gamestop are corporate tools, but you're screwing other gamers now.[/QUOTE]

I don't really follow your logic. Gamestop decided the extras have no value, so if someone were a fan of the series and already owned the game and wanted the extras but didn't need a second copy of the game itself (and if they can get to a copy before Gamestop employees throw them in the dumpster) I think this helps that gamer rather than screws one over. Am I missing something?
Buy a number of things.
Bring back less things.
Get full refund.

Gamestop employee moral code and assumed value of said items aside, this is straight up wrong for some people, okay for others. Rule of thumb: when in doubt, leave it out.
[quote name='sevenfold']I don't really follow your logic. Gamestop decided the extras have no value, so if someone were a fan of the series and already owned the game and wanted the extras but didn't need a second copy of the game itself (and if they can get to a copy before Gamestop employees throw them in the dumpster) I think this helps that gamer rather than screws one over. Am I missing something?[/QUOTE]

C'mon, you know its wrong. If it wasn't such a big deal, you would have just suggested people walk in and ask for the CE content without paying for the game. You know Gamestop is probably not going to do that, so instead you advocate scamming the store. And yes, it is scamming to return only some of the items while asking for all of your money back. Not trying to call you a bad guy, just saying you made a not-cool suggestion.
[quote name='sevenfold']I don't really follow your logic. Gamestop decided the extras have no value, so if someone were a fan of the series and already owned the game and wanted the extras but didn't need a second copy of the game itself (and if they can get to a copy before Gamestop employees throw them in the dumpster) I think this helps that gamer rather than screws one over. Am I missing something?[/QUOTE]

It has perfect logic, but you're reading it the wrong way.

They can constantly lower the price of the CE, but they want the SPACE... so when they gut it, they want the SPACE back. When you look at some CE's like Uncharted 3, why would you want to keep that huge box over just the game.

Furthermore appointing a price to random nicknacks can become problematic and might make a gamer harder to sell. If I traded in my Uncharted 3 Steelbook and like the ring... the game sells for the same as a normal one, but the ring has gone from 20 to 40 usd alone. This things into queston if they should give you 5 usd for it, 10, etc. Since thats a lot of work + they would need to list CE items with used games differently... it would just require a LOT more work and makes absolutely no sense.
[quote name='sevenfold']

I assume (but am not certain so correct me if I'm wrong) that you could take the game out, remove the shrinkwrap, and return it and keep the extras if you were so inclined.

You can, I did today just watch some stuff was missing from the one I got mostly the cloth map but then again I got the xbox one on hold at a store and dead space two ce same deal
[quote name='dchrisd']C'mon, you know its wrong. If it wasn't such a big deal, you would have just suggested people walk in and ask for the CE content without paying for the game. You know Gamestop is probably not going to do that, so instead you advocate scamming the store. And yes, it is scamming to return only some of the items while asking for all of your money back. Not trying to call you a bad guy, just saying you made a not-cool suggestion.[/QUOTE]

To say that it is "scamming" them implies that they're being cheated out something of value. Many stores are already gutting these and throwing the extras that the employees don't want in the trash. As far as they're concerned all they sold you was a used copy of AC:B.

It's really no different or less moral than picking up penny guides when a store is easy going enough to let you and we have a whole thread dedicated to that. The store has rendered them valueless and you get something that otherwise would have ended up in the trash or an employee's trunk.

[quote name='TheShepherdSauce']Unless these are gutted, wouldn't the game's case be missing the gamestop upc sticker anyways?[/QUOTE]

That's why I said I wasn't totally sure if you could return it. I don't think it would be a problem as I've returned used games before after I removed their stickers, but it may just be at the Gamestop employee's discretion.
[quote name='sevenfold']To say that it is "scamming" them implies that they're being cheated out something of value. Many stores are already gutting these and throwing the extras that the employees don't want in the trash. As far as they're concerned all they sold you was a used copy of AC:B.

It's really no different or less moral than picking up penny guides when a store is easy going enough to let you and we have a whole thread dedicated to that. The store has rendered them valueless and you get something that otherwise would have ended up in the trash or an employee's trunk.

Fine, if its not scamming and if the stuff has no value, then as I said, just ask for the so-called freebies. If its no big deal, there's no need to go through the motions of buying the CE game, unpacking it, then returning whatever you don't want for your money back. Just tell the employee you want the freebies and unpack the game in store. Keep it simple.

As for the penny guides, your analogy makes no sense because theres no scamming involved. You pay the penny and the store gives you the guide. No gameplaying. No buying something then returning less than what you bought for a full refund.
[quote name='sevenfold']To say that it is "scamming" them implies that they're being cheated out something of value. Many stores are already gutting these and throwing the extras that the employees don't want in the trash. As far as they're concerned all they sold you was a used copy of AC:B.

