Bad News: No Preorder at GS


[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Gamestop will not be taking any pre-orders for Wii or PS3 consoles according to Steve Morgan’s (president of Gamestop) shock announcement at this year's annual sales conference. "The great thing is there is a lot of demand. But launch is one day. And really the key to this business is what flows after the launch. We did learn a lesson last year. I think the lesson is caution and optimism at the same time." (Steve Morgan, president of Gamestop)
Last year Gamestop received widespread criticism, when the company took in more [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Xbox [/FONT][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]360[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] pre-orders than they could fulfil. If one were to look at this year's launch figures, one would see that a similar situation is just waiting to happen.
The PlayStation 3 arrives in North America on November 17 and according to [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Sony[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR], there will be only 400,000 units available at launch. Around 1 million Wii Units will be hitting the shelves on November 19.
So it seems that standing in-line will once again be the theme in 06.

It mention it on October 3rd :bomb:....

[quote name='Michaellvortega']I don't get how that's true if this was announced at the managers conference, when we have multiple GS/EB managers telling us otherwise.[/QUOTE]

Those were not true. One of my buddies was at the conference and he told me the same thing that the article the OP posted is stating.
I wouldn't be surprised if they had first-come, first served in stores, and crazy bundles online.
If its first come first serve for stores I'm not even going to bother. When I went to get MGS3: LE from there, I was waiting all day, they finally get them in and handed one to each of the employee's there.

Only reason I eventually got on was because I threatened to report them.

I was counting on them to at least have a preorder, even though I was hoping for something at TRU. I figured between the two of them one would work out, but now it's looking exceedingly likely that on launch day I'll have 2 games and no Wii.

Help me Geoffrey. You're my only hope.
[quote name='whoknows']If its first come first serve for stores I'm not even going to bother. When I went to get MGS3: LE from there, I was waiting all day, they finally get them in and handed one to each of the employee's there.

Only reason I eventually got on was because I threatened to report them.[/quote]I believe will get them first and help their friends and family and whoever's close them get them first.
I wonder how the stores in the mall are going to handle this. Are the malls going to allow people to camp out all night outside the stores? If not, then you have the issue of people waiting outside the mall all night and there are multiple entrances and you deal with people trying to run to be the first at the store when they open., and I think will be doing preorders.. also, FYE is currently doing pre orders. Just like I read on a board on "the whole gaming world doesn't revolve around GS/EB", there's still a lot of options that you can look into to increase your chances of getting one. Just have to be on the lookout for updates...
[quote name='Thomas96'], and I think will be doing preorders.. also, FYE is currently doing pre orders. Just like I read on a board on "the whole gaming world doesn't revolve around GS/EB", there's still a lot of options that you can look into to increase your chances of getting one. Just have to be on the lookout for updates...[/QUOTE]
[quote name='D4rkN1ght']WHEN AND HOW DOES THAT WORK!?!?![/QUOTE]

Well if it's anything like the 360, you'll be able to buy a PS3 with two games, an extra controller, the memory card adapter, a collectible drink koozie, three different PS3 skinz, a rumble vest, 50000 points for microtransactions, and a collectible key chain all for the low, low price of what all that shit would normally cost if you bought it seperately.

Seriously though, PS3 pre-orders will start popping up anywhere from next week to right up to launch through websites. There is no set time period or rhyme or reason to when these will appear. They just will. Be prepared to drop at least $700 (my guess is it'll be closer to $800) for a bundle though unless you are really, really lucky.
Gamestop will probably try to screw people with its online bundles again. Silver bundle 800, Gold bundle 1000, Titanium bundle 1500, Adamantium bundle 2000, Cryptonite bundle 3000. Its more than guaranteed that they will take pre-orders online since they can screw peolple into these bundles.
[quote name='foo33333'][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Gamestop will not be taking any pre-orders for Wii or PS3 consoles according to Steve Morgan’s (president of Gamestop) shock announcement at this year's annual sales conference. "The great thing is there is a lot of demand. But launch is one day. And really the key to this business is what flows after the launch. We did learn a lesson last year. I think the lesson is caution and optimism at the same time." (Steve Morgan, president of Gamestop)
Last year Gamestop received widespread criticism, when the company took in more [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Xbox [/FONT][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]360[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] pre-orders than they could fulfil. If one were to look at this year's launch figures, one would see that a similar situation is just waiting to happen.
The PlayStation 3 arrives in North America on November 17 and according to [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Sony[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR], there will be only 400,000 units available at launch. Around 1 million Wii Units will be hitting the shelves on November 19.
So it seems that standing in-line will once again be the theme in 06.

It mention it on October 3rd :bomb:....


