Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood PS3 Discussion

It doesn't matter. I finally got by it after about 15 failures. Such an annoying mission. This game has a lot of annoying missions where there are like 3 or 4 in a row without a break. They're not fun or clever, and more often than not are a major nuisance.

Also, about the overall arc of Assassin's Creed
Is Ubisoft really stupid enough not to expect us to believe that this is leading towards preventing the Apocalypse? It's so obvious. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the Assassins are actually trying to make it happen, either.
i just got ac:b but i dont know if its worth keeping. i paid 35 for it and amazon is givin 30 for it so its a good time to trade BUT before i do.............

is it a fantastic game? does it have high replay value (especially/specifically multiplayer)? i mean the reviews arent very kind, but i dont alwahys beleive reviews. anyway, i have red dead redemption, just cause 2, 3d dot heroes, bfbc2, black ops, and lbp...........based on that, do you think i should just hold on to it or trade it? what really interested me was the multiplayer, but its kinda weird. thanks
Lock in the trade-in value and then keep playing it. Make up your own mind about whether you enjoy it or not. I personally would answer "yes" to every one of your questions, but since Amazon gives you 7 days to mail off a trade-in, you can decide for yourself. If you've never played AC1 or AC2, I'd recommend playing those before playing the story portion of AC:B (or at least AC2).
ok so im keepin it, it has alot to offer, however....

HOW THE HELL DO YOU PLAY THE MULTIPLAYER?!?! i really need some help and no one online is helpful

heres my problem. i just dont get it. i realize you hunt and are hunted. and i see the little radar thing on the bottom, but how do you know which person to kill? i heard you need templar vision but thats like at level 30 or something. i cant figure it out.... can someone help me? maybe through a pm or joining me on PSN and playing with me to teach me like a live tutorial?

like please. im keepin it cuz i see theres a lot to do in the game, but i need help to learn. anyone with patience for a fellow CAGer please get in touch with me. or point me in the rught direction
Your job as the assassin is to try to determine which one is the real person and your job at the target is to try your best to blend in to the AI-controlled characters. For example, AI-controlled characters never sprint or climb walls, so if you see somebody doing that, that's obviously a player. You can also use your lock-on targeting to select somebody and keep a lock on if you maintain line-of-sight. You will unlock different abilities and perks that will aid you in detection and in hiding as you rank up, which all allow you to develop different strategies that suit your play type. For instance, at some point (maybe rank 12 or 13?) you unlock the 'morph' ability which will turn all the characters near you within a certain radius to look like you. This can be used defensively to hide, but also offensively to root out a player who is hiding in a crowd of identical characters. That just one brief example. Some argue that Templar Vision "breaks the game", and to some extent it can certainly ruin some of the fun, but whenever a player uses it, they glow bright white, so they open themselves up to attack and/or allowing a victim to spot them and stun them or flee. Whenever an attacker makes their position blatantly known, a chase sequence begins and you have a certain amount of time to escape by breaking line of sight or blending into a crowd, etc.

Basically, the game is meant to be played with skill and strategy, not just running around stabbing dudes. The scoring system rewards you for undetected kills, airborne kills, etc. The more you remain undetected, the better you'll do, generally speaking. At some point (like rank 8 or something) you get the hidden gun, which is really easy to kill somebody with, but you only get a paltry 100 points for doing so.

Here's a helpful introductory video:

And here's a tips guide:
i have no idea what is going on in the single player. i didnt finish ac1 and i didnt play ac2, so the story line is completely arbitrary to me. and thats the main part of the game, the multiplayer is a good addition, pretty cool, but not enough to keep a game just for that. i think if i was a real AC fan id keep it but as is, i think its gona go back.

it seems you have to rebuild rome from scratch overthrowing the ruling family. if its anywhere near as repetitive as AC1 man i dk about how fun its gonna be.

as a non AC follower, do you guys agree that i wont find much value in the storyline since its so intwined with the first ones, or second actually?
While I would agree that AC1 got repetitive, I think its worth sticking it out and finishing it for the story.

AC2 is phenomenal and addressed almost every issue I had with AC1.

AC:B picks up literally *exactly* where AC2 ended, so you'll have very little idea what's going on without playing and finishing AC2.

