AVP/AVP Requiem Unrated Blu-Ray 2 pack $26.95

Good ass fucking price...but I'm waiting to see if I should jump on the deal or not...too many Blu-Rays I haven't watched yet.

EDIT: I jumped on the deal. Thanks OP!
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How good are the movies? I'm having second thoughts now...I heard the movies were horrible (part 2 was a little better I heard, but not by much). Is it worth it at $26?
[quote name='RiCeBo1']How good are the movies? I'm having second thoughts now...I heard the movies were horrible (part 2 was a little better I heard, but not by much). Is it worth it at $26?[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah. AVP:R has some of the finest audio on BD. Out of my 100+ it's probably in my top 10 for audio. Just consider the first one a bonus disc.

I paid $28 for the 2pack when it was released. I definitely got my moneys worth.
[quote name='RiCeBo1']How good are the movies? I'm having second thoughts now...I heard the movies were horrible (part 2 was a little better I heard, but not by much). Is it worth it at $26?[/quote]

Don't worry there aren't any spoilers below. I did cover up one thing just to be safe.

There are so many things wrong with the second movie. For starters it was set in a city. Whose bright idea was that? It's kind of like Resident Evil going from a cool underground city to a normal city to a desert. What's next Resident Evil: Rainforest?
Then there is the fact that they only put one yes ONE, 1, UNO Predator in the movie... I was like "where’s this dudes backup?!?" LOL! I was cracking myself up and yelling at the TV "ET phone home!" when he was getting jumped haha.
The first one with the underground pyramid was freaking sweet, the acting didn't completely suck like it did in the second one, the action was good and kills weren't over the line. With AVP:R I was sitting there like "what the heck was that?" My friend was sitting there shaking his head when the movie was over and said he was glad I only paid $7 for it at Blockbuster.
[quote name='RiCeBo1']How good are the movies? I'm having second thoughts now...I heard the movies were horrible (part 2 was a little better I heard, but not by much). Is it worth it at $26?[/QUOTE]

Just another perspective, the first movie to me was the equivalent of a well done fan-service movie possibly slightly better than those you've seen on youtube. The second was a throw back to the older alien/predator movies being that they used way less CG on the monsters and instead used the old suits and instead focused on new gadgetry and the like. Personally, and speaking for the dozen or so friends and co-workers that have seen both, AVP:R gives hope to the franchise where AVP nearly quashed it.

Excellent price on the set. Get both to experience the contrast.
I heard it's best to hold off until they re-do AVP (something about the current BD not being up to par).

Awesome price tho. I might jump anyway, as I liked the first and have been wanting to see it again in HD (the current version can't be that bad, can it?).
[quote name='Methadon']I heard it's best to hold off until they re-do AVP (something about the current BD not being up to par).

Awesome price tho. I might jump anyway, as I liked the first and have been wanting to see it again in HD (the current version can't be that bad, can it?).[/QUOTE]

I actually enjoyed the second movie in the theater. (it was what it was). I hated the Bluray. It just seemed too damn dark.
[quote name='exRounder']They're both shit.

Someone took me to see the second one and I wanted my time back.[/quote]

Yeah, both movies were pretty bad. On Rotten Tomatoes, the first ended up with a 22%, while the second got a 14%. The first one, at least, had Lance Hendrikson and was something a lot of fans have wanted for a long time (an AvP movie). Compared to Predator and Alien/Aliens, obviously, the first movie was trash, and the second simply poured more salt on the wound.

That being said, for $27, I might just get them for the hell of it.
[quote name='Methadon']I heard it's best to hold off until they re-do AVP (something about the current BD not being up to par).
No,no,no. It's something about getting more money out of your wallet. They are simply adding a useless online feature. There's no new audio. They may relabel the video. But with Anderson's skills AVP is never going to look better.
[quote name='shadowrage']No,no,no. It's something about getting more money out of your wallet. They are simply adding a useless online feature. There's no new audio. They may relabel the video. But with Anderson's skills AVP is never going to look better.[/quote]

Well, I guess that's all I need to grab this. Wonder if I can get my BB to PM Amazon yet (I came close, once).
[quote name='Methadon']Well, I guess that's all I need to grab this. Wonder if I can get my BB to PM Amazon yet (I came close, once).[/QUOTE]
The prices on target.com should be the same. Try to get them to PM a print out from there.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yeah, both movies were pretty bad. On Rotten Tomatoes, the first ended up with a 22%, while the second got a 14%. The first one, at least, had Lance Hendrikson and was something a lot of fans have wanted for a long time (an AvP movie). Compared to Predator and Alien/Aliens, obviously, the first movie was trash, and the second simply poured more salt on the wound.

That being said, for $27, I might just get them for the hell of it.[/QUOTE]

Since when has rotten tomatoes been a good source of review information? Any good action or comedy flick that is bound to make over $100 million and the stupid reviewers give bad scores. Basically, whatever rotten tomatoes says is bad, I will probably like.

Hancock received a "rotten" 37% (awesome action movie)
Get Smart received a "rotten" 52% (very funny movie)
My Winnepeg received a "fresh"96% (WTF???)

Point made.
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Yeah, Rotten Tomatoes is ass on reviews. I hated the Simpsons movie and so did all my friends yet EVERYONE loved it! God, I was ready to get into a fight after I got out of that movie. Though still doesn't stop me from saying both AVP movies were ass. AVP:R we leave behind strong female protagonists and the Governator for a goddamn pizza boy and his street smart brother.

