Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Coming 10/29: Premiere Trailer UP!


12 (100%)

Or should I say, Assassin's of the Caribbean. . .

This actually makes sense from a development standpoint, considering the resources put into developing naval combat and it makes me wonder if this was their plan all along. For me personally, I think the franchise has lost focus and at the risk of becoming redundant, has over-extended the boundaries of what made the series so great. While I did enjoy the sea battle portions of AC3, I never felt they were necessary and on a psychological level rejected the idea that it should be in the game.

At any rate, the map suggests this would be around the time that piracy made a final stand against naval forces from European countries before practically dying out. Plenty of history here, so expect name dropping of famous pirates like Blackbeard. My guess is you play a privateer out to collect bounties on the heads of pirates, all while cashing in on seizure of goods to build your estate on Tortuga or w/e port they happen to use.

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Loved all the Assassin's Creed 2 games and was excited for 3. Stealth sections were so bad in 3 that I gave up in frustration. Don't know if I can get excited about this series anymore and I feel like the general consensus is the same.
I generally enjoyed ACIII, and I'm actually kind of surprised that consensus seems to be so ho-hum on it. Yes, Connor is boring as hell, but I thought the new mechanics and new world were pretty damn fun, and a good change-up for the series... especially after Brotherhood and Revelations felt like Ubisoft was just spinning its tires. I'm definitely looking forward to a Carribbean-themed game... it'll fix the hole in my heart that the Pirates of the Carribbean stole when it was cancelled.

When I had heard that they were planning a new era/protagonist for the next game, I was rather skeptical that they would be completely tossing all of the assets they had for ACIII, but wasn't quite sure how they would do it. I think this answers that question. In retrospect, the sailing missions seem entirely tacked-on, especially the ones that take you down south, I'm sure they were added later either to test the sailing mechanics, or to give players a taste of whats to come.
this series was never great imo. after platting ac2, which i wasnt really impressed with, i couldnt really bother with any of the others. all the crap ive heard with ac3 has put me off and probably wont play it.
I would have liked to see a more consistent timeline... they jumped over quite a few eras, and it won't feel the same backtracking. Modern would be ok if they got there in progression, but not from jumping around.
Enough with the AC games already... I don't understand the need to milk the franchise with yearly iterations. Take 2-3 years away from Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft and give us Beyond Good & Evil 2 already.
As someone who still has the first AC game to finish and 3 more AC games in the backlog, I can safely say I will wait until the inevitable $10 gamefly holiday sale next year.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Loved all the Assassin's Creed 2 games and was excited for 3. Stealth sections were so bad in 3 that I gave up in frustration. Don't know if I can get excited about this series anymore and I feel like the general consensus is the same.[/QUOTE]

ac3 was my fav ac game since ac 2. The time era from a person that loves histroy was so cool and the new dlc for wash that just came is amazing.
[quote name='antlp89']As someone who still has the first AC game to finish and 3 more AC games in the backlog, I can safely say I will wait until the inevitable $10 gamefly holiday sale next year.[/QUOTE]

it took you six years to finish a game?
AC3 has to be one of my most disappointing purchases ever. I preordered it and was really excited to run in trees and climb cliffs, but the story took so friggin long to develop it was hard to stick with it. Nonetheless I did only to be let down again and again.

There is a serious lack of tall buildings to climb and when I first saw the huge naval map I got excited only to be let down by the ship just spawning where you need to long journeys on the ocean, or even short ones really, and no spontaneous encounters. Lets just leave the stealth aspects alone, its basically a hack and slash that gets old once you've seen all the different kill animations.

So yeah, not really excited about Black Flag.
[quote name='Abear21']AC3 has to be one of my most disappointing purchases ever. I preordered it and was really excited to run in trees and climb cliffs, but the story took so friggin long to develop it was hard to stick with it. Nonetheless I did only to be let down again and again.

