Astronomy and Popular Culture


40 (100%)
If anyone has any information pertaining to this it would greatly appreciated as it is needed for my final in my astronomy class. My ideas so far are to incorporate stuff about space from Futurama, I know i am going to nitpick the movie Contact. And I know that the Character's name in Assassin's Creed (the first one) is Altair, and there is a star named Altair... so I'm onto something here.

Yes I have only though about this for 5 minutes so any help is appreciated. :)
You should talk about how the spread of information (internet, wikis, facebook, etc.) is allowing faster spread of information about our world. e.g. when NASA found water on the moon it was instantly everywhere - blogs, news sites, etc. This is giving rise to movies such as that crappy 2012 movie thats coming out. And Sci Fi is coming back as well.
No i need real information... like in an episode of futurama they are riding the space train on a beam of light and they have to jump off at the switching prism (which breaks the light into the spectrum) or how they talk about dark matter a lot.
[quote name='raarar']No i need real information... like in an episode of futurama they are riding the space train on a beam of light and they have to jump off at the switching prism (which breaks the light into the spectrum) or how they talk about dark matter a lot.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand; what do these have to do with astronomy?
I am just looking to see if there are real reference's in the gaming industry to astronomy. I want to show how astronomy has an influence on a lot of our daily life, and people do not really notice.
The Katamari Damacy series has you repairing starts/constellations, and often references them by name.

I can feel the cosmos! :D
[quote name='raarar']I want to show how astronomy has an influence on a lot of our daily life, and people do not really notice.[/QUOTE]

you mean like how it has been since the beginning of time?
Not to be a dick but maybe you should've picked a topic that's easier to research so you wouldn't have to gather info on message boards. For a suggestion can you change the topic to a more generalized one? Such as how Astronomy & space travel changed our daily lives. There's many inventions & technological breakthrough that owe their existance to the study of space. It would be a much easier topic to research and IMO far more intresting.
When I think "[scientific field] in pop culture" I think of elements of the field that have had any sort of cultural impact. When I think if physics in pop culture I think of CERN and the LHC... or E = MC^2... or relative motion... not like "oooh, there's a physics engine in unreal tournament and unreal tournament is a popular game in american culture", I think that sort of thing is a bad (academically worthless) path. Elements of a scientific field that make a pop culture impact will get their own Google logo for the day (like the LHC, or whatever that recent fossil was)...

For Astronomy, maybe consumer space flight could be a pop culture topic, or observing events like eclipses and full moons... or Pluto's status as a planet, or Hubble... astronomy things that make the evening news and everyone talks about
[quote name='Rodimus']Not to be a dick but maybe you should've picked a topic that's easier to research so you wouldn't have to gather info on message boards. For a suggestion can you change the topic to a more generalized one? Such as how Astronomy & space travel changed our daily lives. There's many inventions & technological breakthrough that owe their existance to the study of space. It would be a much easier topic to research and IMO far more intresting.[/QUOTE]
Like Fusion.... one day... one day...
Altair is Arabic for The Flying One. With the eagle (ledge) jumping or whatever it's called in that game, I think that was the influence for the name, not the star. However, you can still try to get away with the star being the influence.

I'm trying to think of other stuff, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment.
bread's done