Though even if the movie didn't have them, the movie would've instead just been "AVP2: Predator Janitor Service." Since all the goddamn Predator did in the movie was clean up every goddamn mess with space age WinDex.
Do you even know what Rotten Tomatoes is? It compiles all of the reviews from PROFESSIONAL reviewers. It's another meta-critic. At some point, when everyone else hates something, you have to realize there is a reason for that. It amazes me when people refuse to say, "Well, I like this movie, but I realize it's garbage." The AvP movies were awful...beyond awful...and do nothing but disgrace the original movies. Alien, Aliens, and Predator have more memorable moments in one scene than both of those D movies, at best, have in their entire "story."
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[quote name='tayaf69']Since when has rotten tomatoes been a good source of review information? Any good action or comedy flick that is bound to make over $100 million and the stupid reviewers give bad scores. Basically, whatever rotten tomatoes says is bad, I will probably like.

Hancock received a "rotten" 37% (awesome action movie)
Get Smart received a "rotten" 52% (very funny movie)
My Winnepeg received a "fresh"96% (WTF???)

Point made.[/quote]

So, because you don't agree with PROFESSIONALS, they are wrong, and you are right...make sense. At some point, people need to be able to look at something (movie, game, song, whatever) they like that stinks and be able to admit it. It doesn't diminish anything. I like plenty of things that are garbage. I still enjoy them. I wouldn't pretend they are any good, though.

Anyway, Rotten Tomatoes is another meta-critic. If you want to make sure you are getting truly, truly legit reviews, look at the top critics section.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']So, because you don't agree with PROFESSIONALS, they are wrong, and you are right...make sense. At some point, people need to be able to look at something (movie, game, song, whatever) they like that stinks and be able to admit it. It doesn't diminish anything. I like plenty of things that are garbage. I still enjoy them. I wouldn't pretend they are any good, though.

Anyway, Rotten Tomatoes is another meta-critic. If you want to make sure you are getting truly, truly legit reviews, look at the top critics section.[/QUOTE]

PROFESSIONALS as in losers in high school who watched too many movies and began to think too deeply into them? Ya, I guess you can call them professional.
[quote name='tayaf69']PROFESSIONALS as in losers in high school who watched too many movies and began to think too deeply into them? Ya, I guess you can call them professional.[/quote]

Sometimes, when you don't have any clue what you're talking about, you should just keep quiet, because you make yourself look really stupid. People who write for the major newspapers...yeah, those are called professionals. They actually make money...more money than you...doing something you apparently think you can but can't. You, you're the one who is acting like the high school loser. Sorry, but the opinions of professionals mean a little more than yours. When you wake up to the big world out there, you'll realize that.

As for "thinking too deeply," how do you explain the great reviews from these "losers' for movies like Iron Man or Forgetting Sarah Marshall? Those aren't exactly deep movies. But they are good movies that actually got raving reviews across the board.
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[quote name='tayaf69']PROFESSIONALS as in losers in high school who watched too many movies and began to think too deeply into them? Ya, I guess you can call them professional.[/QUOTE]

Received my 2 pack today, watched AvP:R and I do admit that the movie WAS pretty good. It's a whole lot better than the first movie for sure, but like someone else mentioned earlier, the movie is DARK. And there were parts where the movie's sound cracked. Overall, for $26, it was a good ass deal. Thanks OP!
Can someone up some pics of the set?? I'm hoping they're in separate BR cases. I've been watching this contemplating the purchase but I'll have a problem with the way they're packaged if they're not separated.

[quote name='blk00civicsi']Can someone up some pics of the set?? I'm hoping they're in separate BR cases. I've been watching this contemplating the purchase but I'll have a problem with the way they're packaged if they're not separated.


I don't have any pix, but it does have it's own seperate packaging. It's basically it's the original packaging as if you were going to buy them seperate, but it has an extra sleeve on the outside to hold the 2 cases together. Hoped this made sense to ya.
I thought both of these movies were "fun." I am not sure what people were expecting, but they are fairly consistent with the series. Predator (1) was good, but really cheesy. Predator 2 was not very good, but I still enjoyed it. Between the six movies P1 and 2, Alien 1-4, only the first two Alien movies are standouts.

I bought this when it released for $28 and they are both good popcorn movie viewing experiences.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']Can someone up some pics of the set?? I'm hoping they're in separate BR cases. I've been watching this contemplating the purchase but I'll have a problem with the way they're packaged if they're not separated.


You get 2 seperate BDs inside a cardboard sleeve that holds both cases. Just like the Resident Evil & Spiderman trilogy sets that included 3 separate normal BDs inside a cardboard case. Feel free to throw away the cardboard sleeve and have them look like any other normal BD.

If anybody is looking for a B&M deal on this, FYE has it for $35.99 on their website ($31.99 member price), which I then had Best Buy PM so I could use some rewards certs.
[quote name='Methadon']You get 2 seperate BDs inside a cardboard sleeve that holds both cases. Just like the Resident Evil & Spiderman trilogy sets that included 3 separate normal BDs inside a cardboard case. Feel free to throw away the cardboard sleeve and have them look like any other normal BD.

If anybody is looking for a B&M deal on this, FYE has it for $35.99 on their website ($31.99 member price), which I then had Best Buy PM so I could use some rewards certs.[/quote]

Thanks. I was thinking about the different Spidey sets out there. One with 3 separate discs and one case with three discs.

Thanks again for everyone's help.
bread's done