Awesome New

[quote name='Finess']I can't even get on there anymore, I logged out and came back and now I keep getting "No app instances configured" is that.

It is kinda on the "If it's too good to be true, it's a scam" side. Hope not though...I'll just file everything under Beta problems till someone comes with hard proof.[/QUOTE]

Clear your cache and restart your browser.
I won't scream "scam" just yet, but I am skeptical due to how easy it is to get points. I just got 20 points doing absolutely nothing and that is suppose to convert to 20 dollars?

I guess we'll find out sooner or later.
make sure to check your spam, and be patient.
as long as nobody else sends u an invite, u will probably get it (multiple invites = no email)
If it does turn out to be a scam what are they doing? Hit and run and get all your personal information out? I would love an invite if someone have one but i'll sit on this for a while since it does seem a little too easy.
If it is a scam, whoever made the site should go into web design. Its a hot looking website.

I can send out invites aswell. Just PM me.
I can't help but feel like the point values on these prizes are WAY too low for them to survive, which leads me to believe scam. But GOD it looks nice, and I don't see what my email addy and a zip code can hurt, so I signed up anyway. Thanks life.exe!

Also able to send out invites now. PM me your email if ya want it.
[quote name='DarkTang']That's why it seems somewhat legit. It's actually really hard to get PTZ besides that first game[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but how is members answering a random question everyday earning them money to give out prizes?
I have a hunch that they're gonna be selling the questions they ask as survey data, and probably be dropping ads onto the site later on once they have a decent base to support them. Can't sell ads if advertisers don't see any site traffic. Collect Underpants -> Offer Prizes -> Build traffic -> Sell ads -> ? -> Profit!
[quote name='Mirpkered']I received an invite! Thank you!

Unfortunately they seem to be out of everything though.[/QUOTE]

It's a new site, still in the early stages, from what I can tell. I don't think it's that they're "out" as much as they've "never been stocked". If everything is legit, it should go live by October, which should be enough time to gain some ptz to use :)
[quote name='MuzykMann']I'm starting to feel like we should move this whole thread to the referrals section. Mods? Opinions?[/QUOTE]

I'm not a mod, but I fully agree with you. It's now become a race to get free referrals.

With probably everyone who has posted in here telling everyone to PM them for referrals, you'd think enough people would be able to get in on this already. I guess not, people keep feeling the need and urge to post "PM ME for referrals!". No. There's enough. Hell, there's enough people from the first page to send out referrals to everyone. Just stop it already, please.

This entire topic has becomes just post after post, "PM ME for referrals!!!".
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']This entire topic has becomes just post after post, "PM ME for referrals!!!".[/QUOTE]

PM ME for referrals!!1!
I'm here for lightning fast invites through PMing me too, but this is getting out of hand. If a mod sees this, move it to referral central, it doesn't exactly fit on this board.
Site is working fine for me, if you're having trouble getting your referral link to work, replace the ip at the beginning of the address with If anybody needs an invite, just pm me with your email and I'll send you one asap
[quote name='Sdawg']Site is working fine for me, if you're having trouble getting your referral link to work, replace the ip at the beginning of the address with [/QUOTE]

Got my invite to work this way as well. And of course, i'm joining the hundreds of others that are sending out invites via PM ;)
bread's done