I think his words were taken out of context. I have a good friend who is a Gamestop manager and he went to that conference, but he had a different story when he came back. Yes, Steve Morgan made those comments, but he was making them to ease the minds of people that feared that there would be a shortage at launch. The company line was that Gamestop/EB were going to be taken preorders for both systems within the next 10 days.

They got an exclusive on the WII demo kiosk...don't you think they will parlay that into some great preorder scheme? Nintendo has basically negotiated a deal to get prime space for their WII Points cards so I'm pretty sure if anyone does preorders, Gamestop will be the one doing them.

All the other stores that are taking preorders already, cannot guarantee you a system.
[quote name='anubis20']Gamestop will probably try to screw people with its online bundles again. Silver bundle 800, Gold bundle 1000, Titanium bundle 1500, Adamantium bundle 2000, Cryptonite bundle 3000. Its more than guaranteed that they will take pre-orders online since they can screw peolple into these bundles.[/quote]


The Best Bundle was the one that included a HDTV!
[quote name='D4rkN1ght']WHEN AND HOW DOES THAT WORK!?!?![/QUOTE]

Wallmart on their website, just added(a week or two ago) a link -

where you could enter your email so that you could be notified when they take preorders online. I don't know if it's a bundle or anything.

FYE.. is taking preorders, and they are going to force you to buy a bundle though, but as of right now, they don't even know what's going to be included in the bundle.

There was a rumor on gamefaqs that had started their preorders for ps3s, and then the site crashed.. so anyway when the site came back up, and after people had called customer service it was found that no preorders had begun, however did update their website with some general preorder information. They're worth checking out from time to time though...
[quote name='furyk']Well if it's anything like the 360, you'll be able to buy a PS3 with two games, an extra controller, the memory card adapter, a collectible drink koozie, three different PS3 skinz, a rumble vest, 50000 points for microtransactions, and a collectible key chain all for the low, low price of what all that shit would normally cost if you bought it seperately.

Seriously though, PS3 pre-orders will start popping up anywhere from next week to right up to launch through websites. There is no set time period or rhyme or reason to when these will appear. They just will. Be prepared to drop at least $700 (my guess is it'll be closer to $800) for a bundle though unless you are really, really lucky.[/QUOTE]

Bestbuy policy is not to force people to purchase bundles, they apologized for the 360 bundle mess. Hopefully that doesn't come up again.
[quote name='Thomas96'], and I think will be doing preorders.. also, FYE is currently doing pre orders. Just like I read on a board on "the whole gaming world doesn't revolve around GS/EB", there's still a lot of options that you can look into to increase your chances of getting one. Just have to be on the lookout for updates...[/QUOTE]

Thank-you for being the voice of reason. If anyone is planning on pre-ordering a PS3 from Gamestop, you're almost certainly going to get dicked into a shitty bundle. Definitely keep your eyes out for what Best Buy/Circuit City/Wal-Mart are doing.

Let's crunch some numbers. 400,000 launch units for the PS3 in America. If you divide that up by 50 (for the 50 states in our union), that's just 8,000 systems per state. Logically, nobody expects, say, California to settle for just 8,000 units. So, a bulk of those systems will go to states with major metro areas (Los Angeles, CA; New York, NY; Chicago, IL). That being said, people living in states like Kansas (myself) or even Rhode Island will be getting the short-end of the stick. It's part of that supply and demand principle, where the masses are fed first, and the demand dictates the price.

Expect Gamstop to rape you ... without lubricant.
The big thing for GS/EB/GameCrazy/other smaller stores is the attach rate. They don't make money off of the system. They make money off of games and the skinz and all that. BB/CC/Fry's/Wal-Mart can absorb those losses because they sell all the other stuff. Their inventory is diversified, so they don't need the attach rate. Besides, if you're in one of those stores, there's a chance you might go shopping for something else, like deodorant or garbage bags.

EB/GS bundles might not be appealing to CAGs, but if you want to guarantee one without having to sit in line for 12 hours or more, it's worth it.
I didn't bother with the 360 so I'm not sure........ did Best Buy finally do pre-orders for it?

All my recent past systems consisted of me camping out in front of Best Buy for the night.
I feel safer waiting in line.... I hope BB doesn't do the pre-order thing.
[quote name='jaso']Thank-you for being the voice of reason. If anyone is planning on pre-ordering a PS3 from Gamestop, you're almost certainly going to get dicked into a shitty bundle. Definitely keep your eyes out for what Best Buy/Circuit City/Wal-Mart are doing.

