At what price should I buy BioShock 2?


3 (100%)
I have an opportunity to get it for 36 bucks with shipping, but I don't know if I should budge or wait till it drops a bit lower. So I was wondering what my fellow CAGs buying prices are on BioShock 2.
New or used?

I got mine new for $50 on day 1 using a coupon. I am a fan of the first one but I'm a little disappointed by the game. It is however still a good game.
It's used, but it says in excellent condition. I loved the first one, but I am fearful of the second one... The first one was a fluke, it was good because it was different.
I bought it for $50 at launch and loved it (loved the first too). I wouldn't be scared of it at all. Great game.
Bioshock 2 is a great game - the single player experience is still good and the bonus online multiplayer is great. Definitely worth the purchase at $36. I had my pre-order in at launch. I have done two play throughs already with Hard and Easy
I thought the game was well worth full price. It was quite good, after you got into it (it has a very slow start). I honestly ended up enjoying it more than Bioshock 1, which I did not think would or could happen.
My magic price (after having beaten it) is $30. But $36 isn't bad. I didn't like it anywhere near as much as the first, since the novelty's gone, and the story was not as intriguing
Would you kindly...
, and no really memorable characters
Then again, Cohen was awesome, so it'd be hard to top him
I bought it full price at launch and sold it back after beating it two days later. I enjoyed the game very much but had no interest in the multi-player. I agree with the above CAGs that $30-40 is reasonable.

After hearing all of your opinions I think I am going to bite at 30 dollars when it drops that low. I honestly wont be playing the multi-player that much so I want to get the cheapest price.
you gotta play the multiplayer if you like this game, it takes a bit to get into it - but them it becomes pretty addicting. but in either case, at $36 its certainly worth it!
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