I personally think they're all worth playing and find the story compelling, especially AC2 and AC:B, but if you don't intend on really digging into it all, then yeah, you might want to trade it in.
It's a waste of time to play AC:b if you aren't going to play AC2 first. You can skip AC1 and fill yourself in with Youtube if you want (not a lot of important story in the first one)- but the story development and my interest in the characters came out of AC2.
So I have played a couple of hours of the story and last night I decided to try the multi-player. It was mostly fun, but I also mostly got my ass kicked. I have these questions for my fellow CAG templars:

1. I was level 0 or 1, or whatever you start at, and I was playing against guys in their 30s and even 40s, and they were using advanced abilities (like Templar Vision and Poison). Is there really no match-making based on level? How did they put me in there as basically a punching bag?

2. In one 10-minute match, I literally only got like 4 or 5 targets. I went at least 3 minutes with no target at all, just a flashing question mark. Why/how did that happen, and how do I get more targets? I thought you would always have a target? It's no fun just wandering around waiting to die with no one to hunt for.

3. In my last match (with I think 7 people), one guy killed me 7 times in row (maybe 8, I forget). I mean, he got me 7 or 8 times within about 2-3 minutes, so it was obvious that he got me as a target that many times in a row. How is that possible? Have you ever heard of such a thing?

4. What is the best strategy in general for newbies? I was trying to walk slow and blend in, etc so my target wouldn't get alerted, but that mostly just ended up with me getting killed easily by my pursuers since I was moving so slowly I think. And 19 times out of 20 I had no clue I was about to get killed - I never saw any warning or anything like that so I could run. On the other hand, when my target was running arounf like crazy on the rooftops I had a hard time catching up and killing them (even when I could see them) so maybe that's a better way to go, even though it's kind of aginst the theme of the game?
[quote name='Backlash']So I have played a couple of hours of the story and last night I decided to try the multi-player. It was mostly fun, but I also mostly got my ass kicked. I have these questions for my fellow CAG templars:

1. I was level 0 or 1, or whatever you start at, and I was playing against guys in their 30s and even 40s, and they were using advanced abilities (like Templar Vision and Poison). Is there really no match-making based on level? How did they put me in there as basically a punching bag?

2. In one 10-minute match, I literally only got like 4 or 5 targets. I went at least 3 minutes with no target at all, just a flashing question mark. Why/how did that happen, and how do I get more targets? I thought you would always have a target? It's no fun just wandering around waiting to die with no one to hunt for.

3. In my last match (with I think 7 people), one guy killed me 7 times in row (maybe 8, I forget). I mean, he got me 7 or 8 times within about 2-3 minutes, so it was obvious that he got me as a target that many times in a row. How is that possible? Have you ever heard of such a thing?

4. What is the best strategy in general for newbies? I was trying to walk slow and blend in, etc so my target wouldn't get alerted, but that mostly just ended up with me getting killed easily by my pursuers since I was moving so slowly I think. And 19 times out of 20 I had no clue I was about to get killed - I never saw any warning or anything like that so I could run. On the other hand, when my target was running arounf like crazy on the rooftops I had a hard time catching up and killing them (even when I could see them) so maybe that's a better way to go, even though it's kind of aginst the theme of the game?[/QUOTE]

1. The abilities aren't as much of an advantage as they might first appear to be. Once you get into the flow, you'll be able to better adapt to situations where higher-level players are using those things. For example, if you're trying to blend in, rotate the camera and keep an eye out. In case you didn't know, you can take your hand off the control stick when you're "blended" and you'll keep walking with the crowd automatically. Rotate the camera around and keep an eye out for players moving oddly. If somebody uses Templar Vision, they'll glow white and it'll be a dead giveaway. As soon as you see that, just bust out into a sprint and try to escape, because they've obviously figured out who you are (or use some sort of ability once you've earned some). I guess there isn't any true level-based match-making, but honestly, a player's level is not really all that indicative of their skill. All it means is that they have more tools at their disposal, but in my opinion, none of the tools are *that* over-powered.