There is a serious lack of tall buildings to climb and when I first saw the huge naval map I got excited only to be let down by the ship just spawning where you need to long journeys on the ocean, or even short ones really, and no spontaneous encounters. Lets just leave the stealth aspects alone, its basically a hack and slash that gets old once you've seen all the different kill animations.

So yeah, not really excited about Black Flag.[/QUOTE]

Remember that the Buildings in the Colonial Period of North America were regularly built out of wood and were generally built small and short for convenience. There just weren't a lot of masons out there to begin with, and their services were typically reserved for the wealthy or the church. I mean, the Colonial Buildings were no Constantinople or Italy.

Anyway, hopefully there is some new variety in the AC IV since it's designed by a separate studio and that Ubisoft said that its been development for a while. :lol:
[quote name='Olengie']Remember that the Buildings in the Colonial Period of North America were regularly built out of wood and were generally built small and short for convenience. There just weren't a lot of masons out there to begin with, and their services were typically reserved for the wealthy or the church. I mean, the Colonial Buildings were no Constantinople or Italy.

Anyway, hopefully there is some new variety in the AC IV since it's designed by a separate studio and that Ubisoft said that its been development for a while. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yeah I get that the buildings weren't that tall back then, but we are talking about a videogame and entertainment! When the hallmark of your series is climbing and you dumb that down for historical accuracy its disappointing.

I was just hoping for slightly taller and different buildings in New York but it looked pretty much identical to Boston. Again, accurate im sure, but its never fun as a gamer to unlock more of a map and get the same old thing.
[quote name='Abear21']Yeah I get that the buildings weren't that tall back then, but we are talking about a videogame and entertainment! When the hallmark of your series is climbing and you dumb that down for historical accuracy its disappointing.

I was just hoping for slightly taller and different buildings in New York but it looked pretty much identical to Boston. Again, accurate im sure, but its never fun as a gamer to unlock more of a map and get the same old thing.[/QUOTE]

Even if it's just a video game, one thing about the AC games is that they've always stayed close to being somewhat historically accurate when it comes to events, people and architecture.
Count me in the group whose enthusiasm is pretty much sapped at this point. I am not saying I won't ever play it, but by the time I get to it, it will be a $20 or under purchase instead of buying it at release.
on the topic of AC i still havent played 3 yet (it sits here sealed) because i planned on playing through the entire series. i completed AC1, 2, Brohood (my favorite so far hands down) and i got like 4 hrs into Revelations and i enjoyed the start but damn this game is boring the crap out of me. do i just grind through or do you advise just skipping right into 3?

AC4 could possibly be really sweet. AC pirates could be insanely fun but the annual AC is starting to wear me down.
[quote name='sublime90']on the topic of AC i still havent played 3 yet (it sits here sealed) because i planned on playing through the entire series. i completed AC1, 2, Brohood (my favorite so far hands down) and i got like 4 hrs into Revelations and i enjoyed the start but damn this game is boring the crap out of me. do i just grind through or do you advise just skipping right into 3?

AC4 could possibly be really sweet. AC pirates could be insanely fun but the annual AC is starting to wear me down.[/QUOTE]

to be honest the story in 3 takes for ever to develop heck the intro before credits roll is close to 40 mins long. I was not a fan of main guy in 3 but i had tons of fun in the game because the era it's in im a history buff so really loved playing during that time and the dlc that just came out wiht george wash is great.
Could of sworn Ubisoft said they weren't going to release the next AC until 2014, then I looked it up again.. and they actually said the next one would launch between April 2013-March 2014. Thats what I guess for skimming haha
I wouldn't mind them releasing a new AC Game every 2-3 years. But every year? That sure is overkill, even if each studio had been working on their specific title for a while now.
so does this mean ps4 will be out before oct 29th or will be another wii u thing that people buy games for 360 or ps3 then the new systems come out a month later and no one wants the game for new system
So much for my hopes of an AC game leading up to/during the Civil War. So many potentially amazing characters there.

Still, the naval combat in AC3 was fun, and there aren't nearly enough pirate games out there, so I'll give it a shot.
[quote name='Vinny']I hope this series doesn't turn into something like RE.[/QUOTE]

Already happened.

