Attention CAGs!! Want to win 1 month of Xbox LIVE Gold?


I thought about putting this in Off Topic since it's not technically video game related but someone in this thread said it might be more appropriate in the referrals section.

Here's the deal:

I am in a contest to win a Nissan Leaf. It's the brand new car that's 100% electric. I have a video up on Nissan's website that people can vote on. All the contestants are allowed to use social media to get the word out there and the person who gets the most votes wins. What I am asking is for my fellow CAGs to help a fellow CAG achieve a milestone in cheap-assness by winning a free car.

All you have to do is submit your email address and then confirm your vote in the email that you will subsequently receive. It's a quick simple process and it's completely FREE! If you're worried about :spam: from what I've heard from people who have already voted for me, and from my own personal experience, you will only get the one email and no others. If for some reason you wind up getting more emails from Nissan, you can always unsubscribe or block them.

Someone in another thread said that CAGs won't do anything for their brothers/sisters in cheapness if they don't get anything out of it. So as mentioned in the title, the prize is 1 free month of Xbox LIVE Gold. I will choose one vote at random and mail you a card with a code. And so as not to exclude anyone who might not own a 360, if you own a PS3 I will give you my PSN credentials so you can download the game Flower, in keeping with the theme/mission of my Nissan Leaf contest. And if you have both systems, you'll get both prizes!

In case you don't believe me:

And here's the back showing that the code has not been used:

This is a great thing to do.


Nissan Leaf info page

My Nissan Leaf video

My Youtube video about the contest (Not necessary to view but an added bonus)

And if I may appeal to your sense of community and friendship, if you have a Twitter account, please tweet about it. If you have a Facebook account, please post it up there. Your odds of winning will not increase but it's still a nice thing to do.

Here are the rules:

  • -As many votes per person as you want!- When I say I will pick one vote at random, I mean it. You can vote once for every email account you have, so if you have ten (10) accounts, you can vote ten (10) times. All you have to do is DM me a screenshot of the email you receive showing the confirm button and your email address plus one (1) image of the confirmation screen you see on Nissan's website, and I will pick from the collection of images I receive rather than from the collection of users who respond. So the more times you vote, the better your chances of winning.
  • -Honor system- Please don't be a douche bag and send me multiple screenshots of all your email accounts even though you only voted once.:shame: And no Photoshop jobs. If you think it takes too much effort to vote multiple times, it takes more effort to try and game the system. And if any other CAGs were in the contest, I would vote and enter legitimately in the hopes of winning the XBL Gold code.
  • -Dates- The contest runs until Wednesday 27 April, 2011. Any DMs I receive after 11:59 PM (23:59) U.S. Central Time of that date will not be considered for entry.
  • -Winning- The winner will be notified by direct message on Friday 29 April, 2011, after which he/she will have until 11:59PM (23:59) Central Time on Wednesday 4 May, 2011 to respond back to me via DM to claim his/her prize. If the winner does not respond by the deadline, another contestant will be chosen at random to receive the prize.
  • -International Contestants- Contest is open to residents of any country. If a contestant from outside the United States or Canada is chosen, I will gift them 1 month of Xbox Live Gold appropriate to his/her region.
And there you go! Good luck to all of you and thank you for your votes!:bow:
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