Bargin Bin Games for Mature PC Rigs


CAG Veteran
My 1.6 GHz (NVIDIA 1MB video card) desktop bleeding edge machine for it's time is getting ready for AARP membership, any suggestions for killer games that are cheap and can run on this rig before it hits the pasture?

Games I played on the cheap and enjoyed:

FEAR gold
Unreal Tourament (never like followup 2003/04 edtiions but enjoyed II)
Red Faction
The Sufferring
HL 1,2
The Opt Art of War 1,2,,and 3
All forms of Panzer General
Realms of the Haunting
Diabllo 1/2 (never finish 2)
Neverwinter nights Plat. (need to finish)
Dungeoun Siege (Great $5 game!)
Medal of Honor
Call of Duty
Battlefield '42
Resident Evil 2 (need to finish, gave up on 4 because of those controls)


if you can play FEAR at all, you can pretty much play anything outside of games that use the Crytek and Unreal 3 engines.
my recommendations:
Guild Wars, not the cheapest, but most bang for your buck
Warcraft III (get the DotA mod, amongst others)
Civilization III or IV
Alice is hardly a bargain bin title. If you can find any in a bin I would suggest putting them on eBay, as the average from completed listings seems to be in the $30 range, and with the XMas influx even higher.

If we are talking good deals for $15 and under I would say:
Baldur's Gate 2 w/expansion (Average eBay price being around $10. Unfortunately the OG Baldur's Gate is not as cheap)
Diablo 2
Deus EX Deux 2 (Although I'd highly recommend the first over the other)
Fear (But if you are willing to spend a few more dollars, get Gold with the expansion for $20 brand new)
Freedom Force 1+2 (Third Reich $5 on Amazon right now)
Icewind Dale (Look hard enough and score it for $10 or less)
Max Payne 1 and Max Payne 2
Morrowing: The Elder Scrolls GOTY
Unreal Tournament Anthology (UT2004, Original UT, UT2 all for $10 on amazon)
Neverwinter Nights Diamond (It's $15 on Amazon right now, and includes all the expansions of NWN1)
Rome Total War Gold (Fleabay but you can upgrade to brand new for $20)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R (Fleabay again)
Warcraft III w/o expansion

Some PC games with really high ratings older then 2000 are starting to catch a hefty price on fleabay, but most of the good ones can still be had for less.

Those are my picks for cheap PC games. Morrowind and Max Payne are not PC exclusive but are better playing on the PC, especially Morrowind.
You are right about Alice - I snag it use off Amazon under $15 if I remember right. It seems almost impossable to find new bargin bin games in the stores anymore here in San Diego, so I buy most thru Amazon or E Bay /

Reselling afterwards Amazon moves my stuff the fastest but that 30% comission gets old. E bay I have not tried and Half just don't seem to sell much. I haven't tried the swap sites since I got burn during the tech heyday when the resell site went bust taking my credits.

Any sites to visit to swap or pick up use games let me know.

Any game had used or new for $20 or less ($40 or less for bundled packages) fits in my book. FEAR ($15 used) runs okay but does hicup at time and gets laggy online, so I don't think more recent games will run okay on my machine.

Thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming!!!!!!

Oh I forgot games I enjoyed on the cheap -

All versions of Quake (1-4) plus many add ons (mostly I like solo play)
Nox (nver finish)
Reach for the stars
War in Russia
All Risk / axis & allies versions
East Front / West Front
Combat Mission - all versions except modern
SC 1 & 2 (Battlefront Strategic Command series)
Hearts of Iron all version
Quote -
Baldur's Gate 2 w/expansion (Average eBay price being around $10. Unfortunately the OG Baldur's Gate is not as cheap)
Diablo 2
Deus EX Deux 2 (Although I'd highly recommend the first over the other)
Fear (But if you are willing to spend a few more dollars, get Gold with the expansion for $20 brand new)
Freedom Force 1+2 (Third Reich $5 on Amazon right now)
Icewind Dale (Look hard enough and score it for $10 or less)
Max Payne 1 and Max Payne 2
Morrowing: The Elder Scrolls GOTY
Unreal Tournament Anthology (UT2004, Original UT, UT2 all for $10 on amazon)
Neverwinter Nights Diamond (It's $15 on Amazon right now, and includes all the expansions of NWN1)
Rome Total War Gold (Fleabay but you can upgrade to brand new for $20)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R (Fleabay again)
Warcraft III w/o expansion

Darn I got a few of these titles hidden in the room, just forgot about them! With UT I like the orginal, the newer versions have better graphics but half the time I can't follow what's happening on the screen during online play, that's why I like the original. UT 2 I like the solo game.
Freedom force, Max Payne, Rome, Warcraft 3 rome look good buy targets. Can my rig handle S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Civ I never like or dislike - lot's of my buds play it all the time online
Guild wars be a good buy over Warcrack monthly fee

Fleabay I just found - thanks!!

