Awkward situation at GS: who was the a$$ clown in this scenario?


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Went to Gamestop looking for Virtua Fighter 4 Evo. Found the actual case and book on the shelves in really mint condition. Took it to counter, employee takes it and places it behind the counter. He didn't even say "Hi" or "Find everything?" He then reaches into the bins and takes out a crapped out version with a bent case and all (not even sure it had the book) and before he even has the chance to ring it, I say "Can I have that case (signifying the one I took of the shelves)?" He turns around without saying anything then remarks "I don't see what the difference is..." I replied, "It's a nicer case..."

Without speaking, he again reaches into the bins and tells me he'll try to find me a better one. He shows it to me like RIGHT IN MY FACE as a disrespect and says in an in-your-face tone, "How's this one?" I paused, then answered "Can't I just have THAT one?" He sighs loud as heck! Then proceeds to give me what I need.

But that's not all. He looks at my EB Edge card and says that the barcode is faded (I'm sure all of ours are) and he can't give it to me. I tell him that the other gamestop just punched it in when I bought Capcom Vs SNK 2 the other day. He "tries" it and says nope, sorry. I just quickly said "Whatever, I'll just pay for it." And left.

Who was wrong, my fellow jury?
he sounds like a douche. definitely glitter the store and throw a flaming bag of poop behind the counter.
You are wrong...never go into a gamestop or eb for used games. Really though it sounds like that guy needs a beating. Did you at least knock over a magazine rack?
As much as we all hate GS/EB on these forums, it seems like this was more a case of an employee who either hates his job or life (or both) and just doesn't give a shit what customers feel. You could run into this type of person working any retail job. Either way, he was the asshole.
you know if someone like that would have gave out a loud "sigh" or shove things in my face, I would have said this to him "You know with that additute, I think you should go ahead and give your manager your two weeks notice because you don't have the nessasary people skills for this job. Heck let me go ahead and contact your manager for you and let him know that you didn't even bother to ask me for trades, or pre orders like a normal employee would do." Then later on Call his manager.
man, you should have stuck your Edge card in his face. respond to hostility with hostility, more than likely the other guy will bitch out. or call his manager to complain. both are fun, but only one might get your ass kicked.

to take it up a notch, space out your complaints over a couple of weeks, and call from different numbers/have your friends call.
With all the bitching that these stores get I've never ran into any real assholes. I figured that with so many bad experiences, the probability of running into a situation like this myself would be fairly high.

I kinda wish I would face this, it'd be a nice change from the usually helpful staff. I have to be reserved in those situations.

At the least you should've not paid for it at all. Aren't used game sales one of the factors in whether or not an employee keeps their job there?
You were wrong for allowing him to complete a transaction without using your Edge card - you paid for it, and it's your right to use it.

I also hope that you do call the manager - the clerk's name ought to be on your receipt. If you don't report him, you're doing a disservice to everyone else who shops there.
Screw the manager, go right to the district manager!

Cut out the middleman, yeah...

Better chance of a free game that way.
[quote name='keithp']Screw the manager, go right to the district manager![/quote]

Agreed, the store manager would probably just have a talk with him about it. While the district manager can fire his ass for that type of customer service.
You were wrong: do not ask things such as: "may I have the good one since I'm buying it?"

tell the employee: "I want a good copy, please." No question, no smartarse response from the employee.

Still be polite, but never give them the power to choose the answer, that's simply too much for them to handle. By telling them what they must do for your sale, it makes it easier for both of you.

BTW, if an employee gives their opinion such as "I don't see the difference", then it's time to take it up a notch. Use their dumb comments against them (still being polite, of course). Simply say: "I'm sorry you can't see very well, would you like me to help you find your glasses, or should I have a manager assist you in our transaction?".

Remember: Polite + rude = sarcasm only to those with higher IQ's or the freedom to retaliate. Employees never have both.

Secret weapon: use the term "son" or "kid" when they begin backtalking. It'll bring a smile to your mind every time you say it to them. The term "sir" should only be reserved for management.
Yeah, complain to the DM and email him a copy of the receipt and your Edge card. Tell him that you'll never shop at any EB again and you'll make it a point to tell other people about the shitty service at his stores.
Posted by Nintendokid
Went to Gamestop looking for Virtua Fighter 4 Evo.