It's really no different or less moral than picking up penny guides when a store is easy going enough to let you and we have a whole thread dedicated to that. The store has rendered them valueless and you get something that otherwise would have ended up in the trash or an employee's trunk.[/QUOTE]

Im sorry, but I have to reply to this.

You're right its not scamming (persay), it's fraud. However fraud sounds a lot more severer than say scamming... so similar to pishing = hacking, you're seeing people use more common terms.

CAG is a place of higher morals (most of the time) than say Slickdeals. While you can do whatever the fuck you please... NO ONE wants to read about some asshole who is suggesting and most likely preventing others from getting in on the deal. The simple fact you can't justify your point properly is proof enough you SHOULDNT be doing it. Furthermore the fact I can tell you its straight up fraud; means I can justify my point perfectly in 1 word.
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[quote name='dchrisd']Fine, if its not scamming and if the stuff has no value, then as I said, just ask for the so-called freebies. If its no big deal, there's no need to go through the motions of buying the CE game, unpacking it, then returning whatever you don't want for your money back. Just tell the employee you want the freebies and unpack the game in store. Keep it simple.

As for the penny guides, your analogy makes no sense because theres no scamming involved. You pay the penny and the store gives you the guide. No gameplaying. No buying something then returning less than what you bought for a full refund.[/QUOTE]

It is the same thing because you know that it is Gamestop's policy to destroy those guides. They aren't supposed to sell them and you and I both know it, the only way they'll ring you up for one at the register is if the employee is ignorant of their own policy and you exploit that ignorance likely at their expense as they can be reprimanded or worse.

In fact, if anything buying a penny guide would actually be worse because it requires a conscious violation of their rules. Nothing about returning the item indicated on your receipt violates a Gamestop policy that I'm aware of.

I just don't get the weird double standard I'm seeing here. Let's review a few other recent similar things I've seen discussed here:

* People buying penny guides is okay even though it exploits ignorant/new employees for personal gain and violates store policy.

* People buying Rayman Origins at TRU and getting the Skyrim CE for half off even though the ad clearly says the second item must be of equal value or less. Here.

* People getting games B1G1 instead of B2G1 because Target's registers were initially applying the promotion incorrectly. Here.

In all three of those cases we're knowingly exploiting an error or mistake. In this case we're talking about returning the item that they knowingly and purposefully printed on your receipt: a standard, used copy of AC:B.

[quote name='admiralvic']Im sorry, but I have to reply to this.

You're right its not scamming (persay), it's fraud. However fraud sounds a lot more severer than say scamming... so similar to pishing = hacking, you're seeing people use more common terms.

CAG is a place of higher morals (most of the time) than say Slickdeals. While you can do whatever the fuck you please... NO ONE wants to read about some asshole who is suggesting and most likely preventing others from getting in on the deal. The simple fact you can't justify your point properly is proof enough you SHOULDNT be doing it. Furthermore the fact I can tell you its straight up fraud; means I can justify my point perfectly in 1 word.[/QUOTE]

If you could justify your point perfectly in one word why did it take two paragraphs and giant bolded underlined red letters? It isn't fraud because we are talking about returning the item that is indicated on your receipt as they intended. I don't see how that's fraud.

As for your other unfounded insinuations I am not excluding anyone from getting in on any deal or I wouldn't have posted it here. I've never even been ON Slickdeals. I'd just rather see stuff end up on somebody's shelf than in a Gamestop dumpster and was trying to help people get in on the action before they gut all the copies left out in the wild. If you'd prefer the stuff to end up in the trash then we'll just agree to disagree.

As I said earlier, if I said something I shouldn't have I will edit the original post but considering that some people seem okay with it (and some have already done it successfully) and some object it will take more than a random user belligerently typing at me in giant red caps to convince me.
wow i love the heated topic. back on topic im going to try my luck at two gamestops that i know for a fact had 1 or two copies earlier this week each. hope i can get lucky with at least one of them. i literally just bought the game from bestbuy for 40$ clearance but the casing is completely damaged.
I missed out on the BBY $25 and would love to jump on this. Thanks, OP.

On a side note- Too much hate in this thread about ethics and such. I hope I get the CE priced as used with all the goodies but I don't care if others got there first. C'est la vie. Maybe each CE should come with a milkshake, bendy straw and bowling pin.

While I don't want to get in the middle of the heated discussion I will clarify a few things, me once being a store manager at Lamestop.

When it gets moved to used, most districts require employees to remove the collectors edition content and mark the game simply as USED/Pre-Owned and sell strictly the game, they are supposed to dispose of the extras or put them in field destroy but in most cases they keep them. Most cases this is completely at the DM's or the store managers discretion, as most around here keep them sealed and offer it as a better deal if someone comes to buy that game. Also, this is too that employees change or even know about the price as in most cases there is no notification that they were moved to used, a lot of times I have went to snag one of these they had NO idea.