I have notice real old games (mostly war games abonware ware found free on the web) are now listed at high prices - what gives?? Are people buying at such high prices for old stuff? Hmmmm......

[quote name='mglsharkson']Quote -
Can my rig handle S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Guild wars be a good buy over Warcrack monthly fee

I have notice real old games (mostly war games abonware ware found free on the web) are now listed at high prices - what gives?? Are people buying at such high prices for old stuff? Hmmmm......


Actually I'm not sure if your PC can run Stalker at medium settings but probably the low settings try searching for a website called systemrequirementlabs I believe.

Guild War is a very good buy at $30 because while It's not as content rich as WoW It's pretty damn close considering you pay no monthly fees. Piled with the expansions It's the closest thing you'll get to WoW/Everquest and not pay monthly fees.

I have no idea why abandonware prices are skyrocketing, maybe for collectors sake? Certain games like System Shock and Planescape I rather pay the prices to "own" a copy, and It's always a good piece of mind to owning a game these days especially with all the crap that happens with music downloads.
I looked at but saw nothing for sale. When I googled it alot of joke stuff came up about ebay and rubes like me looking for fleabay!

I do agree on getting orginal games used rather then dealing with legal problems (along with spyware / virues) with abandomware sites. Plus the cd rips leave out alot of story "filer" which oftens adds to the game. Realms of the Hauntings was a good example.

I forgot I have system shock 2, time to dig it out and finish it. Had to cheat often because of the respaning horde that keeps showing up. For some reason it work on an older machine at the office, will not run on my mature rig - must be the video card conflict.

Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Vampire the Masqurade: Bloodlines

All of these games have user created patches that make them better. I've gone back to play these a second time, myself.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Baldurs Gate 2 is a great recommendation. Play that and its expansion and youll be busy for about the next 6 months.[/quote] Took me a year to finish those suckers. :bomb:

Oh well. Sleeping with a Drow was worth it.

My list:

Fallout Dual-Jewel/White Label Pack (includes Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics)
Deus Ex
Baldur's Gate I + II and their expansions (Tales of the Sword Coast and Throne of Bhaal)
Half-Life: Opposing Force (HL1 expansion)
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (forget about the expansion)
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Baldurs Gate 2 is a great recommendation. Play that and its expansion and youll be busy for about the next 6 months.[/QUOTE]
You can pick up the Baldur's Gate collection for around $30 on ebay. It has all 4 Baldur's gate games/expansions. I have been thinking about it myself since I never played through the series and it is so highly regarded. I think I've read that all 4 would be a couple hundred hours of gameplay.

Gogamer is a great place to pick up cheap pc games during their 48 hour madness sales.

Fallout Collection - Gogamer had a sale on this once.

No One Lives Forever 1 & 2
Tribes Vengeance
StarCraft Battlechest (I picked this up for $10 from somewhere)
Thanks Guys - got a full stocking stuffer of games to get over next few months. Interesting how top rated games from a few years ago live a long time after in people's brains plus you can get them usually cheap! I like to check & site for top rated games 2 - 4 years ago for hidden gems.

I got Balders Gate package (orginal saga) waiting to be played time to pull it out. Freelancer I tried and need to really learn it, alot going on! Think I got that one for $5! Only thing is that learning curve to really get into the game.
HL op forces was great to play plus all the other add ons including the freebies - they hungar and hearts of evil were wacky and fun!

[quote name='msdmoney']You can pick up the Baldur's Gate collection for around $30 on ebay. It has all 4 Baldur's gate games/expansions. I have been thinking about it myself since I never played through the series and it is so highly regarded. I think I've read that all 4 would be a couple hundred hours of gameplay.

And then don't forget about the mods. There's also one to play BG1 with the BG2 engine IIRC. A couple hundred hours easily. Man, that series is one of my all-time faves.
[quote name='Richard Longfellow']Good call on No One Lives Forever. That may have been my all time favorite FPS. What a fun game.[/QUOTE]

Completely forgot about that one. Bidding on some copies on eBay myself right now. Jade Empire has also hit rock bottom as far as eBay goes and is still avaible for $19.99 new at Gamestop. I'd recommend JE and the Knights of the old Republic games as far as "Mature" RPGS go. Jade Empire was great although the combat is a bit easy/broken.
Anything in the style of X-com, Breach or Jagged aliance? I like those games becuase they where turn based not click base that seem to go on forever.

On the James Bonds game I do have that sitting around, need to boot it up as well.

The last couple GTA series (GTA3, GTA:VC, and GTA:SA). You should be able to find the first two for $10 each at Target or Walmart.