Well there's your problem right there!

On a serious note, guy sounds like a douche, and the advice in this thread is pretty priceless. I know I'm taking notes to use in the future.
I work at a GS myself and I agree with everyone else, that dude was a total douchebag.

Look on the reciept for his initials and call up the store and ask for the manager. Tell him what happened and tell him the time and date of the incident. If the guy really did push the game into your face, tell him that it would be on camera. Hopefully the manager is competent and will check.

The guy deserves a write up at least.
[quote name='keithp']Screw the manager, go right to the district manager!

Cut out the middleman, yeah...

Better chance of a free game that way.[/QUOTE]

true, he might be banging the manager.
from my experiance its impossible to get a hold of a DM..... The usual excuse I get is, "Oh we are in the middle of a merger so thats why its taking so long". Now there is a chance that no camera was taping the situation because if it was, then he wouldn't have done that shit. You know the Glitter method would have been good right about now.
[quote name='ITDEFX']YEA that ass clown[/quote]

that no-talent assclown!

you show much better restraint than i. i probably would've asked him to come outside, or at the very least, insulted him to tears.
fuck that A$$ clown!! hes in the wrong!!! He probably wanted the fucking game himself and was so fucking stupid to put it aside when he got to work and thats why he tried to switch cases like 3 different times......fuck him he makes us employees look for the edge card.....if it worked at another store he must have punched in the wrong numbers.....and was pissed cuz you got what he wanted and he just decided to not punch in the right numbers......all you have to do bro is go to an EB and tell them you need them to reprint you a sticker....theyll be able to reprint you one.
fuck THAT GUY MAN!!!
[quote name='yashiroae86']fuck that A$$ clown!! hes in the wrong!!! He probably wanted the fucking game himself and was so fucking stupid to put it aside when he got to work and thats why he tried to switch cases like 3 different times......fuck him he makes us employees look for the edge card.....if it worked at another store he must have punched in the wrong numbers.....and was pissed cuz you got what he wanted and he just decided to not punch in the right numbers......all you have to do bro is go to an EB and tell them you need them to reprint you a sticker....theyll be able to reprint you one.

Settle down.
[quote name='yashiroae86']fuck that A$$ clown!! hes in the wrong!!! He probably wanted the fucking game himself and was so fucking stupid to put it aside when he got to work and thats why he tried to switch cases like 3 different times......fuck him he makes us employees look for the edge card.....if it worked at another store he must have punched in the wrong numbers.....and was pissed cuz you got what he wanted and he just decided to not punch in the right numbers......all you have to do bro is go to an EB and tell them you need them to reprint you a sticker....theyll be able to reprint you one.

Settle down BEAVIS!!
i'd walk into the store with a 2 liter of diet coke and a roll of mentos, combine them, and run
[quote name='jer7583']i'd walk into the store with a 2 liter of diet coke and a roll of mentos, combine them, and run[/quote]

no reason to ruin the store, it's the dick working there who needs to get his due.
The answer, from this juror, is that you're wrong if you keep going to that place. Employees act like jerks everywhere, even in places well beyond the realm of CAG. You don't like it, vote with your wallet. It's not that hard either, I've got places on my boycott list. (not like it matters in the grand scheme of things, but if it keeps you out of situations like this, why not ;p)

Card snafus are particularly common around places. I had an issue over that with, of all places, the public library system. I'd had a card for five years that was starting to go, and at one branch an employee threatened to refuse to check items out to me because it took him too long to scan the card. He recommended getting a replacement, and said they couldn't do it there. (BS, all the libraries can issue new cards) Later on, at a different branch, I decided to replace the card and the employee there was like "o.0; Why? It doesn't look bad at all." Some people just don't know how to do their job. Unfortunately, that's a constant. What matters is how you respond to it. If I let every asshole employee bother me, I'll die of a heart attack before I turn thirty.
[quote name='jer7583']i'd walk into the store with a 2 liter of diet coke and a roll of mentos, combine them, and run[/QUOTE]

I think the local police can consider that a BOMB :( Then the FBI might charge you with a terrorist like act then your screwed :(
Hell, at my regular GS, I always ask to check the disk before I buy it. That and make sure the othe stuff is fine, and I've never had a problem. Only time I've had a problem is when I got my xbox and was looking for the advanced AV pack. Of all 3 people on shift at that time, they had no fucking clue what it was.