Let's crunch some numbers. 400,000 launch units for the PS3 in America. If you divide that up by 50 (for the 50 states in our union), that's just 8,000 systems per state. Logically, nobody expects, say, California to settle for just 8,000 units. So, a bulk of those systems will go to states with major metro areas (Los Angeles, CA; New York, NY; Chicago, IL). That being said, people living in states like Kansas (myself) or even Rhode Island will be getting the short-end of the stick. It's part of that supply and demand principle, where the masses are fed first, and the demand dictates the price.

Expect Gamstop to rape you ... without lubricant.[/quote]I called best buy and they say they weren't taking pre orders for it and the man told me you'll have to wait in line for one.
If eb/gs do that bundle crap, I might as well be looking forward to be camping out bestbuy,because I'm not spending 700 to 800 for a game system. And does anybody know when it's a good time to start camping out eastern time?
[quote name='Thomas96']Bestbuy policy is not to force people to purchase bundles, they apologized for the 360 bundle mess. Hopefully that doesn't come up again.[/QUOTE]

They apologized for selling bundles in store. Their online orders were all bundles.
[quote name='lacosteboi07']If eb/gs do that bundle crap, I might as well be looking forward to be camping out bestbuy,because I'm not spending 700 to 800 for a game system. And does anybody know when it's a good time to start camping out eastern time?[/quote]

Go now! ;)

Just Kidding...According to another fourm, if you're interested in the Wii, they should be plentiful, so I would expect you would be able to walk up at a 24 hour walmart around midnight and get one. It's my plan.
[quote name='Number83']Go now! ;)

Just Kidding...According to another fourm, if you're interested in the Wii, they should be plentiful, so I would expect you would be able to walk up at a 24 hour walmart around midnight and get one. It's my plan.[/QUOTE]

I remember when NGC came out the 24 hour walmart by me only got 10. I had to sleep out side toysRus to get one.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']I remember when NGC came out the 24 hour walmart by me only got 10. I had to sleep out side toysRus to get one.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I stopped by my Best Buy around noon on launch day and got a cube. Two days earlier, I stopped by around the same time and was the first person to not get an xbox(the person standing behind me yelled first and took the last xbox when the BB guy asked who was there for one.)
Good. Better they not try at all then repeat than 360 bullshit from last year. To those who haveta' wait for one - play your backlog til you find one. That's what I did til I found my 360.
[quote name='pinoy530']Wow, I stopped by my Best Buy around noon on launch day and got a cube. Two days earlier, I stopped by around the same time and was the first person to not get an xbox(the person standing behind me yelled first and took the last xbox when the BB guy asked who was there for one.)[/quote]Yes, I remember those days,but now it's seem impossible to get your hands on a game console on launch day these days and I def don't want no kiddy nintendo wii either.
[quote name='jaso']Thank-you for being the voice of reason. If anyone is planning on pre-ordering a PS3 from Gamestop, you're almost certainly going to get dicked into a shitty bundle. Definitely keep your eyes out for what Best Buy/Circuit City/Wal-Mart are doing.

Let's crunch some numbers. 400,000 launch units for the PS3 in America. If you divide that up by 50 (for the 50 states in our union), that's just 8,000 systems per state. Logically, nobody expects, say, California to settle for just 8,000 units. So, a bulk of those systems will go to states with major metro areas (Los Angeles, CA; New York, NY; Chicago, IL). That being said, people living in states like Kansas (myself) or even Rhode Island will be getting the short-end of the stick. It's part of that supply and demand principle, where the masses are fed first, and the demand dictates the price.

Expect Gamstop to rape you ... without lubricant.[/quote]
I'm pretty sure the 400,000 units for America includes Canada, so I would expect at least 30,000 units going to them.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I'm pretty sure the 400,000 units for America includes Canada, so I would expect at least 30,000 units going to them.[/QUOTE]

Good point.
We'll probably see closer to 50,000 as, even though we're about 12% of the US population, it's all concentrated in big cities. While I would assume Bob's House of Vidyea Games in Lower Podunk isn't going to see any launch systems, TRU, WalMart, EBs, Best Buy and the other cross-border megashops will.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']I don't get how that's true if this was announced at the managers conference, when we have multiple GS/EB managers telling us otherwise.[/quote] The manager of my store told me they weren't taking pre-orders. BTW, you think 3pm will be early enough to get there?

Anyone know if Bestbuy or Walmart is doing a midnight launch?
I talk to my local EBgames manager and he really has no idea if they will be doing pre-orders for the PS3. He thinks the probability is likely but he has no concrete evidence. I really think it could vary store to store but most stores won't be taking pre-orders. I think I'm going to have to look elsewhere for one, maybe CC, BB, TRU, or Walmart.
bread's done