2. Going 3 full minutes without a target seems weird, but not entirely impossible. The better a player is doing, the more people will be assigned to assassinate them. So, you could have been stuck in a constant state of flux. For example, if somebody else kills the target you were assigned, it will take a second to assign you another, but if that target was killed in the meantime, you would be assigned another one. That kind of stuff.

3. That does seem strange to have the same person assigned to you 7 times in a row (unless you were in 1st place - which it doesn't sound like you were). Are you sure you weren't playing the 4-on-4 Manhunt mode without realizing it?

4. I would suggest you refer back up a few posts were I posted an article and a video, which provide some good tips. Generally speaking, just pay close attention to the compass indicator. Always be aware of who is assigned to kill you (what they look like, how many of them are there). There can be times when nobody is assigned to kill you, specifically when you're not doing well and when another player has just killed them before they could get to you. Take advantage of that time to sprint quickly to the vicinity of where you target is, but keep an eye out for the compass to glow, which indicates line-of-sight of your target, and be sure to stop sprinting when your target is in sight. Use the lock-on targeting so that you can keep track of where your target is when you're slowly rounding corners or if a chase breaks out, you can keep track better. When you blend into a crowd, make sure there is at least one character that looks like you in the crowd, but the more the better. Try to resist the urge to just sprint straight at your target and kill them - the discreet kills provide way more points. As I mentioned before, run like hell when you see somebody using Templar Vision, because by then, the cat's out of the bag. As you play the levels more, try to learn the layouts, paying close attention to where the chase-breakers (like gates) are, so that you can sprint towards them when you get chased. To escape a chase, you'll want to take erratic paths and preferably go through gates and either just stay break line of sight long enough, or quickly blend into a crowd with numerous lookalikes. They'll either spend too much time deliberating on which to kill or they'll just guess and be wrong (or they'll use Templar Vision, at which point you should take off running again). Also, try to assign your abilities and perks as soon as you unlock them, because playing without them once they become available is pointless.
Thanks mkernan! I appreciate your time in typing all that up and I'll definitely check out the video and link. I guess it is possible I was playing Manhunt or something - I had just selected the Play Now option which I guess can put you into various game modes?
[quote name='Backlash']Thanks mkernan! I appreciate your time in typing all that up and I'll definitely check out the video and link. I guess it is possible I was playing Manhunt or something - I had just selected the Play Now option which I guess can put you into various game modes?[/QUOTE]

No problemo; I was bored at work. :D And yeah, when you do 'play now', it'll drop you into different modes.
Anyone still playing this online? I'm sick of playing with randoms who just run around when we're being hunted. I'm usually on at night 9pm-11ish.
I just got gamefly so I decided to do AC2 then brotherhood. For sure the way to go. I kinda understood what was going on. Once the single player is done, it was onto the best multiplayer in a long time. Man that is so good.
Do your assassins gain experience when you call them into battle or call for the arrow attack?
[quote name='Backlash']
1. I was level 0 or 1, or whatever you start at, and I was playing against guys in their 30s and even 40s, and they were using advanced abilities (like Templar Vision and Poison). Is there really no match-making based on level? How did they put me in there as basically a punching bag?

2. In one 10-minute match, I literally only got like 4 or 5 targets. I went at least 3 minutes with no target at all, just a flashing question mark. Why/how did that happen, and how do I get more targets? I thought you would always have a target? It's no fun just wandering around waiting to die with no one to hunt for.

3. In my last match (with I think 7 people), one guy killed me 7 times in row (maybe 8, I forget). I mean, he got me 7 or 8 times within about 2-3 minutes, so it was obvious that he got me as a target that many times in a row. How is that possible? Have you ever heard of such a thing?

4. What is the best strategy in general for newbies? I was trying to walk slow and blend in, etc so my target wouldn't get alerted, but that mostly just ended up with me getting killed easily by my pursuers since I was moving so slowly I think. And 19 times out of 20 I had no clue I was about to get killed - I never saw any warning or anything like that so I could run. On the other hand, when my target was running arounf like crazy on the rooftops I had a hard time catching up and killing them (even when I could see them) so maybe that's a better way to go, even though it's kind of aginst the theme of the game?[/QUOTE]

1. No, but you can adapt. They have a distinct advantage, but it's not impossible to overcome.

2. This has happened to me, as well. It's really a glitch and connection to server issue.

3. This could happen if you are in first and/or proximity (rarely have contracts of people in extreme close proximity, but it can happen). I've gotten the same person 3-4 times in a row because the entire group would be near each other except for the person who was just killed.

