Barnes & Noble buy 2 get 1 free



I wouldn't bother with new releases since they charge a bit much, but I picked up some TV boxed sets and it was worth it. Ofcourse, that was combined with my member discount of 10%. Picked up Angel seasons 2, 3, & 4.

Subtotal $179.94
Member Discount - $12.00
Promotional Discounts -$59.98
UPS Select to Home FREE
Sales Tax $6.48
You saved $4.96 with FREE Shipping.

Not amazing, but decent. from it would of been $128.52.
In a few weeks, it would've been $102.82 at

Good deal though.

In case you were wondering how/why....Deep Discount DVD has a 20% off all DVDs sale twice a year. Once around July 4th and once around Thanksgiving.
i just went to the store because i was near one and the deal isnt good on normal movies at all. They charge 29.99 for almost everything. I was thinking of picking up garden state, eternal sunshine, and lemony snicket and it would have still cost me 60$ so i might as well wait for them at BB.
bread's done