Bag of Crap

This is a strange one b/c it's lasting so long... maybe woot realized how much more $ they could make if they just let it run for an hour!

"Hey guys, people will give us $8 to ship them 2 pens and a rubber band. How many should we sell?"
"As many as we can."
Hmmm....very interesting site, reading up via Wikipedia. So....anything "good" ever get listed? And this Bag of Crap, anyone ever get anything good out of it? Wikipedia claims that it might randomly include more expensive electornic items.
Mine's still processing too...are these EVER worth it? I always wondered about the excitement around them...Is it ever anything "good"?
Yeah, supposedly you can really luck out and get like a tv or something awesome, but most of the time it sounds like it really is just leftover "crap" they have. It's rare to get one ordered, so I assume the stories are true, but I guess I'll have to wait and see like everyone else. If my order goes through, that is.
[quote name='JJSP']Past Woot BOC's have included Wii's, Roomba's, Robosapiens, and iPods. It's worth a shot.[/quote]
Screaming monkeys and Bandolier of Carrots shirts, too!
Processing. This is my first time on!

Question: If I don't get the order (get denied due like many will), do they still charge $8?
apparently it will show up on your my account page. But Ive never bought anything there before so I dont know, thats just what I read on there site.
click on the "your account" link at the top of the page, it'll list your previous woots, if it's not listed then you didn't get it.

however, I got a message saying I was in line for 3 Bastardly Old Curmudgeons in case some people's orders are denied. so, basically I didn't get it, but maybe.

I was rather surprised I was able to get past the order page.
if your order didn't go through, why would you get charged? is a respected online retailer, they're not going to shaft you out of 8 bucks.
[quote name='kromekoran']if your order didn't go through, why would you get charged? is a respected online retailer, they're not going to shaft you out of 8 bucks.[/quote]

Oh okay. Sorry, I'm new at woot. It says this:

what you've bought

Nothing... yet!

So I guess I'm not even in line, am I?
I've been using woot for a couple years, and i've never seen a BOC last over 10 minutes...usually they last like 3 minutes.
So how often do they "stock" BoC? The only reason Im asking is because it looks like its the site's bday and I was wondering if its only on an annual basis or is it every now and then?
[quote name='Link927']So how often do they "stock" BoC? The only reason Im asking is because it looks like its the site's bday and I was wondering if its only on an annual basis or is it every now and then?[/QUOTE]

its every now and then, usually at least during every woot-off. I bought one of these on the same date, so it seems every 7/12 they come up
It's random, pretty much. Maybe one BoC every two months or so, on average. Whenever there's a wootoff, there's pretty much guaranteed to be a BoC too.
I got in at 10:05 PM PST and waited for an hour for my order processing screen to update, it didn't so I went to sleep. Checked my account this morning and I got squat.
The BoC during the woot-offs aren't the same as the standard ones, from what I've heard. Apparently you don't get the nifty bag with those ones...only the standalone craps :)
I didn't since my regular form of payment was credit card but I reported that stolen therefore my order didn't get through =[
[quote name='humidore']Mine's still processing too...are these EVER worth it? I always wondered about the excitement around them...Is it ever anything "good"?[/QUOTE]

No its more of a gamble. You have a chance of getting one of the few nice things they offer. But for the most part they're bags of crap. I've never been able to get a BOC btw.
[quote name='rmewpm']just got mine
1 backpack
1 keychain flashlight
1 cowgirl statue from the "rich collection"
1 IN70 Infocus projector[/quote]

Are you serious about the projector? That's worth like $1000.
bread's done