Backward-compatible PS3?


Is this it for reals? My brother is shopping for an 80GB Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle with the backward-compatibility, and he's coming up with nothing. Are they really all gone? Anyone think Sony might actually relent and make them again?
I think the Motorstorm pack also had backwards compatibility. You can find them new, but they are at least $600. For that money, you could buy an 80GB ($400 or less) and a new PS2 and still be ahead.
In New York City there's a chain opening that is originally from the UK, named CEX. Their website is They sell 80GB backwards compatible systems *used* around $450, which kinda sucks but they give a 1-year warranty on the system, so that kinda makes up for it. I think that's the way my bro is going...
Check the model #'s listed on the Wikipedia page, so you'll know if they're being truthful or not. The main thing that seems to be correct is that a BC-capable system will have 4 USB ports, and non-BC-capable systems will only have 2.
[quote name='jling84']Anyone know if the upcoming FF7:AC PS3 will have software backwards compatibility?[/QUOTE]
no since sony stopped the production of BC PS3
bread's done