Avtivison= the Next EA


1 (100%)
Well looks like Activison is going along the game lines as EA, with a focus on Quantity over Quality. In the Jamuary edition of Game Informer it staes that Actvison aquired Vivendi, the first thing it did was stop production on some of the most antipated games of the Year such as Gohst busters and Brutal Legand. When Activison CEO Bobby Kotick was asked why his answer was simple acording to him the games dident "Have potential to by exploited evrey year..."
If you find your thoughts so important you just have to make a new thread to share them with us, for fuck's sake, at least spell the title right.

Jamuary? Honestly?
I'm sorry, I know Ghostbusters is going to have a huge following for a game and have sales (and be some people's game of 2009), but realistically, this is not going to be a huge sales game. This isn't a Halo/GTA type seller. People act like this is an outrage that this game gets put on hold, is back, etc.

Here is a newsflash, game companies are businesses. They want to make money. Franchises that you can release small updates to and re-sell for huge profits make more money. If this bothers you greatly, it's really you (meaning gamers) faults this happens. Stop buying games that have endless sequals, even if they are some of the best games made.

There are 2 ways to really rake in money as a publisher.

1) Make great games, and release sequals to huge sales (the Halo, GTA model)

2) Have a huge license, and release adequate - good games exploiting the license (like the Harry Potter games).

It Activision pulls it off, more power to them. If they can't oh well. EA gets tons of flack, but many of their games are pretty good, which is why they sell.
[quote name='bardockkun']Isn't this old news? Like two month old kinda news or possibly more.

And Ninja Dog beat me to the punch...[/quote]
We've not seen it put into words quite this eloquently yet.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I wonder if he accidentally spelled his screen name wrong when signing up too?[/QUOTE]

Maybe he'll log out and then forget how to spell his username and never return :pray:
Wow thanks for the clever insight that no-one else has thought of before. Your statement is not entirely accurate, anyways. It should say "Activision = the next EA (circa 2002, back when EA sucked)," because EA is currently awesome, and Activision is most definitely not.

Activision fucking sucks. Guitar Hero sucks, Tony Hawk sucks (and it's going to be pathetically hilarious when the next Tony Hawk comes out, and it's a fuckin clone of Skate), Dreamworks licensed games suck, Spiderman sucks, Quantum of Solace sucks. Everything they have slated for this year will assuredly suck.

EA is awesome. Skate is awesome, Dead Space is awesome, Command & Conquer is awesome, Burnout is awesome, Rock Band is awesome, Battlefield is awesome, Mirror's Edge is awesome. Brutal Legend looks awesome. Dragon Age looks awesome. Henry Hatsworth looks awesome. Rage looks awesome.

Activision also sucks because they are hellbent on destroying Brutal Legend, the developer Double Fine, and the director Tim Schafer himself. First, they officially dropped the game following the Vivendi merger, and made it publicly obvious that they wanted nothing to do with it (or any of Sierra's other properties, except Crash, Spyro, and Prototype). Then, they interfered with Double Fine trying to find a new publisher, seemingly out of spite. And now that Double Fine has finally and thankfully secured a new publisher in EA, Activision has come out of nowhere and threatened to sue EA, trying to prevent them from publishing the game, claiming that they believed that they were still in negotiations with Double Fine about the game. Utter bullshit, as they repeatedly made announcements that they were dropping it (along with Ghostbusters, Riddick, etc). It's fucking bizarre, because it looks like they seriously have it in for the game, and are just out to destroy Double Fine, perhaps because they are jealous of how fucking awesome Tim Schafer, his studio, and his games are.

[quote name='Jek Porkins']Uh... Activision = the current EA.[/QUOTE]
No, because the current EA is awesome. :D
I love the tracks by Lead Zeppelin and Molting Crew.
[quote name='ninja dog']Super Lario Bros. and Guitar Savior[/quote]
[quote name='Kayden']If you find your thoughts so important you just have to make a new thread to share them with us, for fuck's sake, at least spell the title right.

Jamuary? Honestly?[/quote]

LOL, just look at the rest of the guy's Engrish. Poor guy can't help it, Engrish is his second language...though I'd hate to see his first.
No, he's obviously just an idiot, most likely a troll.

He made a thread about something everyone's known for weeks.
He hasn't posted at all in the thread after making it. (Not that I blame him.)
Everything he spelled wrong is a typo; he doesn't mangle anything, he just transposes characters or hits the key next to the one he wants. His punctuation is pathetic, but almost everyone in the US is an idiot anyways.

All-in-all, his grammar is fair, but he's a lazy typist with nothing original to say.
[quote name='karkyco']LOL, just look at the rest of the guy's Engrish. Poor guy can't help it, Engrish is his second language...though I'd hate to see his first.[/quote]
[quote name='Kayden']No, he's obviously just an idiot, most likely a troll.

He made a thread about something everyone's known for weeks.
He hasn't posted at all in the thread after making it. (Not that I blame him.)
Everything he spelled wrong is a typo; he doesn't mangle anything, he just transposes characters or hits the key next to the one he wants. His punctuation is pathetic, but almost everyone in the US is an idiot anyways.

All-in-all, his grammar is fair, but he's a lazy typist with nothing original to say.[/quote]

Not not a troll, this is just the first time, I've been on since posting the topic. Also woulden't call my self a lazy typist exactly, I just hunt, and peck. I know this isen't much better, but oh well.

To addres sthe genral responese I got to this......other than my spelling is well sorry for me for just finding out about this. By the way my usernameis not spelt wrong it's to names together. Kuro(Dark) Kubushi(samuri) I personally ddien't know.
While I admit, my crack at EA is a little off base due to the impressive games it has released lately, I was merly commenting that it relys heavly on yearly titles,

Also one last point to the guy who called me a "sheep who will probally buy Call of Duty: MW 2" Your right, I probally will, but thats because It's made by Infinity Ward, and not Tryarc, Witch means it will actually be good.

Well thats about all I have to say so continue with your flaming, and If any of you can manage to bring up a point that hasent been said 3 or 4 times allready, I'll reply to it.
bread's done