Asterix at the Olympic Games 360 - $18.93 Walmart


1 (100%)
Attention 360 collectors/AWs: What seems to be one of the most uncommon 360 games to date is now scanning at $18.93 at Wal-Mart, if you're fortunate to even have one around that carries it! This game was a bitch to hunt down and it's been $50 for a while. I found 1 of about 6 copies at the Capilano location in Edmonton on a plastic rack hanging from the glass of the videogame lockup. This is the only place I've personally seen this game for sale.

For 360 collectors and/or Achievement collectors, this game is a must (or so I hear the achievements are pretty easy). There's only a handful of copies on ebay and they are selling for $50. One used one recently sold for $27 USD.
Capilano in Edmonton is the only place I've ever seen it actually, but I know that last time I was there they had a couple of copies. If I used Ebay I'd probably think about buying some and selling them...
I've been after this for a while- if anyone can pick one up for me (my Walmart in Vancouver doesn't have it) I'd be happy to pay $35 shipped.
[quote name='craig64']Capilano in Edmonton is the only place I've ever seen it actually, but I know that last time I was there they had a couple of copies. If I used Ebay I'd probably think about buying some and selling them...[/QUOTE]

Do you remember how long ago that was?
I'm thinking about checking it out tomorrow.
What're you all, high? Asterix stopped being relevant 15 years ago. S'all about Tintin, Capt. Haddock and that dog y'all, word.

Seriously though, I know there's collectors that have whole libraries of systems' games but are there people with e-peens that small that they need to actively hunt down a game just to get achievements?
[quote name='arnoldrimmer']Do you remember how long ago that was?
I'm thinking about checking it out tomorrow.[/quote]

I was last there about two weeks ago, so it's possible it could be gone... but considering I've seen copies in the store for at least 6 months now I doubt they'll be gone.

Neo, if I go there any time soon I'll pick up a copy if there are any... but I'm not planning on going back for at least a few days (maybe longer), but if I do I'll pick you up a copy.
And case anybody was wondering, just finagled a TIV outta EB without the game(Yay regularness!) and its only worth $15.
Capilano had 5 or 6 of them left when I purchased mine on the 1st.

It wasn't too bad, but pretty short. I wrapped it up in about 6 - 6 1/2 hours. At least that's one game I won't have to hunt down for the 360 library anymore! ;)
bread's done