4. What are you using for specials? Few tips: NPCs do not go through chase gates, NPCs rarely have abrupt changes in walk patterns, NPCs rarely stop outside blend circles... so keep an eye out for abrupt behavior. i I would suggest playing regular Wanted/Manhunt over Advanced, as it helps the player better identify targets. Keep an eye out for Circles above people's heads, as that is a player with your contract. Be cautious and if somebody is coming directly at you assume it's a player.
[quote name='Blackout']Do your assassins gain experience when you call them into battle or call for the arrow attack?[/QUOTE]

No, they only gain experience when you send them on missions at the pigeon coups or play the facebook game.
My assassins in game have been gaining experience every time I send them to kill someone while walking around. I don't think they've gained any experience with the arrow storm, but I haven't paid enough attention to that to be sure.

But I've purposely been walking places again as opposed to using the tunnel system, because now everytime I see a group of guards I send my assassin's to kill them to gain experience.
hum..that's interesting (and would make sense) if it's true. The game doesn't indicate in anyway that you gain experience outside of the mini-game stuff from what I remember.
I have three assassin's trained up to level 4, two at level 3, a level two and three level 1's and I have yet to start any of the assassin contracts. It's all from just walking around and pushing L2 when I see a guard.
The Assassin contracts are great - I get the majority of my money from those and they level up your recruits very fast. In fact, I almost always have all my recruits out on missions, which does limit my ability to call them somewhat.

If I'm going to storm a Borgia tower or do some other mission which might require a lot of fighting, I generally will wait for their missions to end so I can call them, though. Unfortunately, I got into some heavy fighting and panicked and hit L2 when I only had two recruits not on missions, and I lost a level 8 and a level 5 in the fighting :(
So when they die, I assume that a new mission pops up somewhere that allows you to recruit a new level 1, right?

I didn't take any risks with my guys. Like you, most of the time they were out on assignments, and I didn't ever let them go on any of those that weren't 100% success rates.
Ugh. Sorry to double post. Getting into a match takes forever... and I is so confused. I will read the tips and watch the video you posted! But yes... we should all play some together.
Sweet, just finished the single player game and wasn't paying attention... but my trophies were NOT unlocking after Memory 7. So I finished Memory 8, 9, 2x romulus areas, 3x DaVinci quests, Feathers, Obtained the apple, 5 assassin's to assassin rank... and no trophies for any of them. Not wasting my time going back through the game, F that.

I like the multiplayer, but I don't enjoy waiting 5-10 minutes to get a match started...
[quote name='dyeknom']I like the multiplayer, but I don't enjoy waiting 5-10 minutes to get a match started...[/QUOTE]

Yeah. Total BS. I have a ton of fun when I am actually playing... but waiting for 10 years to get into a game is ridiculous.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Yeah. Total BS. I have a ton of fun when I am actually playing... but waiting for 10 years to get into a game is ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly how I feel about it.

The loading is just one of my problems with online mode. It does get really frustrating when it goes from 1/6 to 6/6 or 8/8 and then it kicks you to a 2/6 lobby... but sometimes the registration can be absolutely piss-poor.

More often than not, you can toss a smoke grenade on the ground and the attacker will be stunned, but on more than one occasion I've tossed grenades down and the person runs through it for a kill. I've also run into an issue of people pulling from rooftops or kicking from across the roof. It's rather strange.

