Assassin's Creed IV Steam/PC $49--buy now, or wait for lower over holidays?


1 (100%)
I've been really excited about Assassin's Creed IV.  It's caused me to go to my backlog and play 1, 2 and Brotherhood (got them on Steam deals!).  

I still need to get and play Revelations and 3.  I'm hoping they'll be on sale during the holidays on Steam.

The real question is about Assassin's Creed IV.  It's brand new, PC version isn't even out yet. has it on Steam pre-order for $49 which strikes me as a good deal.  However, with Black Friday coming up, and the Steam holiday sale, I have to wonder if it will go lower.  I will kick myself if it doesn't, though.

I have been close to just grabbing it now.  If I had it before the ones I'm missing, I might play it now, out of order, or I might wait.  I guess the main dilemma is if it'll be cheaper than $49 or not.

Wait, play the ones you haven't played first.  By then the price will probably be much lower on PC.

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Wait, play the ones you haven't played first. By then the price will probably be much lower on PC.
Saw there are lots of Black Friday deals on last-gen console versions of ACIV ($34 was the lowest I saw ACIV). Hope Steam and Amazon do even better with the Steam versions! $49 doesn't seem so great compared to $34.

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It's also included in several bundles that ship with new Nvidia graphics cards. Try snagging one on eBay to get it even cheaper.

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