Awsome cooking lessons from a special friend

I'm sorry but :rofl: to justify that laugh I'm a cook. I would never eat a damned thing he cooked. He went from touching raw meat to lettuce without washing his hands.

"We gonna to cook chicken today. First thing we got is chicken. You don't want no fat on the chicken."

um, homeboy I think you've seen animal fat before.
He said yicky. lmao. Best part: The salad is the most important part of the day because it's easy to do.

BTW--This guy reminds me of Regal.
[quote name='evilmax17']Was this a public access show or something?[/QUOTE]

Yes its from the 80's. On the positive side he cut off all the "bad ends."
Plus I don't think E-coli, and salmonella had its huge outbreak until the early 90's. I could be wrong on that
I actually gagged when he put the lettuce on the cutting board that had the chicken on it.

Nevermind the fact that he didn't wash his hands and who knows how long that chichen was on the board, under the lights, before he got to it.

Also factor in the fact that he has some from of retardation, salmonella certainly aint gonna help.
bread's done