Glad to see Ubi basing this game off the pirate fad that's five years dead at this point. Going by this trend, next we'll see an Ass Creed set in a future wasteland, and then zombies. All while the fools suck them up and talk about how historically accurate they are.
[quote name='captaintek3304']Already happened.

Glad to see Ubi basing this game off the pirate fad that's five years dead at this point. Going by this trend, next we'll see an Ass Creed set in a future wasteland, and then zombies. All while the fools suck them up and talk about how historically accurate they are.[/QUOTE]

you do know when people say they are historically accurate it means the people in the games not the events in the game them selfs. Ac3 was pretty accurate on the historic figures that were in the game and what happend.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']so does this mean ps4 will be out before oct 29th or will be another wii u thing that people buy games for 360 or ps3 then the new systems come out a month later and no one wants the game for new system[/QUOTE]
Every game announced for PS4 so far that has a holiday release is also on PS3 (except Knack, but who cares about that lol). It sucks, but there's really no reason to get a PS4 at launch. :\
[quote name='captaintek3304']Already happened.

Glad to see Ubi basing this game off the pirate fad that's five years dead at this point. Going by this trend, next we'll see an Ass Creed set in a future wasteland, and then zombies. All while the fools suck them up and talk about how historically accurate they are.[/QUOTE]

maybe even a "twilight vamprie" theme too, LOL. Also the trailer for assasins creed black flag is over youtube already, just type it into search, and you can find the trailers for it
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']you do know when people say they are historically accurate it means the people in the games not the events in the game them selfs. Ac3 was pretty accurate on the historic figures that were in the game and what happend.[/QUOTE]

If you consider getting the names right, then yes, you are correct the series is pretty accurate. Name dropping and location mapping is the only accurate thing about the series.

Hey...George Washington! He was alive! Historically accurate!
[quote name='Jodou']Every game announced for PS4 so far that has a holiday release is also on PS3 (except Knack, but who cares about that lol). It sucks, but there's really no reason to get a PS4 at launch. :\[/QUOTE]

i agree and same thing happend for wii u that system had mostly games out already at launch and many people jumped in it for those games and nothing has come out for that system since launch lol. i have been thinking and unless a uncharted game becomes a launch title i will pass on launch till a game i what is only for ps4 down the road. according to that article gt6 is a ps3 title but he might be saying that seeing it has not been announced yet and could turn into ps4 title. might i ad beyond is a ps3 only game. if sony and microsoft think people will buy a new system if they just have games that are on two gen's of systems they might be that dumb.
i guess after watching that we now know why ship missions was in ac3. My guess is they used it to test the system out seeing that ship stuff had ZERO to do with ac3 story. I will say im happy they seem to be over doing 3 games about one guy.
[quote name='Heavyd814life']Enough with the AC games already... I don't understand the need to milk the franchise with yearly iterations. Take 2-3 years away from Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft and give us Beyond Good & Evil 2 already.[/QUOTE]

this... 1000x this.

beyond good and evil 2 2014 release make it happen ubi.
Yeah, the one thing I'm actually looking forward to is the wreck diving. Not sure how it fits into assassin's creed, but it has to be more entertaining than collecting feathers from trees. What a stupid concept that was Ubi. . .
[quote name='Jodou']Yeah, the one thing I'm actually looking forward to is the wreck diving. Not sure how it fits into assassin's creed, but it has to be more entertaining than collecting feathers from trees. What a stupid concept that was Ubi. . .[/QUOTE]

i could never figure out what feathers ever had to do with AC
[quote name='Jodou']Yeah, the one thing I'm actually looking forward to is the wreck diving. Not sure how it fits into assassin's creed, but it has to be more entertaining than collecting feathers from trees. What a stupid concept that was Ubi. . .[/QUOTE]

The Feather Collecting was too much of a hassle for me, and cause of that, I didn't get all 200 of them in AC 2. I do like the history behind it though.
bread's done