Other than that, I honestly wouldn't have bought it from them
That sucks. I know at my store I can not stand jacked up cases. If the case is not in good condition (ie there is no residue, stickers, or worn out parts), I toss it and get a new case for it. As someone who takes pride in the way the store looks, and also as a gamer, I want my stuff to look good. If a customer wants to see the disk we show it. I think people who work in customer focused jobs forget why they are there, for them, not us. If you take care of them, you get paid. If you don't you loose your job (sometimes it takes longer than it should).
[quote name='mer71']Wouldn't kicking the magazine rack been the best reaction?[/quote]

that's like if i came to your house and hung out with you and your friends, and one of them pissed me off, so i knocked over your TV.
[quote name='allyourblood']that's like if i came to your house and hung out with you and your friends, and one of them pissed me off, so i knocked over your TV.[/quote] hey allyourblood, I think you missed the "magazine rack incident" from a while back. Everytime someone has a problem with EB/Gamestop, you always see at least 5 responses about the magazine rack. Someone needs to put that on the CAGwiki! I can't remember all the details, but someone kicked over a magazine rack one time, and it has lived on in infamy ever since
call the customer service number, which should be printed on the receipt, and tell them about what happened. they'll contact the DM who will contact the SM who will then have to find a solution to the problem.
[quote name='xmrblondex']hey allyourblood, I think you missed the "magazine rack incident" from a while back. Everytime someone has a problem with EB/Gamestop, you always see at least 5 responses about the magazine rack. Someone needs to put that on the CAGwiki! I can't remember all the details, but someone kicked over a magazine rack one time, and it has lived on in infamy ever since

actually, this sounds familiar. i think i read it. weird what people latch onto these days, as is most stuff on the internet.
[quote name='Kuros']I work at a GS myself and I agree with everyone else, that dude was a total douchebag.

Look on the reciept for his initials and call up the store and ask for the manager. Tell him what happened and tell him the time and date of the incident.[/QUOTE]

I work at one too. That guy sounds like a dick.

Plus, if it's a converted store, their full first name should be on the reciept, right under the date/time and other such information. Otherwise, on the older style GS reciepts, the initials will be the last text between the top two thick black lines.

Definately go to to manager about this, and possibly the DM. That's unexcusable behavior.
Yea that is BS, I have had EB/GS stores try to deny my saver card because the barcode was faded. fuck that, glitter bag that bitch in the face or if you don't want to go to jail contact the Manager and explain, if need be contact the DM.
[quote name='eldad9']That is kind of gay.[/quote]
People in this thread tend to use "fag" and "gay" quite a lot in a derogatory manner. I'm starting to wonder whether if we are either in the sixth grade, or don't understand that people who have a different sexual preference than your own is normal.

Either way, I'd call the kid's manager and get him written up.
well i wasn't literally saying mentos bomb the place. Maybe you could aim the mentos bomb at douchebag when he goes outside for a break or something.
[quote name='nathansu']People in this thread tend to use "fag" and "gay" quite a lot in a derogatory manner. I'm starting to wonder whether if we are either in the sixth grade, or don't understand that people who have a different sexual preference than your own is normal.

Either way, I'd call the kid's manager and get him written up.[/QUOTE]

I assure you I have never used the first word except to refer to a cigarette, and have never used the second in a derogatory way. I don't even see how anybody can be against gay marriage and still think of themselves as decent people.

However, I maintain that the word I used was used correctly and in context. If you don't agree, please re-read the post I replied to.
[quote name='nintendokid']Who was wrong, my fellow jury?[/QUOTE]

Doesn't gamestop let you return used games if there's something wrong?

I'd return it, then rebuy it with the card. Maybe at another store if possible. Well, I would never have purchased it without the discount in the first place, but never mind that now.
bread's done