All of those issues aside, it's still an enjoyable multiplayer system. The problematic forced camera angles, bad lock on system, etc. that were all present in the single player did not show themselves in the multiplayer. I've gotten pretty good about figuring out who is my target (I generally only play advanced wanted) without Templar Vision... and it's really fun to hide in a crowd and kill some unexpected runners, too. Of course, a lot of games devolve into a bunch of rooftop running, ^_^
Played my first 2 games of MP and man i was really fun
First time I got smashed but the second time I came in third
It really can build up the suspense well, when you're about to strike and some other clown comes and stabs you in the back and you're like "Damn homie could you have waited a minute?"
Fun times, I still don't know how to stun or anything but I'm level 3 so I unlocked some perks
We should definitely get a CAG game going one of these days
Yeah... I lost a handful of matches and have been crushed countless other times as I am right on my target only to get stabbed. Stun is circle... you press it if you get the drop on your attacker and it knocks them out and they lose the contract. But be warned... as their kill prompt seems to take BIG priority over your stun. So only try to stun if you smoke them or you feel you have the absolute drop on them.
Damn. I just spent a ridiculous amount of time on the Thief Assignment -Young at Heart. It's one of those complete this race in under 60 seconds for 100% Sync. Problem is that if your jump is aimed just a frame to the left then you do a leap of faith you didn't want to do, and if it's a frame to the right you just jump to the street instead of the other rooftop. The controls really sucked for that race.
I beat the game last night. I didn't care for the ending.
You simply can't keep doing cliffhangers and such in video games. It doesn't work. It barely works in TV, but at least in TV you don't have to wait 1-2 years for your answers. This is the 3rd game they've done this for, and nothing has been answered. At all. The whole ending sequence was anti-climatic. At least in AC2, you had just done that Rodrigo fight, discovered all that crazy ancient astronaut crap, etc. When you returned as Desmond, you were on the run in an intense scene.

In Brotherhood, you're just doing Prince of Persia bullshit for 20 minutes trying to get to the Apple. By the time you get there, the alien is just spouting nonsense, you stab your girl, then the game ends. It's just tiring. They really should have explained more in this one, but they didn't.

I also HATE how you can't redo memories the first time to get 100% if you die or accidentally screw up. You have to do the entire mission all over again. This is bullshit, because the missions are just extremely long. Also, some of the 100% ones are just ridiculous, especially at the end of the game; don't lose a health bar, don't kill anyone (when there's like 40 soldiers on your balls, and you have to be anonymous to beat the mission). Just....lame.

The annoying part about missions is that for many of them, if you're detected, you have to restart from the checkpoint. This literally makes no sense. Why can't I just quickly kill a solider that detected me? There should have been a timer included (say, 15 seconds) before I get desynchronized.

I find the combat to be more annoying too, because enemies dodge everything, and you have to use kick all the time to even kill them. Towards the end of the game I just called my assassins to do everything, because I was tired of the combat.

I still need to finish up the sidequests. Overall, I think I enjoyed AC2 more than Brotherhood.
[quote name='Blackout']
I find the combat to be more annoying too, because enemies dodge everything, and you have to use kick all the time to even kill them. Towards the end of the game I just called my assassins to do everything, because I was tired of the combat.[/QUOTE]
There's only 2 enemy types that dodge everything, and they're not exactly the majority.
Whats the point of getting 100% sync except for getting the trophy where you have to get 100% in a whole chapter I think it is?
[quote name='Sinistar']Whats the point of getting 100% sync except for getting the trophy where you have to get 100% in a whole chapter I think it is?[/QUOTE]

each perfect sequence unlocks different bonuses: unicorns, costumes, abilities, etc.
[quote name='pete5883']There's only 2 enemy types that dodge everything, and they're not exactly the majority.[/QUOTE]

It didn't feel that way to me.
[quote name='edson13']each perfect sequence unlocks different bonuses: unicorns, costumes, abilities, etc.[/QUOTE]
Read: a complete waste of time.
Does it actually tell you when you unlock crap by getting 100% sequence? I've never seen a popup.. and Yeah I agree with Blackout about then ending.. Oh well.

Anyone up for some MP? I might try it for the first time later since I finally beat SP.

Also, that free single player DLC that was on the PSN marketplace? Anyone know how to play it after you install it? Does it show up on the main menu similar to RDR DLC or is it buried in the game somewhere?
I'll be down for some AC B multiplayer. Love it (when I can get into a game).

I've got a rehearsal in a bit but will be free in the evening... also free much of this week (for a change).
I love the MP but had a horrible experience this last Saturday. Every game i was in was with people who at least 30 levels above me, made for miserable matches.

Am I the only person who has a hell of a time stunning people? I can watch someone walk up to me, mass the O button and never stun them. however I was in a team game Saturday where two people keep me stunned for over half the match, wth?
bread's done