Batman Arkham Asylum - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Nealocus123']Yeah I just got done playing it at Gamestop and I can happily say I am relieved that we finally have a half way decent Batman game. The counter animations while fighting Joker's goons can get a bit over used but it's just plain fun. There are some pretty cool parts also where Batman will go into slow motion and deliver a knockout punch or kick that just looks awesome, think Fight Night.[/quote]

were you able to beat the second challange and see if it unlocked any more in the demo? I think it would have been better if it offered the one fight challange, then offered a stealth challange so you got a chance to paly with the stealth aspect of the game.
[quote name='masked lemon']I prefer classic Harley.


Isn't classic harley the version from the animated series that doesn't look like her.
Am Awsome new update on this game!!!

Joker will be avalible as a playable character in the challange mode.

The downside? This feature is a ps3 exclusive.
That new video is completely awesome. It really is starting to look like this game might turn out to be a good game.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Rumor posted by Game Informer says this game may be pushed back to a fall/holiday release.[/quote]
Probably for the best. I can really see this game making some impressive sales numbers, i haven't been this excited for a Batman game in like...forever.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Rumor posted by Game Informer says this game may be pushed back to a fall/holiday release.[/quote]

Oh well fuck....ahh I guess that makes my choice between this and Fight Night a bit easier.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Rumor posted by Game Informer says this game may be pushed back to a fall/holiday release.[/quote]

Damn. I really hope that doesn't turn out to be true. I'm really looking forward to this game.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Rumor posted by Game Informer says this game may be pushed back to a fall/holiday release.[/QUOTE]

It's a bitter sweet feeling. On one hand, I want to play this game like yesterday. It looks absolutely amazing. On the other hand, I want it to be perfect and if that means a delay till the fall, so be it.
If the rumor's true then I'm all for it, if it means a better product in the end, but hopefully it doesn't get lost in the holiday slew of releases.
[quote name='GodlyOne']hopefully it doesn't get lost in the holiday slew of releases.[/QUOTE]

That's the thought I had.
:lol: That rep in the vg247 article smartly worded his/her words, it is delayed but still being released in the summer.
Weak. This delay royally sucks. I was looking forward to digging into this game soon. I already have it preordered and paid off.
Yeah this delay blows. If it makes the game better then I'm all for it, my worry now though is it will totally get overlooked in the Holiday rush. It really was going to benefit from a mid-summer release when there weren't a lot of triple-A titles being released. This will not be a good thing financially for Eidos.
THe summer is such a slow time for game releases, a delay is good if it makes the game better...imagine if ET on the Atari 2600 had more time...not that I'm comparing the games in any way at all!
Hopefully this will give them time to change that awful Harley Quinn model into something more closely resembling her TAS costume.
I found on kotaku that the CE will have DLC pack 1
Does anybody know how much DLC pack 1 will cost b/c $100
really? That is alot esp. now in our economy.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Hopefully this will give them time to change that awful Harley Quinn model into something more closely resembling her TAS costume.[/quote]

Yeah, there's no way that's going to happen.
I will check out the demo on the 360 and the ps3 but this will be the first multiplatform game that I did not pick up on the PC or 360 if I get it. The Joker maps alone are what will make me buy it for the PS3. Sucks though that to get all the maps I would have to preorder and get the PS3 LE version. I wonder why the 360 got the hate on this one. Usually the 360 gets all the love with the extra content.
Demo is fantastic. Really good looking and plays slick. I'm glad it wasn't like the PS3 demo they had in the GS kiosks a while back where it was just beat em up mode, actual bit of single player in the demo.

Just jumped up to a first week buy for me.
Really considering the CE now...probably won't (no steelbook DVD case) but definitely going to get the PS3 version (Joker = awesome).
Yeah like I last said I am surprised that the 360 did not get the Joker stuff. If I like the demo I am tempted to order from gamestop and get the LE just for the extra content. Really don't want all the other stuff. Bad thing is I see me not liking the controls of the ps3 but liking the 360s.
I can't wait to get home and play the demo. The videos made it look kind of like a MGS: Batman, which I think is an awesome concept.
I'm not big on stealth games but this seems to be my entry level stealth title. haha

Demo was pretty tight, loved how fluid everything was. Eidos and Rocksteady (?) did a great job on the demo... hope it translates well into the full game. I'll wait til it drops, as single player titles seem to drop in price fairly rapidly after release.
[quote name='sendme']Yeah like I last said I am surprised that the 360 did not get the Joker stuff. If I like the demo I am tempted to order from gamestop and get the LE just for the extra content. Really don't want all the other stuff. Bad thing is I see me not liking the controls of the ps3 but liking the 360s.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of which, is there a controller for the PS3 that has the same shape/layout as the 360?
I just tried both the 360 feels MUCH better. So I changed my order with amazon. Kinda would like the joker rooms so I may pick up the ps3 game when it drops in price later.
Played the demo earlier and liked it a lot. It looks like it should be the best Batman game in years, maybe ever. That comparison video is really cool but I don't think I will get this on PC. These types of games I prefer to play on consoles, even with the ability to use my 360 controller on my PC I still prefer them on consoles. Those are some really nice effects though.
PhysX looks cool and all, but it really won't add much to the gameplay if papers fly around while beating the hell out of Arkham inmates. Unless of course they get paper cuts.
I prefer these games on consoles as well but any news on the DRM for the PC version? Besides the stupid activation limits with games for windows live games.
I'm still not sure if I want it or not. I played the demo and have to say it seems like it is the best batman game in years if not the best one ever. Only thing that is stopping me is the fact that if I want all the game content I have to preorder from gamestop and spend 100 bucks on it and get the PS3 version. I really don't want to preorder right now and don't want to spend 100 bucks on the game. I don't mind getting it on the ps3 seeing how it is single player. I think I might just say the hell with this game and not even get it when it gets cheaper.
I really like how the game involves the voice actors from the cartoon. Well played. It really wouldn't be Batman to me in any other way... unless of course Christian Bale did his over-the-top Batman voice. Then this game would have been promoted to insta-buy.
The demo was everything I expected, awesome. The voice acting really makes this feel authentic. Mark Hamil Joker is the best.
bread's done