When I worked there and had to do this, example's being Halo 3 Legendary editions, the helmets, I would save them for giveaways at future midnight releases, incentives for employees to get reserves/subs etc or even save them for certain customers that I knew were huge fans with limited budgets. I would often do this too with some of the more popular standee's.

That being said, if you find one that is sealed it will ring as the game only and at the used price and sku, meaning that technically all your purchasing is the game, also meaning that when returning it the receipt only shows it as a used copy of the game, not a used CE, simply AC:B used.

Personally I wouldn't say its scamming, possibly a moral dilemma, but in the end returning the game only, GS isn't losing anything, they sold you a game at used price, it will return at used price and they will re-sell it at the same price. If your not comfortable with it, don't do it.
I picked up one this morning. It is sealed and in mint condition. It was sitting on a top shelf collecting dust. I picked up one during the BB sale that was a little beat up. I only purchased this to get the Harlequin. I will not return it though. Many thanks OP.
[quote name='Madrocsz']While I don't want to get in the middle of the heated discussion I will clarify a few things, me once being a store manager at Lamestop.

When it gets moved to used, most districts require employees to remove the collectors edition content and mark the game simply as USED/Pre-Owned and sell strictly the game, they are supposed to dispose of the extras or put them in field destroy but in most cases they keep them. Most cases this is completely at the DM's or the store managers discretion, as most around here keep them sealed and offer it as a better deal if someone comes to buy that game. Also, this is too that employees change or even know about the price as in most cases there is no notification that they were moved to used, a lot of times I have went to snag one of these they had NO idea.

When I worked there and had to do this, example's being Halo 3 Legendary editions, the helmets, I would save them for giveaways at future midnight releases, incentives for employees to get reserves/subs etc or even save them for certain customers that I knew were huge fans with limited budgets. I would often do this too with some of the more popular standee's.

That being said, if you find one that is sealed it will ring as the game only and at the used price and sku, meaning that technically all your purchasing is the game, also meaning that when returning it the receipt only shows it as a used copy of the game, not a used CE, simply AC:B used.

Personally I wouldn't say its scamming, possibly a moral dilemma, but in the end returning the game only, GS isn't losing anything, they sold you a game at used price, it will return at used price and they will re-sell it at the same price. If your not comfortable with it, don't do it.[/QUOTE]

Good points.

I think scamming is a bit extreme to label returning the item for it's CE contents. If you walk into a store and ask the employees to give it to you for free I would think they would generally say no. The extras at this point would essentially be free if you were to buy the game. The assumption is that it's a nice extra that you get for buying the game as the store ends up not gutting the CE (intentionally or not as Mad pointed out). Practically speaking, you should just pay for the CE outright and sell off the game to defray the cost of your CE.

If you were to just sell the game on eBay or Amazon, you'll pretty much net out with the CE content for $10-$20 (i.e. God of War UE, FO3: CE, etc.) I think that's a very fair net cost to get a bunch of neat swag which would cost way more on the marketplace anyways.
[quote name='AionTelos']$30 bucks eyy...[/QUOTE]
Deal is now Officially Approved by Arthur Fonzarelli
Ugh, I need to stop checking this forum... Picked up a copy on my way home...

I decided to count how many games I have bougt since black friday, and I was waaaayyy off. In my head I counted that I only bought like 25-28 games, turns out I got 49 games so far with 6 more on the way..
[quote name='dinovelvet']Do the DLC codes from this still work on either system? Or is it one of those cases where the PS3 voucher has 'expired'?[/QUOTE]

it's "expired", but many say it really is. (PS3 side)
Bought the 360 version of the ce . Was thinking I could just exchange the game for a ps3 one but it says not for resale on back any ideas how to go about doing this?
[quote name='dragoun']Just struck out any way to find out which ones have them. They told me they just gutted them a couple days ago[/QUOTE]

No unfortunately. If its not on the floor ask them to double check the back unless they already know they gutted them. Like in my post he said they didn't have any and i kinda insisted he check and he did and came back all surprised when he found one. Lol but thats what i did.
Checked the stock on the locator a couple days ago when I heard of this and found two nearby with some instock. Went today to one and they said they already gutted it. Called the other one, said they had one, and I managed to get them to hold it for me. Drove over there and happily bought it for the 360 and noticed on my way out they still had a copy for the PS3. Now I own one collector's for each console and both the doctor and harlequin jack in the boxes! Quite happy about that.
[quote name='dinovelvet']Do the DLC codes from this still work on either system? Or is it one of those cases where the PS3 voucher has 'expired'?[/QUOTE]

There's no where to enter the code as it's not a regular XBox/PSN code and Ubisoft took out the option to enter codes in the final patch this summer.
Just picked one up tonight for PS3. I went to one Gamestop, they didn't have it but the guy called around for me till he found one. Now I have both CE of the JIB.
bread's done