I find the controls are much better for GTA on PC than on consoles, just because I can aiming is a lot easier and more precise.

I'll think of some other games later.
[quote name='Over easy']The last couple GTA series (GTA3, GTA:VC, and GTA:SA). You should be able to find the first two for $10 each at Target or Walmart.

I find the controls are much better for GTA on PC than on consoles, just because I can aiming is a lot easier and more precise.

I'll think of some other games later.[/quote]The 'new' updated version of GTA was just released to, online support.
Man why dont I stick to PC gaming?
[quote name='Lupuri']The 'new' updated version of GTA was just released to, online support.
Man why dont I stick to PC gaming?[/quote]

Really? Which one? I'm interested in what they changed. I've already played III and Vice City through on PC, but I'm such a GTA fool I'd check them out if they're tweaked.
[quote name='Richard Longfellow']Really? Which one? I'm interested in what they changed. I've already played III and Vice City through on PC, but I'm such a GTA fool I'd check them out if they're tweaked.[/quote]I think its vice city and GTA3. Do a search on IGN (restricted web access currently, my pug terrier will kill me.)
KOTOR is the cheaps.
Rockstar collection is worth it if your willing to play all these games.
I did some further research into Jade Empire and most auctions end up at $12ish shipped. Looks like Gamestop is OOS for it at $20 new though. It was also clearanced at Target awhile back if you can find any copies.
[quote name='Sideswiper']Anachronox
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Vampire the Masqurade: Bloodlines

All of these games have user created patches that make them better. I've gone back to play these a second time, myself.[/quote]

Really. I knew bloodlines did but not the others. I'll have to download those since I haven't played them yet. Well I started anachronox but lost my game due to a crash or something.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']KOTOR is the cheaps.
Rockstar collection is worth it if your willing to play all these games.
I did some further research into Jade Empire and most auctions end up at $12ish shipped. Looks like Gamestop is OOS for it at $20 new though. It was also clearanced at Target awhile back if you can find any copies.[/quote]

I almost had the SE for around $5 from Goodwill by way of Target. Upon opening the case before purchase I discovered that someone had felt $0 was a better price than $5, unfortunately. :bomb: I hate petty theives. Steal something good next time!
[quote name='Richard Longfellow']I almost had the SE for around $5 from Goodwill by way of Target. Upon opening the case before purchase I discovered that someone had felt $0 was a better price than $5, unfortunately. :bomb: I hate petty theives. Steal something good next time![/quote]

Got mine from Goodwill for $5 here in So. Cal.

Also, It's worth mentioning here but GOOZEX.COM has really filled out my game collection with games I missed a few years back. In the last 3 months I have traded about 10 games that I no longer need and have recieved about 15 games from them. The more PC gamers on there the better.

Anyway, I do have a question about BG1 for those who've played it. I installed it the other day on my laptop but haven't started playing. Should I stick with BG2 or is the 1st one good as well?
[quote name='mglsharkson']What is SE and Jade Empire?


Jade Empire Special Edition. I know theres a steel tin version around but the "Special Edition" is for all PC versions. Basically had Rhino skin/extra attacks, as well as other PC "benefits" over the XBox version.

I need to correct myself about something however. Black Isle Studios created Fallout series, Planescape and Icewind Dale. Bioware is actually responsible for Neverwinter Nights and the original Baldur's Gate 1/2 for the PC (checking wiki references). Bioware is pretty legendary in terms of Western RPGS and outside of the makers of Oblivion/Elder Scrolls series they pretty much had the foothold on the market till EA bought them out. Not that I blame them, look at the cash they were paid.
Excellent game that probably no one ever played because it was released right before Halflife.

Shogo. Get it, its amazing.
[quote name='billyrox']Excellent game that probably no one ever played because it was released right before Halflife.

Shogo. Get it, its amazing.[/quote]

While not nearly as good as HL imho, it was a fun game. Found it at a local thrift shop a couple weeks back and am playing though it again on my xp comp.
It really depends what you are in to. The great thing about PC games is that they seem to have bad resale for the most part. Some games I recommend are:
Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Battlezone 1, Heretic 2, Icewind Dale, Doom 2. all should cost less than $5 plus ship.
Don't forget you can play the older Doom / Quake games using a source port such as ZDoom (no idea about the Quake games, heh.)
[quote name='billyrox']Excellent game that probably no one ever played because it was released right before Halflife.

Shogo. Get it, its amazing.[/QUOTE]

last time I tried to run shogo on a non-glide 3d card it looked and played like ass. Amazing game for its day with a great theme song and story.
STALKER so far is pretty good but you rather need a good machine to run it. Even at minimal settings I get some performance hits.
bread's done